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Azamara Quest - Mediterranean Cities, October 28-November 4 2021


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4 minutes ago, Marvy Mare said:

One more question Norris. You food photos are amazing. Something else I must practice. I notice you use your camera, not your phone. So generally wide angle, M setting? Do use auto ISO? Your camera obviously handles noise really well. Any noise reduction strategy? 

Maris, the settings are on the Flickr pictures. Auto ISO and auto focus. I do use the phone at times too as a back-up but whatever is on Flickr in the albums was the camera. It weighs about 4? lbs with the 16-35mm Canon L lens and I pass it over to Carol to shoot her dish, or have her pass me her plate as the camera is so heavy. The ISO (sensitivity to light for non-camera nerds) can go to 40,000 but I think 12,800 was the max I shot this trip-generally the night shots. I only used the tripod for some deck shots at night when the ship wasn't moving.

The camera has no flash so I never use one.


Thanks for the compliment on the food photos. This is the first cruise when I have been happy with them.


I'll  show you the secure camera hold when I get Carol to take a picture later today.



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15 minutes ago, Bimmer09 said:

I have a busy day today away from the computer involving a repeat of yesterday's 160 mile round-trip over to Michigan. Before then I have to look at my next batch of photos and get them ready to post later today.

This is one of the places we will be visiting....




Oh I can’t wait!  We were there in 2012 on a private cruise excursion with fellow cruisers from Celebrity Silhouette.  We visited a great winery that Rome in Limo picked out on the outskirts of town,

Thanks so much for your blog.  I am enjoying reading all your wonderful posts!.  

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love France and the French language.


Thank you for joining us here. I will be saying lots of nice things about Azamara (but am also a realist)

By the way- check out my Journey review of our Cuba cruise (in my signature below)

We are still following your amusing adventures in Italy.  Carrera, what an inspired choice by  Lady Carol.  Loving the ship + food photos. How was the included wine eg the Pinot Noir you mentioned? We are wine lovers but not wine snobs!!  We have not upgraded to the Az premium drinks.  We look forward to reading your review on Cuba we literally missed the boat to go there before it became off limits for cruise ships! The Silly is one of our favourite ships we did four transats on her. 

G. 🇮🇪 

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Really looking forward to your review of San Gimignano.  We thought that was one of the most delightful little places we ever visited.  We enjoyed a lovely lunch there on a patio. Toward the end of our lunch I saw a couple coming out with their food and looking around for a table.  The place was packed, not a table to be had.  I beckoned to him and when they came over, we told them we were just finishing and they were welcome to our table.  He was so effusive in his thanks you'd think I had given them a pot of gold!  It made our day.

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We have returned from our trip to Michigan and I had mentioned that I had the Daily Insider to post for you but looking at the San Gimignano pics I have to do that first and take you to Tuscany for an 8 hour tour of San G and Volterra with a surprise wine tasting in between.


Also I'll leave answering comments until after I get some pics up for you.



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3 hours ago, Mackdogmolly said:

How do I find your other cruise reviews?


42 minutes ago, Bimmer09 said:

Here is the link to 14 of them. The most recent 2 are in my signature below.



I didn't see a link in Norris's response (and I have signatures off), but here is a link to a page that will get you the other reviews.   (It's page 31 of the 2019 Cuba cruise with Azamara). 




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9 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:


AZAMARA has great ideas-the staying overnight being the one that attacts us most.


Tonight in Livorno there was an 8.45 p.m show, not on the pool deck stage as I had hoped but in the Cabaret Lounge. The Incanto Quartet is an Italian group of vocally-rich ladies who sing Opera and pop songs. They had a young pianist who also played an electric keyboard hung around her neck in the pop numbers. They also used some backing tapes.

The opera sections were extremely well done. Carol and I are very long time Opera goers.

Particularly gratifying for me in the pop field was a brief medley of Abba classics including Dancing Queen which still holds its magic 45 years later. Toes were tapping.



I didn't have my zoom lens with me, which is needed to see through the gaps in front of me. The Cabaret Room isn't one with a raked floor so you can see over those infront of you and it's too late to do anything to remedy that now. The sound is good and the lighting effective. Azamara make the best of what they have to work with. It's a 20 year old ship.


