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Why do you think it is ok to let your children run down hallways?


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Well, 230+ posts in and, IMHO, this thread shows one thing:


--You can't simply blame the kids. Some kids are better behaved and more considerate than others.

--You can't simply blame the parents. Some people just don't have the parenting skills that other people have. (Whether they choose not to parent, or simply don't have the capacity is a topic for another forum.)

--What stands out here is a troubling number of people who simply wish to condone, excuse away, or justify the poor behavior of others. :o:( "Its not their fault", "They're on vacation too"...:rolleyes:


It gets to the point where you don't know what is worse: the lack of personal responsibility or the unwillingness to even hold people to some level of personal responsibility.



Superb post, and a great attitude.


None of these posts are a personal attack and n any one individual or group, yet they do seem to be taken that way by some.


Cruising is a great way to take a holiday and whilst this topic makes out that a cruise holiday is full of unruly passengers (Young and old) - that just isn't the case. With just a small amount of resilience, everyone can have a great time.


These "issues" are very few and far between, so when they do happen, just remember - your holiday will be over all too soon so enjoy yourself - time spent worrying about other people is less time enjoying yourself...



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Superb post, and a great attitude.


None of these posts are a personal attack and n any one individual or group, yet they do seem to be taken that way by some.


Cruising is a great way to take a holiday and whilst this topic makes out that a cruise holiday is full of unruly passengers (Young and old) - that just isn't the case. With just a small amount of resilience, everyone can have a great time.


These "issues" are very few and far between, so when they do happen, just remember - your holiday will be over all too soon so enjoy yourself - time spent worrying about other people is less time enjoying yourself...



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Bottom line is there are a lot of people in a relatively confined space. Children running, drunk or loud or obnoxious adults. If you can't handle it, rent a cottage. I love cruising but there is always something that someone does that intrudes on another's enjoyment. Dig deep and be a little compassionate.



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...I always find it amazing if someone has an issue with childrens' behavior, someone brings up that they dislike children or that adults' behavior is worse, when it has nothing to do with the behavior of children.


aka deflection.


When someone doesn't want to deal with the issue at hand, they bring up a different subject.


Unattended children in the hallway?..."Well, drunks are loud in the hallway, too..."


Children running around in a restaurant?..."Yeah, well, there was a loud family speaking a foreign language at a nearby table, very rude..."


If you can't handle it, rent a cottage. I love cruising but there is always something that someone does that intrudes on another's enjoyment. Dig deep and be a little compassionate.


adjective: compassionate - feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.


You're asking that people be compassionate towards those who are the exact opposite of compassionate.

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I have not been on NCL for many years, but I will soon be back.


To the topic. Obviously I have not experienced this on NCL but have on the other cruise line that I have been cruising on, I think that it will be similar regarless of ship and cruise line.


It is not about how loud it is; but the thump thump thump, and the repeated thump thump thump a few minutes later when they come back down the hall. Back and forth and back and forth, till they wear themselves out, and till our nerves in the cabin are worn out. And yes even little tikes of 6 years of age can make that thump thump thump noise back and forth till it makes us go nuts. Well this just my opinion, and I love the little kiddoes but it is the thump thump thump that I hate hearing from the hallway. Send them up to the jogging track.

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I don't think anyone is going to disagree with the OP. However, kids on vacation and simply running in the halls is way down the list of peeves in my book. Kids are kids and kids run, splash, play, etc. Hearing small feet thump down the hall will NEVER bother me. However the grown ups being drunk, slamming doors, turning the TV up all the way, cutting in lines, etc will ALWAYS bother me more:o

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Kids will be kids and some do lack proper supervision. Our last cruise we were up playing mini golf later in the evening and there were a group of kids purposely hitting balls all over the place and it didn't stop until I said something to them. Most parents think their kids are well behaved but it's not always the case when they are just with their friends and no adult supervision.



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I agree that it's best to encourage children to behave politely. I also think that people need to realize that children under 3 can be pretty unreasonable. If you insist on carrying them through the hallway, you may have a toddler screaming at the top of their lungs to get down. If you put them down, they like being able to run ahead. Which is worse, the screaming, or the thudding feet? In my opinion, I'd rather the running - they get past my cabin faster.


People can be truly awful about expecting perfect behavior from a toddler. They give you the evil eye and make nasty comments about controlling the child. Don't any of them remember what it was like when their own children were 2 and 3? We always tried to go to early dinners when we took the kids out to avoid bothering people - but there was no way we were going to stay home cloistered for 5 years.


Feel free to bitch and whine about tweens and teens behaving badly - if you remember being a perfect angel at that age yourself.



Amen! Ever since I first learned about it in college, I've always said a quick Google search on the stages of child development would benefit most people immensely! They are physiologically incapable of self control until the age of 14, and even after that it's minimal until they reach age 20! Expecting them to behave with total self control and 24/7 responsibility will only lead to frustration on your part and you may just get yourself an angry mouthful from a parent who is sick of your unreasonable expectations being placed on their kids all the time!


