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Received Balcony upgrade with new room assignment. 5 hours later NCL reneged on the upgrade. Has this happened to anyone?


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4 hours ago, BigPapaGato said:

Sailing on our cruise in 3 days. We submitted a bid offer from an interior cabin to a regular balcony. I received my confirmation email today that our offer was accepted. We were charged for the upgrade and assigned a new balcony cabin. 5 hours later I receive the following email from NCL:


"Dear Valued guest,

We sincerely regret to inform you that for your reservation mentioned above, the “Offer Upgraded” email was sent in error,  the reservation has been reverted to its original cabin and the charge for the upgrade will be refunded. Your bids will all still be considered should inventory become available between now and the close of the program.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience."


The best part is that when I go to the upgrade page. All of my upgrade offers are gone and the page says that I am no longer eligible to upgrade. 


Anyone been in a similar situation?


Sorry that this happened to you.  I can fully comprehend being dejected about it.  Above all else tough, I sincerely hope that you and your entire cruise party have the most amazing cruise adventure possible and make a lot of fantastic memories!


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24 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:


Sorry that this happened to you.  I can fully comprehend being dejected about it.  Above all else tough, I sincerely hope that you and your entire cruise party have the most amazing cruise adventure possible and make a lot of fantastic memories!


thank you kindly

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I agree that this looks like a mistake by Upgrade Advantage.  I also agree that there doesn’t seem to be a case for any kind of compensation.  They corrected the issue quickly, you’re not out any money and you’re getting the original cabin you booked.


What I would take issue with, however, is not being able to reinstate the original bids or put in new ones.  If you’re three days out, there’s probably still hope for an upgrade.  Twice in the last year I’ve won bids at the very last minute.  One came through the morning of embarkation.  One came through two hours after we boarded and had already dropped our carry ons in the original cabin.  I would be upset if my bids were all just cancelled three days out because of this mistake.

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I think it is a good idea as soon as you get an upgrade to download everything so you have copies.


Could even go as far as using them for your check in and luggage tags.


Turn up expecting the cabin 



Three days to go could easy miss the change back especially if traveling


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11 hours ago, BigPapaGato said:

Mistakes do happen, that doesn’t mean that NCL shouldn’t be held accountable for them. 

They reversed everything (except the charges which are still pending) in a timely manner as you put it but I’ve been waiting for months hoping for the last minute upgrade - 5 hours, 5 days or 5 months… the disappointment is still the same. It feels like a bait and switch.

Additionally now it looks like there’s some sort of error with my account and none of my upgrades are eligible now. This contradictory information adds to our frustration and raises further questions about the integrity of the process.

I did get the original cabin back. 

So you got what you paid for originally?

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10 hours ago, MoCruiseFan said:

1) It was more than likely NOT an NCL error but an error bt Upgrade Advantage

Whatever company processes the upgrades is an agent of NCL and should be considered NCL. For example, I work for a very large company and it's likely many people here are customers of that company. We utilize outside vendors to do some customer service call center work. If somebody at one of those call centers made a mistake on your account, you would not say "Oh, don't worry big company, we realize it wasn't you, it was your vendor." You would hold US responsible, and you should.

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1 hour ago, pcakes122 said:

Whatever company processes the upgrades is an agent of NCL and should be considered NCL. For example, I work for a very large company and it's likely many people here are customers of that company. We utilize outside vendors to do some customer service call center work. If somebody at one of those call centers made a mistake on your account, you would not say "Oh, don't worry big company, we realize it wasn't you, it was your vendor." You would hold US responsible, and you should.

Eh, maybe. The company I work for also has outside companies to do certain tasks, and while we might regret something one of them does, we wouldn't feel financially liable for it. If NCL OWNED the Upgrade Advantage company, that would be an entirely different kettle of fish. I occasionally receive promotional emails for things followed quickly by a "whoops, we sent that out in error." Under no circumstances do I expect the company to be liable for an amazing offer that is quickly rescinded. You used to see mistake fares on airlines like $750 in first class instead of $7500 because someone missed a "0." I don't even think they have to honor those anymore. But that's just me.

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I wouldn’t plan on NCL offering anything once you board.  By that time all the cabins will have been filled (if they aren’t already).  And, the few (if any) they set aside to move guests as a result of a cabin mechanical issue that’s unsolvable, will have been reserved.


I get it.  They told you one thing (the upgrade) but ended up giving you exactly what you booked.  Tough to see where compensation would be in order for that.  However, maybe a dinner at a Specialty Restaurant would make up for the mistake?


Tell them what you want as compensation.  The worst they can say is “no”!

