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Review of Britannia as promised


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3 minutes ago, zap99 said:

TBH, we get the email from P&O quite often, but delete them. It seems that every time we buy anything we get an email ' how did we do ?'..... In a shop ,we will email your receipt.....oh no you won't as you don't have my email address. I would guess a good number of reviews are from folk with an axe to grind......Did you know that there are no midship stairs on Britannia?..........really...astonishing....one star.

I know what you mean about the constant requests. If I use the atm inside my !ocal bank I get a feedback request!

With something like a two week cruise however I feel it is really important to be able to give feedback - both positive and negative. That's why I am interested to know what percentage of P&O bookings receive it. I hope it is over 30% otherwise I don't think it is likely to be that representative.

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7 minutes ago, Britboys said:

I know what you mean about the constant requests. If I use the atm inside my !ocal bank I get a feedback request!

With something like a two week cruise however I feel it is really important to be able to give feedback - both positive and negative. That's why I am interested to know what percentage of P&O bookings receive it. I hope it is over 30% otherwise I don't think it is likely to be that representative.

Sometimes we fill them in if something is particularly good, or bad. We gave reviews on most restaurants and holidays immediately after lockdown as folk wanted to know what things were like in general. Hygiene, safety etc and we ate out lots. It seems on here that if you give positive comments some folk just dismiss them....can't be...you enjoyed the food ?..🤣

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3 hours ago, zap99 said:

Sometimes we fill them in if something is particularly good, or bad. We gave reviews on most restaurants and holidays immediately after lockdown as folk wanted to know what things were like in general. Hygiene, safety etc and we ate out lots. It seems on here that if you give positive comments some folk just dismiss them....can't be...you enjoyed the food ?..🤣

The review by Presto is very balanced and is by someone who we personally know gives honest opinions.  Before the thread disappears down a rabbit hole perhaps it should be considered in it's own context, ie it was a good holiday much enjoyed but things like the dinner reservations etc which have kindly been highlighted left some parts a little wanting.  As someone with three future cruises now booked on Britannia I found the points very helpful as the changes from my previous cruise on her in December are quite clear from the review and I can now go better prepared. 


Regarding positive comments being dismissed on these boards we could turn that on its head and say anyone who makes a negative comment also gets shot down in flames.  The truth is probably somewhere in the middle but the reluctance to accept someone else's experience/opinion seems at present to be prevalent be they making a positive or negative comment. 


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8 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

Regarding positive comments being dismissed on these boards we could turn that on its head and say anyone who makes a negative comment also gets shot down in flames.  The truth is probably somewhere in the middle but the reluctance to accept someone else's experience/opinion seems at present to be prevalent be they making a positive or negative comment. 


I wouldn't say that reluctance to accept someone else's opinion is prevalent.  What I - and I sense others - have an issue with is those who try to extrapolate from their personal experience (good or bad) of one cruise on one ship to claim that 'all', 'many' or 'most' other passengers on that same cruise had a similar experience and, even worse, to argue that people on a future cruise on the same ship (or, perhaps on a different ship in the fleet) will inevitably have a similar experience to their current one.  This is scare / joymongering which I think is of no value to anyone.  


However many times it is said on here, it is clear that many do not understand that a review talks about an individual's personal experience on a specific cruise.  Other reviews of that same cruise will differ markedly, let alone those of other cruises or on other ships in the same fleet.  Each individual cruise experience is unique.  Potential customers need to treat individual views as such, and as a woefully unsound basis on which to make important decisions about their own cruise plans.

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18 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

The review by Presto is very balanced and is by someone who we personally know gives honest opinions.  Before the thread disappears down a rabbit hole perhaps it should be considered in it's own context, ie it was a good holiday much enjoyed but things like the dinner reservations etc which have kindly been highlighted left some parts a little wanting.  As someone with three future cruises now booked on Britannia I found the points very helpful as the changes from my previous cruise on her in December are quite clear from the review and I can now go better prepared. 


Regarding positive comments being dismissed on these boards we could turn that on its head and say anyone who makes a negative comment also gets shot down in flames.  The truth is probably somewhere in the middle but the reluctance to accept someone else's experience/opinion seems at present to be prevalent be they making a positive or negative comment. 


