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The Nickle Family Takes on Alaska.


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#3: In Which I have Fallen Behind in Posting and Wish to Discuss The Food.


I am so genuinely apologetic about my silence of the last few days. We have dealt with a colonoscopy amongst us (everything came out ok in the end) and with the eminent arrival of my third daughter; the lovely French foreign exchange student from 5 years ago who comes back to visit us periodically and is coming tomorrow for a two week visit. Anyhoo, on to the FOOD! If there is one word to sum up our dining experience, it’s “inconsistent.”


When we boarded, we sped up to the Lido Deck because mainly, my 19 year old youngest hadn’t eaten in almost an hour and he was DYING of starvation. The Lido Deck is laid out well, with stations set up in a double situation, back to back, so you can access the offerings from either side of the main service area. There is a cadre of a wait staff who fills your drinks, and a bar staff to see to your soda and alcohol wishes. We noticed throughout the week drink service, both bar and dining room, can be pretty spotty. The food was ok; it was Lido Deck food (and my rule all week was, “I’m on a cruise with my family. Everything is great.”). We enjoyed the times we ate breakfast there. The omelette station was always efficient and the omelettes came out really tasty. The fruit was very fresh; bread and pastry offerings were fine. The times I asked for scrambled eggs I thought they were pretty good, actually, as was the bacon. My vegetarian oldest asked for veggie links with her eggs and said they were pretty good. We ate lunch up there most days. I LOVED the salad bar. The veggies for the salad bar were fresh and plentiful; you could really have a nice selection. The Asian offerings each day were really good at the Lido Deck as well. I don’t think any of us ever got the main hot service; it was salad, Asian, Pizza, or the Dive-In every day that we ate lunch there.


The Dive-In and New York Pizza were very inconsistent. One day my daughter got the Veggie burger there and thought it was delicious. She ordered the same thing two days later and said it wasn’t nearly as good. Same thing with the pizza. That’s what my two youngest ordered on embarkation day for lunch and thought it was delicious. Two days later, burnt crusts and bland toppings. Not sure what the deal was but overall food service seemed somewhat hit and miss at the Lido Deck.


We ate breakfast at the Pinnacle Grille one morning, just Liverpool and me, for some needed quiet time. It was lovely, and there is something special and commemorative about the high level of service there. Two other times we ordered room service breakfast off the door-hanger menu, and actually it ended up being our favorite breakfasts. Both times it was delivered promptly and hot, and the coffee was very very good. (I used the coffee maker in our room a couple of times; I really liked the room service coffee better.)


Dinner was really a mixed bag. Twice in the main dining room, once in the Pinnacle, once in the Tamarind, once on our own in Juneau, and the rest at the Lido Deck. I have no foodie pictures; I was eating. Our first evening at the MDR was ok. We had excellent service from Mo, but, and I’m prepared to take the beating for this, we found the food completely unremarkable and unmemorable. The seafood bisque was a cream base and nothing else; no bits of seafood. Liverpool, Oldest, and Middle are the dessert eaters in the family and they were not impressed. I realize how snotty that sounds, but again, not real memorable.


Our main issue with the MDR was with our second meal there. The first evening my daughter asked to see the “vegetarian menu”, and was told that there is a vegan menu, which is also vegetarian, but that you have to order a dish off of it by 9 in the morning for your dinner that day. There were one or two vegetarian offerings on the main menu each evening, but I feel they could step their game up a bit on the selections. Having one or two choices off of a menu doesn’t make a restaurant vegetarian friendly, and actually a lot of people who are not vegetarian enjoy vegetarian dishes as much as they do meat dishes. So, three days later Oldest and I trot down to the MDR and speak with the dining room manager, as instructed, to place an order off of the vegan menu. The manager did his best to discourage Oldest from even looking at the menu, much less ordering from it. She was about to fold like a card table, but before I knew it I had the mom face on and she got the menu. She was uncomfortable and I felt bad for her, but she ordered. That night at dinner, the other four of us received our appetizers and she did not. I finally flagged down our waiter (whose name I will not mention here, but believe me it’s all over my opinion form HA sent me) and, impatiently, he told me, yes, yes, she used the special menu and it takes longer. She told us to go ahead and eat, and our appetizers were eaten and our main dishes set in front of us before her appetizer showed up. Our plates had been cleared away totally before she ever saw her dinner. It was uncomfortable for her. She felt like she had been high maintenance in asking to order off of the vegan menu that HA has posted on their website, (and this is current) https://www.hollandamerica.com/assets/cruise-vacation-onboard/Vegetarian_Menu.pdf. So I am not sure what the problem was. Also, she was told to place her order the morning of, and on the website it asks for it the day before. I have ranted a bit about this, and to be honest if it had been for me I would have blown it off, but it was for my daughter so I am probably coming off like Shirley McClain shrieking at the nurse that it’s time for Debra Winger’s shot. Sorry about that. It just seems like an inefficient system set up to be able to meet the needs of what really is not an unusual dietary request.


