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Dealing with selfish Chair hogs on NW


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I said bring it to the attention of the attendant. He or she should have an idea if Jerry is taking a dip or a bathroom break or has been gone for an extended period.

You also mentioned that you would "...give him or her the chair hogs property..." which would mean that you removed the items yourself. Bringing it to the attention of the attendant is the correct thing to do but if Jerry has been gone for 35 minutes, the attendant will do nothing since Jerry has not violated NCL's chair use policy.


Some people will complain that they "told the attendant and the attendant didn't do anything...." when there is no reason for the attendant to do anything. Jerry has still done nothing wrong. The person who is not the attendant that comes along and moves Jerry's things is wrong.



If people don't like the time limit that NCL has (60 minutes) and would prefer 30 minutes or 15 minutes, those people should voice those opinions to NCL. By being within NCL's limit, Jerry has done nothing wrong.



It would be like someone driving 55mph and complaining that the people driving 70mph are driving too fast....when the speed limit is 70mph. Don't blame the drivers that are within the speed limit, blame the one who made the limit (NCL in the case of chair use).



There are a limited number of chairs for use by thousands of passengers. Jerry shouldn’t leave his manners on the dock.

Jerry hasn't done anything wrong. Those who move the items of other guests just to seize a chair for themself are the ones who need a lesson in manners. If Jerry decided to take a 2 hour nap in the chair, that wouldn't be wrong, either. It doesn't matter if Jerry is staying in a huge suite with a lounger on the balcony or if Jerry is staying in a studio. Jerry found an empty chair and can use it as long as he doesn't violate NCL's policy. If Jerry walks away for 90 minutes, he has violated the policy and NCL (not other guests) has every right to remove Jerry's items and to take the items to Guest Services.



Chair hogs are wrong, no disputing that. There are right ways and there are wrong ways to deal with the situation. If the guest follows the policy and the staff follows the policy, only the chair hog is wrong. If guests start to do wrong (removing items) because the chair hog is wrong, then BOTH people are wrong.

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Unless the attendant is timing how long a passenger disappears and leaves their belongings on a chair, there is no way to enforce the rules to the satisfaction of those who like to stretch rules. I did say bring it to the attendants attention and then give him the person’s belongings; that is to say if the attendant does nothing which is normally the case. The cruise line does not want to offend the chair hog; they would prefer to do nothing. As a I also stated, Jerry shouldn’t leave his manners on shore, unfortunately chair hogs do just that. The same goes for passengers who cut buffet and theater lines, or those who smoke on balconies and in other restricted areas. You would have us do and/or say nothing thereby reinforcing the sense of entitlement of the inconsiderate cruisers who think of themselves first to the detriment of other passengers.



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[quote=jgallagh1944;54457793[ I said bring it to the attention of the attendant.

He or she should have an idea if Jerry is taking a dip or break or has been gone for an extended period.

There are a limited number of chairs for use by thousands of passengers.

I shall look for "The Attendant" on me next cruise.

In the past, I have found busy wait staff schlepping drinks, and staff in a booth exchanging towels,

but no-one who was actually attending (or care about) the wants and needs of the masses; the "thousands of passengers".

What is this staff person's job/title?

Edited by $hip$hape
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Unless the attendant is timing how long a passenger disappears and leaves their belongings on a chair, there is no way to enforce the rules to the satisfaction of those who like to stretch rules.

You also posted...

I said bring it to the attention of the attendant. He or she should have an idea if Jerry is taking a dip or a bathroom break or has been gone for an extended period.

...but there is a solution...




I did say bring it to the attendants attention and then give him the person’s belongings; that is to say if the attendant does nothing which is normally the case. The cruise line does not want to offend the chair hog; they would prefer to do nothing.

In the Jerry example, Jerry is not a chair hog. You may not like the fact that he has 60 minutes but NCL has decided that it is 60 minutes. The attendant shouldn't do anything if the items are there for less than 60 minutes. What you can do is notify an attendant when you first see an unoccupied (other than items) chair and tell the attendant that if nobody returns within the next 60 minutes, that you would like for the attendant to remove the items and to take them to Guest Services. If Jerry is gone for too long, you will get the chair. If Jerry returns, Jerry keeps the chair.



As a I also stated, Jerry shouldn’t leave his manners on shore, unfortunately chair hogs do just that.

