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Regent No More


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I and my TA have been told 3 times in the last month that Regent had processed my normal cancellation and that I should see my credit in my credit card account within the next couple of days. My TA talked to a supervisor early last week and heard the same story and still nothing. I understand that times are tough and cruise lines are managing cash flow but stop lying to me Regent!! I came back to Regent for a 2020 cruise and I was excited to cruise with them again. Given this recent experience, I don't know that I would ever try them again. These are unusual circumstances, I get that. All I want is honesty. That's not too much to ask.

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As soon as they process it they can send you a printscreen confirming it. Ask for it then you will know for sure. If they send it then maybe your bank made an error. When there is more than 1 link in a chain you verify each one to identify what is wrong.  

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The cruise was cancelled over a month ago and I would still be patiently waiting because of the current COVID-19 situation if it weren't for the fact that my friend got his refund in 2 days and for the fact that Regent has told my TA and I 3 times that they had processed the refund and that I should see it in a couple of days. The third person said that the refund wasn't processed because of an error on Regent's part. I did talk to my credit card company and they haven't seen anything from Regent on my account as far as credits go. I have also requested  the confirmation information noted above.

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24 minutes ago, pappy1022 said:

The cruise was cancelled over a month ago 

We just had our cruise cancelled and are taking the refund. The cancellation confirmation states :

"Refund requests will be validated, and refunds will be processed within 90 days of the request."

So it might take a bit more than a month.  Since you cancelled a month ago, your's will likely be quicker than ours.  

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Understood and I was willing to wait but it's the 3 times that different Regent people told me that it was processed and I should see the refund within a couple of days that is making me upset with them. My TA, who does a lot of business with Regent and other luxury cruise lines, has been involved and she is also very frustrated with Regent. She has escalated the issue to supervisors and we are still getting the same result. I can only assume at this point that they are holding the actual credit transaction for cash flow management.

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I think your definition of the word "processed" is different than Regent's definition.  Regent may have "processed" your refund for payment, but they will not release the funds to your credit card until they get closer to the 90 day deadline.    The other luxury lines are doing the same thing to manage cash flow.


But you are right - they are misleading you (and everyone else in this situation).

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1 hour ago, pappy1022 said:

Understood and I was willing to wait but it's the 3 times that different Regent people told me that it was processed and I should see the refund within a couple of days that is making me upset with them. My TA, who does a lot of business with Regent and other luxury cruise lines, has been involved and she is also very frustrated with Regent. She has escalated the issue to supervisors and we are still getting the same result. I can only assume at this point that they are holding the actual credit transaction for cash flow management.


They are overwhelmed with cancellations and their software will not process them so they are done by hand. 6 weeks ago, the system was still processing normal cancellations but now they are all done by hand. It should come as no surprise to anyone that Regent's software is...somewhat lacking.


This is very simple. If they produce the confirmation today then they have processed the transaction. If they don't, then they haven't. And while I find it entirely possible someone made an error, I find it unlikely that Regent is systematically lying to you.

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Again, I understand their predicament but they are telling me and my TA that they processed the refund (3 times) over the past 6 weeks and that I should see the refund in days (it's been weeks). I don't know what you call that but to me they are not being truthful. 

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A friend of mine calls the responses the cruise lines are giving now a “Yeah, yeah”, as in “Yeah, yeah, we processed it. You should see it in a day or two.” Any time someone says “Yeah, yeah, nothing to worry about”, it’s time to worry.

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4 minutes ago, pappy1022 said:

Again, I understand their predicament but they are telling me and my TA that they processed the refund (3 times) over the past 6 weeks and that I should see the refund in days (it's been weeks). I don't know what you call that but to me they are not being truthful. 


Did you get a revised invoice from Regent acknowledging the refund?  


I understand that you did this before the deluge of cancellations happened, but perhaps it's just a mistake, and one that has gotten caught in that deluge.  


We cancelled our world cruise last week and understand it can take 90 days.  But we got a print acknowledgement of the cancellation almost immediately.   So in your case I guess your TA ust needs to start pushing, to make sure yours doesn't fall through the cracks.


But you should be aware, that all of the other luxury lines are doing the same thing, and eliciting the same kinds of criticisms from their customers.  So Regent isn't doing any worse (or better) than Azamara, Seabourn, etc.

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I can't verify that other luxury cruise lines are treating their customers the same. I will take your word for it. Being as bad as other luxury lines is not a standard to shoot for. I am willing to wait my turn, just wish they would tell me the truth. There may be a glitch in their system and I'm stuck in it but a supervisor should be able to figure out what's going on and fix it. If they are just telling me a story just to get me to go away, they picked the wrong person and shame on them. I will have my TA call them again.

