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Denied boarding


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RIDICULOUS carnival doesn't have some type of backup plan. Accidents happen we all have forgotten things. Yet another reason we just dumped Carnival (they tried to screw me out a a refund 6 as I cancelled a cruise 6 months out!). Bye Felicia!


I see. You clearly have an axe to grind because you had a problem with your refund with Carnival. So let me guess. Was it an accident or your forgetfulness that you were 'screwed' by Carnival?

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LOL at all who think something as simple as a 18yo being responsible for his own wallet is just too much. We have 18yo's in charge of squads in combat every day. Age isn't an excuse, lack of maturity is.


I am not sure there are too many 18 year squad leaders in the Army, maybe a few in the Marines.

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Just wanted to get some input from other cruisers and any tips on how to possibly win this battle against Carnival. Here is my story. Myself, my wife, my son, my daughter and her boyfriend who is 18 were supposed to cruise on the Carnival Paradise out of Tampa last week. Her boyfriend was denied boarding because he didn't have any form of photo id with him because he accidently left it in the hotel room in Georgia we had stayed at the previous night. We had his birth certificate and the hotel found his wallet with drivers license in it and sent us and Carnival a picture of the license. After waiting for over 3 hours we were told he wouldn't be allowed to board. Now we are fighting with Carnival to try to get the money we had paid to be put towards a future cruise with them. They are refusing to give us anything back or put towards another cruise because we didn't purchase the insurance they offer. We were told by the Carnival employees in Tampa that the insurance wouldn't have helped in this situation anyway but that is not what customer care is telling us. We have been on multiple cruises with Carnival and brought other couples previously on their first cruises. I am failing to see what Carnival feels like they will be losing by giving us our money towards another cruise with them. It was a 5 day cruise from Tampa to Mexico in the cheapest cabin they had so they won't be out much money in my opinion. Anyone with any suggestions on this?


you have no battle to win. boyfriend forgot his wallet, not carnival's fault. he didn't purchase insurance, again, not carnival's fault. carnival doesn't owe him anything and i hope they have the backbone to not bend to emotional pressure.

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Since you had the Carnival insurance., and depending on your itinerary....


I probably would have asked the Hotel to overnight the wallet, and had the person miss the Port boarding and board at the next port. I believe with the insurance, if you miss check in boarding you can get flown to the 1st NON-US port and board there. I've seen plenty of times where passengers missing the ships out of S Florida are rolling their luggage and boarding in Nassau.


It's unfortunate this happened to your group.


as has been mentioned earlier you cannot fly to a foreign country without a passport.



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would have given the kid bus fare and a "see ya"; if you want to be an adult, you have to be an adult; its not carnivals fault, rules are rules; no way my entire party would have been denied the cruise because of one's mistake

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as has been mentioned earlier you cannot fly to a foreign country without a passport.




You mean even if you just explain how it wasn't your fault and they are being meanie poopheads, how you deserve a vacation and they should mean an exception or you will hold your breath until you passed out?:D

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Op , I feel your pain. My daughters boyfriend is 27, she is 25 and they travel with us. I carry his paperwork because he hands it over to me as the "mom" of the group. I would feel terrible if this happened. We had a similar situation occur on a trip to Vegas. It was our fault that when we got to the airport really late. My husband got held up at checkin because his bag was too big for a carry on and the clock had stopped for being able to check the bag. We had to make quick decisions, he had to either leave all of his stuff there, and board empty handed or turn around and go back home. We literally had 5 minutes to decide how to proceed. We were already on the other side of the gate but had to decide to stay or go. For 6 of us to not go, with flight, hotel and show tickets paid in full, we would have lost so much. Luckily they were able to give him a trash bag to put his stuff in and let him through. He almost missed the window to even get past and it was a terrible tense 10 minutes or so as we waited to see him come across. Looking back, he said he would have taken a loss and gone back home and would not have expected us to stay behind. I shudder to think how it would have been for him to not go, it was my birthday week and we had a lot planned but it was totally our fault for being late. We ran out of options because we were late. I would not even know where to begin to ask for any type of reimbursement but it still would have been really hard and painful to leave him behind. I certainly empathize and think I would have made sure he could safely be taken care of until his license got there and probably would have paid his way back home, but would have left once sure he was ok and took the rest of the family. I also would have been in touch with his parents to make sure they knew I would make the best decision since their kid was under my charge , even though he is 18, I would want someone to care for my son while so far away from home.