Also-when's the last time any of us conducted ourselves with complete decorum for an entire day, let alone a week? Glass houses, people! Nobody's perfect.



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I don't think anyone is going to disagree with the OP. However, kids on vacation and simply running in the halls is way down the list of peeves in my book. Kids are kids and kids run, splash, play, etc. Hearing small feet thump down the hall will NEVER bother me. However the grown ups being drunk, slamming doors, turning the TV up all the way, cutting in lines, etc will ALWAYS bother me more:o






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They are physiologically incapable of self control until the age of 14, and even after that it's minimal until they reach age 20!

Oh, most people are acutely....excruciatingly.....aware of the lack of self control. *LOL*




Have you ever been in Florida in August? Kinda hot and humid, mostly. I remember going into a restaurant -- air conditioned -- so nice! As we, and others, left that controlled environment and stepped outside, pretty much each and every person made a comment that sounded very much like a complaint, about ohmygod how hot and humid it was. Since they'd all been in the heat and humidity before they entered the restaurant, I can guarantee you that each person knew, intellectually, that it was going to be very hot and humid when they left the restaurant.


Just because something is the way it is, and you KNOW it is the way it is, doesn't make it any less bothersome when you are confronted with the reality of it. People will get frustrated. It won't change anything, but it happens anyway. Welcome to the human race! :)

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We have started cruising during times when there are few children and typically book a forward or aft balcony to avoid these issues... but the issues we are avoiding are children running up and down the hallway AND the drunk adults noisily going down the hallway.


The worst we ever experienced was our wedding cruise. The cruise line decorated our door and we were mid-ship during a Christmas/New Year's Cruise... you can only imagine!!! Children ran up and down the halls, banged on our door and wouldn't let up till 2am. We called security at least 3 times. I wouldn't be surprised if some parents put their kids up to to it! On the ferry ride to the island, there were parents making jokes to me that my future husband to be would get cold feet. They thought it was cute that their son could stretch his legs out onto my lap since I had a "raincoat" on the bottom part of my dress to protect it during the ferry ride. I wish I or my parents would have had a snappy come back - but we sat there in shock! :o



Decorations on your door can make you a target! Beware!

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Please tell me the ship(s) so I can avoid when considering my next cruise?



I'm with him. Sadly, even as a parent of young children, I typically prefer cruising off season to cut down on the number of rowdy kids. Though my children are not perfect, we often witness unruly behavior that they will notice and comment to each other over. We use it as teachable moments so they'll realize we aren't trying to prevent them from enjoying themselves but to see it's disruptive and inappropriate behavior. I've noticed fewer kids on longer itineraries and on some of the pricier cruise lines. We can't do these types of trips very often but when we have its been refreshingly relaxing!



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"I hate people!" Is spoken by me at least once a day! It seems to be happening more and more as I get older and people get stupider!



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I have a coworker who says that at least once a day! [emoji38] LOL. Shes not a cruiser so I'm sure you aren't her but it did make me laugh when I read your post. Lol



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I think sometimes parents think their cruise vacation is a vacation from parenting. :rolleyes:



The only real vacation from parenting occurs when the kids are grown, self-sufficient and living on their own. We have awesome grandparents who prefer to have our kids with them than for us to take the kids on vacation with us. Even when we are on vacation without the kids we miss them and call so often they may as well be with us. Now we have talked the grandparents into coming along with us. Now the kids are with us and the grandparents get to spend time with their grandchildren. Everyone wins.


Good for you for saying something to the kid and calling security. We live in a creepy world where awful people could do something unspeakable to an unattended kid. Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean a creeper isn't on board with you. Scary times.



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Couldn't agree more, Gizfish. Saw quite a number of unsupervised children on our last cruise, of many age groups. I ended up using most of them as teaching opportunities for my 7 and 10 year old. Pointing out what those children were doing and why it was unacceptable behaviour and reinforcing how proud I was that my kids were listing well and treating staff and fellow passengers with respect. They was some of these unsupervised kids were treating the cruise staff was atrocious. Refusing to use hand sanitizer and laughing at how much mess they made in the buffet and other public places. Where were there parents? No idea. Clearly they thought they were on holidays from parenting too!



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They are physiologically incapable of self control until the age of 14, and even after that it's minimal until they reach age 20! Expecting them to behave with total self control and 24/7 responsibility will only lead to frustration on your part and you may just get yourself an angry mouthful from a parent who is sick of your unreasonable expectations being placed on their kids all the time!


The limitations of the young make it even more imperative for parents to actually parent.


When a child is being disruptive, the parent (if one is around) has 3 choices...(two of them are wrong :mad:)


a) take action and condemn the behavior

b) do nothing

c) condone the behavior ("aww isn't that cute....I'll put it on facebook...")