Edited by graphicguy
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13 hours ago, BigPapaGato said:

NCL Prima

Which cabin did you originally have and is the new one the same class of cabin? If so, is there a substantial difference in the location? (Not just a few doors down, but going from fore to aft, midship to fore, etc?) It seems to me that would make a big difference and I agree with @graphicguy that it'd be worth asking for some compensation like a specialty restaurant voucher, free room service, a bottle of wine, something like that.

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15 hours ago, MoCruiseFan said:

1) It was more than likely NOT an NCL error but an error bt Upgrade Advantage.

2) The refunds still being pending is a bank issue not an NCL (nor even an Upgrade Advantage) issue.

NCL cannot hide behind the excuse that the error was with one of their hired contractors.  They should provide some minor compensation for the error.

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Wasn’t NCL but a Carnival cruise.  Had the dreaded “sewage smell” in my balcony cabin.  After 2X they came and dumped some sort of chemical in the toilet that was supposed to make it disappear.  It didn’t.  Then, the toilet finally quit flushing.


They ended up moving me to another cabin, but instead of a balcony, it was an oceanview because that’s the only thing they had available.  I asked for a partial refund, which they refused.  I finally got some drink vouchers (don’t remember it being more than about 3) loaded onto my card.  Fair?  Not hardly.


But, cruise lines are way more rigid than hotels and other types of resorts when dealing with some of these situations.  Just a general observation!


The good news is, you didn’t lose any money and you have the original cabin you booked.

Edited by graphicguy
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16 hours ago, BigPapaGato said:

Mistakes do happen, that doesn’t mean that NCL shouldn’t be held accountable for them. 

They reversed everything (except the charges which are still pending) in a timely manner as you put it but I’ve been waiting for months hoping for the last minute upgrade - 5 hours, 5 days or 5 months… the disappointment is still the same. It feels like a bait and switch.

Additionally now it looks like there’s some sort of error with my account and none of my upgrades are eligible now. This contradictory information adds to our frustration and raises further questions about the integrity of the process.

I did get the original cabin back. 

OK, please disregard my earlier post because I hadn't seen this. You are back in your original cabin, thank you!

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21 hours ago, BigPapaGato said:

Mistakes do happen, that doesn’t mean that NCL shouldn’t be held accountable for them. 

They reversed everything (except the charges which are still pending) in a timely manner as you put it but I’ve been waiting for months hoping for the last minute upgrade - 5 hours, 5 days or 5 months… the disappointment is still the same. It feels like a bait and switch.

Additionally now it looks like there’s some sort of error with my account and none of my upgrades are eligible now. This contradictory information adds to our frustration and raises further questions about the integrity of the process.

I did get the original cabin back. 

On our post-covid cruises, bids closed 3 days before sailing. That may be why there are no options showing. Just a thought! Sorry this happened to you. 

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i'm sorry for the feeling of disappointment, but in reality, you ended up with exactly the cabin you originally booked, at the price you agreed to pay. so how can you in good conscience complain.


just think  that you are never entitled to an upgrade offer, and ncl apologized for the mistake

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I'm sorry this happened BigPapaGato. That would be disappointing to think you had something and to lose it. Hopefully karma will reward you in some other way this trip, and something unexpected in the good direction happens.


Also, thanks for the heads up to never assume an upgrade is in place until you are unpacked in the room. Now knowing this can happen, will mean a little less sting if it happens to me. 🙂

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Unfortunate set of circumstances.


They get your hopes up and lets' be honest with each other, there is a level of excitement that comes with that notification.  You start to tell people, FB friends yada yadah yadah and now you have to explain why your not upgraded.  I get it.


Some will blame "Upgrade Advantage" and say its not NCL's fault.  But at the end of the day NCL highered "Upgrade Advantage" so they are responsible for here doings and errors.


You did get your original cabin back and hopefully the charges reversed.  So while your really not out anything monetarily they should have some common decency seeing as though they put your emotions up and than just let them fall on the cement!    I still think you are deserving of some sort of OBC like $100 or maybe a free specialty dining something like that and i would be calling them now to get it..  


That's just good customer service of which NCL has been lacking lately "In my opinion".  I know the NCL cheerleaders will take exception with me and that's OK, but the facts are the facts.


If i owned a pizza store and someone ordered a bacon pizza to be delivered to there home and they just got a cheese pizza.  As a business owner I to keep a customer happy, yes i would own the error as i made the wrong pizza, i'm not gonna pick that cheese pizza back up, i'm gonna make a bacon pizza as requested and deliver it and by the way keep the other one with my apologies.  This issue is the same when it comes to errors.  A little bit of compensation goes along way to keeping a happy customer.

