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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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14 hours ago, George C said:

We have a busy weekend, flying to Denver tomorrow, Thursday my mom will be buried next to my dad , then on Saturday my nephew is getting married.


What a mixture of emotions you will experience. I am sorry about your beloved mom. I will be thinking of you.



13 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

Not a good day .




So sorry Lenny. Time to get a new doctor. You need one that is compassionate.



13 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

It's 574 miles and says 8 hours and 36 minutes.  The cost to fly or drive is not much different.   When we fly out of LR we spend the night before at our DD's house and then our SIL drops us off at the airport.   Don't have to deal with parking. 


I just noticed I was editing when you were responding.   Right now we plan to fly.  We were considering driving. 


8 hours and 36 minutes sounds a lot better than 12 hours. I will be interested in adding up the cost fill ups and food and see how it compares to flying. I think it will still be cheaper driving but flying from KC is only a couple of hours.



13 hours ago, George C said:

To bad your not spending any time in Dallas would have liked to buy you a drink in our favorite watering hole , I think you would have been impressed. 


George that is so nice of you. I know we will be cruising  out of Galveston  more with the new terminal and larger Oasis ships leaving so It will not be the last time we drive down there. I think breaking it with a stop in Dallas would be nice and I'm sure I would love your favorite watering hole.



12 hours ago, LucasLikesToCruise said:

Thank you for kind words.  A couple of months ago when she was still fairly mobile with her walker, I couldn’t keep her in one place when she was hallucinating all the time.  It was a challenge for me to take Oliver out for a few minutes.  I would have her sit in the recliner and lay it all the way back and put a chair under the leg part so she couldn’t lower it.  It seemed cruel yet funny at the same time now that I look back at it.  It was the only way to keep her from falling and hurting herself when I had to do something.  Hospice even put a pressure mat with alarm on her bed at home  so I would be awaken when she would get up during the night.  Talk about some sleepless nights with that going off every hour.

But, for the past month, she has been a lot let active and will stay in bed when I tell her, so Oliver gets to go on plenty of longer walks now.   


I'm so sorry to hear about you mother. I know it must be hard. When we had Hospice for my mother, it was a god send. They were so helpful and compassionate. It really put me at ease. I will be thinking of you and hoping that your mother finally gets the peace she deserves.



8 hours ago, brillohead said:

Sheesh, you guys.... I'm stuck with the internet on Explorer right now, which makes dial-up look like fiber optic in comparison, and you guys seem to be posting more than ever!  

Starlink is supposed to be installed on Explorer in November, with live trials in December and hoping to be completely switched over by February at the latest (earlier if live trials go well).  

Can't come soon enough, this is driving me bonkers!

I'm in the middle of cruise #2 of 10, and all is well!

Carry on.....


Boy I can relate on Explorer. The internet was basically non existent. Makes the price of surf and stream a rip off. Starlink will help. Some people currently on Liberty say it's installed but not up and running. I would sure like to know when they will turn it on. Probably wishful thinking on my part for next week.



44 minutes ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

Here's hoping it arrives just in time! I'm curious to see how the photos turn out.


Thank you. I am now not so optimistic. Apple say's it should be delivered next Wednesday while I'm on our cruise. UPS the carrier say's this Thursday but right now the package is in South Korea. I have a hard time believing that it will go from South Korea to Kansas City in 24 hours.

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6 minutes ago, Ozark_Kid said:

Thanks so much!  All the GKs are a blessing.   Kenzie, Albrey and Caden spent last night with us. They are playing Uno with Shashey now.  So fun.


I forgot to tell what happened a couple weekends ago.  The whole family went to watch Zander play football.   Finnley dressed for the occasion. 



Kenzie was hanging with her cousins. They told Kenzie to ask Gpa about ifly, 



A couple days later she was at the house.  Gpa, come in here.



Gpa, is this like iFly?



It's not on the ground......

Like this?



Legs up more..... Like this?



Yes, that's it!

The cousins said you can give iFLY rides.




Come on Gpa, let's do it!






I love your "picture stories". 