Jerry isn't a chair hog if he returns within the stated time. You may call him a chair hog based on how much time you believe that he should be allowed to swim, eat, etc. but Jerry (by following the policy stated within the dailies) isn't a chair hog.


A person who puts their items on an unoccupied chair and goes for a swim, a ride on a water slide, or to the restroom is NOT a chair hog the instant that they leave the chair. They can be gone for 5, 18, 27, or 38 minutes (or more) but if they are within NCL's terms, they have done nothing wrong.



You would have us do and/or say nothing thereby reinforcing the sense of entitlement of the inconsiderate cruisers who think of themselves first to the detriment of other passengers.

The do/say nothing does apply to those who have done nothing wrong. You may not like NCL's policy but they own the ship and make the rules.


By the same token, if you arrive before Jerry and find that empty chair, YOU can use it, go to the bar, buffet, etc. and your items should not be disturbed or moved as long as you are within NCL's policy,

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Unless the attendant is timing how long a passenger disappears and leaves their belongings on a chair, there is no way to enforce the rules to the satisfaction of those who like to stretch rules. I did say bring it to the attendants attention and then give him the person’s belongings; that is to say if the attendant does nothing which is normally the case. The cruise line does not want to offend the chair hog; they would prefer to do nothing. As a I also stated, Jerry shouldn’t leave his manners on shore, unfortunately chair hogs do just that. The same goes for passengers who cut buffet and theater lines, or those who smoke on balconies and in other restricted areas. You would have us do and/or say nothing thereby reinforcing the sense of entitlement of the inconsiderate cruisers who think of themselves first to the detriment of other passengers.



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This could all be solved if they would let us bring crossbows on board the ship. Pesky prohibited items.;p;)

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I shall look for "The Attendant" on me next cruise.

In the past, I have found busy wait staff schlepping drinks, and staff in a booth exchanging towels,

but no-one who was actually attending (or care about) the wants and needs of the masses; the "thousands of passengers".

What is this staff person's job/title?


Pool boy. :p


What's the right tip for a pool chair?

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I shall look for "The Attendant" on me next cruise.

In the past I have found busy wait staff schlepping drinks, and staff in a booth exchanging towels,

but no one who was actually attending (or care about) the wants and needs of the masses; the "thousands of passengers".

What is this staff person's job/title?




The staff at the towel booth controls the towels that are being used to reserve chairs; seems likely they would be the “attendants”. Are you trying to imply that the cruise line expects chair hogs to self-police themselves? Yeah, that’s like telling a kid not to eat the candy. The cruise lines want no part of enforcing time limitations on lounge chairs; they want to rely on people being considerate and thinking of others. In those cases, people with manners generally lose because the inconsiderate will usually stretch rules for their own personal advantage.



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This has to be the most insane topic I have come across. There is not a chance in hell I am going to let a chair, or people hogging chairs, bother me while I am on vacation. I will find another chair and place to sit and go about having a good time. I spent way too much money and effort on this upcoming vacation to worry about a CHAIR!!!! 25 days and counting until our trip on the Epic.

I agree, but will tell you a few years ago I got up from what was not even a great chair to go to ladies room and came back to my towel, book and beach bag sitting on deck in a puddle. Said nothing but lady told me she hates chair hogs...go figure.

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I agree, but will tell you a few years ago I got up from what was not even a great chair to go to ladies room and came back to my towel, book and beach bag sitting on deck in a puddle. Said nothing but lady told me she hates chair hogs...go figure.
What I usually do if I have to go to the ladies room or want to get something to eat to bring back, I ask the folks sitting around me if they would keep an eye on my lounger, as I will be right back. Works like a charm!
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Couldn’t care less about lounge chairs. There is always one available somewhere, would never wait around an hour to see if it is being used or not.

When there are no empty seats at your favourite bar that is much more annoying.



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Couldn’t care less about lounge chairs. There is always one available somewhere, would never wait around an hour to see if it is being used or not.

When there are no empty seats at your favourite bar that is much more annoying.



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I agree...people hoping for physical confrontation over deck chairs? Jeebus! It is a big boat and you are on vacation. Relax and find another spot. Are people wrong to reserve multiple chairs they won't use for hours? Yes! But so what...that is their Karma spent. Have a drink and find another spot. You might meet someone who will be your friend for life.

