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Transatlantic Tips?


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Hi all,


I have read in the past as people weighed out the pros and cons of transatlantic itineraries. Well, we are booked on one at the end of March, and I wanted to ask for any tips that you experienced transatlantic cruisers might have? We look forward to the slower pace, enjoying the ship, and adopting the philosophy that "The journey is the destination!"


Any thoughts pro or con would be appreciated. This is meant to be FUN! Thanks in advance.



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I don't have real suggestions other than to say that we love sea days -- which wasn't always the case!


We take advantage of any and all enrichment lectures, unless, of course, one or two might not have much interest for us. That has rarely happened.


I like to retreat to the library or our veranda with a good book. I don't much care for the library on the "O" ships but it is my favorite space on the "R" ships.


We're not sun lovers so we don't do the pool much if at all.


Sometimes there are good offers for spa treatments. Read the daily Currents to see what is being offered.


We tend to have breakfast in the GDR and we go there as late as we can! Lunch will either be in Terrace or the GDR depending on the offerings. (We often go to Waves but more often that is on a tour day when we get back too late for Terrace.)


Occasionally we go to the 4pm tea ...


Just relax and enjoy the day is all I can say.



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No cons for us, done 3 TA and one TP (trans Pacific). I read - its my time to "chill out" and recharge. If you are TA end of March (2 weeks) must be the Riviera?



Yes, Riviera. We have sailed her before and love it! This time we managed to finagle a PH! So more time to enjoy our cabin and relax and read. Ahhhhhhhh!


Mura, you read my mind. We utilize our time generally the same way.


Obviously I am getting exciting about this trip!





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We have done quite a few TAs... and love them. That said - Oceania's lectures are not nearly as good as Regent's and we missed having good lecture series on our last TA on Riviera. that could,of course, change with the crossing... one year great people - other year not so great.


Weather . varies a LOT in our experience. We have done one November Rome to FLL on the Regent Voyager. Weather was fantastic - warm and sunny all the way aside from 2 days before FLL: The other way - FLL or MIA to Europe varied a lot. On a couple of crossings we were out on deck almost all day. On others, inside. You take what is given to you...


Riviera has a LOT to offer in terms of "distractions" (putting green, golf nets, shuffle board etc. And the Cruise Director's staff keep things humming with competitions, the Country Fair" and other events. You will not be bored. (and hopefully not bored at all by the speakers...)

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No cons.... your attitude of the trip is the pleasure is correct.

My suggestion is plan NOTHING

Dont jump off

Let every day happen...its not a contest to do everything

No port, beats the pleasure of being at sea.



Hawaiidan- will always like the attitude you show in your posts. Thanks for endorsing our approach!


I promise not to jump!





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We love sea days and especially trans-Atlantic or Pacific. Just watching the ever changing sea can be mesmerizing, walking on the deck above the pool and chatting with others is fine, nipping inside for a barrista brewed coffee and a taste of some goodie is perfect, finding a good guide for the next port in the library can yield some unexpected surprises, taking high tea in Horizons is very British and very well executed by the crew, enjoying a lecture (if there is one), and Waves for a yummy outdoor lunch makes the voyage pass wonderfully well. Enjoy your trans-Atlantic experience, I have done it many times on various cruise lines even the Grey Funnel (Canadian Navy) which is not near the great time you will have on O.:D

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Given our previous TA experience in the NORTH Atlantic and our upcoming Riviera TA I've decided that the best thing we can do and given our interests is to go as "big" as we can. Life is short; ours is coming to a close.

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Given our previous TA experience in the NORTH Atlantic and our upcoming Riviera TA I've decided that the best thing we can do and given our interests is to go as "big" as we can. Life is short; ours is coming to a close.

So tell us, what are your experiences on your previous T/A? We will be doing our first on Marina and are interested in how you did. Also, what do you mean by go "big". Larger cabin? Thanks for any additional info. you can share. :):):)

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So tell us, what are your experiences on your previous T/A? We will be doing our first on Marina and are interested in how you did. Also, what do you mean by go "big". Larger cabin? Thanks for any additional info. you can share. :):):)


I think he means get the biggest cabin you can afford................given his likes.

