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I am cruising on the Emerald to Alaska in August.


I have a latex allergy concerning enough that I carry an EPI Pen.


I have already had correspondences with the head of hotel, the head of food and the medical team about what is used on ship.


No latex gloves used anywhere in any food area, prep, plating, serving or cleaning. So I am good there.


Hotel uses latex gloves in cleaning but they stated they would not used latex gloves in the group of cabins where my cabin is. They suggested I utilize my cabin for restroom facilities and I think that is very reasonable. I have never had a reaction in any public restroom but agree for everyone to feel most comfortable I will not use the public facilities unless urgent.


Medical has invited me to visit the infirmary on embarkion to introduce myself and meet them which I am actually stoked about as I am a nurse and was trying to find a way to see the medical facilities without being a pest. No latex used in medical either.


My question for all you experienced cruisers is what other areas should I be aware of?


I have seen mention of a "balloon drop" one night. Where does this usually occur and is it a happens every cruise thing or just some cruises?


I also read mention on one of the British Isle trip reports about balloons being batted back and forth in one of the shows. Is this something anyone has experienced on an Alaskan cruise?


I know they place balloons on doors for celebrations and those are easily avoided by being aware as I walk to/from my cabin and not running into them.


I know I am ONE of 3000+ on the ship so I do not expect balloons to be eliminated. I would like to know what areas might have them so that I can be more aware and not ruin my day or anyone else's.


I have managed to survive trips to Disneyland so I am sure I will be fine on the cruise but would like to be aware ahead of time.

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I have seen mention of a "balloon drop" one night. Where does this usually occur and is it a happens every cruise thing or just some cruises?


I also read mention on one of the British Isle trip reports about balloons being batted back and forth in one of the shows. Is this something anyone has experienced on an Alaskan cruise?



On all the ships we have been on, there has always been a balloon drop in the Atrium. Usually it's been sometime in the evening and only once during the cruise. The time is posted in the Patter and you can also see all the balloons in a net stretched across the Atrium.


On our cruises, the balloons batted back and forth were always done in the Princess theater while waiting for the Crew Talent Show to begin. The Cruise Director's staff goes around the Theater handing/throwing out balloons for you to blow up and start batting around. Not every cruise has had this talent show.

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I am cruising on the Emerald to Alaska in August.


My question for all you experienced cruisers is what other areas should I be aware of?


I have seen mention of a "balloon drop" one night. Where does this usually occur and is it a happens every cruise thing or just some cruises?

There is usually a balloon drop party in the Piazza, central atrium, area one evening. The balloons are placed in a net at the top of the atrium on deck 7 and are there most of the day. Around 11pm they are dropped down to the Piazza floor, deck 5. I have also seen balloons at other theme parties, example Rock & Roll Night. Balloons may also be used to decorate the entrances to events.

I also read mention on one of the British Isle trip reports about balloons being batted back and forth in one of the shows. Is this something anyone has experienced on an Alaskan cruise?

Prior to the International Crew show in the Princess theater there are balloons being batted around. Some cruises have this show, some don't.

I know they place balloons on doors for celebrations and those are easily avoided by being aware as I walk to/from my cabin and not running into them.

If someone has notified the ship regarding a birthday or anniversary the cabin steward attaches a mylar sign to the cabin door. I think they may also attach a Mylar balloon. But, it is common for passengers to bring their own door decorations to identify their cabins. These decorations may include balloons. Just walk by, they are not actually in your path.


See above

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The nights that they bounce balloons around in the show lounge might be a good time to just have someone save your seat till the show actually starts. It's impossible to know where they might be landing.


Just out of curiosity, are you that sensitive to latex that even the slightest touch will cause a reaction? :confused:

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Thank you for the information on the drop and show. This allows me to make other plans for everyone's enjoyment.


I imagine there are a multitude of choices and I won't miss out on the fun by not going to the talent show or balloon drop.




The nights that they bounce balloons around in the show lounge might be a good time to just have someone save your seat till the show actually starts. It's impossible to know where they might be landing.


Just out of curiosity, are you that sensitive to latex that even the slightest touch will cause a reaction? :confused:



Floridalover I never know when I am going to have a bad reaction. I am a nurse and have had bad reactions by being touched on the face by a nurse who had just removed her latex gloves and someone horse playing and flipping me in the face with latex gloves.


With balloons it depends how much powder is on/around the balloon, the more powder the more likely I am to have problems. I stay out of party stores as they are a huge trigger.


I just try to have a plan B for those times I know balloons are going to be present. No point in raining on someone's parade when there are usually other things I can do.

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Someone mentioned the celebratory balloons that are put in the doorways of the cabins. Two balloons per cabin, stuck to the wall near the entrance. They also put up a sign. Maybe they can just put the sign up in your hallway?