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Couldn’t care less about lounge chairs. There is always one available somewhere, would never wait around an hour to see if it is being used or not.

When there are no empty seats at your favourite bar that is much more annoying.


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You have to pick a side, you just have to! This is really important! :loudcry:



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The worst I ever saw was in Cuba....One person would get up at 6 or 7 and block off a dozen chairs in prime locations. I would take them and throw them on the ground. I had a confrontation once.....but I am 6’2” 210 pounds....so, things didn’t work out so well for them.

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Unfortunately the problem with adding onto an older thread, as opposed to starting a new thread, is that people will read the old original post, get bored reading through the responses, then post a reply without ever reading your new question. Always best to just start a new thread.


As far as your question, yes, we usually get chairs on the upper deck. There are usually plenty of chairs in the shade on the pool deck or plenty of chairs in the sun on the upper deck. Chairs in the sun on the pool deck are limited. As far as bars, it depends on the ship configuration, but yes. There’s usually a pool bar, an aft bar, and a outdoor bar on the upper deck. There are a few servers walking around but I found it far quicker to get my own drinks.


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Ok, my bad. Next time I will start a new thread. I want to thank you for answering my question.

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If you choose self-help, then we dance.



Top Ten Warning Signs You Are A Dbag Tool:


10. You tell people online you weigh 240 lbs, all muscle.

9. Your wife actually weighs 240 lbs, all muscle.

8. You spend 45+ minutes of cruise time waiting to see if an old lady using the bathroom is coming back.

7. You repeat #8 over and over until someone doesn't come back.

6. You create your own abbreviations using syllables instead of word breaks.

5. You consciously think about the fact that if someone hits you first you "get" to hit them back.

4. Your life peaked during high school football in the 80's. Substitute hockey if Canadian.

3. You use the term "chirpy" to describe the words of anyone disagreeing with you.

2. You refer to yourself as the "biggest, baddest" man.

1. You refer to fighting as "dancing"

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Top Ten Signs Warnings Signs You Are A Dbag Tool:


10. You tell people online you weigh 240 lbs, all muscle.

9. Your wife actually weighs 240 lbs, all muscle.

8. You spend 45+ minutes of cruise time waiting to see if an old lady using the bathroom is coming back.

7. You repeat #8 over and over until someone doesn't come back.

6. You create your own abbreviations using syllables instead of word breaks.

5. You consciously think about the fact that if someone hits you first you "get" to hit them back.

4. Your life peaked during high school football in the 80's. Substitute hockey if Canadian.

3. You use the term "chirpy" to describe the words of anyone disagreeing with you.

2. You refer to yourself as the "biggest, baddest" man.

1. You refer to fighting as "dancing"


LMAO. Hilarious. Their really is some ~cough ~ unusual people on this forum.

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Tool: (noun)


1.) A guy with a hugely over-inflated ego, who in an attempt to get un-due attention for himself, will act like a *******, because, in his deluded state, he will think it's going to make him look cool, or make others want to be like him. The person mayeven insincerely apologize later on, but only in an attempt to get more attention, or to excuse his blatantly intentional, and unrepentantly tool-ish behavior.


2.) Someone whose ego FAR exceeds his talent, intelligence, and likeability. But, of course, he is clueless regarding that fact. He erroneously thinks he is THE MAN!


3.) Someone who others normally refer to as a prick, dick, or schmuck.


4.) Someone who acts like a dick, because...well...he's compensating.


5.) Kanye West

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When did NCL start up a rule that says you cannot enter the theater until your entire group is present?
They have never said that you have to wait for your group, what they say is that when you enter, you can not save seats for anyone.


Here is what it says on the daily: Unaccompanied children may not sit in the front row and please refrain from reserving seats.

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You have to pick a side, you just have to! This is really important! :loudcry:








I do pick sides, any side where there is a fun activity going on.


Luckily there are bars on on all sides, sometimes you are lucky enough to enjoy a drink with people who have a good sense of humour and are there to have a good time also.

Beats baking in the sun every time.


They can have my chair, I never bother reserving one, wouldn’t be able to lounge on one for more than an hour anyway.


Getting into a confrontation over a chair?

Grow up. Your healthy enough to be on a cruise and can afford one, you are luckier than most, enjoy it.

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