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12 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:

8 hours and 36 minutes sounds a lot better than 12 hours. I will be interested in adding up the cost fill ups and food and see how it compares to flying. I think it will still be cheaper driving but flying from KC is only a couple of hours.

You also have to factor in the benefit of avoiding the hassles of flying. It's so much easier to pack for a car trip (can leave toiletries in carryons, take extra tote bags), you don't have to wait in line for security, deal with rude agents, scrounge for seating near the gate, pay $$$$$ for poor quality airport food, worry about delays/cancellations, etc. 


I worked for SWA for 12 years (1997-2010) and I used to love flying. We traveled somewhere nearly every month back in those days since we could fly for free. The experience is completely different now.

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9 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:
14 hours ago, George C said:

We have a busy weekend, flying to Denver tomorrow, Thursday my mom will be buried next to my dad , then on Saturday my nephew is getting married.


What a mixture of emotions you will experience. I am sorry about your beloved mom. I will be thinking of you.



14 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

Not a good day .




So sorry Lenny. Time to get a new doctor. You need one that is compassionate.



13 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

It's 574 miles and says 8 hours and 36 minutes.  The cost to fly or drive is not much different.   When we fly out of LR we spend the night before at our DD's house and then our SIL drops us off at the airport.   Don't have to deal with parking. 


I just noticed I was editing when you were responding.   Right now we plan to fly.  We were considering driving. 



8 hours and 36 minutes sounds a lot better than 12 hours. I will be interested in adding up the cost fill ups and food and see how it compares to flying. I think it will still be cheaper driving but flying from KC is only a couple of hours.

Is that 12 hours map time.  I am sure it would take at least 10 for us.  We would probably drive until we were about 2 hours out, spend the night and drive the rest in the morning. 

The last big drive we made was to Venice FL.  15 hours straight.  😳 


You mentioned your concern of the size of pictures on the new phone. On Samsung it is quick and easy to downsize the pic in edit.  Not sure about iphones but worth checking. Also consider setting up folders for each day now before you leave.  It makes it easier to keep up when doing a live.

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14 minutes ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

You also have to factor in the benefit of avoiding the hassles of flying. It's so much easier to pack for a car trip (can leave toiletries in carryons, take extra tote bags), you don't have to wait in line for security, deal with rude agents, scrounge for seating near the gate, pay $$$$$ for poor quality airport food, worry about delays/cancellations, etc. 


I worked for SWA for 12 years (1997-2010) and I used to love flying. We traveled somewhere nearly every month back in those days since we could fly for free. The experience is completely different now.

Good points.   Our big reason we consider driving is the uncertainty of flights.  After being stranded in Miami last October and going through that it adds to the stress of flying.  We would never consider flying in the day of a cruise anymore. We booked early flights for Friday so if the flight gets canceled we can still make a longgggg drive to fort Lauderdale. Wow, that would be bad.

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9 hours ago, MJSailors said:

Dear Lucas- You have been on quite the life’s journey taking care of your Mom.She is fortunate to have a son who is so dedicated to taking care of her.  Hoping that hospice will give you the support you need in taking care of her. Keep in mind that it is okay to ask for help because the help you receive will help her also.

   My Dad was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s and he passed at 73. I was 27 at the time. Since I am an only child,I helped my Mom care for him at their home for four years. It was often difficult, but it was an act of love and I have never regretted helping my parents in those years.Whenever I think of my Dad, it is not as he was during those last years,but when he was a strong and vital man who loved my mother and me very much.

   My Mom lived to be 93 and spent the last twenty years of her life as a widow. She came to live with my husband and me when it came to the point in her life when she no longer wanted to be alone. Luckily, she retained all her mental faculties as she aged, but had to deal with significant physical problems. During the last three years of her life, we had help from two wonderful aides. I considered theses women angels and they became part of our family. She was a wonderful mother and I considered our taking care of her as a way to thank her for the loving care she gave to me.