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On all the ships we have been on, there has always been a balloon drop in the Atrium. Usually it's been sometime in the evening and only once during the cruise. The time is posted in the Patter and you can also see all the balloons in a net stretched across the Atrium.


On our cruises, the balloons batted back and forth were always done in the Princess theater while waiting for the Crew Talent Show to begin. The Cruise Director's staff goes around the Theater handing/throwing out balloons for you to blow up and start batting around. Not every cruise has had this talent show.

Same as my experience as well....

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We got off of the Ruby on 5/20 and there were no balloons on the doors on Deck 9. There were posters with "Happy Birthday" or "Congratulations", but no balloons.

There was a balloon drop in the Atrium, but that was easy to miss.

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I would speak with the Cruise Director or one of their staff to find out about what night there may be balloons in shows, etc... They are usually pretty helpful.


Have a great cruise! Sounds like you are covering your bases.

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We got off of the Ruby on 5/20 and there were no balloons on the doors on Deck 9. There were posters with "Happy Birthday" or "Congratulations", but no balloons.


Another cutback to save Princess $$$ ?


They already had gone from 3 balloons to 2 and from specific wording on the balloons (Happy Birthday, etc.) to generic (Congratulations).

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Another cutback to save Princess $$$ ?


They already had gone from 3 balloons to 2 and from specific wording on the balloons (Happy Birthday, etc.) to generic (Congratulations).



Or it could be a situation like mine where someone on that deck had an allergy to Latex.


In my correspondence with Princess they stated that they would not put up balloons on the doors on the deck I am on.


I told them going that far was not necessary. Looking at videos and pictures it looks like the doors are recessed so unless I am really drunk :evilsmile: and it is really rough seas I can manage to avoid balloons on other cruisers doors.


That is where we came to the work around of cleaning to not use the latex gloves in the group of cabins that I am in, since they bounce back and forth from rooms until everything is done. No balloons on our door but others on the same deck can have their celebratory balloons.


Thanks to everyone else who responded with things for me to look for, it is much appreciated.


I am so looking forward to cruising to Alaska and I am sure I will find so many things to do and keep me entertained that I won't miss a balloon drop or show.

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I too have an Latex Allergy although not at the EPI pen stage.


I don't go to the balloon drops and try to avoid the area where possible as the balloons will be in a net on level 8 (at least on Sun and Sea Princess) So the pizza place it out that day and the next.


We usually have our cabin on Level 5 where all the balloons land. By the time I get up in am all balloons are gone but sometimes I can still smell the latex - usually means I still need to stay away from the area till all the powder from the balloons has settled or been vacuumed up.


I use the stairs or elevators to stay out of the atrium area for the days and so far no problems.


Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Was on the CB for 4 weeks in April. There were NO balloons on any doors that had a birthday or anniversary message.


I remember one Christmas cruise when a bunch of kids took the balloons off doors and filled an elevator with them.


Hope you have no issues.

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Since you're not allergic to other kinds of gloves, perhaps you could take a handful of 'safe' ones... leave them on the bathroom counter in your cabin with a note to the room steward to please wear these.


That way, the steward doesn't have to touch anything bare-handed that they'd normally be wearing gloves for.


As for the balloon drop... a crew member will be inflating the balloons one by one as (s)he loads the net, using an electric inflator. Might be a good idea to listen for that motor as it'd probably be fluffing powder into the air and drifting down onto the dancefloor below.

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While I am in no way disparaging the issues the OP has with latex I wish there was something I could do about perfume. I can avoid latex. I can't avoid perfume. I have had countless times in the theater, in MDR, in HC, in Wheelhouse, in Explorers, in restaurants and theaters on land, etc. ruined by perfume. There is soooooooo often some woman who has doused herself in perfume and leaves a trail wherever she walks or invades a space of maybe 15 feet (or more) from her body wherever she sits. I get settled and am having a wonderful time and then BOOM! I have a massive headache because of some person who thinks that the entire world needs to experience her perfume.


Sorry for the rant but it is really a huge drag to have my evenings or whatever ruined by others who seem to have no clue.

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While I am in no way disparaging the issues the OP has with latex I wish there was something I could do about perfume. I can avoid latex. I can't avoid perfume. I have had countless times in the theater, in MDR, in HC, in Wheelhouse, in Explorers, in restaurants and theaters on land, etc. ruined by perfume. There is soooooooo often some woman who has doused herself in perfume and leaves a trail wherever she walks or invades a space of maybe 15 feet (or more) from her body wherever she sits. I get settled and am having a wonderful time and then BOOM! I have a massive headache because of some person who thinks that the entire world needs to experience her perfume.


