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Mariner Grand Pacific Paradise Voyage: Miami - Sydney, 10/10 -12/15/2018 - Rich48100


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Kudos/Props to our lead blogger Rich48100/Rich and Barbara for a terrific blog post of their Regent Choice Excursion to Lake Attilan and visit to Panchel.


Good Morning from Regent’s Seven Seas Mariner as we cruise on the Pacific Ocean as we r route to our next port—Acapulco, Mexico.


First, would like to share a few photos of the Zoo excursion (AutoSafari Chaplin) by we enjoyed yesterday in Guatemala.  We needed to arrive back on board as we had dinner plans with dear friends; Peggy (pwlftx), jhp (Olivia), and Steve and Kathy in Prime 7.  We were celebrating Peggy’s late beloved husband’s birthday (Jerry passed recently).


During our excursion we drove in one of Guatemala’s attractions coveted by local Guatemalans—a visit to the AutoSafari Chaplin Park (Zoo) by vehicle (in our case by bus).  Our guide had only shared this excursion with cruise passengers three times in the decade he (Oscar) has been guiding.


Oscar was a font of Guatemala’s culture—letting us know his country is rich in many resources (Gold, Silver), fruit (banana’s, avocados, et. Al) and one of Central America’s top exporters of sugar.  Guatemalans speak 24 languages; most citizens speak Spanish, but regional Guatemalans also speak 21 different Mayan dialects.  Alas, Oscar explained Guatemala has massive unemployment due to citizens being either over or under educated.  This situation leads many Guatemalans to rely on self employment (Oscar spent a day traveling 350 km for this tour guide job).  


Unfortunately, this education schism has resulted a decades of corruption by Guatemala’s government leaders.  This has led to huge migration of Guatemala citizens out of their country looking for a better life elsewhere.


During our Zoo excursion, we enjoyed viewing up close colorful: McCaw’s, Hippopotamus’s, Goats being vaccinated by Park Veterinarians, Lions, White Tailed Deers, Ostriches, Giraffes, Spider Monkeys, and White faced Capuchins and Rhesus Monkeys.


We arrived back on board the Mariner about 3pm and enjoyed a light lunch at the Mariner’s pool grill.  Ida and I were our saving our appetites for the delicious meals to come in the Steak house venue on board—Prime 7.


We met up with our friends in Prime 7 and we savored/enjoyed (thank you Peggy) a glass of the smoothest Scotch Whiskey (in honor of Jerry) we have ever tasted (oh so smokey tasting, Johnny Walker Blue).


Please enjoy a few photos and videos of our special visit to Guatemala and remembering a remarkable man (Husband, Father, Grand Father,Navy Vet, Scientist) Jerry along with his dear wife of over a half century Peggy and wonderful friends 




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Wes, a very special dinner indeed.  We had the opportunity to toast Jerry with a glass of blue on our last cruise; I hope that is a never ending tradition.  


Peggy, Olivia, Kathy and Steve; look forward to your reports, too.  Arlene and I wish we could have sailed with you on the magnificent Mariner.  Say hi to John for us.


Arlene and Marc

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16 hours ago, FlyerTalker said:


Well, apparently you don't "hate to be political" enough to keep that commentary to yourself.


I don't use my vacations, or my online presence, to proselytize my personal political opinions.  And I hold those who also show restraint in high regard.



Thank you FlyerTalker, wish everybody was like you!

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14 hours ago, rich48100 said:

Boy these cruise critic pages are really sensitive, I just touched a spot on the iPad and posting occurred.  Have to be super careful with these stubby fingers.


Anyway, our day started with breakfast in our room that came on time and hot.  No hiccups.  Then off to Constellation lounge for our Lake Atitlan and Panajachel tour.  Got off on time and travelled about two hours by bus to get there.  Interesting and green countryside, showers and low clouds today, so viewing the volcanos will not be as good as hoped.  At Lake Atitlan we came on a day when they were celebrating one of their patron saints so lots of festivities, booths, carnival rides, and lots of folks hawking their wares as we walked to the boat for our cruise on the lake.  A little annoying, but they are trying to make a buck.


nice smooth ride on the lake, but because of the clouds, not as spectacular as I had experienced some 50 years ago.  Ride was about an hour, and plenty of time for picture taking, and covered in case there was rain.  The clouds around the volcanoes gave it a kind of eerie feel, and completely different views than what I experience before.  Had a nice lunch at a hotel in Panajachel, and then time for shopping.  Then back on the boat for a ride back to our busses.  This time rain arrives with some wind, and we all huddle below decks. We were dry, and a lot of great conversation ensued.  Got back to the ship about 6 for a 7 o’clock departure.  


