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Jim_Iain – Silhouette Live Post April 8, 21, 30 - B3B - TransAtlantic, Portugal Spain, France and the Norwegian Fjords


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2 minutes ago, Spif Barwunkel said:

Perhaps when a positive result - false or otherwise - shows up relative to prominent and popular CC members, like Jim & Iain, that uneasiness is exacerbated somewhat.  



My understanding, btw, is false positives are very rare. 

What is common, however are tests which detect very low viral loads.  Subsequent tests may be negative because the virus never "took hold." 

In these cases, it's very possible you'll never have symptoms. 

This was my personal experience in December.  I credit the vaccine for the low viral load. 

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4 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:

Bo - 


I would guess we would just continue having a great time as neither of us have any symptoms.    If we did come down with It we may have been imprisoned on Deck 3


I'm sure someone is going to get a surprise Gratis upgrade to our RS.    That's what happened to us on the TA.   We got a call the night before someone tested positive and the ship was already closed so they gave it to us.    It was funny because the previous guests Gillian and Peter showed up on our TV with us on our TV every time we were on the Main Menu.   I guess they were hiding under the bed.

From what I heard was on the TA -  A guest on one of the PH had a cocktail party for sail away and then tested positive contract tracing 3 couples in RS's.    I presumed he many also have infected our butler and state room attendants.

Sorry to hear this. I know how you feel as we just lost the celebrity beyond maiden due to a positive pre boarding test. 

do you think that the fact the previous occupants of your cabin had covid have anything to do with your positive result? 

I had norovirus many year’s ago and my cabin was supposed to be deep cleaned once I got better. I watched them do it and they didn’t even clean the phone. I had to request it. Not on Celebrity I might add 

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5 hours ago, Purplsmurf said:

How devastating! We are scheduled to sail in 2 weeks from Rome. I’m so nervous, only because afterwords we are going to Spain to see our son who we haven’t seen since September. Seeing him is more important than anything. Part of me says cancel the cruise and just go to Spain. I don’t know what to do 😩. You mention that so many people don’t wear masks. It’s surprising after what happened on the Equinox a few weeks ago. After so many positives masks were required. With all of the positives on your TA and now this cruise, it shocks me that Celebrity wouldn’t require masks again, at least indoors. I’m so glad you are feeling well and got most of your trip in. Take care and enjoy your time in Scotland!

I wish I could give you advise on this.   I'm the type of guy that would say Go for it but it is such a personal decision.   


Our trip to Scotland is very import as we haven't seen Iain's Sister, Nieces  and Grand Nieces since before Covid.    Iain's Aunt died at 95 last month and the family will be having a grand dinner in memory of her.   For over 40 years she flew to America to spend the summer with us.  


Since we don't have any time constraints other than flying home to America on May 17 we are going to have a nice week in Southern England and making sure we are safe and won't infect family before heading to Scotland.


Life is an uncharted journey and we all must enjoy it to the fullest and don't let these little detours get in our way.


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4 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:

I wish I could give you advise on this.   I'm the type of guy that would say Go for it but it is such a personal decision.   


Our trip to Scotland is very import as we haven't seen Iain's Sister, Nieces  and Grand Nieces since before Covid.    Iain's Aunt died at 95 last month and the family will be having a grand dinner in memory of her.   For over 40 years she flew to America to spend the summer with us.  


Since we don't have any time constraints other than flying home to America on May 17 we are going to have a nice week in Southern England and making sure we are safe and won't infect family before heading to Scotland.


Life is an uncharted journey and we all must enjoy it to the fullest and don't let these little detours get in our way.


What a great attitude and thoughtful way of making sure you're considering the health of others 🥰

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5 hours ago, Oceangoer2 said:

I remember you saw a difference between the 1st and the 2ng leg of your cruise....re masking, soc. distancing, and numbers onboard.  And that it seemed it was more carefree on the 2nd leg.   If there's any justice between you being so careful and should NOT have contracted the virus and those who were decidedly free of care, perhaps there's many in that number who are ill also.  I very much do not wish ANYONE to be ill from anything onboard, but my concern is whom they may have been spreading it to.  Does your next 'hotel' have a balcony so you can get air, and Ian can smoke freely....LOL....while isolating?