The show was energetic and exciting. The room was packed which is great  for the group who can't have been doing many shows over the past year. They did that classic Andrea Bocelli/Sarah Brightman cruise ship anthem- Time to Say Goodbye (Con te Partiro). Always moving.






These singers & musician are indeed everything you say about them. We were lucky enough to enjoy their performance at the Goldoni Theatre last time we were in Livorno in 2019.


Re. photos in the Cabaret Lounge, my favourite spot is a "bar stool" at the semi-circular raised level, as close to the centre aisle as possible. Especially when the room is full, as in pre-covid times.


Thanks again for the ongoing entertainment of your travels! 🙂


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Carol ordered another killer room service breakfast-lox and bagels and a fruit plate. I had a version of an English Breakfast up in windows. I went to take my breakfast out onto the Sunset Bar deck but the Buffet manager shut me down with a curt "It's closed". No biggie.


Another 8.15 muster in the Cabaret Room and we were off the ship to meet our guide.




There were two coaches waiting. Our guide was the bubbly Simona and the driver David (not the Michaelangelo one-he was wearing clothes) The drive headed North like the Carrara one but eventually we left the Autostrada and headed East over rolling hills. The leaves were turning in Tuscany and putting on a colorful show. We passed, on the twisting hilly minor roads, many cars stopped. It was the beginning of hunting season and men were loading up their guns. Wild boar were finalizing plans to go stay with the in-laws for a while.


I took one picture of a Tuscan scene through the bus window and decided it wasn't a workable idea just now. Later in the day I will put the word 'bus" below a photo that was taken on the move in the absence of the usual Note from My Mother excuse.



It was a long and winding road. Worth the trip? Soon we saw the many towers of San Gimignano, high on a hill. The bus/coach pulled into a parking lot near the town walls and we all piled off. Restrooms are right there but required a 50 cent coin. Carol made change for a couple of grateful folks. Simona counted us off before proceeding to lead us on a walk into the center. Steep streets until we get to one of the squares. Come walk with us. Our new friend Solar Yellow was among the troupe.










We came to the town wall and would pass through into the streets beyond.








I like to take pictures looking into European shops as they are so different from those I see in the USA.



Chocolate Fountain Alert!!!



Disguised as a store display, hiding from the hunters





Love the art gallery!



Is that all? No, there's more!


































Edited by Bimmer09
spelling/software issue
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Another gratified reader from the Princess board here! I am truly delighted that you and Carol are well and able to travel again 😀


Was there memory foam inside those hard hats 😉?

Edited by donswife
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12 minutes ago, donswife said:

Another gratified reader from the Princess board here! I am truly delighted that you and Carol are well and able to travel again 😀


Was there memory foam inside those hard hats 😉?

I can't remember so I guess not LOL!

Long time no see dons wife!!

Glad you made it over from the Princess Board.




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I just spent 2 hours of my life on that post from San Gimignano due to some CC software issues.

I'll just stop for a 5 minute beer break-Pilsner Urquell from the Czech Republic.


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The steep streets lead to squares and markets and restaurants there-things that are not so prevalent in the USA where the car culture rules



Carol and  Solar Yellow (what can I call you sir?) dive into a shop that won Best Gelato in Italy, according to Rick Steves and Carol. We had a 15 minute break to indulge. Carol came back with one flavor-Espresso and it was like drinking a cup-packed a punch!



Pretty rustic display, so cute!





One square leads to another






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8 hours ago, Mackdogmolly said:

I’m not a fan of focaccia either. No other bread/bun options?

Oh Lord, wait until you see my Patio Burger...

Norris, head-scratching

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There was to be a wine tasting. That smacked of the Florence Leather Shop or the Cameo Shop on our way to Herculaneum -a kickback opportunity for the line. But we thought-it's bound to be in a nice place (it sure was) and its wine (which Carol doesn't drink but I sure do, you bet your bippity-the most bonkers expression that I just dragged up from my subconscious) and there might be a snack (there was)

Anyway, its a lovely day and we're here after a 15 minute drive from S.G


Bus shot


They have horses on the estate



and a few vines



The owner (latest generation). Speaks great English, full of American and British jargon and a humorous passionate guy. Very entertaining!