However, I have made 3 transatlantic Insignia, Riviera and Marina. Sept to November. Done it in an inside a veranda and a PH...

To tell you the truth, I like to get our and about, enjoy the lectures, classes on Marina and Rivera, and mingle with people and wander the ship, enjoy the library,. I am not a cabin dweller or a veranda lounger. that said I was just as happy and content in an inside as a PH... ( I am one who dosen't like the concept of having a personal "servant" at my beckon like a butler to do things I could just as easily do...seems silly and intrusive to me, " oh boy", get me this " oh boy get me that"... not me. )

So to each....what do you like to do with who and what and where..... Beauty and Cruse pleasure are in the eye of the beholder.....you

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I think he means get the biggest cabin you can afford................given his likes.

However, I have made 3 transatlantic Insignia, Riviera and Marina. Sept to November. Done it in an inside a veranda and a PH...

To tell you the truth, I like to get our and about, enjoy the lectures, classes on Marina and Rivera, and mingle with people and wander the ship, enjoy the library,. I am not a cabin dweller or a veranda lounger. that said I was just as happy and content in an inside as a PH... ( I am one who dosen't like the concept of having a personal "servant" at my beckon like a butler to do things I could just as easily do...seems silly and intrusive to me, " oh boy", get me this " oh boy get me that"... not me. )

So to each....what do you like to do with who and what and where..... Beauty and Cruse pleasure are in the eye of the beholder.....you

Thanks for the comments, but I was really interested in what bootman4U had to say. Might be more interesting for me.

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I think he means get the biggest cabin you can afford................given his likes.

However, I have made 3 transatlantic Insignia, Riviera and Marina. Sept to November. Done it in an inside a veranda and a PH...

To tell you the truth, I like to get our and about, enjoy the lectures, classes on Marina and Rivera, and mingle with people and wander the ship, enjoy the library,. I am not a cabin dweller or a veranda lounger. that said I was just as happy and content in an inside as a PH... ( I am one who dosen't like the concept of having a personal "servant" at my beckon like a butler to do things I could just as easily do...seems silly and intrusive to me, " oh boy", get me this " oh boy get me that"... not me. )

So to each....what do you like to do with who and what and where..... Beauty and Cruse pleasure are in the eye of the beholder.....you


To give a different perspective.

I think the TA is the time to "go big" if one can (PH or OC) for a couple of reasons. You will spend a lot more time in your cabin than you would on a port intensive cruise; you can dine in from specialties if you wish and TAs are cheaper than other cruises (thus a PH or OC is cheaper than it would be most of the time)

JMO - as always, YMMV

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To give a different perspective.

I think the TA is the time to "go big" if one can (PH or OC) for a couple of reasons. You will spend a lot more time in your cabin than you would on a port intensive cruise; you can dine in from specialties if you wish and TAs are cheaper than other cruises (thus a PH or OC is cheaper than it would be most of the time)

JMO - as always, YMMV

It makes sense to me. Will try it. Thanks

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To give a different perspective.

I think the TA is the time to "go big" if one can (PH or OC) for a couple of reasons. You will spend a lot more time in your cabin than you would on a port intensive cruise; you can dine in from specialties if you wish and TAs are cheaper than other cruises (thus a PH or OC is cheaper than it would be most of the time)

JMO - as always, YMMV


I'm going to have to kinda disagree Paul, at least on the prices on the PH & OC being cheaper. Many people think as you do, and want the extra space on the long trips, creating a higher demand for those cabins. It has been my experience that the only time I've seen good upsells to the higher suites has been on port intensive itineraries.


Also, I don't think Boatman has been on Oceania before, although I'm sure they have TA experience. I also think they're a she doing the posting.

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I'm going to have to kinda disagree Paul, at least on the prices on the PH & OC being cheaper. Many people think as you do, and want the extra space on the long trips, creating a higher demand for those cabins. It has been my experience that the only time I've seen good upsells to the higher suites has been on port intensive itineraries.