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5 minutes ago, pappy1022 said:

I can't verify that other luxury cruise lines are treating their customers the same. I will take your word for it. Being as bad as other luxury lines is not a standard to shoot for.


Well I've been hanging out on the CC boards for Seabourn, Azamara and the Paul Gauguin, because they're all lines I've been on.  Plenty of horror stories and impatience, for sure.


But of course, that's no excuse for Regent.  

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3 hours ago, Pcardad said:


They are overwhelmed with cancellations and their software will not process them so they are done by hand. 6 weeks ago, the system was still processing normal cancellations but now they are all done by hand. It should come as no surprise to anyone that Regent's software is...somewhat lacking.


This is very simple. If they produce the confirmation today then they have processed the transaction. If they don't, then they haven't. And while I find it entirely possible someone made an error, I find it unlikely that Regent is systematically lying to you.


I agree with you wholeheartedly.  

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Because I am the squeaky wheel, I wanted to know my rights under the circumstances.  This morning I contacted my credit card company and asked.  The US law is clear.  I have 60 days upon discovery of a problem to dispute a charge.  While credit card companies often process disputes via the telephone, the credit card company suggested I file a dispute via snail mail in order to meet the letter of the law.  


This 60-day requirement does not comport with RSSC's, or my airline's current mode of operation.  It is incumbent upon me to take an active interest in the matter in order to protect my rights under the law.  It's just business.


My cruise officially cancelled last week.  My TA notified them of the refund request Friday.  Because I prefer honey to vinegar, I'll give them a reasonable amount of time to process the cancellation before I sick the credit card company on them.  I will get my refund.   


Pappy1022, given that your TA has made multiple efforts and is not able to get satisfaction for you, it's time to file the disputed charge to protect your rights.  If you have been waiting for six weeks after cancellation for your refund to be processed, time is getting short. You have been more than accommodating after all of your attempts to resolve this failure to refund.  You had better call your credit card company and ask about disputed charges.  I am assuming that you used a credit card to make the booking.  Good luck.



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4 hours ago, orvil said:

Because I am the squeaky wheel, I wanted to know my rights under the circumstances.  This morning I contacted my credit card company and asked.  The US law is clear.  I have 60 days upon discovery of a problem to dispute a charge. 

If this is exactly the policy, then my interpretation would be that you "discover" the problem at 90 days when you have not yet received your refund within the promised time frame.  Why do you not see it this way?


If it is 60 days from the day you made the charge, then all is lost for most to use this strategy.  That would be the other extreme of interpretation, and what I had thought the policy is.  Sixty days from discovery is much better for the consumer.

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I am a squeaky wheel, too, when the situation calls for it.  But I am a businesswoman and I understand the facts of credit card refunds.  Regent has its processes to go through with the cancellation, and fact: they are overwhelmed.  Then it gets to the credit card company and they have their processes to go through.  Granted, the credit card companies are better at cancellations because they do more of them and they aren't having to do it by hand.  The people who are calling Regent aren't talking to the people who actually process the refunds, they are talking to customer service reps who don't want to be yelled at.

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2 minutes ago, Pam said:

I am a squeaky wheel, too, when the situation calls for it.  But I am a businesswoman and I understand the facts of credit card refunds.  Regent has its processes to go through with the cancellation, and fact: they are overwhelmed.  Then it gets to the credit card company and they have their processes to go through.  Granted, the credit card companies are better at cancellations because they do more of them and they aren't having to do it by hand.  The people who are calling Regent aren't talking to the people who actually process the refunds, they are talking to customer service reps who don't want to be yelled at.


You hit the nail on the head!  Thank you for posting a reasonable response!

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I debated posting this on the "refund" thread or this one. Obvious which I chose. I agree with @Pam very much. But...


I was on the 2020 world cruise and am still waiting on the segment 4 adjustment which was requested at the reception desk per the letter left in my suite on 2/25 and via my travel agent the same day.


My world cruise termination refund was requested at the reception desk per the letter left in my suite on 3/14, via my travel agent also on 3/14, and on-line through the Regent website 4/7 although I was never informed I needed to do this (found out on CC). My travel agent was furloughed on 4/4 and there is currently no response from the travel agency and I have since changed agencies.


On Saturday (4/25) I called Regent and was told this was the first "they" were aware of my refund request. I was informed that information is not being shared with the people that answer the 800 number. I question this practice as it is putting the front line Regent employees in a very uncomfortable situation. This practice does not help either customers or staff and creates a very unfriendly and bad experience for both sides.


As these refunds would be prorated I understand that the time involved creating a software program to calculate the refunds may not be economically feasible although it is an easy program to develop (I was in software development and testing before I retired last year and this is no more difficult than creating an Excel formula). The Regent rep I spoke with said there is devoted staff to do this function but you can not contact them directly but he would email them on my behalf and copy me (I have yet to see this email). If Regent would like help in creating a tool for keeping the entire staff informed of what is going on, I offer my assistance at no charge and would be happy to assist in answering phones to help customers such as myself. I am that frustrated. For crying out-loud, there were less than 600 suites booked on the world cruise.


