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$14.95 for STEAK???


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I think perhaps some of us here may be missing the point.


It isn't about the steak, it isn't about heathy or not. It's about the devolution of the cruise experience.



that was an excellent, intelligent post. I agree with all of it (except...farm raised fish is cheaper, wild caught fish is more expensive)...just an FYI ;)

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Well then shouldn't we all keep making NOISE on this thread? We know they are watching this thread and how often do we KNOW we have their attention? PLEASE...anyone reading this thread, express your opinions to RCL as if they are REALLY going to listen to it. Because this time they just might.
Pack 'em. My husband has those! They are also great for concerts!!! He walks right through the security checkpoint, never had a problem.

I hope they aren't watching all the threads though... you know the other one where you encourage cruisers to bring their booze onboard. Then you wonder why they are looking for new sources of income?

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I have read this whole thread from start to finish, and boy are my eyes tired! :D


My thoughts on this are with the majority, all meals should be included in the fare paid. After all, that is and has been the standard and one of the reasons we take cruises.


I do have several comments that I would like to make.


Why oh why is the practice of adding surcharges and extra fees to the basic cost of a product so widely done these days? From the airlines and their never ending fees, and to the cruise lines new attempts at doing the same. I am sorry, but when you start whittling down what should be considered a part of the basic cost of the service, what is it that we are paying for? I for one think that fuel is part of the basic cost of proving me transportation. If on one hand you wish to keep the price low, but add a surcharge because of the cost of fuel what IS the point. This is a basic cost of the product and should be reflected in a higher price of the service. After all you ARE going to pay for it, one way or another.


The process of decreasing the quality of the food make no sense whatsoever. If there is a need to keep the same quality but raise the cost $5 pppd, then do it. Why the subterfuge? You might as well introduce class dining rooms, ala Cunard and allow the pricey cabins to have the better food and serve the slop to the masses. Completely negates the idea of cruising though and the one size fits all concept.


Adding all these little cost extras while charging an arm and a leg for them is getting ridiculous. There is no way that this steak would cost anywhere near $15 or that "fresh-squeezed" OJ is worth a fiver. Whereas raising the price by $5 pppd means everyone can enjoy a quality product.


The number of sheeple that exist in the world today are the real cause of these flights of fancy. Statements like, Oh, I don't mind, or Oh well, don't buy it if you don't want to. Instead of standing up and saying we are not going to take it anymore! Why some people let corporations and governments run roughshod over them is amazing. You have to wonder what will get a rise out of them.


Off my soapbox, thanks for listening!




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Great post. Not a soapbox, Cruiseline Execs need to hear what is on the minds of their clients. If they do not heed what the passengers feel are objectional practices and do what they want then any adverse affect are on business is on their heads. We, as paying passengers, do not have to cruise with any one cruiseline. Yes, some are 'currently' better than others but as this changes I can see cruiseline loyalty start to wane. Example - how many of you or your parents would only buy one brand of gasoline back in the 50s, 60s 70s, 80s??? Now the lowest price wins in the majority of purchases.


As I mentioned in a previous post, once the price to cruise gets too obnoxious I won't cruise every year like I'm used to or I'll take a differnt type of vacation. It's my (our) dollars they are fiddling with. We do not have to spend it where we do not want to.


Happy Friday everyone,


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I have read this whole thread from start to finish, and boy are my eyes tired! :D


My thoughts on this are with the majority, all meals should be included in the fare paid. After all, that is and has been the standard and one of the reasons we take cruises.


I do have several comments that I would like to make.


Why oh why is the practice of adding surcharges and extra fees to the basic cost of a product so widely done these days? From the airlines and their never ending fees, and to the cruise lines new attempts at doing the same. I am sorry, but when you start whittling down what should be considered a part of the basic cost of the service, what is it that we are paying for? I for one think that fuel is part of the basic cost of proving me transportation. If on one hand you wish to keep the price low, but add a surcharge because of the cost of fuel what IS the point. This is a basic cost of the product and should be reflected in a higher price of the service. After all you ARE going to pay for it, one way or another.