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Both my kids got jobs at 16. Jobs they went out and secured on their own so they could have their own money to spend and save. DD is now 19 and has been working at that same place for 3 years while finishing high school and now starting her 2nd year of college. She has excelled at both her job and her schooling. DS (22 now) constantly held a job and internships through his college years. It didn't take him long to find his first job out of college doing exactly what he wanted in a field that is extremely hard to get into Sports Journalism. He had to move 16 hours away to get it but that didn't stop him from doing it. He went out a month ago and secured himself an apartment, new furniture, and a new car and still had thousands left in his savings with his only debt being the new car he purchased.


No you won't get a job sitting at home waiting for someone to give it you. It takes some responsibility to go out there to get one and to hold on to it. My kids have learned early to take the initiative to go after what they want. I know a few adults that still lack that drive...it is a pet peeve of my to see them living off of other people and/or the government on my tax dollar. My husband and I met when we were 18. He has worked at the same place he was working at then 31 years later. I was in between my Freshman and Sophomore year of college working 3 part time jobs to help finance what my scholarships and Pell grants did not. I don't buy the excuses for not being a personally responsible adult at 18.


sound like great kids. only bad thing is for every one of the great kids there are 10 lazy ones wanting everything handed to them without them lifting a finger. :(

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I agree. 18 is still a very young adult, almost a child. You certainly don't leave someone like that alone, without their wallet or ID, hundreds of miles from home.


At 17 I was living by myself in my own appartment and I travelled alone or with friends my age "hundreds of miles from home". Once got stuck with a friend in the middle of a national park with my car having to be towed... It was 1996 and there was no cellphone service in the regions we were visiting (and nobody I knew owned one either). A trucker picked us up (yes, it was dangerous but we had no other choice) and brought us to the first town so I could make phone calls, organize towing with a mechanic and find a way to return back home.


I strongly believe a 18 year old young man can deal 100% with that type of situation in 2016. If you're worried you can go with him and pay for a reasonable hotel & give him enough money so the kid will be able to eat until you come back from the cruise.

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If Carnival makes an exception in your case, then it will have to make an exception every time a similar case comes up to be fair to everyone. Where does it end? The young man has learnt an important lesson that will benefit him the rest of his life. Look at this as a positive from an otherwise crappy situation.


I agree, and if Carnival had let him travel without his wallet (with his ID and money) should they have fronted him an OBC to cover his deposit, tips and south?

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At 17 I was living by myself in my own appartment and I travelled alone or with friends my age "hundreds of miles from home". Once got stuck with a friend in the middle of a national park with my car having to be towed... It was 1996 and there was no cellphone service in the regions we were visiting (and nobody I knew owned one either). A trucker picked us up (yes, it was dangerous but we had no other choice) and brought us to the first town so I could make phone calls, organize towing with a mechanic and find a way to return back home.


I strongly believe a 18 year old young man can deal 100% with that type of situation in 2016. If you're worried you can go with him and pay for a reasonable hotel & give him enough money so the kid will be able to eat until you come back from the cruise.


I was on my own at 18. I could deal with it, too. But I was still very young, and realized that more as I got older. I wouldn't leave another persons 18 year old child at the port, without ID, and go on a trip without them - regardless of whose fault it is.