I am beyond unhappy with the service on refunds but love the Regent experience. The crew on board is outstanding. I have an issue with corporate and the current refund process.


Things are not what they used to be and we must adjust. Just not with my money.


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T"he people who are calling Regent aren't talking to the people who actually process the refunds, they are talking to customer service reps who don't want to be yelled at."

Wrong on both counts. My TA is talking to supervisors in the sales and accounting departments and no one is yelling at anyone. I would never yell at an individual unless it was someone in management who clearly was giving me the runaround and wasn't trying to help. The frontline folks are trying to do their best. It's the Regent management that is putting them in a bad position.

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24 minutes ago, pappy1022 said:

Missed the head completely.


I understand that people are anxious to get their money.  However, in my opinion, the attacks on Regent are more than a bit over the top.  Regent said 90 days and we have yet to reach that number.  


Even when Regent announced a 48 hour cancellation policy, giving FCC’s instead of penalties if you cancel and, for people that want to cruise on Regent again, 125% in FCC’s people were still complaining.  


Have you noticed how fewer people are posting?  One reason is the constant complaints and negativity.  Thankfully, Regent passengers do not need the money immediately in order to put food on their table.  And, Regent is not going out of business within the next 90 days.  


So, my suggestions are:


-  See if your TA submitted the proper paperwork to Regent and get the date they were sent (assuming these were sent electronically).  


-  Wait the 90 days (from the date Regent received the paperwork rather than the date that you said that you want a refund.)


-  If, at the 90 day mark, you do not have the money, contact your credit card company and have them do whatever is necessary to get your money.


We are all tired of waiting....... waiting to get haircuts, waiting to go outside without fear, waiting to be able to see and maybe hug our families that do not live with us, waiting to learn when restrictions can be safely lifted, when borders will open, when cruise ships will once again be sailing and able to visit other countries.  I could go on and on but, again, in my opinion, we are all reacting differently than we may react under normal conditions.  The stress that we are all under is unimaginable.


While what I have posted may mean nothing to some posters, it is my hope that someone reads this, takes a deep breath and try to have a bit more patience.  It isn’t like Regent did not tell us that it would take 90 days.  While 90 days would normally be unacceptable, nothing about Covid-19 is acceptable.



Edited by Travelcat2
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2 minutes ago, Travelcat2 said:


I understand that people are anxious to get their money.  However, in my opinion, the attacks on Regent are more than a bit over the top.  Regent said 90 days and we have yet to reach that number.  


Even when Regent announced a 48 hour cancellation policy, giving FCC’s instead of penalties if you cancel and, for people that want to cruise on Regent again, 125% in FCC’s people were still complaining.  


Have you noticed how fewer people are posting?  One reason is the constant complaints and negativity.  Thankfully, Regent passengers do not need the money immediately in order to put food on their table.  And, Regent is not going out of business within the next 90 days.  


So, my suggestions are:


-  See if your TA submitted the proper paperwork to Regent and get the date they were sent (assuming these were sent electronically).  


-  Wait the 90 days (from the date Regent received the paperwork rather than the date that you said that you want a refund.)


-  If, at the 90 day mark, you do not have the money, contact your credit card company and have them do whatever is necessary to get your money.


We are all tired of waiting....... waiting to get haircuts, waiting to go outside without fear, waiting to be able to see and maybe hug our families that do not live with us, waiting to learn when restrictions can be safely lifted, when borders will open, when cruise ships will once again be sailing and able to visit other countries.  I could go on and on but, again, in my opinion, we are all reacting differently than we may react under normal conditions.  The stress that we are all under is unimaginable.


While I understand that what I have posted may mean nothing to some posters, it is my hope that someone reads this, takes a deep breath and try to have a bit more patience.  It isn’t like Regent did not tell us that it would take 90 days.  While 90 days would normally be unacceptable, nothing about Covid-19 is acceptable.




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Maybe fewer people are posting because there really is nothing new to say, and most of what is on our minds to talk about is not terribly positive.  Hanging out here reminds us that we are not cruising, there are no live threads, and no one knows when this limbo state will end.  

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Well, right now none of the cruise lines (even lux lines) are handling canceled cruise refunds properly. That does not excuse Regent, but just means that we are in an emergency situation. Look over at the Paul Gauguin board. The PG (my favorite cruise) is now owned by Ponant, and has changed its policies mid stream!!. IMO illegally! Regent is not the worst at refunds. But it is not good either. The lines are all in a game trying to avoid bankruptcy. And I fear some aren’t going to make it.

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