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What is being done about coronavirus.....


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3 hours ago, boblerm said:

Gerry, my understanding is that for at least those that are quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess, they are actually confined to their staterooms (!), so  infecting fellow passengers is not an issue.  It is hard to imagine what it is like to be confined under these circumstances, especially for those unlucky souls in inside cabins.  There is a lovely gentleman who is posting from that ship on Facebook, I do not believe that Cruise Critic guidelines allow posting links to Facebook (not sure about that), but his name is David Abel, he posts video clips of his and his wife's situation once or twice a day.


In regard to the virus affecting our cruise or any other cruise, the issue is not so much how many cases may be diagnosed in any given country as it is people carrying the virus not diagnosed falling ill while on the ship. Impossible to predict, but the odds are far lower on a smallish ship than, say, the RCCL Oasis.


If you are in the US already and the cruise is cancelled, Regent may or may not refund costs of changing your travel arrangements to return home.  If not, it will depend on whether or not you have your air arrangements covered under your insurance.

I read something by a British tourist onboard that said that everyone was allowed out of their cabins. Those in cabins without windows are allowed out at all times since that's the only way they get fresh air, and are not confined to their small cabins. All others are allowed out for exercise everyday. They were told to wear paper masks, not to stop to talk in groups, and to keep at least a meter between each other. This is obviously not working since the number of cases has sky rocketed on the Princess. The original contaminator (the 80 year old from Hong Kong), boarded on the cruise from Japan to Hong Kong, and got off in HK before the ship headed back to Japan, with his virus left behind. I would stay in my cabin (which will never be one without an opening window), where I have more control over the viruses I'm exposed to, and I would not complain that I had to keep my own cabin clean, as those onboard are complaining about.

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22 minutes ago, mrstanley said:

So... you flew all the way to Bali... cruise canceled.........and now you are stuck in Bali until you have a flight out?

What a nightmare!


Not a nightmare at all. Bali is awesome. Regent refunding 100% including a big credit and I got a 9 day vacation in bali in a private villa with plunge pool and with free airfare. Regent already booked my flights out. No worries!


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I have heard Japan as an ending port but not that they were going directly? I have also heard Singapore. Given the recent change to remove us transients from HK airport I suspect Japan is more likely...but it might indeed mean a severe shortage of ports between Bali and there. 

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5 hours ago, Another Court jester said:

As has already been said, looked at from the cruise lines perspective a single case of virus or even the threat of one ( since Regent are allowing transit passengers through HK airport against the cruise industries guidelines) can easily mean port denial and quarantine for what may become an extended period, at present at least two weeks.


in total this affects the current cruise ( possibly Bali,) the next cruise and even the one after that if deep clean and crew issues are taken into account. Chances of all this are increasing daily, Westerdam, Singapore code orange etc


From a business perspective the only logical way forward is to cancel or incur even greater costs.


The word of mouth criticism that is already happening can only increase if Regent keep taking the wrong decisions.






Regent is not making wrong decisions. They are doing the best that can under the circumstances (as are other cruise lines).  Do you think that Princess wanted their ships to be under quarantine?  Of course not!  Things change daily and short of canceling all cruises, things may happen that appear on the surface to be a wrong decision.

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People who are quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess in Japan have been wondering how long their isolation would last. On Friday, a health official gave an answer they might not like: the quarantine will be extended every time a new case of the Wuhan coronavirus is confirmed on the ship. 

The coronavirus quarantine that has kept some 3,700 people aboard the cruise ship is currently set to expire on Feb. 19 – but that date would be reset if any new samples from people on the ship test positive for the virus, Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of WHO's Health Emergencies Program, said Friday.

An additional 41 cases were confirmed early Friday, bringing the total among passengers and crew to 61. Those samples were part of the initial screening — meaning those confirmations don't require a new 14-day quarantine to begin. 

"The Japanese Ministry of Health has confirmed this is the last batch to be tested and the quarantine end date will be February 19, unless there are any other unforeseen developments," Princess Cruises said.



My point, and I know that the virus is not of Regents making, however now it is a known risk that authorities will quarantine or sometimes deny port entry to ships on scant evidence( Westerdam) or indeed Taiwan, surely the risk is such that cancellation is the best way. NCL have cancelled all Spirit sailings in Asia starting April citing virus concerns but are allowing Jade sailings in a few days time. 

yes all cruise lines are trying to come to terms with this situation but many have acted swiftly and with the passenger in mind.

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I am concerned this outbreak may destroy the cruise industry that even cruise ships that are going to the Pacific Islands from Australia are being denied entry into a couple of Islands.

I find it strange that a plane load of people from Wuhan infected province went Christmas Island yet passengers from Shanghai and Hong Kong are brought into major airports and not quarantined just told to self quarantine in other words stay at home for 14 days.  These passengers would possibly come from all over China just to get the flight out of China to get away from the virus. 