The process of decreasing the quality of the food make no sense whatsoever. If there is a need to keep the same quality but raise the cost $5 pppd, then do it. Why the subterfuge? You might as well introduce class dining rooms, ala Cunard and allow the pricey cabins to have the better food and serve the slop to the masses. Completely negates the idea of cruising though and the one size fits all concept.


Adding all these little cost extras while charging an arm and a leg for them is getting ridiculous. There is no way that this steak would cost anywhere near $15 or that "fresh-squeezed" OJ is worth a fiver. Whereas raising the price by $5 pppd means everyone can enjoy a quality product.


The number of sheeple that exist in the world today are the real cause of these flights of fancy. Statements like, Oh, I don't mind, or Oh well, don't buy it if you don't want to. Instead of standing up and saying we are not going to take it anymore! Why some people let corporations and governments run roughshod over them is amazing. You have to wonder what will get a rise out of them.


Off my soapbox, thanks for listening!





All the things you refer to are "marketing strategies". Entire careers are devoted to the study and practice of separating consumers from their hard-earned money. My only advice is "let the buyer beware". If you don't care for the practices they employ then deny them your custom. Also, let them know why you do so. Bon Voyage to all!

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All the things you refer to are "marketing strategies". Entire careers are devoted to the study and practice of separating consumers from their hard-earned money. My only advice is "let the buyer beware". If you don't care for the practices they employ then deny them your custom. Also, let them know why you do so. Bon Voyage to all!


There is little value in most of the extras compared to the "nominal" charge, $25 photos, $8 cocktails, $30 wine, $80 excursions to a beach, $3 room service pizza, (that's a Princess charge) $5 OJ, $5 ice cream, $2 sodas etc etc etc.


This is the first year that no cruises were taken by us!




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I have read this whole thread from start to finish, and boy are my eyes tired! :D


My thoughts on this are with the majority, all meals should be included in the fare paid. After all, that is and has been the standard and one of the reasons we take cruises.


I do have several comments that I would like to make.


Why oh why is the practice of adding surcharges and extra fees to the basic cost of a product so widely done these days? From the airlines and their never ending fees, and to the cruise lines new attempts at doing the same. I am sorry, but when you start whittling down what should be considered a part of the basic cost of the service, what is it that we are paying for? I for one think that fuel is part of the basic cost of proving me transportation. If on one hand you wish to keep the price low, but add a surcharge because of the cost of fuel what IS the point. This is a basic cost of the product and should be reflected in a higher price of the service. After all you ARE going to pay for it, one way or another.


The process of decreasing the quality of the food make no sense whatsoever. If there is a need to keep the same quality but raise the cost $5 pppd, then do it. Why the subterfuge? You might as well introduce class dining rooms, ala Cunard and allow the pricey cabins to have the better food and serve the slop to the masses. Completely negates the idea of cruising though and the one size fits all concept.


Adding all these little cost extras while charging an arm and a leg for them is getting ridiculous. There is no way that this steak would cost anywhere near $15 or that "fresh-squeezed" OJ is worth a fiver. Whereas raising the price by $5 pppd means everyone can enjoy a quality product.


The number of sheeple that exist in the world today are the real cause of these flights of fancy. Statements like, Oh, I don't mind, or Oh well, don't buy it if you don't want to. Instead of standing up and saying we are not going to take it anymore! Why some people let corporations and governments run roughshod over them is amazing. You have to wonder what will get a rise out of them.


Off my soapbox, thanks for listening!





It has become the age of the microtransaction. You pay for a product x but, "hey buddy for a few bucks more you can get the deluxe product x!" My perception is they have lowerd the quality/services of the initial product and to get what you use to there is an additional fee.


It's happening everywhere if you really pay attention. A box of cereal is basically the same price as 5-10 years ago but I guarantee if you check the weight a few ounces have come out.


I first noticed it with banking institutions. If they're able to squeeze just 50 cents out of 5 million people... well just do the math.


This is becoming the norm everywhere and that's why I don't like the $14.95 steak.

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It has become the age of the microtransaction. You pay for a product x but, "hey buddy for a few bucks more you can get the deluxe product x!" My perception is they have lowerd the quality/services of the initial product and to get what you use to there is an additional fee.