   Now, we are supporting a good friend who has been dealing with Parkinson's Disease for a number of years. Recently, he has begun to experience some hallucinations which apparently present as confusion of thought. He sometimes thinks his wife is someone else and he is confused in his house as he is convinced that he is in a former  house that poswas sold some time ago. At other times,he is like his old self, joking and having good conversations. We feel for his wife who has been caring for him by herself for so many years.They both are dear friends and we try to support them by helping with household tasks,doing errands and sometimes just listening. At times, I wish I had a magic wand that would take the disease away from our friend as then he would have such a pleasant life.

   Whenever I hear of someone who is afflicted with a serious disease such as Alzheimer’s,Parkinson’s ,cancer or other serious diseases, I often think of their caregivers. Since being one for both of my parents, I realize the struggles they face. As someone once said to me, when you see a person in a wheelchair,look up and give the person pushing the wheelchair a smile. That person needs care and support too.

Lucas, I wish you good days as you continue to care for your Mom. When her life journey is over,you will not have regrets over what you did to care for her.


Your very moving post touched me on many levels.  The one comment that resonates with me is:

Whenever I think of my Dad, it is not as he was during those last years,but when he was a strong and vital man who loved my mother and me very much.


I think of both my parents that way every day of my life since they've been gone. Sweet, gentle, kind and so loving it brought me to tears now.


For those with parents, hug them a bit longer the next time you see them.

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3 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

As much as I love London,  I don't think I'd like being there with the crowds that will be around for the event. Though I'm sure the spectacle would be exciting to see.


Our visit to Paris on world cruise is the day before the Olympics opens. Not looking forward to the crowds😪

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14 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

I went to the doctor today that I waited 6 months to see.I was not expecting a miracle but I hope that he would be able to offer me some form of relief from the Parkinsons.

Ninety minutes of traveling in each direction .We arrived at the medical building and could not find parking.We saw a Valet sign and went to the area but nobody was working there .Then I saw a person leave a spot and we parked.

Less than two minutes to wait to see the doctor.I brought all my recent MRI reports plus the discs,all recent lab results ,all other recent test results.The doctor had absolutely no interest in seeing any of what I brought and no interest in what is ailing me.If I wanted to see him again his next opening was in June.Not a good day .


Lenny, how disappointing.  What did he have to say?  He must have spent some time with you.  Why would he think you would want to see him again?

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1 hour ago, BonTexasNY said:

Your very moving post touched me on many levels.  The one comment that resonates with me is:

Whenever I think of my Dad, it is not as he was during those last years,but when he was a strong and vital man who loved my mother and me very much.


I think of both my parents that way every day of my life since they've been gone. Sweet, gentle, kind and so loving it brought me to tears now.


For those with parents, hug them a bit longer the next time you see them.

Very true. The experience & images of my Mom and Dad in their final days and minutes are in my brain, but that’s not how I remember them & think of them.  Those difficult times rarely come to my mind, only the good times and like you Bonnie I think of them every single day.  And still miss them. (20+ years for Mom, 2 1/2 for Dad)

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I’m a little annoyed with RC right now.  Our last few cruises we’ve purchased drink packages once onboard. Andy doesn’t drink alcohol, but does love espressos, Diet Coke, virgin Pina Colada’s and an occasional Red Bull. Onboard, we’ve been able to purchase the DBP for me and Refreshment Pkg for him with no problem, but paying full price for both.  I recently read some drink thread that mentioned doing this over the phone ahead of time and getting a discounted price.  So I called today, the rep initially said, yes we can do this.  Then she needed a supervisor to override, put me on hold for about 15 minutes and came back to say the can’t do it because no more changes can be made to our cruise planner (we sail 10/30).  When I questioned this, the reason became “the drink packages are sold out”. Huh??  I replied that’s odd because I can go into the cruise planner right now and purchase DBP for both of us, so it’s clearly not sold out - seems more like you just don’t want to give it to me at the discounted price.  She just kept giving me the company line so I gave up.  I’m not sure it’s worth the aggravation of trying again, or just pay more onboard.  

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2 hours ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

You also have to factor in the benefit of avoiding the hassles of flying. It's so much easier to pack for a car trip (can leave toiletries in carryons, take extra tote bags), you don't have to wait in line for security, deal with rude agents, scrounge for seating near the gate, pay $$$$$ for poor quality airport food, worry about delays/cancellations, etc. 