We ate dinner at the Pinnacle our last evening on board, and again with the weird wait staff experience! Middle asked for a Caesar salad with no anchovies. Our wait person told Middle that she needed to eat them; they were delicious! Then Middle wanted a steak with no sauce and our waiter, who, except for this ONE THING was lovely and a good waiter, forced peppercorn sauce on her, but agreed to put it on the side. Then, weirdly and randomly, informed us she was adding Brussels sprouts to our order in addition to the other vegetables we had ordered “because they are so good.” They were tasty, but it was kind of discomfiting to have our words ignored. She had no trouble when my Youngest ordered a steak with no sauce, it was just Middle that she seemed to feel needed guidance. Middle is 23, ya’ll.


Far and away, there were two dining experiences we will be fondly remembering for years to come. First, was Oldest’s birthday dinner at the Tamarind. From the moment you are seated right up through the wonderful assortment of desserts, the Tamarind provides a memorable meal that is very much worth its distinction as a supplemental restaurant. Every bite was delicious, the vegetarian options were many, and it was just a relaxed, wonderful evening. Had we known it was absolutely that good I think we would have shrugged off the fee and eaten there a few more times. The second amazing experience was ordering High Tea to be delivered to our stateroom. It was just perfect and delicious and very lovely. Savory sandwiches, small delightful scones, and treats and petit fours that were gobbled up happily. I am so happy that we did that; it was special and very memorable.


I guess for us, the food quality overall was just all over the place on the scale. We had wonderful, mediocre, and, in a couple of instances, just bad food. I very much realize that any number of people would love what we disliked and possibly not been impressed with what we liked; food appreciation is very very subjective. At the end of the day, I was on vacay, and I was fine.

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I am enjoying reading your review. We took our two adult daughters last June on a similar 7 day cruise out of Seattle.



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Isn't it just the best when you can spend that time with your kids? We had spent two days in Seattle before, and had such a wonderful time. I'm so glad you were able to do that with your family!

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Ok, now for a funny story. Or, depending on your perspective, "tragic". Or, as Oldest referred to it, "surreal."


So we are just sitting on our balcony, having enjoyed a lovely morning in Ketchikan, and watching people running up to the ship as it was time for the All Aboard. The stateroom next door we think was occupied by two couples. We didn't see them very much, but we heard them a lot all week. They were onboard on some kind of casino package, so they were in the casino a lot when we were out at sea. We know about the casino package because apparently drinking makes them deaf and they have to shout to whoever is standing 8 inches away. So it's 12 noon, and they and some friends who were also along on a casino deal were out on their deck. We think there were at least 6 of them. They were drunk. Not "I've had a beer too many" drunk, but more, "now, see, I had no idea 12 tequila shots on an empty stomach made me stupid" drunk. They were loud, and they were laughing hysterically right up to the point that someone in the balcony above leaned over and shouted down, "Hey! Aren't you that guy that played the $500 dollar chip last night at the table? Don't EVER do that again!" Which immediately began arguing between the inebriated people next door because the wife of whoever played the $500 chip had no idea he had tossed down a $500 chip and my friends, the chips got real about then. There was arguing, screaming, the distinct sounds of someone hurling on the deck, and running feet and slamming doors. Then it got quiet for a few moments, then everyone came rushing back out onto the deck. Apparently, one of the men needed to use the restroom for a normal bodily function, but couldn't make it across the room to the bathroom, and now there was a big smelly mess on the floor in the stateroom. I am not making this up. The women were complaining, and the thing that made them the most angry was that now it smelled in the stateroom. Not the actual act, or the $500 chip, or the fact that they had somehow married someone raised by wolves, but that it was stinky. So Oldest, Middle and I are there, looking at each other, and I'm quietly motioning for us to just retreat into our room when one guy, perhaps the one needing the diaper, starts laughing and says as he jiggles the partition between their balcony space and ours, "hey! We can get the room guys to unlock this and make it one big deck!" At which point I shot up and said, "Oh hell no." And we went into our room and shut the door. Oldest saw them leaving the room about an hour later when she was leaving to go to her room and they were careful to not make eye contact. The moral of this story is, ya'll...don't drink and sail. Or maybe, try to not be hammered by noon. Or...if you think it could be a problem, invest in Depends. Because whatever they pay those room stewards it's not enough to put up with LITERAL crap.