We were luck to stay in our RS with permission for Iain to smoke discreetly on the balcony or bathroom.   He is a very polite smoker so trying to limit.


Our next stop will be a nice 2 bedroom Cottage in the country near Southampton for the next week.   It really looks nice and all the ratings say it is appointed to the highest of standard.   Lots of land around it to take long walks and for Iain to find a special place to have one of those dreadful cigarettes.... LOL  

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3 hours ago, Azulann said:

Jim, best wishes to you both . Hope your change of plans end up being a very good time, just like your day in Bilbao


We are both always positive and see these sudden changes as only pebbles on our way to the next adventure.   How can I be so lucky to have found a partner that shares the same values and attitudes as me. 


We have had some of our best adventures from the totally unexpected.

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4 hours ago, silkismom said:

So sorry, but I have to say it "the butler did it".


LOL --- Iain and I are both laughing.     I should have thought of that .  


Oh well he wasn't the best of butlers anyway, but am comparing to some of the most incredible ones in the fleet. 

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3 hours ago, delondin said:

Sorry to hear this. I know how you feel as we just lost the celebrity beyond maiden due to a positive pre boarding test. 

do you think that the fact the previous occupants of your cabin had covid have anything to do with your positive result? 

I had norovirus many year’s ago and my cabin was supposed to be deep cleaned once I got better. I watched them do it and they didn’t even clean the phone. I had to request it. Not on Celebrity I might add 

Oh... Geeze.     While we can always do Norway next year a maiden voyage can never be replicated.  You must be gutted.  


The residents to our room hadn't tested positive at least I don't think they did.   I think it was a passenger boarding that tested positive.   The positive was 2 doors down in the PH.    


Noro -  Wow haven't seen that in the past couple years.    20 years ago I came down with in during fire boat drill.... .when I ran from the room the attendant said the drill wasn't over.... I yelled I'm going to throw up and  he said go go go. 



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Well we are  awaiting dinner.   I ordered a Caprese Salad and Steak and Chips from MDR Iain is having butternut soup and steak and chips also .    We asked them to pop in some Danish and Coffee for tomorrow as Room service will be closed.   It was suppose to have been delivered an hour ago but as you know we are late diners so ok.   Our butler just called to see if we need anything and he said he would follow up on it and bring some Ice.


I can't wait to see what dinner looks like after seeing @jetblue dinner pictures.  

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17 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:


We are both always positive and see these sudden changes as only pebbles on our way to the next adventure.   How can I be so lucky to have found a partner that shares the same values and attitudes as me. 


We have had some of our best adventures from the totally unexpected.

and a few posts earlier you said 

"Life is an uncharted journey and we all must enjoy it to the fullest and don't let these little detours get in our way "


I so appreciate your attitude and willingness to share it, while relaying the things you're going through.  It's been a pleasure for this Cruise Critic and Celebrity newbie to share in your journeys, including the pebble on your way! 


Let's all raise a glas and toast to Jim and Iain's health and continued happiness!!

thanks (Mary the Librarian)

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26 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:

I wish I could give you advise on this.   I'm the type of guy that would say Go for it but it is such a personal decision.   


Our trip to Scotland is very import as we haven't seen Iain's Sister, Nieces  and Grand Nieces since before Covid.    Iain's Aunt died at 95 last month and the family will be having a grand dinner in memory of her.   For over 40 years she flew to America to spend the summer with us.  


Since we don't have any time constraints other than flying home to America on May 17 we are going to have a nice week in Southern England and making sure we are safe and won't infect family before heading to Scotland.


Life is an uncharted journey and we all must enjoy it to the fullest and don't let these little detours get in our way.


You are so right!  We will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. Last cruise was the week before shut down. I remember you being in Florida!  We will go do our best being safe. Thanks for your encouragement. Take care


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3 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:


I tested last night around mid-night and was a solid NeGATIVE.   I wanted to save my last couple tests as it really doen't matter at this point.   They will not test me again on the ship or give me any self tests.  Oh well... The reason they will not test is the UK doesn't require self quarantine even if positive. 

What a bummer if it was a false positive!  I'm glad you only had a day or so on your current leg.  Best wishes of your travel home.

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5 hours ago, groryjm said:

That reminds me of a cruise we took a few years ago when my daughter was 16. On board Connie she and a friend thought it would be fun to use the tub in our Royal suite and used a couple of those little bottles of shampoo......