Those temperature monitoring equipment at the airports won't pick up someone who isn't showing the signs of sickness as yet but they are infectious to who ever they come into contact with and how may of these people from these flights are really going to self quarantine, possible none. They will possibly think they don't have it and go out shopping, clubs, restauranting, etc.

They should quarantining everyone coming out of China not just Wuhan and surrounds.

How can Cruise lines screen passengers coming onboard and say who has it and who doesn't when this virus is infectious even when someone doesn't show they have it, look at the Diamond Princess and the other ships that are now showing signs of passengers coming down with it.   

Until someone comes up with a vaccine this thing is not going away anytime soon and as for those ships in lock down in the Asian waters they reckon they have to be quarantined for 14 days but that 14 days doesn't really start till there is no one sick on board for 14 days not 14 days from first contact.  I was on a ship that the cruise before mine had the Norovirus and the whole ship was quarantined and we couldn't board till all sanitizing was carried out and even our luggage had to be dropped at a different location away from the ship and we had to meet at a designated area away from the ship and no one could board till the all clear was given and that was around 5pm not the usual 11 am onward times.  when onboard the whole ship was in high level sanitizing and for 72 hours and buffet counters were covered with plastic to stop people helping themselves.  Even the crew from the back office crew to waiters were washing walls and railings and everywhere in between and they were exhausted by the time the 72 hours were up and that 72 hours would only be lifted if no one reported sick with the symptoms.

In that 14 day trip there was not one sick person not even a cough, it was the most healthy ship in the world and the Captain was proud that his crew and passengers come through it clean and the crew did a fantastic job.  Every port we stopped at the locals in the shops would cringe because of concerns that we were going to infect them and when we told them that we had been through the sanitation for 72 hours and not one person is sick not even a cough then they felt relief, so how long will those ships in lock down going to be out of action who knows. 

I think there was something going on early last year around April 2019 when a lot of the Asian countries even Hong Kong had set up temperature monitoring at the international airports and the staff monitoring the equipment had masks on and there was heaps of Asians wearing  masks, so why did they have the equipment in place to monitor the common cold.  There wasn't any bad viruses back then so why all those checks.  I traveled pretty much all the way around the world and basically only saw these monitoring stations in Asia not even Sydney Airport had the equipment.  My question is why was a majority of Asians wearing masks and the temperature monitoring equipment set up in those Asian countries when there was no threat.  

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4 hours ago, Pcardad said:


Not a nightmare at all. Bali is awesome. Regent refunding 100% including a big credit and I got a 9 day vacation in bali in a private villa with plunge pool and with free airfare. Regent already booked my flights out. No worries!



LOVE your attitude and the place that you are staying at is gorgeous!!!!!

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Hopefully much to learn and improve around this new virus, especially around air/cruise travel, and public health safety.  

Interesting case in Australia where a couple from Wuhan flew into a capital city, became unwell and were tested and were positive for Corona virus.

Public health authority press conference spokeswoman said the couple were self isolating at home, and no further info would be released. 

Later another public health alert was posted to say the couple had attended a house auction a day after arriving by plane.

Flight number details were released and contact tracing was attempted for the other passengers on their flight.

Police were given authority to track their movements to identify any other public places they may have attended.

They are currently now isolated in a public hospital until clear and well enough to be released. 

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Call it what you want but at the end of the day we have the free choice to support or not support this business. This is the kind of attitude that separates solid companies from average companies. And I can't imagine a company being worse than NCL at customer service


They've continued to state their concern, for safety and well-being via posts here on cruisecritic (do any other cruiselines do that?), but most fair minded people observe their actions which are in directcontradiction as evidenced by the negative reaction in this forum.


They clearly know they are operating in a high risk geographic area. But they apparently have no problem incurring the risk of sailing a ship withtheir crew and officers into these areas. They have no problem asking customers to travel through and around these areas. They apparentlyhave no concern about infecting people in the ports of call to which they sail. They have no concern about a possible quarantine situation suchas Diamond Princess or a stranded at sea situation such asWesterdam.


The best thing that could happen right now for passengers booked would be for governments to continue to close ports....

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12 hours ago, boblerm said:

Gerry, my understanding is that for at least those that are quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess, they are actually confined to their staterooms (!), so  infecting fellow passengers is not an issue.  It is hard to imagine what it is like to be confined under these circumstances, especially for those unlucky souls in inside cabins.  There is a lovely gentleman who is posting from that ship on Facebook, I do not believe that Cruise Critic guidelines allow posting links to Facebook (not sure about that), but his name is David Abel, he posts video clips of his and his wife's situation once or twice a day.


In regard to the virus affecting our cruise or any other cruise, the issue is not so much how many cases may be diagnosed in any given country as it is people carrying the virus not diagnosed falling ill while on the ship. Impossible to predict, but the odds are far lower on a smallish ship than, say, the RCCL Oasis.


If you are in the US already and the cruise is cancelled, Regent may or may not refund costs of changing your travel arrangements to return home.  If not, it will depend on whether or not you have your air arrangements covered under your insurance.