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Loving your review so far, and I'm following along! I will be doing a similar trip next year with my hubby and 21 and 23 year olds, but on N.A. instead of Eurodam from Vancouver instead of Seattle...will have Skagway instead of Sitka. We have the same issue with getting everyone together at the same time. Right now we have a regular balcony and an inside, but have considered a SS.instead of the balcony for the room for all 4 of us to hang out during the day. So far I haven't found any hugely discounted prices and we have to save some $$ for excursions. That NS looks amazing!! I will keep watching for sales.


Thanks for taking the time to do this. Can't wait to read more!!


Actually we had originally booked a SS for us, and an inside for the kids. Then we received an upsell offer that we felt was worth it and that's how we ended up with the NS, and, for having three other adults along it worked great! So happy you can do this next year! I bet you'll have a wonderful time.

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Ok, now for a funny story. Or, depending on your perspective, "tragic". Or, as Oldest referred to it, "surreal."


So we are just sitting on our balcony, having enjoyed a lovely morning in Ketchikan, and watching people running up to the ship as it was time for the All Aboard. The stateroom next door we think was occupied by two couples. We didn't see them very much, but we heard them a lot all week. They were onboard on some kind of casino package, so they were in the casino a lot when we were out at sea. We know about the casino package because apparently drinking makes them deaf and they have to shout to whoever is standing 8 inches away. So it's 12 noon, and they and some friends who were also along on a casino deal were out on their deck. We think there were at least 6 of them. They were drunk. Not "I've had a beer too many" drunk, but more, "now, see, I had no idea 12 tequila shots on an empty stomach made me stupid" drunk. They were loud, and they were laughing hysterically right up to the point that someone in the balcony above leaned over and shouted down, "Hey! Aren't you that guy that played the $500 dollar chip last night at the table? Don't EVER do that again!" Which immediately began arguing between the inebriated people next door because the wife of whoever played the $500 chip had no idea he had tossed down a $500 chip and my friends, the chips got real about then. There was arguing, screaming, the distinct sounds of someone hurling on the deck, and running feet and slamming doors. Then it got quiet for a few moments, then everyone came rushing back out onto the deck. Apparently, one of the men needed to use the restroom for a normal bodily function, but couldn't make it across the room to the bathroom, and now there was a big smelly mess on the floor in the stateroom. I am not making this up. The women were complaining, and the thing that made them the most angry was that now it smelled in the stateroom. Not the actual act, or the $500 chip, or the fact that they had somehow married someone raised by wolves, but that it was stinky. So Oldest, Middle and I are there, looking at each other, and I'm quietly motioning for us to just retreat into our room when one guy, perhaps the one needing the diaper, starts laughing and says as he jiggles the partition between their balcony space and ours, "hey! We can get the room guys to unlock this and make it one big deck!" At which point I shot up and said, "Oh hell no." And we went into our room and shut the door. Oldest saw them leaving the room about an hour later when she was leaving to go to her room and they were careful to not make eye contact. The moral of this story is, ya'll...don't drink and sail. Or maybe, try to not be hammered by noon. Or...if you think it could be a problem, invest in Depends. Because whatever they pay those room stewards it's not enough to put up with LITERAL crap.


Wow! Simply, wow! Some people think this world exists solely for them. Sorry you had to deal with bad neighbors. I've enjoyed your review.

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Thank you for your detailed and honest review. I'm sorry that you had such up and down service in the dining rooms. I'm sure the PG server was just trying to provide a good experience, but they need to know when to back off. We had a great team on one of our Carnival Paradise cruises, but they pushed so much on my (then) 10 year-old son one night that he was literally sick. I'm glad they're proud of what they serve, but if something is really not to be missed, just bring a taste.

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Can you get your kids perspective on their room?