Yes,a fair and balanced review.by somebody who was on the cruise. What I find astonishing is that some folk find a negative, exaggerate it and give their authoritative opinion and they weren't there.

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6 minutes ago, cruising.mark.uk said:

I wouldn't say that reluctance to accept someone else's opinion is prevalent.  What I - and I sense others - have an issue with is those who try to extrapolate from their personal experience (good or bad) of one cruise on one ship to claim that 'all', 'many' or 'most' other passengers on that same cruise had a similar experience and, even worse, to argue that people on a future cruise on the same ship (or, perhaps on a different ship in the fleet) will inevitably have a similar experience to their current one.  This is scare / joymongering which I think is of no value to anyone.  


However many times it is said on here, it is clear that many do not understand that a review talks about an individual's personal experience on a specific cruise.  Other reviews of that same cruise will differ markedly, let alone those of other cruises or on other ships in the same fleet.  Each individual cruise experience is unique.  Potential customers need to treat individual views as such, and as a woefully unsound basis on which to make important decisions about their own cruise plans.


I would just like to say that I have never stated that everyone on a sailing I have been on has had the same experience.  I have referred to "many" in as much as these are the people I met having daily meetings and discussions with staff in the same area as myself. I also stated quite clearly in my postings that most people would be having a totally different experience. 


As you are aware I was writing a live experience from my own perspective based on what was going on with me. It was an individual's record on a daily basis which I chose to stop because people were holding me personally responsible for their decisions on bookings they held.  I was shocked that people would actually read a report or review of an individual and suggest they were formulating an opinion based on that one person's experience.  That was extremely unnecessary and unkind and actually caused me personal distress.   However if those comments had not been made and the report had continued it would have continued in a much more positive vein as once the continual meetings about rooms, noise and failure to show ended the cruise although not perfect developed into a more normal experience.


I agree wholeheartedly that no one should read reviews good or bad and take them as what will happen to them, but again it goes both ways.  I booked a cruise on Arvia based almost entirely on ICF's great experience in February but it didn't work out that way for me sadly. No one's fault and I most certainly wouldn't blame him for my experience.   The noise issue was something I was unaware of, certainly not from any reviews by anyone on these boards.  However I'm now aware it's a possibility and comments are feeding through in reviews elsewhere, I do not think therefore it is negative to let people know they exist and to be careful in cabin choice if noise at night would be an issue for you.


Personally I've grown tired of trying to discuss issues that arise and will not in future write reviews or reports.  

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5 hours ago, zap99 said:

Sometimes we fill them in if something is particularly good, or bad. We gave reviews on most restaurants and holidays immediately after lockdown as folk wanted to know what things were like in general. Hygiene, safety etc and we ate out lots. It seems on here that if you give positive comments some folk just dismiss them....can't be...you enjoyed the food ?..🤣

I generally fill them in if I receive the request. However I doubt that I answer each question the same way every time. But I never do the feefo reviews, maybe I should?

Edited by terrierjohn
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6 hours ago, Britboys said:

Feefo reviews are only as good as the reviewers. There is no structure to them and unless the reviewer states which ship they were on, you don't even know that.

I think it is very poor that P&O no longer issue the full questionnaire to all pax. It would be interesting to know what percentage of bookings do actually receive the full customer satisfaction survey.

Captain on Britannia 2weeks ago said only 13% of passengers do reviews .

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9 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:


Personally I've grown tired of trying to discuss issues that arise and will not in future write reviews or reports.  

It’s a great shame that you feel that way, but I completely understand your sentiments and felt the same after I returned from our recent cruise. I might have previously written a detailed account (and, in fact, was asked to do so by the moderator) but decided against it. It wasn’t a P&O cruise, but as we have only ever cruised with P&O previously the comparisons were very interesting and there were some aspects that would benefit P&O customers if adopted, but also some areas where we felt that P&O had the better approach. The irony is that the same people who have previously made barbed comments that I had not experienced other cruise lines would have probably been the same ones to take exception to any adverse comparisons about P&O that I would have made!