I worked for SWA for 12 years (1997-2010) and I used to love flying. We traveled somewhere nearly every month back in those days since we could fly for free. The experience is completely different now.


I think the fact that we don't have to worry about the weight of our luggage, going through security screenings. Waiting for flights, waiting at the gate. Sub par snacks and drinks, driving will be really refreshing. Now ask me that after we've driven over 700 miles and 12 hours I might have a different answer. The Live review will cover a lot of our experience driving and the two nights in Galveston.


Yes I have heard that from a good friend of mine who was a flight attendant for a lot of years. She retired from flying and said it was the best thing she ever did.



2 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:


You mentioned your concern of the size of pictures on the new phone. On Samsung it is quick and easy to downsize the pic in edit.  Not sure about iphones but worth checking. Also consider setting up folders for each day now before you leave.  It makes it easier to keep up when doing a live.


Thank you John for the great idea. I've never used folders and albums on the phone before but you are right, that is a great way of organizing. I just now made a folder and will then put pics in subfolders.


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1 hour ago, John&LaLa said:


Our visit to Paris on world cruise is the day before the Olympics opens. Not looking forward to the crowds😪

I'm not even sure it would be worth getting off.........It sounds like a real Cluster F&%$

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2 minutes ago, Momof3gurlz said:

I’m a little annoyed with RC right now.  Our last few cruises we’ve purchased drink packages once onboard. Andy doesn’t drink alcohol, but does love espressos, Diet Coke, virgin Pina Colada’s and an occasional Red Bull. Onboard, we’ve been able to purchase the DBP for me and Refreshment Pkg for him with no problem, but paying full price for both.  I recently read some drink thread that mentioned doing this over the phone ahead of time and getting a discounted price.  So I called today, the rep initially said, yes we can do this.  Then she needed a supervisor to override, put me on hold for about 15 minutes and came back to say the can’t do it because no more changes can be made to our cruise planner (we sail 10/30).  When I questioned this, the reason became “the drink packages are sold out”. Huh??  I replied that’s odd because I can go into the cruise planner right now and purchase DBP for both of us, so it’s clearly not sold out - seems more like you just don’t want to give it to me at the discounted price.  She just kept giving me the company line so I gave up.  I’m not sure it’s worth the aggravation of trying again, or just pay more onboard.  


I would call back and see if you can talk to another rep. That sounds weird. I would keep on trying.

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2 hours ago, HBE4 said:


Certainly a great way to start the playoffs. 


Phillies are contemplating Not starting their ace Zack Wheeler because of all the rain in the Area of Atlanta. Game might not start on time and may be delayed once it starts. Tough to know what to do.


They may start  Noah Syndergaard  or Kyle Gibson, I sure hope it's not Gibson, he has been horrible down the stretch.


Then bring in Zack Wheeler to close the game out if it looks like there is a long break in the weather later in the game.


So much for pitchers having the advantage at todays 4:35pm start time because of shadows............Most likely  no sun to create shadows.


Phillies surely want to play this game since they are on a roll. The Braves are probably hoping for a rain out and not play again until tomorrow.

Edited by Jimbo
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25 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:

Thank you John for the great idea. I've never used folders and albums on the phone before but you are right, that is a great way of organizing. I just now made a folder and will then put pics in subfolders.

When the pics are taken they are all thrown into one catch all folder.  If by the end of each day after you post the pics you want to post,  you can move all to that day folder.  That way you start new and don't have to wade through old pics.  If you need an old pic it's easier to find.  I usually name like Day 1 ft Laud

Day 2 at sea

Day 3 Aruba

If one day a bunch of pics I might add

Day 3 Aruba Eagle Beach. 

I am considering a Live review next week.  Once you have fun doing one it's hard not to do it again. I especially enjoy sharing with everyone here.

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35 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

I'm not even sure it would be worth getting off.........It sounds like a real Cluster F&%$


It's at Le Havre, so plenty of other places to go. Just a shame that we hit on that date. 


Some folks are getting off for a week and staying for games

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