It's happening everywhere if you really pay attention. A box of cereal is basically the same price as 5-10 years ago but I guarantee if you check the weight a few ounces have come out.


I first noticed it with banking institutions. If they're able to squeeze just 50 cents out of 5 million people... well just do the math.


This is becoming the norm everywhere and that's why I don't like the $14.95 steak.


That is the other thing that galls me. The incessant decrease of the size of a package, while keeping the price the same. Usually at the same time as a change in the colour of the box. For some reason is is completely unacceptable to raise the price of a package of 16oz whatevers, but to charge the same price for a new 14.5 oz packages. When does it end, when the large package gets to the same size as the previous smaller size, then they can introduce a "classic" super jumbo version at the old 16oz size for double the price?


Marketers, almost on a par with lawyers.




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that was an excellent, intelligent post. I agree with all of it (except...farm raised fish is cheaper, wild caught fish is more expensive)...just an FYI ;)


Is it really? I've never priced it. I was actually thinking of the catfish farms around here where you go and fish and catch your own then get charged by the lb. It's actually pretty fun and you do catch some large catfish, unlike a regular lake or such where you can catch anything from turtles to snakes (if you're really unlucky and usually not with catfish bait.)



If you really really want to make sure you're eating healthy, go buy a hundred acres of farmland and grow your own!! Otherwise if you have to take people's word for it and, let's be honest...people LIE! I know that's a shock to those that believe RCI is just being committed to a healthier happier life style and is totally unmotived by extra revenue (after all, the company IS a charity isn't it? (sarcasm)).

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There is little value in most of the extras compared to the "nominal" charge, $25 photos, $8 cocktails, $30 wine, $80 excursions to a beach, $3 room service pizza, (that's a Princess charge) $5 OJ, $5 ice cream, $2 sodas etc etc etc.


This is the first year that no cruises were taken by us!





So, then, you've done exactly what the other poster suggested. You have "denied them your custom." Which is good. Letting them know why you're not giving them your business anymore is even better.


As to the enumerated costs, I'll just say what I've always said, "cruises are one of the best vacation values going."


Oh, and though you're far from alone in your complaint about the cost of photos on board, as a former pro photographer, I defy you to get a portrait of comparable quality elsewhere for a lower price. The sitting fee alone is higher.

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I hope they aren't watching all the threads though... you know the other one where you encourage cruisers to bring their booze onboard. Then you wonder why they are looking for new sources of income?


I hardly think I "encourage" people to bring booze on board. But I have never made a secret of the fact that I bubble wrap a bottle in my packed bag for the use and enjoyment in the privacy of my stateroom. I never used to do this, prior to the honeymooner who ended up overboard, we used to be treated like adults in this manner. We would go to the on board liquor shop after they opened, buy our bottle on board and pay the fee ($9, I believe) for in room consumption. I still spend plenty in the bars, buy wine, shooters. We are very generous with ourselves as we are on vacation. We are almost always paying for 6-8 passengers and all of us spend generously on ship. Our total sea pass bill is very high every time we cruise.


And what makes you think if someone brings booze on board they NECESSARILY spend less on board or if they don't bring booze on board they NECESSARILY spend more? Are you privy to some inside info on this, or are you just making a generalization?


I am not "afraid" of anyone at RCL reading any of my posts. I would love to have a rational discussion over why we can't bring a bottle of booze on board but we can bring our own shampoo and sunscreen? They sell shampoo and sunscreen in the on board shops and yet we can bring our own?


In my opinion, this was just another series of decisions by the cruise line to lessen "choice". Just like the "new" steak charge in the MDR. The decision to stop in room consumption of liquor and the decision to start charging for food in the dining room has nothing really to do with steak or booze.

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I have read this whole thread from start to finish, and boy are my eyes tired! :D


My thoughts on this are with the majority, all meals should be included in the fare paid. After all, that is and has been the standard and one of the reasons we take cruises.


I do have several comments that I would like to make.