I hate to say it, but there is some passive-aggressive bullying that goes on within this forum from a tiny few who wish to shut down debate, and I don’t use that term lightly. 

This is not purely a review site, but a discussion forum. Many of the problems that some are reporting are as a direct result of policy or procedural changes that P&O have made. Many of us who have used P&O for decades may wish to pass comment on that and should be free to do so without sarcastic comments being made. I simply do not accept that unless someone has been on a particular cruise they should be unable to pass comment on these issues. 


Without going in to the details, as the husband and carer of someone with a severe disability, things that might be a minor irritation to some could present major challenges for my wife. I see it as my role to understand these issues and find work arounds, so that my wife can enjoy her holidays and avoid any embarrassments. I accept that this might make me more heightened towards problems and more anxious about them than those who do not face these issues and can just take everything in their stride. One of the great benefits of this forum is the ability to get feedback and ask questions so as to assist in planning our cruises. I also reserve the right to pass comment on things that I feel have changed for the worst, although I don’t expect everyone to agree with me!


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12 minutes ago, BandBlady said:

Captain on Britannia 2weeks ago said only 13% of passengers do reviews .

That’s interesting. With human nature being as it is, I guess that people are far more likely to complete a review if they’ve had a poor experience than if they’ve had a good one.

However, as somebody else pointed out earlier, that would apply to all companies (including those with much better scores) and the critical thing will be whether a companies average score is going up or down over time. 

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He asked at the loyalty drinks party to guess the percentage of replies .

It was again mentioned at the loyalty lunch ,and then finally a Senior officer as we were self disembarking bade us farewell and said “don’t forget to do your review .

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25 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

It’s a great shame that you feel that way, but I completely understand your sentiments and felt the same after I returned from our recent cruise. I might have previously written a detailed account (and, in fact, was asked to do so by the moderator) but decided against it. It wasn’t a P&O cruise, but as we have only ever cruised with P&O previously the comparisons were very interesting and there were some aspects that would benefit P&O customers if adopted, but also some areas where we felt that P&O had the better approach. The irony is that the same people who have previously made barbed comments that I had not experienced other cruise lines would have probably been the same ones to take exception to any adverse comparisons about P&O that I would have made!


I hate to say it, but there is some passive-aggressive bullying that goes on within this forum from a tiny few who wish to shut down debate, and I don’t use that term lightly. 

This is not purely a review site, but a discussion forum. Many of the problems that some are reporting are as a direct result of policy or procedural changes that P&O have made. Many of us who have used P&O for decades may wish to pass comment on that and should be free to do so without sarcastic comments being made. I simply do not accept that unless someone has been on a particular cruise they should be unable to pass comment on these issues. 


Without going in to the details, as the husband and carer of someone with a severe disability, things that might be a minor irritation to some could present major challenges for my wife. I see it as my role to understand these issues and find work arounds, so that my wife can enjoy her holidays and avoid any embarrassments. I accept that this might make me more heightened towards problems and more anxious about them than those who do not face these issues and can just take everything in their stride. One of the great benefits of this forum is the ability to get feedback and ask questions so as to assist in planning our cruises. I also reserve the right to pass comment on things that I feel have changed for the worst, although I don’t expect everyone to agree with me!


I agree with you.


It's a shame that Megabear won't be doing anymore reviews or reports, as I always thought what she wrote was interesting. But totally understand why she feels like it.


I'm  going on my first Saga cruise in August, and was planning on doing a report on the lines of 'P&O cruiser does Saga'.  However, I probably won't bother now, not least because, from some quarters there are barbed comments  every time Saga (or Fred Olsen) is mentioned, and I can't be bothered to make myself a target for that. I'll probably post a couple of times in the general thread, and if anyone wants to ask me questions I'll be happy to answer as best I can - but I will probably leave it at that. 

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There does seem to be some antipathy towards Saga, and  I get the impression that it is mainly because the cruises are more expensive than P and O ones.  It is, I would agree, unfair to compare the two lines, for that reason.  Everyone who tries both should bear in mind the cost per day of each line (bearing in mind  that Saga do include door to door travel, all drinks, and insurance).