Children will sometimes be disruptive. It happens. The issue is what (if anything) are the parents doing about it.

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I'm one of the kid-free people who occasionally participates in threads like these. For what it's worth, I wince whenever someone makes a "joke" about tripping a running kid (or equivalent joke). It's not funny.


... that said, high-fiving each other about how you'd beat the crap out of anyone who did that doesn't help either. You know in real life no one is actually going to trip your child on a cruise ship.


Just feel like everyone's a little too ready to beat the crap out of someone these days.


Since you are kid free you have no idea about the instinct to protect your children when something happens to them. It is an instinctual response to do WHATEVER it takes to protect them from whatever the threat is. And yes. If someone lays their hands on my child. They are going down. Period.

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I'm just wondering...what ever happened to something I was taught as a child "don't run indoors". Since the hallways are indoors and some allow their childen to run down them, does that mean that it is okay to run in restaurants, churches, hospitals, stores, etc.?

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This has to be the funniest threads I will never fully read. With most posters quoting other posters I get what is going on by reading the last two pages. Is the problem noise? Parenting? Interrupting ones vacation? Really now people, those of you that are annoyed. If peace and quiet, good manners, people always behaving are what you want then why would you go out in public. If it ins't one thing then a bet there will be something else to upset you. And your solutions, you all complain to the proper authorities and expect them to fix your problem because you really do not want to get involved. Very rarely cruisers confront the source. Enough about you. Now me. I am extremely hard of hearing and noise has never a problem in my life. In fact I like noise. For me to communicate properly I will confront the source immediately. It is all about timing. I know I will bump into the to these very few cruisers because we are on a cruise. We always bump into the same people. I always find some way to make eye contact, offer a smile:p and even sau Hello. It is always communication. These cruisers really are nice people and we all make bad first impressions. I myself usually come off as a jerk. By the end of the cruise we are both smiling;p, shaking hands and bragging about our wonderful cruise. As it turned out we were all angels:halo:.

P.S. 30 years in the customer service industry. Listening to all the complaints and when I realized I couldn't hear them so well without hearing aids I learned to watch watch and read body language.. You can lie to me with words but the way you express it with your body will tell me if you are being sincere(concerned) or just being a jerk. I have always considered myself a thread killer. Let's see if I can do it again. Now time to flame me.


The Crazy Old Man:p

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Ok folks, here is the deal. NCL caters to HUMANS. There is a passenger mix, young, old, solos, families, etc.


People cruise for different reasons. Some go, go, go constantly. Seeing and doing. Others relax. Watching the world go by over blue water.


Some people only shower and sleep in their staterooms. Others spend time there.


Likewise, some people are annoyed with noise outside their stateroom. Others are not. It does not mean that either group should stay home. Or cruise another line.


Personally, in all my cruises have only been bothered by kids once and it was teens on the Dawn who completely took over The Blue Lagoon as their spot. It thre me off-guard because I had found the BL on the Jewel a completely different experience. My solution? I just didn't go back there that cruise.


But one can't really use that rationale when they are being disturbed in their cabin. They can't switch rooms. Just because running feet, yelling or some other noise doesn't bother you it is not outside the realm of possibility that it might bother someone else, whether they are napping, ill or just relaxing.


In my case, as I related it to my own experience living in a high rise, this would bother me. Has it? No. But I can understand others who have had this unpleasant experience. I love kids and love seeing them have fun. Never been bothered at the pool, or at dinner, or at bingo, etc.


Just because I like to relax in my stateroom I am not going to book Crystal just to avoid the possibility of an occasional stomp in the hall.


Maybe, just maybe one parent will read this thread, someone who had not really considered how this impacts others and modify their behavior. It might happen.





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That is one great benefit of the Studio Cabins...NO KIDS. Since children can't be in a cabin by themselves, everyone in the Studios is an ADULT. No kids in the rooms, no kids in the hallways.






Even the Haven doesn't have that benefit.



So excited that you mentioned this! I am in a studio cabin and know that children can't be in a cabin alone but never thought of the benefit of the quiet hallways that are exclusive to studio rooms!!


Now if only I can land a coveted Vibe pass for a quiet secluded outdoor experience too [emoji1374]



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Maybe I'm a more paranoid than most grandmothers, but I worry about the children's safety. Pedifiles do go on cruises. We have read about rapes on cruises. It can happen. And in an instant. These are strangers on your neighborhood. Keep an eye on your children always. Give them freedom within your sight. Yes, on a ship.

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Maybe I'm a more paranoid than most grandmothers, but I worry about the children's safety. Pedifiles do go on cruises. We have read about rapes on cruises. It can happen. And in an instant. These are strangers on your neighborhood. Keep an eye on your children always. Give them freedom within your sight. Yes, on a ship.



Exactly! I agree wholeheartedly!



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