Why oh why is the practice of adding surcharges and extra fees to the basic cost of a product so widely done these days? From the airlines and their never ending fees, and to the cruise lines new attempts at doing the same. I am sorry, but when you start whittling down what should be considered a part of the basic cost of the service, what is it that we are paying for? I for one think that fuel is part of the basic cost of proving me transportation. If on one hand you wish to keep the price low, but add a surcharge because of the cost of fuel what IS the point. This is a basic cost of the product and should be reflected in a higher price of the service. After all you ARE going to pay for it, one way or another.


The process of decreasing the quality of the food make no sense whatsoever. If there is a need to keep the same quality but raise the cost $5 pppd, then do it. Why the subterfuge? You might as well introduce class dining rooms, ala Cunard and allow the pricey cabins to have the better food and serve the slop to the masses. Completely negates the idea of cruising though and the one size fits all concept.


Adding all these little cost extras while charging an arm and a leg for them is getting ridiculous. There is no way that this steak would cost anywhere near $15 or that "fresh-squeezed" OJ is worth a fiver. Whereas raising the price by $5 pppd means everyone can enjoy a quality product.


The number of sheeple that exist in the world today are the real cause of these flights of fancy. Statements like, Oh, I don't mind, or Oh well, don't buy it if you don't want to. Instead of standing up and saying we are not going to take it anymore! Why some people let corporations and governments run roughshod over them is amazing. You have to wonder what will get a rise out of them.


Off my soapbox, thanks for listening!






Peter -

Stay on that soapbox, dude ... let me buy you a bullhorn, too. Because you've got it exactly right. The sheeple are as much of a problem here as the greed-driven RCL execs. Most of them simply don't think through what's at stake; unfortunately, a few of them become outspoken advocates for RCL's greediest tendencies. The motivation of these KoolAiders is puzzling. :rolleyes:

Your point about the ACTUAL COST to RCL to provide the upgrade steak, the fresh O.J., etc. is essential for people to understand.

These are not minor charges created by Fain just to recover routine inflation costs ... these are massive overcharges aimed at generating above-and-beyond revenue (which will not to to improving the cruise experience for present customers, but rather to pay down debt, help cover Oasis financing costs, and generate even more Caribbean Way executive bonuses).

If fares went up $5 pp/pd across the board, I doubt it would discourage many people from cruising. But that money could buy us a significant improvement in MDR quality - IF it was provided to the Food & Beverage budget.

The problem is that it won't be - it will all be siphoned off for corporate overhead and debt service. And if RCL succeeds with this "experiment" and starts charging ala carte in MDRs fleetwide, you can bank on that extra revenue all going to those other expenses, too -- NOT to improving the quality of MDR food.


End the RCL pay-per-entree scam

Say NO to Fain

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Cruising used to be an all inclusive vacation. It isn't anymore. A cruise vacation today can be compared to a vacation at a land resort on the American plan. It is what it is. Cruises are also cheaper than they were 10 years ago when everything from airfair to transfers to ALL food to nominal fee or free activities were included. They weren't free just prepaid. I for one liked that product better but I don't think we are going to ever be able to go back to what was. Keep in mind that now cabins are larger, ships are larger, bedding is more comfortable, balconies didn't exist and neither did queen size beds. We slept in stationary single beds.

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EFC really is rather creative.......Sheeple...I like that.:)

Unfortunately, EFC, can't even take credit for that. There is a radio talkshow host that broadcasts from San Francisco that uses it all of the time. At times this talk show host goes a bit insane... hmmm.... makes one wonder. :D



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Is it really? I've never priced it. I was actually thinking of the catfish farms around here where you go and fish and catch your own then get charged by the lb. It's actually pretty fun and you do catch some large catfish, unlike a regular lake or such where you can catch anything from turtles to snakes (if you're really unlucky and usually not with catfish bait.)



If you really really want to make sure you're eating healthy, go buy a hundred acres of farmland and grow your own!! Otherwise if you have to take people's word for it and, let's be honest...people LIE! I know that's a shock to those that believe RCI is just being committed to a healthier happier life style and is totally unmotived by extra revenue (after all, the company IS a charity isn't it? (sarcasm)).


Farm raised fish isn't always healthier either. In the case of Salmon, it certainly isn't. I guess there is something (mercury?? not sure) in the farm raised salmon that is causing some sickness, if you eat too much of it. So the wild Alaskan salmon is what you should eat instead.

