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Hello everyone. We had such a wonderful dinner tonight, our last dinner in Rome, at Osteria 44. It was first recommended to us by the bartender at the St. Regis last time we were in Rome. This time was even better than last. Osteria 44 is slightly off the beaten path, near Via Veneto which is near the St. Regis and close to Termini as well. You’ll find a good amount of Americans here staying at higher end hotels but don’t let that scare you. The food is incredible and the service by Sergio, the owner, makes you feel as if you’re eating in someone’s luxurious kitchen. The prices aren’t cheap, but if you were to order the same dishes in a major US city you’d pay double and have half the quality. From an overall value perspective this place knocks it out of the park in my opinion.


Upon seating you’re greeted with a prosecco. We started with a steak tartar. Then two pastas. I’m not sure what they were and he recommended them but they were incredible. We followed up with splitting a veal saltimbocca. We then had some port and a cheesecake. We had an amazing bottle of wine which was only 62euro (for the quality this was worth much more). Total for all this, including an extra port on the house he brought out plus the 62euro wine our bill was 160euro. Not cheap, but given the quality of the meal and wine we would’ve paid at least 250/275 in Chicago plus tax etc. not to mention how incredible the service was and the uniqueness of the dishes. I highly recommend this place.
















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Here is an exterior restaurant shot




Before dinner we tried to grab drinks st the roof top of the Hotel Bernini but unfortunately the rooftop has a private party booked. Instead we grabbed drinks at Enoteca Bernini, a wine bar only a few hundred feet away from the hotel that caters to Americans but has some great prices and a great happy hour. We actually ran into a fellow celebrity cruiser from the Reflection! He had been there since the start of Happy hour so he might not remember seeing us but if you’re reading this, it was a pleasure seeing you again!


Tomorrow our flight is at 11am. We have RomeCabs picking us up at 7:30am. Nice and early so we don’t have any issues. We plan to just hang out in the priory pass lounge until boarding at 10:10am. We’re flying AA back and thankfully it’s non stop and on their Dreamliner so it should be a pleasant flight. Keep your fingers crossed for us!



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Here is an exterior restaurant shot




Before dinner we tried to grab drinks st the roof top of the Hotel Bernini but unfortunately the rooftop has a private party booked. Instead we grabbed drinks at Enoteca Bernini, a wine bar only a few hundred feet away from the hotel that caters to Americans but has some great prices and a great happy hour. We actually ran into a fellow celebrity cruiser from the Reflection! He had been there since the start of Happy hour so he might not remember seeing us but if you’re reading this, it was a pleasure seeing you again!


Tomorrow our flight is at 11am. We have RomeCabs picking us up at 7:30am. Nice and early so we don’t have any issues. We plan to just hang out in the priory pass lounge until boarding at 10:10am. We’re flying AA back and thankfully it’s non stop and on their Dreamliner so it should be a pleasant flight. Keep your fingers crossed for us!



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Looking forward to hear how the Dreamliner trip back was. We always try and fly nonstop from ORD so it's helpful to hear about others' flights.



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Well we are up and finishing our final packing before RomeCabs picks us up for the airport. The cost is 50euro. Not bad considering the flat taxi rate is 46euro I believe.


We’re on flight AA111 departing at 11:00am.


I’ll keep you all posted on my thoughts on the flight. It’s actually my first time on a dream liner and I’ve heard great things even from economy which is what we’re flying.


While on the flight I’ll have my laptop and plan to write a little more for you and recap some final thoughts of the entire trip.



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Our driver was 5 minutes early and we were in the car with luggage loaded by 7:30 (our scheduled pick up time). We made it to the airport relatively quick with no traffic. There was only a few minute wait for us to check in our bags. We thought we had an additional bag free per the AA website however it apparently does not apply to certain season flights and this flight of course did not quality for an additional bag free. 75euros for the extra bag. Oh well, we needed the stuff anyway and our flights through Celebrity were extremely cheap.


It took roughly 30 minutes to go through security and passport control. We’re currently sitting in the PriorityPass lounge just opposite gate E41. We depart from E43 so it works out very well. Unfortunately the lounge does not have vodka stocked so my pre flight vodka rocks isn’t going to happen today. I’ll just wait for the plane.



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Well we are back in Chicago in a taxi home. Ironically we live in a building that is connected to a hotel so at least the transition back to reality can be slow. Maybe I should stop at the hotel bar and pretend we’re still away?