Needless to say they had a huge job trying to stop the foam pouring over the side of the ship.🙄


The buttler aparantly didn't bat an eyelid when they asked for more towels and helped them get it all cleared up before we returned... We didnt find out about it until months latter🙃

Had a male friend decide to run the dishwasher while his wife was visiting elsewhere for a few days.  She came back to a sparkling floor, he learned the difference between dishwashing and dishwasher soap!   He said the kitchen was about knee deep in bubbles! And, he caught it in the very beginning of the cycle! 

Edited by Benthayer Gonbak
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11 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:

Well just received my resultsimage.png.ba69906df05ff0c9368ecf8a346f2623.png


Yikes -  It has been an 1 1/2 hour since the test and no telephone call or contact at this point.   Iain was just looking out the peep hole and I asked are their prison guards out there.


More as this unravels - 


By the way I feel perfectly normal, temperature 97.8 (my normal) Oxygen Saturation 99 




Oh no! I was just catching up on your marvelous Live blog (lots of time on my hands; broke ankle on a cruise last week...story for another time) and I got to this part.  


I am hoping its a false positive, especially as you have no symptoms and just had self-tested negative!


My thoughts are with you both;  I hope that you remain well and that this is just a tiny bump in your travels.

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So sad to learn of your what I assume is a false positive test result.  Currently on the Summit and our test to see if we can remain on the ship for the B2B is coming up.  Fingers crossed we don't suffer the same fate.  Hope all goes well with your unexpected stay in England and that you can visit with Iain's family in Scotland.


Our current cruise is a bit different from yours as there are around 325 pax on board and the captain keeps referring to it as our private yacht.  I've yet to share an elevator with anyone.  But Luminae is full.

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So sorry Jim but I know you will make lemonade out of lemons. 
I must admit I am a wee bit worried about my Millennium cruise next week. We end in Vancouver and will need a test to fly back to USA. 
I am claustrophobic and would have anxiety staying in a non balcony cabin. 
i was born in Glasgow and I know you will be warmly greeted for your visit. 
all the very best to you . Heather 

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2 hours ago, islabahia said:

Why are exceptions being made for y’all re: smoking in cabin or balcony?  Seems incredibly disrespectful to whomever will be using that cabin after you leave.  I enjoyed your blog, I am sorry that you tested positive but smoking policy outside of designated is either all or nothing.  No 🔥 please.  JMHO

As someone who has always claimed that smoking remnants cannot be removed from arpeggios, draperies, and furniture There are now some better chemicals that can remove those smells now.  However, they take a while to work!  It’s worth noting that they were trying to restrict smoking to a room that has less potential to retain the smoke, and easier to clean.  Were I a smoker I’d be tempted to just go out on the balcony except for the impact that has on the neighbors.  

for what it is worth, I chose Celebrity when I first stared cruising because of their smoking policies.  Others told me that they could clean between passengers, nearly impossible, or that their policies were changing as they refurbished the ships.  The person that told me they could clean between passengers got a snarky remark “You are clearly a smoker” from me!  

I’d be more worried about the red zone cabins although they should have longer times for the chemicals to work.  

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2 hours ago, pretty princess said:

Jim, I am so saddened about your positive rest result.  I pray it’s a false positive and you continue to feel well.  I have followed all your adventures in cruise critic. I am re-reading your Bermuda b2b right now as we are set to to Newport Bermuda cruise May 13th. Will,also be wearing masks, no elevators as possible and distancing as much as possible.  Pretty nervous about it though.  Continue to keep us posted if you can.  My biggest fear is being moved to deck 2 in window cabin on Summit.  If any thing about this is positive is that other rooms are full an you can stay and enjoy the balcony.  Be well ❤️

i think being so late in the cruise made it easier to just stay put.  

I have an umbrella hat that I’m considering wearing in elevators to help enforce some sort of distancing!  I, unfortunately, have no choice but to take elevators.  

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2 hours ago, mfs2k said:


Personally, if I were the next guest in their cabin, I'd have more to be concerned with than the smell of smoke. 


The fogging seems to have been perfected for helping kill the virus.  For those of us whose asthma is trigger by cigarette smoke and other particles in the air being able to breathe is of extra concern when there is a virus that is affecting your lungs. 

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