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Please make use of the report button.This is a moderated site and we don't tolerate bullying, passive aggressive or otherwise. 

Equally we don't have the resources to read every post so we have to rely on members reporting posts to keep the discussions civil and on track. 

Thank you for your assistance. 

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1 hour ago, Dermotsgirl said:

I agree with you.


It's a shame that Megabear won't be doing anymore reviews or reports, as I always thought what she wrote was interesting. But totally understand why she feels like it.


I'm  going on my first Saga cruise in August, and was planning on doing a report on the lines of 'P&O cruiser does Saga'.  However, I probably won't bother now, not least because, from some quarters there are barbed comments  every time Saga (or Fred Olsen) is mentioned, and I can't be bothered to make myself a target for that. I'll probably post a couple of times in the general thread, and if anyone wants to ask me questions I'll be happy to answer as best I can - but I will probably leave it at that. 

Thanks. As someone who is seriously considering Saga myself, I would certainly be one who would find your views very interesting. Yes, we all know it’s more expensive, but that doesn’t make the comparisons irrelevant. I would argue that it makes them more relevant. My question, as I’m sure it would be for all P&O regulars is simple - “is it worth the extra cost over P&O?”. That question can only be answered by evaluating one against the other (as we recently did with Cunard vs P&O). We used to book suites on P&O but have now decided that if we are paying that sort of cost per night we would rather go on Cunard (or possibly even Saga) so, again, the comparisons are highly relevant. At the end of the day, we are all free to make our own choices, as we all do. 

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47 minutes ago, Host Hattie said:

Please make use of the report button.This is a moderated site and we don't tolerate bullying, passive aggressive or otherwise. 

Equally we don't have the resources to read every post so we have to rely on members reporting posts to keep the discussions civil and on track. 

Thank you for your assistance. 

The trouble is that it's so subtle only those of us who read very regularly pick up on it. Many others react favourably to the carefully phrased unpleasant posts.

Edited by AnnieC
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Crikey I only posted a review. What a debate that caused. Anyway, just to say that nothing will stop me from reviewing my cruises and being honest . Surely that is what it is all about and if it helps someone that's why we joined CC in the first place.

Ps thanks for the many lovely comments from many of you. 😀

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7 hours ago, Presto2 said:

Crikey I only posted a review. What a debate that caused. Anyway, just to say that nothing will stop me from reviewing my cruises and being honest . Surely that is what it is all about and if it helps someone that's why we joined CC in the first place.

Ps thanks for the many lovely comments from many of you. 😀

Your review certainly helped us, so a really heartfelt thank you. 

Opinions, good and bad help many cruisers make informed decisions. 

I never want to risk waiting 2 hours to eat, which has been reported by many, so am glad the fixed dining option is still available on Britannia.. 

I know this is probably the exception as many others have not had to wait long, but I ain't risking it, no way Pedro, it would spoil my enjoyment. 

Thanks again for taking some of the worry away for us. 





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20 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

Your review certainly helped us, so a really heartfelt thank you. 

Opinions, good and bad help many cruisers make informed decisions. 

I never want to risk waiting 2 hours to eat, which has been reported by many, so am glad the fixed dining option is still available on Britannia.. 

I know this is probably the exception as many others have not had to wait long, but I ain't risking it, no way Pedro, it would spoil my enjoyment. 

Thanks again for taking some of the worry away for us. 





Have you changed to fixed for your cruise in a few weeks time Andy? As you know, we are on the cruise after yours and are booked on Freedom, which we have never found to be an issue pre Covid. I am wondering if we will regret not having requested a change to fixed dining based on the feedback from this review and others, but we like the flexibility to dine at different times and, more importantly, really need to have a table for 2 due to my wife’s needs (I now have to assist her at times and she would find this humiliating on a shared table). As you know, you cannot guarantee a table for 2 with fixed dining and I’m concerned that if we change at this late stage we may not get our choice of table size.