Tired so so we ate at the patio grill for dinner.  Many people from the late excursions were dining there.  I think Regent hit a home run with this new dining venue for the evening.  After getting cleaned up some, about to go to another wonderful performance from Nestor Santurio on the guitar.  He did great last time, and expecting the same today.











Your photos and commentary are great.  Now I know that we would not be interested in that excursion (nor the other one with the poor animals - it makes me sick to see them in such poor condition).  Was there anything near the ship - shops, restaurants or ???  If not, we will make this a "sea day".  


Thank you for taking the time to post.

Edited by Travelcat2
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Great photographs from all the live posters, thanks. Enjoying the onboard cuisine photos. Glad the pool deck evening relaxed dinner venue is going well for you all. It’s lovely to see the behind scenes staff and hear their personal stories.

Continue to have a wonderful cruise.    Jean.

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Well, we are offshore Acapulco, and ready to go ashore for more adventures.  Yesterday started out by being awoken at about 4 am with a howling wind outside.  Tropical depression Vincent’s moved a little too close and we were having 75 knot winds.  Rockin and Rollin, and noises coming through our sliding glass door.  Fortunately, I opened it and closed it hard and the noise went away.  As the day went on it got a lot calmer, and turned out to be a great day for sailing.


Went to talks by our two great speakers, lounged around the pool, exercised, sweated in the saunas, lounged around the pool, had a tasty Bloody Mary, lounged around the pool; I think you get the idea it was a relaxing day.  


Then went to the Seven Seas Society get together and saw Wes and Ida get there Platinum Pins, and others get there pins of choice that they have certainly “EARNED”, by cruising so many times.  Then had a great meal at the Compass Rose, and after hearing so much on this board about the Mizo glazed sea bass, I gave it a try.  It was good, not spectacular, but I would order it again.


then finished off the day by going to the show which was a tribute to Burt Bacharach as performed by the talented singers and dancers on the ship.


Now waiting for breakfast to be delivered to our room before our excursion, Nature Encounter Hike and Swim.  Until next time, signing off.

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Marq, thank you, and we wish Arlene and you were on board too. Peggy had dinner with Titantium+the Commodore last night—she was at the table adjacent ours.  She looked smashing—should have taken a snap


Dougburns;  Thanks Doug also wish Lynn and you were on board with us.


cruiseluv/Maria;  Thanks for your very kind words.


Good Morning Acapulco, Mexico.


Yesterday, we enjoyed yet another relaxing day at sea on board Regent’s Seven Seas Mariner.


We both enjoyed our morning workouts (elliptical time paired with enjoying the digital version of Saturday’s Wall Street Journal (Wes), and personal training time (Ida)) where the focus was on legs.  Ida then enjoyed numerous fitness classes given by the Mariner’s outstanding fitness instructor on board, Bianca.


Ida enjoyed playing in the daily Officer’s Challenge, yesterday it was the Officers best game, Top Toss as the Officers competed against Regent Guests. Please enjoy a few photos (and videos)


We both prepared ourselves (e.g., burned the calories) to enjoy the wonderful appetizers (at the Regent Seven Seas Society Party) and then cuisine post party at the Mariner’s making dining venue, “Compass Rose.”


Every voyage, on board a Regent Ship, there is a Regent Seven Seas Society Party recognizing the length of service for select crew members, and to recognize guests who have sailed multiple days on Regent.  Eddie, the Mariner Cruise consultant, let us know we had 35 Silver (Guests who had sailed Regent 21 day+) 84 Gold Society members (Guests who have sailed (75+days), Gold members (Guests who have sailed 200+days), 29 Titanium members (Guests who have sailed 400+ days), and one Diamond member (sailed 1000+ nights) and one Commodore (2000+ nights).  Am posting tier nights needed for each Seven Seas Society level by memory so hoping these numbers are correct.


John Barron, the Mariner’s exceptional Cruise Director, let the near 464 Seven Seas Society members know (out of a total of 690 Regent guests on board) that the SSS party was started 26 years ago on Regent’s first ship, Song of Flower.


Recently, Regent and Ship leadership also decided to share with Society members, crew members who also reached select levels of tenure (5/10/15, et. Al., yr service with Regent).


The mariner crew shown in the photo below are (L2R)Reynaldo (10 yr service)Samuel (5yr service), Steven (5yr service), Aladdin (10 yr service) and Kadek (10 yr service). Vladimir was also recognized for his (15 yrs of service) with Regent 


Please enjoy a few photos taken before and during Regent’s Seven Seas Party, and from our delish dinner last night on board.








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 Lynda here, 


Joining Mariner at Papeete, husband and I celebrating 40th wedding Anniversary.