Our flight was uneventful. Even though we were in cattle class, the service was great and I enjoyed the fact we were on a Dreamliner (787).






Leg room wasn’t amazing. I’m just under 6’ talk but I do have long legs (33” inseam) so for most people the leg room works. If you are taller and have long legs then get main cabin extra if you’re not booking business class.


The flight took off about 30 minutes late due to an air conditioning issue that needed to be repaired. We still arrived about 15 minutes early into ORD.


Service on the flight was very good, especially for economy. Drink service and a snack was served roughly 30 minutes into the air and a full meal served roughly 1 hour into the air. Drink service was plentiful and they care through the cabin with drinks 4 times in the first couple hours.




There were two choices. Pasta in a mushroom sauce or Shepard’s pie. I went with the pie. It was decently tasty and heavy enough to be filling.


After the meal service they offered drinks / coffee. The lights were kept dim after. The ambient lighting on the Dreamliner is great and the air quality is incredible.


Mid way through the flight they came through with ice cream and another drink service. In the center galley snacks and water were kept out for passengers to help themselves during the flight.


With around an hour and a half remaining they came through with a hot snack. It was a pizza wrap.




I thought the flight attendants were very cheerful and very accommodating. All were actually smiling! I’ve been starting to fly American more recently and I feel like they’re stepping up their game compared to years past.



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Glad to read you had an uneventful flight home Paul.


Your thoughtful kind comments regarding the Reflection crew you encountered are commendable. The West to East TA is arguably one of the most challenging cruises for them. With so many seasoned Celebrity cruisers on board the pressure is on the crew to provide the experience passengers expect. Losing an hour's sleep almost every night during the 7 sea day crossing means they are "running on empty" by the time they reach a port again.


I hope you get over the post cruise blues quickly and are soon back on board writing another enthralling blog.




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I’ll start this cruise recap with something a friend and fellow cruiser John passed along to me that he was told by his friend (and of course fellow Celebrity cruiser) Greg regarding deciding to retire. However, I think this applies to more than just retirement but to life in general. You will never be as young as you are now. You will never have as much time as you do now. You will probably never be as healthy as you are now. Give yourself permission to travel. Regardless if we are talking about retirement, travel or other things like starting a business or entering a relationship, etc. I think these are great words to live by and given it was something I heard on the cruise I wanted to share it with you all.

On one of the last days of the cruise Edward and I were talking about how much we enjoyed the cruise and how it is sad to go home. We were complaining about how long it is until our next cruise, 7 months, and how we wished it was sooner. While we cruise multiple times a year, as well as take other trips, I couldn’t help but think that is not the case for everyone. The cruise we were on might have been a one trip of a lifetime for some. Their trip to Rome their only chance to see the historic city. While we joke about not being in a suite, some others only dream of the ability to take even a three day cruise. On the last day we were chatting with John again and without us evening mentioning these thoughts he brought it up to us. Great minds think alike I suppose! So as we sit here on cruise critic and discuss the positives and negatives of Celebrity it is important for us to keep these things in mind. While there is nothing wrong with calling out flaws and holding our favorite cruise line accountable when things don’t go as planned (or as they rightly should) we must do so in a way that does not undermine our appreciation for what we have because when we do we put ourselves in a position to never to be satisfied with anything in life.

OK, now that we got that little life thought out of the way let us turn to the cruise. I covered all the basic items each day but I wanted to take this time to give my overall impression of the cruise itself in a macro sense, versus the day to day. I’ll just ramble on as thoughts pop into my head.

We only saw one production show, but the show we saw I very much enjoyed. It was Elysium, but it was changed from the one we saw before. I found this one to be more energetic and “fun” and there seemed to be more focus on group dance and group singing, versus smaller individual acts. I enjoyed it. We saw the other production show, Broken Strings, before and probably should’ve gone this time around but we didn’t. The people we spoke to on the cruise said they enjoyed it very much.

The bar staff on this cruise really seemed to work well together. While we typically always find a couple bartenders that we befriend or that we know from the past, my feeling on this cruise was that you did not need to do this to get great service. The ability for the bartenders to work well together and share duties, etc. during crowded times seemed to show. They’ve put together a good team. Granted, this is a transatlantic sailing so drinking is not as high as in the caribbean, but they did add the martini bar to the list of available bars for elite drinks. It did get crowded every night and the team there did a great job of taking care of everyone.