The TV news last night said the passengers were "being allowed outside" - whatever that means?   Some have balconies so presumably always could get outside but there are many in inside cabins.   Situation (and the number infected on that ship) seems to be changing daily.

We have a very good insurance policy but I will have to see if cancellation because of an epidemic is covered.  We are not about to cancel and somehow I doubt that Regent or any other cruise line would cancel all their cruises.  Re-route them - yes of course - but right now there is no reason to re-route ours.  Cruise Critic has a very comprehensive article about many cruise lines and their individual responses to the situation.  It seems that Regent will refund passengers IF they (Regent) cancel the cruise.   Wish I could remember where I read this on CC but right now I have a nasty cold (nothing worse!) and my brain is foggy!!

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8 hours ago, Travelcat2 said:

Regent is not making wrong decisions. They are doing the best that can under the circumstances

I am sure that Regent staff are working very hard to address the extremely difficult logistical challenges, but guests booked on SS Voyager through to the end of March are right to be very concerned about their cruise arrangements and travel plans.

In particular those who have arranged their own flights and pre- or post-cruise accommodation will probably be less sanguine than @Pcardad


Regent's communications are somewhat lacking and certainly the following mistakes have been made:

  • Regent's statement that included the advice that guests travelling via Hong Kong would be allowed to board Voyager on Feb 12 (see post #141) was a gross error of judgement, taken against the advice of the Cruise Lines Association (CLIA). Although the advice was reversed yesterday it will have caused confusion and the revised advice may have come too late for some guests to amend their plans.
  • Regent's website has no relevant or up-to-date information. Looking at the UK version of the website this morning I cannot find any Coronavirus statements (see post #135) and the itineraries for Feb 12, Mar 1 and Mar 13 still show Voyager visiting Hong Kong and Taiwan, even though significant changes will have to be made. Not even a simple rider such as "Cruise under review" has been added to these pages.


9 hours ago, Another Court jester said:

Have found the NCL ( parent company of Regent ) board on Cruise Critic very interesting

NCL is not the parent company of Regent. NCL, Regent & Oceania are owned by NCLH.

I agree that the last few pages of the relevant thread on the NCL Board is interesting ........... and worrying. I hope that it does not reflect an NCLH corporate attitude but suspect it does.

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I hope it does not come to this for any Regent guests, and also hope that it would not be enforced, but the following is an extract from clause 25 of the RSSC UK Terms & Conditions:

"In cases of quarantine of the ship involving detention of guests, each Guest must bear all risk and expense thereby caused and will be charged for food and accommodation during the period of detention, payable day by day, if maintained on board the ship, and for all other quarantine fees and expenses assessed or incurred in respect of the Guest"

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As customers, we obviously have the option of declining to cruise or not and take a  financial hit or not. Has anyone picked up on any behind the scenes discussions of how the crews of the ships are feeling?  Everyone has a different tolerance level for perceived risk.

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19 hours ago, mrstanley said:

Crystal Cruise line is giving 100 percent towards canceling and going on another Crystal cruise. 

Yes, but only for a cruise that begins on or before April 2021.  Better than nothing, but not everyone can find and arrange to take a cruise in that time frame, especially in the price range of what they paid for this cruise.

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51 minutes ago, flossie009 said:

I hope it does not come to this for any Regent guests, and also hope that it would not be enforced, but the following is an extract from clause 25 of the RSSC UK Terms & Conditions:

"In cases of quarantine of the ship involving detention of guests, each Guest must bear all risk and expense thereby caused and will be charged for food and accommodation during the period of detention, payable day by day, if maintained on board the ship, and for all other quarantine fees and expenses assessed or incurred in respect of the Guest"

OMG.  They can imprison you (ok, being confined to a Regent suite is not exactly like prison, but still...) and make you pay for the privilege.  It is hard to believe that they would actually enforce this provision in the unhappy event that a crisis necessitates a ship wide quarantine as the Princess ship.


I searched the US contract in regard to quarantine, and do not see the "will be charged for food and accommodation during the period of detention," language there.



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The situation is so fluid at this point, I don’t envy Regent honchos.  I suspect that after saying passengers could fly through Hong Kong, they realized that if passengers did, the ship would be denied entry into ports -  hence, Pcardad’s sweet resolution.  

We have a cruise on Voyager in May.   I sure hope she makes it to Europe!  

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OMG I  am starting to totally freak out!  FIRST Regent cruise for May 4 on Explorer our of Lisbon.  Okay, I KNOW Explorer is out of Miami now and not going anywhere NEAR China.  We chose to 'self insure' and use only the insurance that came with our Chase Sapphire Reserve card...who EVER would have thought about something like this?  (Not me!)


This thread is basically about China etc for now...does anyone have information on what is happening with the ships in the other parts of the world?  


It's not only the ship..its the plane etc. Oye Vey..finally got hubbie to say yes on Monday and now this is blowing up

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