The tasting room





I think there are 39 people here from the Quest


Wine and food go together hence...



Delicious, meats, cheeses, pate and olive oil (EVOO)

Once the plates were removed bowls of soup with bread soaked in it.

(the excursion spoke of lunch at a farmhouse so the wine tasting was a surprise and not one everyone liked the idea of-Carol made her disappointment known on the Azamara survey at the end of the cruise. It wasn't what it said on the tin)


There's an appraisal form, listing the many wines we will taste and I filled it out, thinking it was going to be handed in so I basically wrote a critique of each. A wine dissertation if you will. Little did I know we would take it with us-useless to me.


We certainly learned a lot about how to handle and taste wine and copied the Master.

Carol was finding it fascinating and liked the wines! They were silky smooth and worth the price but I didn't want to be lugging wine home nor shipping it that far. I found out that they have a distribution center in Lake Forest , a Northern suburb of Chicago. They don't sell to U.S. retail and the only way to get it is to order it-then you become a member. The winery in Tuscany is Tenuta Torciano (from the Giachi family for the past 300 years.)


After a few tastes Gabrieli the owner talked about the lasagne to come, his grandma's recipe. Eight wines would be served in total and I couldn't face more wine and more food so I went to sit outside and smoke. He joined me out there for a smoke a few minutes later and we had a laugh with Simona's husband who was the guide on bus #2. A husband and wife Tour Guide team.


I also got to meet the ship's lone photographer Konstantin who saw my camera and started up a lively pixel-nerd discussion. I showed him some of my photos and he wanted my camera as its a newer Canon model than the one the ship has given him to use. A few glasses of wine, a cigarette and some new "buds" having a laugh at my humor in the Tuscan sun. It was a nice moment of relaxation. Memorable.


I stayed out there until the event was over. We were behind schedule (due to the overlong tasting) and needed to get moving. Many folks bought wine and I can't blame them. I only ever buy two kinds in Chicago -Pinot Grigio and Malbec from Argentina.

But that repertoire will grow now. Some Super Tuscans will be welcome.


Solar Yellow (I'm going to call him Vaughn) told me after the event that CC member LT Hambone had been sitting across from me. I would have liked to have spoken to him if I had known as he wrote some excursion posts that I agreed with before the cruise.


Time to go. Simona loads up the bus



Next stop the hilltop town of Volterra- off we go!


Bus shot








Bus-this is for you Jasperdo!


See you in Volterra (tomorrow)



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Norris -



I need to file a complaint, please.


So far you've posted two pictures with someone who looks like me included. Both of those photos are horrible, and my wife looks even worse. For someone who has such a fancy camera, I was expecting a much, MUCH better quality image. Harrumph!


In all seriousness - I must interject with the following exchange which occurred between the owner and my wife before we went into the tasting room -


Owner: Are there any vegetarians out there?

My Wife: Yes, I am.

Owner: Well, we have some lovely grass for you to enjoy!


Did not find out who you were until after you left the table - thanks to Carol for enlightening me on your presence!


Also - my favorite picture from the winery -



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That’s the same winery that Rome in Limo took us to back in 2012.  The Father was our host.  We loved it and the meal was delicious!!  I admit, I did have some wine shipped to me.  Loved it.  The lasagna was the best I have ever had…..very memorable!  We had a much smaller group….6 or 8.

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10 hours ago, LT Hambone said:

Norris -



I need to file a complaint, please.


So far you've posted two pictures with someone who looks like me included. Both of those photos are horrible, and my wife looks even worse. For someone who has such a fancy camera, I was expecting a much, MUCH better quality image. Harrumph!


In all seriousness - I must interject with the following exchange which occurred between the owner and my wife before we went into the tasting room -


Owner: Are there any vegetarians out there?

My Wife: Yes, I am.

Owner: Well, we have some lovely grass for you to enjoy!


Did not find out who you were until after you left the table - thanks to Carol for enlightening me on your presence!


Also - my favorite picture from the winery -




LT I am taking the camera to a Canon dealer to get it looked at.

The "grass" line was a good example of Gabrieli's humor. Your wife was a good sport.

My first car in London was a Fiat 850 which looked like the dark one pictured above. I used to drive it on the motorway at 70 mph. I dreamed of going 71.


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