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Explorer's Inaugural Atlantic Crossing: A Joint Live Blog

Mr Rumor

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Already missing you guys so much! Don't know what to do at 11:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.


I can't believe that I submitted my review in the "Review" section of CC. Hopefully it will be approved and then I can provide a link. It is very long and detailed. So, rather than going into a lot of detail here, I'll wait until the review is posted.


What I will say is that our "Roll Call" passengers were better than expected (and our expectations were very high). Such a congenial group that find the best in other people, the ship, the food and service on the Explorer. Of course, they were a couple of people that seem to enjoy being unhappy and negative (not part of our Roll Call). The vast majority of passengers onboard were delightful. Our group understood how great a cruise can be when you are positive, happy and interact with the crew.


I do have to mention, yet again, that Daniela (F&B Director) and her staff went above and beyond for everyone on our cruise (as did Restaurant Manager Vladimir). And, what can I say about John Barron that has not already been said? He set the tone for both of our cruises (we did a back to back). There are not enough positive adjectives to describe this lovely man and we are so happy that his family will be onboard for a month so that he can spend Christmas with them.


Thank you to everyone we met onboard -- it was our best cruise in terms of food, service, the ship and the passengers. And, for the passengers that try to make the experience less than wonderful, may they sail on another cruise line in the future!


My only concern is that we may never find a better group of passengers and crew members to sail

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TC said:


"And, for the passengers that try to make the experience less than wonderful, may they sail on another cruise line in the future!"


Well, did you know what issues they may have had? Not good PR or understanding of what they may have encountered beyond your knowledge.


Of course you are going to give a great review I am sure, as you did have one cruise gratis from Regent. I will say the Explorer looks beautiful on the soft goods. The food pictures did not impress us on presentation and you are a frequent cruiser on Regent so you will be treated differently by the crew.

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I never once saw any crew member treating Jackie and Dennis any differently than other passengers. There are way too many crew members who also rotate so frequently that very few actually know who one is from previous cruises. Jackie is actually a pretty shy though very friendly person who values establishing good relationships. I wish more folks got to know them as well as we did. Don't judge my pics for presentation because they were usually taken after being manhandled by The Boss.


Z and TB



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...what a party it was! Both John and I are having terrible "cruise withdrawl"! Making my own coffee in the am, no Margarita/Bloody Mary Society at 11, oh dear, oh my! What's one supposed to do? Only solution is took forward to a "shorty" junket on the Mariner in a month, but alas, our buds won't be on board......phooey! We'll manage somehow!

After reading some of the posted reviews, I really don't understand some of them. Some folks not feeling well taken care of by staff....? I don't get that one. Not enough choices in CR? OMG? yes, no humming bird tongues nor elephant steaks, but I can't think of much else that wasn't available......OK, OK, I'm done.

As has been said elsewhere, we're missing our cruise buds, big time. This was probably one of our best cruises, ever!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!

Linda and John

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You're not treated differently if you're a frequent passenger on Regent. Crew members treat all passengers with respect and are very friendly. Yes, if you know many of them, they talk to you more. We saw many crew members from past cruises and it was like seeing family. It was enjoyable to reconnect and catch up. We had our favorite waiters and bartenders so it was nice to see them and we always asked for our favorite waiter in CR. I only wish more people would take the time to get to know them. It was hugs and hope to see you soon on the last night of the cruise and morning of departure. Once again, they are like an extended family.

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You're not treated differently if you're a frequent passenger on Regent. Crew members treat all passengers with respect and are very friendly. Yes, if you know many of them, they talk to you more. We saw many crew members from past cruises and it was like seeing family. It was enjoyable to reconnect and catch up. We had our favorite waiters and bartenders so it was nice to see them and we always asked for our favorite waiter in CR. I only wish more people would take the time to get to know them. It was hugs and hope to see you soon on the last night of the cruise and morning of departure. Once again, they are like an extended family.


+100 - you stated our thoughts perfectly. We look forward to seeing many crew members on the Explorer in March. Very excited to see John Barron again and Daniela will be boarding the ship the same day we are. The only major thing that will be missing is the lovely passengers that we met onboard. Wishing for a passenger reunion cruise in the future!

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As usual, lots of items to tend to on the home front, post-cruise. But all that stuff (and definitely the wash) can wait for another day or two. For now I've got a bevy of parting Random Notes to share regarding our experience:


I had a close call with a pickpocket at the end of our second long day on our Rome pre-cruise tour when I was tired and at my most vulnerable. "Watch your pocket!" Nancy, a tour mate, exclaimed as I felt someone brush up against my left side as we neared the Trevi Fountain. She was young and in a group of three to four, and I'll remember her face as she looked back at me, smiling, as if to say, "I almost had you." I still feel fortunate to not have lost my cellphone or wallet to the little dear.