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Op , I feel your pain. My daughters boyfriend is 27, she is 25 and they travel with us. I carry his paperwork because he hands it over to me as the "mom" of the group. I would feel terrible if this happened. We had a similar situation occur on a trip to Vegas. It was our fault that when we got to the airport really late. My husband got held up at checkin because his bag was too big for a carry on and the clock had stopped for being able to check the bag. We had to make quick decisions, he had to either leave all of his stuff there, and board empty handed or turn around and go back home. We literally had 5 minutes to decide how to proceed. We were already on the other side of the gate but had to decide to stay or go. For 6 of us to not go, with flight, hotel and show tickets paid in full, we would have lost so much. Luckily they were able to give him a trash bag to put his stuff in and let him through. He almost missed the window to even get past and it was a terrible tense 10 minutes or so as we waited to see him come across. Looking back, he said he would have taken a loss and gone back home and would not have expected us to stay behind. I shudder to think how it would have been for him to not go, it was my birthday week and we had a lot planned but it was totally our fault for being late. We ran out of options because we were late. I would not even know where to begin to ask for any type of reimbursement but it still would have been really hard and painful to leave him behind. I certainly empathize and think I would have made sure he could safely be taken care of until his license got there and probably would have paid his way back home, but would have left once sure he was ok and took the rest of the family. I also would have been in touch with his parents to make sure they knew I would make the best decision since their kid was under my charge , even though he is 18, I would want someone to care for my son while so far away from home.


I would have still gone, and just bought some new clothes in Vegas. Not that big of a deal. Possibly a supervisor at the airline could send the bag on the next flight and have it delivered as well to your hotel. But glad you were able to work it out!

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Boarding the ship.

No Photo ID.

Did he even have his Birth Certificate? Probably didn't have that either.


Customs and Border Protection would not let him board because they could not prove he was a citizen for when he came back.

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sound like great kids. only bad thing is for every one of the great kids there are 10 lazy ones wanting everything handed to them without them lifting a finger. :(


This is sad but true; there were several comments about how 18yo now are often not mature and able to be responsible for themselves. They were raised that way and the consequences are apparent everywhere.


One option would have been to call his parents and told them the situation and let them take care of their son who was irresponsible, since he could not have taken care of himself. In this day and age they could have easily come up with a plan (technology to the rescue) to make sure he was not 'deserted' as so many here believe. If he has a DL and is in school, he is very capable.


I also agree that the DL & BC are a back-up; why do Americans, if you travel, not all have passports? Even on a cruise you are always traveling to a foreign country, I think NCL Hawaii cruises may be the only exception. That way there would have been 2 possible picture IDs and people tend to be more protective of their passports.


This all comes down to Federal law, as others have said. I for one am very grateful the Immigration people said no; as far as Carnival, not their fault.


Safe cruising all! :)

Edited by Cruisercl
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Just sailed with three adult kids, my own 18 and 21 and DD's 21 year old boyfriend. Every time we headed somewhere I asked if everyone had their passport and all 3 checked. That is the most important document we had. They got the message.


I don't understand at all why Carnival should be responsible for your (or the boyfriend's) mistake. He left the ID behind and you want Carnival to give you a credit out of sympathy?


Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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I give the OP credit....even tho the BF was 18, he is still a young adult and I am just assuming he isn't a world traveler, especially alone. You did the right and RESPONSIBLE thing in that you didn't leave him on his own. Sounds like leaving his wallet was an accident, I don't think he did it on purpose. If it was my son and the parents of the girl he was dating did this to him, we would have a problem


All these posters who said to just dump the kid on side of road, what if it was your spouse who left their wallet/purse with their ID, would you just say "OK Hunni, well the bus stop is 1 mile away, we will see you when we get back"? Probably not, right :rolleyes:


Glad you brought this up

a) where are the boys parents in all of this ? During the 3 hrs, were they called ? were they asked "what do we do " ? Did THEY offer to compensate the family who gave up the vacation to stay with the son ?


b) Yes.... Honey would have been left behind.

And yes, he would have left me behind.

We have even had this conversation many times.


c) Finally, why is the "innocent" the "mean person" for leaving the other behind.

If I screwed up, I would INSIST others leave without me...... it is called taking responsibility.

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[quote name=Cruisercl;50764490


why do Americans' date=' if you travel, not all have passports?