We ate in specialties each night with the exception of three nights. Two nights was MDR and the other night was dinner in a friend’s suite. Our dinners in the specialties all went very well. We had solid service in each restaurant and enjoyed the food. There were a couple items here and there that weren’t amazing, but all in all we had great food and great service. As I mentioned we ate in MDR two times. One night was great. The second night, lobster night, was so so. While we had quick service, it felt rushed and very…impersonal. Conversely, the first time in MDR we had extremely friendly wait staff that made us feel like we were in a small restaurant.

The common areas around the pool were kept in excellent shape. Even the slightest amount of rain brought out the pool butlers to squeegee the decks constantly. The pool bar always looked impeccable. The bathrooms off the pool deck always seemed to be kept very clean. We never noticed a shortage in towels, if anything it was the exact opposite. Every time we used the restrooms by the pool it looked as though they were just stocked.

In past cruises we haven’t gambled much. However, I was in Vegas the weekend before this cruise and was playing at least 8 hours a day, so I needed to weed myself off blackjack. I’d like to say that the dealers were, for the most part, fantastic. They were extremely engaging, would say hello even when walking around the ship, and were fun to talk to while playing. They were very nice, despite the fact they kept taking my money. Dimi the casino host also was nice and engaging. If you’re a player I think you’ll like him.

We were extremely lucky with our room attendant. Antonio is who we had for our room which was 6160. He was very attentive and was always asking what else he could do for us, if there was anything needed and if were happy with his work. But he did all this in a casual way and we saw him always every morning. I’d probably have to say he was the best room attendant we’ve had thus far.

I noticed the dancers and aerialists would be out and about occasionally at the bars and they were very engaging and seemed genuinely interested to talk to the guests. This is always a nice plus. In the past I’ve talked to some of the entertainment staff at length and it is always interesting to get their perspective behind their job.

The shops looked very nice on this ship and I didn’t find the sales staff to be pushy. While I did not go in them much, they’re usually a little on the “salesy” side. Not at all this cruise. They also added a Tiffany & Co on this ship which I haven’t seen before. I like their men’s atlas collection. I probably should’ve gone in there instead of the casino!

We got lucky with the ports of call and had beautiful weather in each port with the exception of Tenerife where it was rainy and a bit cold, except for the first hour or so in port. In all we had great weather. There were a couple days of a small spot of rain and some cool winds and cool breezes, but overall it was nothing that was a problem. We did have a couple of days of strong winds that had the boat moving some, but nothing that we couldn’t handle or that any experienced cruiser could handle for that matter.

What impressed me most about the entire cruise was all the staffs eagerness to please. From officers on down it appeared everyone was genuinely interested in taking care of guests, taking the time to talk with guests, and at the end of the day simply excelling at their job.

The people. Oh did we meet some great people on this cruise and run into some old friends too. Some of which we had no idea were going to be on this cruise (like Jack and Maria!). There are many things I love about cruising. I love the food. I love the feel of the ocean air. I love the unlimited liquor that is slowly pickling my liver. But most importantly I love the people I meet from guests to crew. From inside cabins to penthouse suites. I believe that who I am today is simply a sum of all the experiences, good and bad, that I have had in the past. The more I surround myself with people from all walks of life, the more I realize about myself and the more I can grow into a better person. Each random conversation I have at the martini bar to a conversation I have with someone next to me at dinner, it leaves an impact, no matter how big or small, on me. So when people ask me what I loved most about my trip, I always say it is the people. Sure the ports are great. Seeing Barcelona was incredible. Walking through the Vatican always puts me in awe. However it is the conversation we had with the owner of Osteria 44 last night that I will remember about my trip in Rome. It is the time Edward and I just sat silently watching the sunset. It is sitting with Arya, the bartender at Sunset Bar, on the last day of the cruise discussing his life….it is these things that I will remember. This is why I love to cruise and this is why I love to write and blog for all of you because I enjoy you being a part of what makes our time so special.

Thank you all so very much for being a part of our journey. For all of you on our cruise who took the time to speak with us you helped make our cruise what it was; a wonderful memorable experience.


In the coming days I will be uploading some videos to YouTube and putting together more photos for all of you which I will post here including the full video presentation of Le Petite Chef. Please continue to ask questions as they come into your head, I will be happy to answer them.