Ginny and I also felt fortunate for not getting sick. I'm wary of booking cruises during flu and cold season, but know we'll never be able to work through our bucket list if we don't. It was clear from the first day that a bug, or bugs, were already doing laps around the ship judging by all the coughs we heard. Roberto posted about his "cold from hell," and we were aware of and felt badly for several other Cruise Critic members suffering as well. We did all that we could do--wash/sanitize our hands repeatedly, keep a discreet distance from those who were colded, etc.--and lucked out. Ginny also had her best experience with rolling motion that she's ever had. While we heard of some guests and crew (especially new crew members) having to lie low for a day or two when the swells were up to 17 feet, Ginny, usually notoriously sensitive to motion, was out and about every day. Her secret: the patch PLUS a daily meclizine tablet.


Speaking of out and about, it was nice to see Captain Stan socializing far more often on this cruise than he was able to do on the Maiden Voyage. He stayed during the entire Cruise Critic Meet and Greet, and participated in the two Baggo competitions that involved officers and staff. He had reason to be relaxed and happy: "I'm really pleased," he remarked to guests about the Explorer's performance at the Captain's Farewell. "She's really comfortable at sea."


There were minor Explorer technical bugs we experienced, including one involving our internet connection. After extolling the best-ever Regent connection in an earlier post, I lost it in the bedroom area of our Penthouse suite (742) the last several days of the cruise. Computer consultant Nenad was surprised when I informed him of this, and didn't have an explanation. He said he'd have a technician come by and check out the relay in the hallway outside our door. I didn't get the bedroom connection back, however, and had to use the table in the entrance way when I wanted to go online.


Also, the TV in our living room area went offline towards the end of the cruise. Even though I had our butler Fernando on the case, it was 48 hours before an electrical officer made a suite call to restore our connection. When I asked if a hectic schedule had prevented him from coming by earlier, he vigorously nodded his head.


Our final verdict on Penthouse versus Concierge (we had Concierge cabin 829 on the Maiden Voyage): Concierge wins on points. While a Penthouse would be a good fit for two people who keep different hours because of the room being essentially divided by a partial wall sporting TVs on each side, I prefer the Concierge for its layout (bed facing the ocean); wonderful bathroom design, including separate bath and ample shower, and spacious closet with all the storage you'll ever need. Oddly, the Penthouse lacks a desk, and has a dressing table instead with a chair that has almost no back on it. I had to remind myself not to lean back in it.


Regarding dining and dining venues, Compass Rose was my clear favorite on both counts on the Maiden Voyage. I'm still impressed by the literally beefed-up menu that borrows much from Prime 7, but the three specialty restaurants scored just about as high as CR for me this time. Favorite entree this cruise: the Miso-Glazed Black Cod at Pacific Rim, moist and scrumptious. Only entree disappointment: a dry salmon at CR. Compass Rose does have a noise issue with its low ceilings and chandeliers. I was most aware of this on Thanksgiving night when a group of us wound up at the Captain's Table (minus the captain), which is positioned directly under the huge glass sea-themed chandelier, which seemed to amplify the noise. At peak dinner time it was difficult to carry on a conversation with anyone other than the person on my right and left.


As for the Explorer's design, two of my favorite features continue to be the vast, island-populated serving area in La Veranda and the spacious, nicely imagined Pool Deck serving and seating areas (we spent every sea day at No. 50, a four-top, where we could spread out with Ginny's craft supplies--she is into beading mode these days--and my iPad and newspaper). But in my mind the No. 1 design success is the design/layout of the atrium area on Deck Four. I appreciated that design each night we departed Compass Rose and were greeting by the mega crystal chandelier flanked by the spiral staircases. It is an elegant and iconic feature that calls out to be a photo backdrop (we obliged one night when I imposed on favorite receptionist Kristina to hop down the stairs with me to take our photo).


I also have to hand it to Regent for locating the Casino and the Boutique on Deck Four, along the path from CR to the Constellation Theater. So convenient and clever! I would not be surprised if both do the most business of any casino and boutique in the Regent fleet.