We weren't able, until a few years ago, able to travel internationally but once we decided to take that plunge you bet the first thing we did was get passports.


We travel a lot, so we have developed a system over the years. All travel docs (passports, boarding passes, itineraries, etc) go in a large business-style envelope--the kind that closes with a brad. And we double check to make sure we have everything EVERY time we stop for gas or to eat or whatever (typically 2-3 times on the drive from Dallas to Galveston, our home port).

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I see. You clearly have an axe to grind because you had a problem with your refund with Carnival. So let me guess. Was it an accident or your forgetfulness that you were 'screwed' by Carnival?


Yeah I'm not happy with them, you can call it what your small mind wants (axe) if you wish. When a company CHANGES things (IE Vista booked DAY 1 then they change cabin layouts, add many more etc) we agreed to I will take my money back thank you. Ever hear of a refund if the company substantially changes things, and you apparently feel that's ok? Not in my book. Sure they can (and do) changes things to better suit themselves, I'm good with that, however I can then change also and say no thanks. I should have to fight to get a refund for something 1 year out. Your incorrect assumptions about an accident or forgetfulness are simply wrong so unless you know details zip it.


And yes I'm done with them, MUCH happier with NCL and MSC thank you. Glad you enjoy the herd mentality...

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Yeah I'm not happy with them, you can call it what your small mind wants (axe) if you wish. When a company CHANGES things (IE Vista booked DAY 1 then they change cabin layouts, add many more etc) we agreed to I will take my money back thank you. Ever hear of a refund if the company substantially changes things, and you apparently feel that's ok? Not in my book. Sure they can (and do) changes things to better suit themselves, I'm good with that, however I can then change also and say no thanks. I should have to fight to get a refund for something 1 year out. Your incorrect assumptions about an accident or forgetfulness are simply wrong so unless you know details zip it.


And yes I'm done with them, MUCH happier with NCL and MSC thank you. Glad you enjoy the herd mentality...


you won't be happy with ncl when you hear about all of the things frank del rio is doing to the customers. i just cancelled a cruise with them and am glad to never have to sail ncl again. guess i'll be taking your spot on ccl and you can have my spot on ncl. i know i'm the winner in that contest. :)

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you won't be happy with ncl when you hear about all of the things frank del rio is doing to the customers. i just cancelled a cruise with them and am glad to never have to sail ncl again. guess i'll be taking your spot on ccl and you can have my spot on ncl. i know i'm the winner in that contest. :)


I was going to say the same thing.


What's worse is NCL changes things and doesn't even tell anybody. You usually find out here from someone who just got off a cruise.


They don't grandfather anybody in either. Just change things and if it's after final payment they say too bad.



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By no means 18 years of age- add another 40+ years, I was so organized for my cruise in 2014.


I had a zip lock bag with my DL, passport, credit card I was to use for my S&S card, copies of Carnival's itinerary, envelope with confirmed reservation for transportation, hotel, the Steakhouse and port expedition info.


I put it all in my big bag purse the day before I was to leave.

Then, I went for a mani-pedi at the end of the day. As I went to pay, I took my wallet out of the big bag purse (which is usually all I carry anyway) and, you guessed it, left- with only my pocketbook.


It wasn't until I arrived home at 9pm that I realized my big bag purse, with all of my important papers, was at the nail place and the nail place was closed.

Though I was lucky.

The airport shuttle picking me up at 530AM the following morning and early flight could be changed for a later time so I could pick up my purse (when the nail place opened) and still make the cruise.


Age had nothing to do with it, however, the action afterwards, and luck, made it for a good ending.


I went to the nail place (closed) and there was a pizza delivery store next to it- still open.

As I was explaining the story through crocodile tears to the people working at the pizza place, one of the delivery men, happened to be a FB friend with the owner of the nail salon.


He messaged her and I ended up by speaking with the owner's husband, and he agreed to drive back ( one hour from where they lived) and get the purse for me.


As he handed me the purse, I slipped him a $50/bill, as he wasn't going to be getting home till 11PM or later.


Lesson learned and - great thread !

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