Just  wondering are we going to be the only Brit’s, (from Scotland) on board. Not that that’s a problem, on other cruises, have always had great from with our friends across the pond.


Really looking forward to our voyage, and new adventures and hopefully new friends.


Countdown started, making Christmas Cake with Grandchildren today. So it will have time to mature.


Then it’s starting the packing process yehhhhhhhh.


Maybe see you aboard.


Lynda and Hubby Mike


Bon voyage to all.


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27 minutes ago, Hambagahle said:

I tried to post from my iPad yesterday and it didn't work...now I am home I am able (I hope) to post and to say what great reading this thread is - thanks to all the contributors!   Nothing like a "virtual" cruise.   Best to all


Gerry, are you trying to post from your iPad using the CC or Tapatalk app?  You may have heard that these are no longer supported with the new and "improved" CC:classic_huh:

You should be able to access the boards using your device by setting your browser to https://boards.cruisecritic.com/


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On 10/19/2018 at 6:37 PM, FlyerTalker said:


Well, apparently you don't "hate to be political" enough to keep that commentary to yourself.


I don't use my vacations, or my online presence, to proselytize my personal political opinions.  And I hold those who also show restraint in high regard.



Really all I wanted to do was ask the question about Regent's use of that hotel.  So I'll ask it more directly--does Regent tend to use that hotel for its Miami galas?  Perhaps it varies.  I was hardly proselytizing.

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Rich48100/Rich & Barbara; wanted to say thank you on the second edit of post above but Mariner internet went down from just after 7am until after 11am.  Hope y’all enjoy the Acapulco Nature Hike and Swim.  And thanks for posting about the 14 or so Regent Guests who earned their new tier and received pins.

As John Barron told one Titantium couple, “Thank you for your money” :).  The outstanding Regent crew deserve hearty kudos, because those of us who earned new status on boarding, owe it to the intuitive, never say no, always smiling crew who go above & beyond daily with their stellar service—and thus, make us (almost) instantly want to book another Regent cruise.


Flossie009/Susan & David.  Thank you very much for your Congratulations.


Steffens; Will try to find out the number of Brits (and those who are from Scotland) that willl be on your voyage.  We have a number of Brits on our voyage now.


Hambagahle/Gerry & Ken; Your Welcome.  Yes, learning the new Cruise Critic format is challenging.

Edited by WesW
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Captain Green just informed us that our next two ports of CABO and San Diego are cancelled due to Hurricanes forming in our path.  This decision was made for safety reasons based on his consultation with the Regent office in Miami.


Now we have at least nine sea days as we depart Acapulco (now leaving at 11pm so select crew members who were transitioning (e.g., David Dos Santos the restaurant mgr who was leaving from SDiego is now leaving from this port) in San Diego) enroute to our first port in Hawaii at the end of the month.

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21 minutes ago, WesW said:

Captain Green just informed us that our next two ports of CABO and San Diego are cancelled due to Hurricanes forming in our path.  This decision was made for safety reasons based on his consultation with the Regent office in Miami.


Now we have at least nine sea days as we depart Acapulco (now leaving at 11pm so select crew members who were transitioning (e.g., David Dos Santos the restaurant mgr who was leaving from SDiego is now leaving from this port) in San Diego) enroute to our first port in Hawaii at the end of the month.

Good grief!  Safe sailing, and do enjoy those sea days, even if there are a few more than anticipated.  Must be a logistical nightmare for the crew.

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3 hours ago, Wendy The Wanderer said:

Really all I wanted to do was ask the question about Regent's use of that hotel.  So I'll ask it more directly--does Regent tend to use that hotel for its Miami galas?  Perhaps it varies.  I was hardly proselytizing.


I guess the "I would have a problem with that" in your post just somehow slipped out - completely accidentally.


Must be the new CC format that caused it.

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33 minutes ago, WesW said:

Captain Green just informed us that our next two ports of CABO and San Diego are cancelled due to Hurricanes forming in our path.  This decision was made for safety reasons based on his consultation with the Regent office in Miami.


Now we have at least nine sea days as we depart Acapulco (now leaving at 11pm so select crew members who were transitioning (e.g., David Dos Santos the restaurant mgr who was leaving from SDiego is now leaving from this port) in San Diego) enroute to our first port in Hawaii at the end of the month.


Wes, interesting that you are cancelling Cabo and San Diego; Vincente and Willa are both forecasted to hit mainland Mexico far south of Cabo; seems you wouldn't need to change your schedule at all unless Captain just wants to circle far to south of the two storms and then it is a timing and/or fuel issue..


Have a great crossing!



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