But the Explorer also has what I consider to be a stunning design fail involving the Constellation Theater. I suspect that Regent was trying to achieve a vintage Golden Age of Hollywood feel with the design. But utility shouldn't be sacrificed for look and there are two whopper design flaws: a balcony design with terrible sight lines, and the location of fat pillars on the main floor that block views. In addition, the balcony overhang is such that if your seat is in the back of the orchestra and off to the side your view of the top part of the stage set and/or projection screen behind the stage may be restricted. I'm not sure how Regent can remedy the Constellation Theater issues short of a complete renovation. But would there be enough time in a 10-14 day drydock for a re-do? We'll find out in a couple of years.


Regarding the evening's entertainment, Ginny and I had the benefit of seeing the Regent production team in its first (MV) as well as final performances, and didn't miss a production either time. We agreed that the cast and shows had jelled over the months (this despite the absence of one member from the Maiden Voyage, a dancer who we learned had been "sent home"), and two productions struck me as winners this time: the Peggy Lee tribute and "My Revolution," which celebrates the '60s British musical invitation. A Jean Ann Ryan buff dating back to our first Regent cruise in 2010, I found I wasn't as caught up in comparing the new Regent cast/shows with JAR as I had been in July, and Ginny helped me along by reasoning to do so would be like comparing "apples and oranges." She has a point: The Regent production cast is 50% larger than JAR's, at 12 members. Six sing, compared to JAR having a male and female singer only. JAR has a Specialty Team of acrobats/aerialists, and Regent doesn't (I can't help it--I still miss the JAR Specialty Teams).


There is one other Regent "cast" I want to make mention of, and this is the team that really matters when it comes to our enjoyment of a cruise: the staff and crew. Yes, there are sour notes, when service or attitude doesn't meet, let alone exceed, one's expectations, but those sour notes were rare on this cruise. Day after day we were impressed by the hard work and dedication of the Explorer crew, and the quality and friendliness of service that we received. As a crew member myself in the '70s I know that at times fatigue, depression and loneliness lurk behind some crew members' smiles, which makes me appreciate the Explorer crew's efforts all the more.


In closing, this was a most enjoyable cruise for us, a cruise that seemed almost like two cruises in one with its port-intensive beginning and relaxed crossing. Making the experience all the more special were the wonderful fellow Cruise members and "Cherished Relics" tour alumni we shared the journey with. I can't imagine a friendlier, more interesting group of cruise folk than Regent passengers. It's a big Regent asset, and a key reason why we continue to cruise Regent.


Now that we've done a Regent TA in each direction, we plan to turn our attention to other bucket-list itineraries. One of those cruises takes place next February, when we join RachelG and George and Col. Wes and Ida on the Voyager for Singapore-Hong Kong. Another joint blog is in the cards, so sea you then!



Edited by Mr Rumor
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...and you are a frequent cruiser on Regent so you will be treated differently by the crew.


You mentioned last month that you have sailed with Crystal for almost 28 years. As a frequent cruiser on Crystal, you must also be "treated differently by the crew". By virtue of being a frequent cruiser, does that make all remarks and observations one makes biased?

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Mr Rumour, once again you have taken us all on the journey with you in respect of your narration and photographs. Sad to see it end.

Glad you enjoyed the cruise and your second voyage on Explorer.

Thank you once again and have a very happy festive time with your family. Jean.

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Mr. Rumor, Wonderful comments! Interesting you escaping the pickpocket, I did not. On the cruiser Aurora in St. Petersburgh I was victimized and like you I knew immediately. Unfortunately, it was too late and even though I accosted him he only smirked. With no sympathetic police and in Russia and his size I decided discretion was the wise choice.

I have been corresponding with Wes about Singapore/Hong Kong. You all are going to love it. Viet Nam is spectacular.

May I make a suggestion as I did not know you had a group of friends: charter a junk together in Halong Bay. DW and I had a boat to ourselves as we were not traveling with friends and it was beyond good. A personally prepared lunch and excursions that are not offered on the Regent excursion.

The cost is minimal ($600) and the benefits are great.

Have a great cruise.

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Hi Rich & Ginny, we missed your outstanding joint blog while we were on our own crossing (on Silversea), thanks for contributing along with Travelcat2, other co-bloggers. Ida and I also look very forward to sailing with Rachel & George (again) and Ginny and you in February (was able to make our Voyager restaurant reservations during our Silversea crossing on Nov 22nd)..if either Rachel or you are interested in sharing a table in Chartreuse or Prime 7, pls let me know. And Rich expect like on our crossing Craig will treat us to some very nice fine wine. Also, Rich, per reliable executive source at Regent am hopeful that Regent (in process now) will have finalized the formal Cruise Critic and Regent meet and mingle program by the time we board in February.