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I can't agree with the argument that the company someone hires is the responsible of the one who contracted it. If I host a party for 50 people at my house and the caterer I hired doesn't show up, that's on me now? I don't think so. Or I hire a taxicab to get me to the cruise port and he doesn't show up on time so I'm late and miss my cruise, that's now my fault? Nope. NCL doesn't own the upgrade bidding site, they contract with them. There's always the risk (since it's not NCL-owned) that an offer will be approved and later retracted. That doesn't mean I think it's OK, because I'd be disappointed, too. For sure. But that doesn't mean NCL is liable. This is all rather moot since OP got his original cabin back and is probably enjoying his cruise now while we debate this subject.

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just consider, it could have worse (1) ncl could have apologized and told him they had overbooked and cancelled his reservation entirely,(2) due to mechanical issues, the entire cruise was cancelled (3) the cruise was cancelled because ncl turned this into a "charter " cruise, (4) while he may have been disappointed, think of "ALL" the cruisers who were disappointed when all cruises were cancelled for 2 years due to covid, now that's truly disappointment.


he got what he originally booked, ncl returned the money difference, and he's still cruising!


the post noted that he booked an upgrade from inside to balcony. if the situation were reversed, and when he got to the ship he was put into a suite by mistake, im sure this post would have never been written. if there are any upgrades available once onboard, most likely if he still wants to upgrade, he will be charged the difference in price not his bidding price. while i agree,  the anticipation of bidding for a higher category cabin at a reduced price is high, personally, i booked the cabin i want. weusually travel with a friend, so we try and book the 2 bedroom suite so she has her own room and bathroom, the only other cabin that accommodates this is the  3 bedroom and the bidding starts at $1400x's2, and while i would love to sail inthis cabin, i dont need (nor could i utilize) the extra room


in reality, he lost nothing, and (although i could be mistaken), im sure he didnt cancel his cruise .


as for good business, if i ordered a bacon pizza (something i dont think i ever would do), and got a cheeses pizza instead, i guess the proper thing to do, is comp the cheese pizza, and as quick as possible bring the correct one.  That's why i always go to pick up an order, rather than have it delivered. 

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1 hour ago, DCGuy64 said:

I can't agree with the argument that the company someone hires is the responsible of the one who contracted it. If I host a party for 50 people at my house and the caterer I hired doesn't show up, that's on me now? I don't think so. Or I hire a taxicab to get me to the cruise port and he doesn't show up on time so I'm late and miss my cruise, that's now my fault? Nope. NCL doesn't own the upgrade bidding site, they contract with them. There's always the risk (since it's not NCL-owned) that an offer will be approved and later retracted. That doesn't mean I think it's OK, because I'd be disappointed, too. For sure. But that doesn't mean NCL is liable. This is all rather moot since OP got his original cabin back and is probably enjoying his cruise now while we debate this subject.

I don't see how your comparisons fit in this scenario as they leave out a third party. 


If you hired a caterer and that caterer that you hired subbed out that order to another caterer and that other caterer (that you didn't hire) failed to show up, who would you hold responsible? Personally, I'd be frustrated with both caterers but ultimately I'd hold the company that I actually hired responsible because I can't know what conversations took place between the two companies, I can only know for certain what took place between the company I hired and myself.


The OP is a customer of NCL, not the customer of whatever company NCL might decide to hire to take on/manage some of NCL's tasks/programs.

Edited by minabruuke
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When it comes to upgrades, don't be a Spalding....




Seriously, the OP booked something, agreed to that something, and is getting that exact same something. Having a balcony upgrade dangled in front of them and taken away doesn't change the original something.


Enjoy the cruise as you had originally planned on the day that you booked.

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1 hour ago, minabruuke said:

I don't see how your comparisons fit in this scenario as they leave out a third party. 


If you hired a caterer and that caterer that you hired subbed out that order to another caterer and that other caterer (that you didn't hire) failed to show up, who would you hold responsible? Personally, I'd be frustrated with both caterers but ultimately I'd hold the company that I actually hired responsible because I can't know what conversations took place between the two companies, I can only know for certain what took place between the company I hired and myself.


The OP is a customer of NCL, not the customer of whatever company NCL might decide to hire to take on/manage some of NCL's tasks/programs.

However you wish to characterize it, I think it still falls under the definition of an outside partner. Sort of like the duty free shops onboard the ship, something like that. Now, having said that, I would side with the OP in feeling let down (because I would also have gotten my hopes up when I first saw the email saying my upgrade was successful). The question is: what difference does it make? I believe the OP said he was leaving 3 days from the time he posted this, so by now it's irrelevant. As others have said, he has his original cabin, so it's time to forget about this and enjoy. (I know that's what I'd be doing)

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