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Paul - Well said. As others, I have been following along on your voyage and you and Edward clearly had a wonderful time. You hit the nail on the head as to why I cruise. People often think it's the destination or the food. Nope...PEOPLE. As you, I have made many great connections on board ships and have arranged to sail again with them, attended weddings, shared in their moments of sorrow and enjoy. I have also connected with many crew members from years ago who still work for Celebrity today and what I enjoy most is seeing them advance in their careers and their happiness.


I am now going through cruise withdraws because the next one is not until December. I just returned from a back to back on the Equinox (first time doing that) and it was fun meeting all new people on the second sailing. Hopefully our ocean currents will cross at some point on a TA. Next one is not until fall 2019 on the Edge (I was on the fall Silhouette crossing this past November). Hope your transition to land based living is easy on you.

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Thank you so much for sharing your cruise experience, it was a brilliant review with excellent photo's. I even had those 'last day blues' on your last day!! Like you, my partner and I are fortunate enough to cruise a couple of times of year. It would be so easy to get complacent and take things for granted but we really try to appreciate every day and take from it what we can, but generally we're just happy to be on a ship!!


Just a quick question - do you find the Refection busier than the other S class ships due to the extra cabins??


Thanks again for inviting us along

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Thanks for the great review and updates. We are taking this TA the other way in October. For some reason you get one more port in Italy Westbound than we get East bound. No biggie, just interesting.


Can you tell me if the app works for people who do no purchase the internet time?


Do you find enough activities and entertainment during the 7 sea days? I was wondering if it less for a TA (Our first coming up) because they have to keep the entertainers on board for 7 days and not switch them out on port stops.





Hi, we're doing the West bound in October too. It's already been a busy roll call


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Paul, I always love following along on your and Edwards adventures but this was your best yet. Your summation made me teary eyed, so poignant and so much how many of us feel. We don't cruise or vacation nearly as often as you but I so look forward to every upcoming cruise and all that it entails.


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your generosity; answering any and every question, making us feel like we are there and, most importantly, your compassion for your readers and everyone that you encounter. Enjoy your next 7 months and I look forward to traveling along on your next cruise adventure.


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Thank you so much for sharing your cruise experience, it was a brilliant review with excellent photo's. I even had those 'last day blues' on your last day!! Like you, my partner and I are fortunate enough to cruise a couple of times of year. It would be so easy to get complacent and take things for granted but we really try to appreciate every day and take from it what we can, but generally we're just happy to be on a ship!!


Just a quick question - do you find the Refection busier than the other S class ships due to the extra cabins??


Thanks again for inviting us along


Thank you for following along. I don't believe I've ever felt that the Reflection was more crowded given the extra cabins, with the exception of when we have dined in Luminae. We were not in Luminae this time around, but we have been in the past on the Reflection and given the extra suites I have found Luminae in Reflection to be busier.

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Paul this is just what I needed to get me over the hump till my next cruise. I leave Friday for San Juan and a 14 night TA and an additional 2 nights in Rome. Luckily I am flying business class all the way. I wish I has the fortitude to do a blog like you, however I would probably fizzle out after a couple of day. Thanks again for such a wonderful review.


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Paul hi; I stumbled on your YouTube post and followed it here. A couple of questions if I may:

- I think the Reflection just went through a refurb earlier this year. Not knowing if you've been on the Reflection before, I'm curious to know whether you noticed anything really different or if the ship just felt "rejuvenated"?

- Lightly curious to know if you've experienced any kind of homophobia on Celebrity? I assume you have not; it seems like a very welcoming company. I ask only because I've experienced some passive-aggressive behaviour on my Carnival cruises, ultimately deciding the "air" was just a little too stuffy when it comes to PDAs with my husband. :)

- Did you spend any time in Rome post-cruise? We're flying into Leonardo da Vinci about 30 hours before departure, but the logistics of seeing any of Rome while trying to stay in Citavecchia seem daunting. Any insights based on your experience?


I've quite enjoyed watching and reading your blogs... thank you!




I’ll start this cruise recap with something a friend... a
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Paul, thanks for another wonderful live review! I truly appreciate the time and creativity you put into your reviews. We sailed on the Reflection eastbound TA last year, and we felt the same about the crew. They were the best crew we’ve encountered thus far. Here’s hoping we run into you and Edward at the Martini Bar on a future cruise:D:D

Cheers, Michelle

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