Absolutely! Middle is up and about and had these comments: the room was fine, even for three people, because it was mainly just a room to sleep in. They had keys to our room and that's where we hung out onboard. The beds were comfortable, and she loved the various pillow choices. The one disadvantage is that the sofa that makes into a third twin bed full faces the door to the restroom, which has no nightlight, so if someone had to get up in the middle of the night the person on the sofa bed was awakened by the bathroom light. There was plenty of storage room, and lots of lighting. The bathroom was ok. They were provided bath salts even though all they had was a shower and they thought that was hilarious. Please understand that she lives on campus in a dorm room that's in a 60 year old building, so the Eurodam small inside rooms seemed pretty palatial to her. Oldest lives in what passes for a studio apartment in NYC so ditto on the Eruodam seeming like an upgrade. Middle also noted that their room steward seemed just as attentive to them as ours did to us, so that they did not feel as if they were, in the hierarchy of things, Leo DiCaprio to our Kate Winslet onboard ship. Which would have been bad anyway because of the whole sinking thing. And there was room on that door for both of them.


Back to the room...Middle doesn't think they turned on the TV one time in their room; they checked their account on their IPads, and watched TV in our room. (Everyone loved the interactive system and the On Demand movies). When Youngest surfaces from his cave I will ask him about the room. I know the sofa facing the bathroom bugged him but I think everything else was ok.

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Wow! Simply, wow! Some people think this world exists solely for them. Sorry you had to deal with bad neighbors. I've enjoyed your review.


They were not actually in the room that much when we were awake, to be fair. At port stops, we were off the ship, and at sea, the casino was open and that's where they were. I can easily see this story becoming a family Hall Of Famer vacation story on down the line, right up there with The Time I Lost My ACL In Florida and The Time I Got Off The Train in England And My Husband Didn't Before It Took Off. Mainly, it was just...really? Ya'll think this is just fine and normal?

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Thank you for your detailed and honest review. I'm sorry that you had such up and down service in the dining rooms. I'm sure the PG server was just trying to provide a good experience, but they need to know when to back off. We had a great team on one of our Carnival Paradise cruises, but they pushed so much on my (then) 10 year-old son one night that he was literally sick. I'm glad they're proud of what they serve, but if something is really not to be missed, just bring a taste.


We kept reminding ourselves that it is no mean feat to serve varied meals at various locations to 2000 people every day. I think had we taken the tour offered of the kitchens we would maybe have a better perspective of the chore it all really is to feed so many appetites three meals a day and snacks. The wait staff was never rude to us, and the PG wait person was friendly and I really think she thought she was being helpful. It just made Middle pretty uncomfortable. I'm sorry that happened to your son. Back in the day when she was 10 that would have been Middle's response.

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Enjoying your review! Taking my three teens/tween this August on the Zaandam. Look forward to your excursion reviews!


BTW- read your sh*&ty story out loud to my husband. UNBELIEVABLE. One reason we chose HAL was the hope we wouldn't have drunks and partiers onboard.

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Absolutely! Middle is up and about and had these comments: the room was fine, even for three people, because it was mainly just a room to sleep in.


Thanks, we "always" sail in insides, our next one in July (Amsterdam for 14-nights to AK) will probably be no different, but since it is just my son & I this time, we booked guarantee - so in theory, we could get a window...

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I have to ask, what is an ACL? In my lingo, it is a ligament that holds the knee cap in place - pretty hard to "lose."



It's just that! I fell and tore it completely apart. So I have no useful ACL in my right knee, just the unconnected torn ends.

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They are everywhere!


this is a great review...but I just have to add this....our first Hal cruise was on the Maasdam out of Norfolk many years ago...dh and I were sitting in the ocean bar having a drink the afternoon we boarded and there was a gentleman at the bar acting strangely...not being too astute I asked dh...what is wrong with that man...."he's drunk"....Oh I said..... at 3 in the afternoon??? They are everywhere:eek:

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We got to know Rommel as our concierge on our first trans-Atlantic 3 years ago - what a wonderful young man! We saw him on a subsequent cruise (not ejoying the luxury of a Neptune Suite) yet when we encountered him on the ship more than a year later, he greeted us by name. Like you, we've enjoyed cruising with our whole family and there's nothing quite like it.


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)


I completely can see where he would remember former guests! He was very helpful and personable in his duties. He and Michael were excellent choices for the Concierge position.

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