Like you I don’t want to be waiting 2 hours for a table and neither do we want to be forced to use speciality restaurants for 14 nights. However, I am tempted to leave our freedom booking and see how we find it, hoping that it might still work as intended, as it has for some others. If it’s a disaster I will change our future bookings to fixed, other than Iona where that’s not an option. 

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11 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

Have you changed to fixed for your cruise in a few weeks time Andy? As you know, we are on the cruise after yours and are booked on Freedom, which we have never found to be an issue pre Covid. I am wondering if we will regret not having requested a change to fixed dining based on the feedback from this review and others, but we like the flexibility to dine at different times and, more importantly, really need to have a table for 2 due to my wife’s needs (I now have to assist her at times and she would find this humiliating on a shared table). As you know, you cannot guarantee a table for 2 with fixed dining and I’m concerned that if we change at this late stage we may not get our choice of table size.

Like you I don’t want to be waiting 2 hours for a table and neither do we want to be forced to use speciality restaurants for 14 nights. However, I am tempted to leave our freedom booking and see how we find it, hoping that it might still work as intended, as it has for some others. If it’s a disaster I will change our future bookings to fixed, other than Iona where that’s not an option. 

Yes, we have requested a table for 2, late sitting. 

We are not too worried about the flexibility, we will plan our days around our dinner. 

If we have to share, no real problem for us, we like to meet new people. 

I can fully understand why you would stick with freedom, I expect lots of people like us are changing to fixed dining and requesting tables for 2, so hopefully this will work in your favour... 

Whatever happens, we are determined to have a great time and are sure we will. 

As Zap says often, we will get fed, looked after and entertained... What more could you want... 


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4 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

 I expect lots of people like us are changing to fixed dining and requesting tables for 2, so hopefully this will work in your favour... 

Fingers crossed! In your situation I would have done the same as you and switched to second sitting fixed. 

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Thanks for the review Presto. We've done 7 or 8 cruises now, all with P&O including 2 post covid last year on Azura and I have to say we haven't really encountered any problems with the 'app' and freedom dining. This December we're off to the Caribbean on Britannia and to celebrate our 30th anniversary we decided to splash out on an aft suite. After reading your comment about the soot on the balcony I'm wondering about trying to swap it for another suite slightly further forward as there are still one or two left. We are on B deck under one of the canopies that have been added to prevent the problem. Do you think it's worth bothering about?

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1 hour ago, Pencil62 said:

Thanks for the review Presto. We've done 7 or 8 cruises now, all with P&O including 2 post covid last year on Azura and I have to say we haven't really encountered any problems with the 'app' and freedom dining. This December we're off to the Caribbean on Britannia and to celebrate our 30th anniversary we decided to splash out on an aft suite. After reading your comment about the soot on the balcony I'm wondering about trying to swap it for another suite slightly further forward as there are still one or two left. We are on B deck under one of the canopies that have been added to prevent the problem. Do you think it's worth bothering about?


We have done 2 Azura and 1 Britannia cruises post Covid. No problems at all on Azura but freedom dining wasn’t as good on Britannia when we were on the Baltic last month. Queues over 100 people and waits of over an hour, if we sail on her again we will do 2nd sitting rather than freedom. We used the specialty restaurants more than usual to save the agro. So unless you are happy to share a table and get in quicker this might be something to consider. 


We sailed on Britannia in the Caribbean in an aft balcony room, didn’t like the soot, marked a number of shirts, and when I was reading on the balcony soot landed on my book, just wondered what micro particles you are breathing in, and put me off using the balcony. They installed the canopies after but not sure how much that helps, but I have seen a number of recent reviews saying soot is still being deposited on aft balconies, if there are suits more forward might be worth considering if this might put you off too. 

On another point the housekeeping is not as good anymore, we didn’t have our carpet vacuumed in the 2 weeks on Britannia. When we sailed in Caribbean she was only a couple of years old and the carpet was already grubby with soot, so if they haven’t deep cleaned or changed carpets since dread to think what they are like now. Although I’m sure the suits should be in better condition and have better housekeeping than the standard balcony. 

We loved our Caribbean trip on Britannia, so hope you have an amazing time to celebrate your special anniversary. 

Edited by Al_W
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