Also, I don't think Boatman has been on Oceania before, although I'm sure they have TA experience. I also think they're a she doing the posting.



Another perspective on the space issue involves those of us who may be "recreational" sailors at home. One only needs to spend a few nights on a 40' sloop to recognize that a regular veranda cabin on an Oceania R ship is expansive luxury.



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We usually agree but not this time.

I am currently on a cruise ship with limited and slow internet, compared to home access. Thus my search and comparison is not as thorough as it would be at home.

That said, this is what I get when comparing a random 12 day port intensive Med cruise with a random 14 day TA cruise (both on O class ships and priced per day) - first set of prices are for O Life Med vs TA and second are cruise only Med vs TA (formatting is lost)


PH1. $675/day vs $400/day. $558/day vs $346/day

OC. $958/d vs $571/d. $841/d vs $510/d


Please check the prices for same cabin/day on a port intensive Med cruise vs TA and see what you get. I hope my fast calculations are correct. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If these prices are correct, would you agree that PH & OC are a "bargain" on a TA vs Med cruise? :)

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We usually agree but not this time.

I am currently on a cruise ship with limited and slow internet, compared to home access. Thus my search and comparison is not as thorough as it would be at home.

That said, this is what I get when comparing a random 12 day port intensive Med cruise with a random 14 day TA cruise (both on O class ships and priced per day) - first set of prices are for O Life Med vs TA and second are cruise only Med vs TA (formatting is lost)


PH1. $675/day vs $400/day. $558/day vs $346/day

OC. $958/d vs $571/d. $841/d vs $510/d


Please check the prices for same cabin/day on a port intensive Med cruise vs TA and see what you get. I hope my fast calculations are correct. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If these prices are correct, would you agree that PH & OC are a "bargain" on a TA vs Med cruise? :)


I actually haven't looked up the prices. I'm sure you're correct on value. I was thinking more of availability. My thinking was more along the lines of getting an upsell as I never book those level of rooms upfront. But will definitely jump on a good upsell. Unfortunately they're rarely available, at least to me, on a TA through upsells.


I'll claim a KellyAnne Conway and say I probably misspoke.

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Another perspective on the space issue involves those of us who may be "recreational" sailors at home. One only needs to spend a few nights on a 40' sloop to recognize that a regular veranda cabin on an Oceania R ship is expansive luxury.


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I tend to agree with "going big" being a great idea... my first Atlantic experience was going to Africa in 1952 in a tiny cabin shared with my mother. I then graduated to an inside cabin on the old Queen Mary when I was a student at LSE. Since then - have been on TAs in Regent PH suite (Voyager), Seven Seas Aft Suite (Mariner) and Navigator Suite (Navigator). We then moved to Oceania and our last TA (where we had the pleasure to meet Paulchili BTW) was in the Owners Suite. I do find space is important when one is on a ship for a long period - days and days at a time. And I really enjoy having a butler (last time there were two of them...) and find plenty for him to do. Plus in my experience the butlers also want to be busy so we both win! However all this said I doubt I would go for the Owners Suite again on Rivera - it is in the stern and while we have never had rough weather during any of our crossings it could happen. And then we would be tossed about. The Oceania suites, aside from those on 11, are better in this regard - and have plenty of space.


After all these times on the Atlantic - I can't wait to do it again. which I think says it all. Main tip(s) aside from space... an iPad is essential and I have my Kindle on mine. I can read for hours. My laptop is essential too and I can work several hours a day on that. Check the daily newspaper the evening it arrives in your cabin and highlight everything you want to attend next day. Then be sure to remember to look at the programme and GO to those events! Join a great Trivia team. And participate in the Country Fair which is a huge amount of fun.

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I was about to book a B2B on Riviera for next year that consists of a 12 day Med cruise plus a 14 day TA. (In the end we decided against but that's another issue.)


The price for OC and VS suites on the two legs were noticeably less for the TA.


I'm not sure that comparing upsells on a TA to a "regular" cruise are all that pertinent. These things have a number of factors so making a hard and fast rule may not be helpful.



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