Edited by WesW
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Wes, please report on your "Meet and Mingle" that was arranged by corporate. Our Meet and Greet on the Explorer was the best we have ever attended and it was arranged by the F&B Director. Our M&G was a bit unusual as we had almost 60 CC'ers on our cruise which enabled them to provide more than they normally do for us.


Hope that you have a great cruise. We were booked on it but cancelled due to a conflict with the Explorer's return to Europe and festivities in Miami prior to the cruise. We will do a similar itinerary in March, 2018.

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Wes, please report on your "Meet and Mingle" that was arranged by corporate. Our Meet and Greet on the Explorer was the best we have ever attended and it was arranged by the F&B Director. Our M&G was a bit unusual as we had almost 60 CC'ers on our cruise which enabled them to provide more than they normally do for us.


Hope that you have a great cruise. We were booked on it but cancelled due to a conflict with the Explorer's return to Europe and festivities in Miami prior to the cruise. We will do a similar itinerary in March, 2018.


Thundery here. The meet and mingle was nothing like we had on the crossing. Very few attended. The Captain and Daniela attended for a quick minute. They did provide food and bar service. Very different crowd

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Thundery here. The meet and mingle was nothing like we had on the crossing. Very few attended. The Captain and Daniela attended for a quick minute. They did provide food and bar service. Very different crowd


IMO, this is typical and probably why Regent does not have "official"* meet and greets (or, as Cruise Critic calls them, meet and mingles). On the crossing, although 60 people RSVP'd for the event, about 40 showed up (as you know) So, if there are 20 people signed up, maybe 12 will show up.


*"Official" meaning that it is sponsored and arranged by Cruise Critic.

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IMO, this is typical and probably why Regent does not have "official"* meet and greets (or, as Cruise Critic calls them, meet and mingles). On the crossing, although 60 people RSVP'd for the event, about 40 showed up (as you know) So, if there are 20 people signed up, maybe 12 will show up.


*"Official" meaning that it is sponsored and arranged by Cruise Critic.


I get what you are saying. We are staying on until Jan 13. Turns out there are about 40-50. Cc members on the Canal trip and they want a meet and greet like we had. Having dins with Daniela this week so will consult her. In your opinion how many will likely attend?? I keep nd of agreed to organize it as we are on for such a long time. Love your calendar by the way😎

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I get what you are saying. We are staying on until Jan 13. Turns out there are about 40-50. Cc members on the Canal trip and they want a meet and greet like we had. Having dins with Daniela this week so will consult her. In your opinion how many will likely attend?? I keep nd of agreed to organize it as we are on for such a long time. Love your calendar by the way


How many people have confirmed and have given their suite numbers? Also think that the number of people that are likely to attend depends upon the day/time of the event (embarkation night seems to have the least attendance). Since ours was on a sea day in the morning, the only conflict at 10:00 a.m. was people signed up for a cooking class and possibly those playing bridge. Don't recall if there was a lecture going on at that time. Lots of variables. I would take the number of guests that confirm (with suite numbers and last names) and assume that 15-20% will not show up.


Please send Daniela hugs from Jackie and Dennis. Glad to hear that you like the calendar!

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For planning purposes, recommend compiling a list with either full names and/or suite numbers in case Reception offers to send invites as they did for us during the recent T/A. We missed sending several invites since some folks did not provide their suite numbers nor last names. However, Regent did a fantastic job by IDing cabin numbers with only first names.


Z and TB

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I get what you are saying. We are staying on until Jan 13. Turns out there are about 40-50. Cc members on the Canal trip and they want a meet and greet like we had. Having dins with Daniela this week so will consult her. In your opinion how many will likely attend?? I keep nd of agreed to organize it as we are on for such a long time. Love your calendar by the way😎



Mary and I will be on both 12/28 Canal (E609) and March Crossing (F924). I'd love to meet up with those whose postings I follow and who add such great info to my planning. If there are "M&G", I will attend.

Jim C

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TC, just one correction in your review, the 777-200 is a much older aircraft to the 777-300 or the 777W. The 787 Dreamliner is very new within the last three years. The 787 is just now being delivered to AA in 2017 and Emirates.


IMHO, the A-380 is the best especially on Singapore and Emirates. Business and first cannot be beat. Air Canada meh.

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Excellent review! It's past 6pm here on the East Coast and I'm missing our Ob.Bar, or better yet, the Meridian cocktail hours!!! I needed to make a delivery to one of our dear friends today and she made Bloody Marys for us at around 11 am. They were delicious, but just not quite what Peter would whip up at the pool bar! Geez, I miss everyone and those wonderful treats!!!

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