Sorry for the rant but it is really a huge drag to have my evenings or whatever ruined by others who seem to have no clue.


You are in no way making light of the latex issue.


I also have problems with the bathing in perfume/cologne thing so I TOTTALY get where you are coming from.


I am a nurse in the pediatric world and one day had a really bad asthma attack when my patients parents walked in the room with a perfume/cologne dust cloud around them. As the parent was making such a fuss because the Doctor and Respiratory therapist was assisting me instead of attending to their ridiculous demands the doctor looked her in the eye and said "your nurse can't take care of your child if she is flat out on the floor from your overuse of perfume. You will need to leave and not return until you take a shower and do not use perfume or scented body wash". Yeah it really was that bad.


It can be pretty bad eating in restaurants on Sunday.

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I too have an Latex Allergy although not at the EPI pen stage.


We usually have our cabin on Level 5 where all the balloons land. By the time I get up in am all balloons are gone but sometimes I can still smell the latex - usually means I still need to stay away from the area till all the powder from the balloons has settled or been vacuumed up.



Let me know if you have any other questions.


People laugh at me when I say I can smell the latex. If I can't get to another area quick enough their laughter turns to wide eyes when they hear me start to wheeze.


A lot of people don't "get it" and think I am just being "dramatic", until they see how dramatic it actually is.

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Since you're not allergic to other kinds of gloves, perhaps you could take a handful of 'safe' ones... leave them on the bathroom counter in your cabin with a note to the room steward to please wear these.


That way, the steward doesn't have to touch anything bare-handed that they'd normally be wearing gloves for.


As for the balloon drop... a crew member will be inflating the balloons one by one as (s)he loads the net, using an electric inflator. Might be a good idea to listen for that motor as it'd probably be fluffing powder into the air and drifting down onto the dancefloor below.


Hotel has non latex gloves that they can use when a passenger notifies them of an allergy, which they have already told me they will use in the group of cabins I am in. It is just most cleaning people prefer the latex gloves because they "fit" better. I did offer to bring an unopened box of gloves but they already have ones they use in situations like mine.


I know that hissing sound from the balloon machine and can place it from far, far away. No dancing that day or the next for me which is probably a good thing for my fellow cruisers as I dance like a newborn giraffe. :o

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I am cruising on the Emerald to Alaska in August.


I have a latex allergy concerning enough that I carry an EPI Pen.


I have already had correspondences with the head of hotel, the head of food and the medical team about what is used on ship.


No latex gloves used anywhere in any food area, prep, plating, serving or cleaning. So I am good there.


Hotel uses latex gloves in cleaning but they stated they would not used latex gloves in the group of cabins where my cabin is. They suggested I utilize my cabin for restroom facilities and I think that is very reasonable. I have never had a reaction in any public restroom but agree for everyone to feel most comfortable I will not use the public facilities unless urgent.


Medical has invited me to visit the infirmary on embarkion to introduce myself and meet them which I am actually stoked about as I am a nurse and was trying to find a way to see the medical facilities without being a pest. No latex used in medical either.


My question for all you experienced cruisers is what other areas should I be aware of?


I have seen mention of a "balloon drop" one night. Where does this usually occur and is it a happens every cruise thing or just some cruises?


I also read mention on one of the British Isle trip reports about balloons being batted back and forth in one of the shows. Is this something anyone has experienced on an Alaskan cruise?


I know they place balloons on doors for celebrations and those are easily avoided by being aware as I walk to/from my cabin and not running into them.


I know I am ONE of 3000+ on the ship so I do not expect balloons to be eliminated. I would like to know what areas might have them so that I can be more aware and not ruin my day or anyone else's.


I have managed to survive trips to Disneyland so I am sure I will be fine on the cruise but would like to be aware ahead of time.

Usually the balloon drop is held in the Piazza area.

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While I am in no way disparaging the issues the OP has with latex I wish there was something I could do about perfume. I can avoid latex. I can't avoid perfume. I have had countless times in the theater, in MDR, in HC, in Wheelhouse, in Explorers, in restaurants and theaters on land, etc. ruined by perfume. There is soooooooo often some woman who has doused herself in perfume and leaves a trail wherever she walks or invades a space of maybe 15 feet (or more) from her body wherever she sits. I get settled and am having a wonderful time and then BOOM! I have a massive headache because of some person who thinks that the entire world needs to experience her perfume.


Sorry for the rant but it is really a huge drag to have my evenings or whatever ruined by others who seem to have no clue.

True! I like to know where I am, NOT where I've been! The perfume "trail;s" can last quite a bit of time. Depends on the air circulation. It's the same going through the "gauntlet" as I call it at Macy's/Bloomingdales ladies perfume counters.

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