UNFORTUNATELY...the price for wild salmon is about $5 a pound more....at least up here in Maine it is.


Think about it...if the fish is farmed, you don't have the fishing cost involved. So, it makes sense that it would cost less.


The poor fisherman are all having a rough time of it right now. The economy is really killing them.


I agree that growing your own is definitely the way to eat healthy. I seriously think that things are going to head that way. My DD's boyfriend (who she met in college) is very interested in sustainable farming and plans on living that way.


As far as the steak on the ship goes, personally, I really wouldn't trust RCI telling me their beef was organic.

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So Now, from the latest by Melissa @cruisecritic.com who is doing the Poll about the "New Choice" of paying $14.95 for the Not-So-Chops Steak in the MDR instead of enjoying a Complimentary "Decent" steak provided by RCL in their "Fine" Dining Room on their Ships. Now the announcement is that the "New" pay as you go steak is NOT.....get this....drum roll please...NOT ORGANIC!!!


OH my, TOTO are we in Kansas?


Is ANYONE still convinced that somehow this "NEW" steak offering for $14.95 is from Chops (as ADVERTISED) or ORGANIC as claimed in the press? LIES, LIES, and more LIES! But, for folks like me on Cruise Critic, if we dare speak our opinions we are told to "SHUT UP!" We are told that we are "CRAZY". We are told that we are "FANATICAL". Hmmmmmmmmmm...RCL, give it up now, before you are embarrassed too much more in the press and on these boards. You have a CLASSY reputation, that is why so many of us cruise your line and put out so much in future deposits. PLEASE don't ruin this reputation by being so GREEDY and HYPOCRITICAL!!!!!!

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Umm. That's really funny Coleen. I will have to go and check that out....since I'm in charge of that "organic" thing and all that. I'm sorry, I am laughing too hard as I type.:eek: I sort of thought they might have a problem with their claim and the new regulations......off to check it out. :D

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Sorry, I woke Bill up because this is what I posted on this thread previously: :eek: I do know what I am talking about. (I wonder sometimes?)Although I shouldn't complain...we just had a great upgrade. Thank You Royal Caribbean!


"As an agriculture inspector, it is disingenuous for a Royal Caribbean spokesperson to "claim" that it is organic beef without providing documentation or labeling that it is certified organic. (would you like to see how fast they may backtrack on that one?) given the new federal organic regulations? Just an observation, not a cause for action." LOL :D


Mom was in a car accident,(she's sort of OK) but I am working on your advice. We so enjoyed cruising with you both and hope we can sail with you again. We had such a great time! :)

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So Now, from the latest by Melissa @cruisecritic.com who is doing the Poll about the "New Choice" of paying $14.95 for the Not-So-Chops Steak in the MDR instead of enjoying a Complimentary "Decent" steak provided by RCL in their "Fine" Dining Room on their Ships. Now the announcement is that the "New" pay as you go steak is NOT.....get this....drum roll please...NOT ORGANIC!!!


From the article:

Also, the test presents an opportunity to see if there's demand for an alternative dining meal without the full restaurant experience. A good example is a family with kids that may not be able to sit through a "fancy" meal or someone who simply couldn't get reservations.


"This is the first foray into examining the trend that we find right now in culinary culture about all natural foods. People are more conscious about how food is prepared and how food is raised. We want to really see if there is a demand. If there are a significant amount of people that say, 'Hey I would want to have an all natural alternative selection on my cruise,' we would institute that."


Chops Grille serves a lot of prime cuts of meat, but they are not necessarily all natural.


If the test goes well (there's no word on its success as yet), and the line determines that there is indeed interest in all natural beef, it is "most likely" going to be offered as an option in Chops and not remain on the main dining room menu. However, Liu stressed that the final outcome really depends on demand from guests. And let's face it: If it turns out cruise passengers are willing to pay for a Chops entree in the main dining room, the cruise line would be hard pressed to remove it.


Ah, the truth be told.


How do you take the good food out of the DR, move it to the specialty restaurants and charge for it, and then try to bring it back into the dining room, AND CHARGE FOR IT. Next, they'll call it Kosher.


I'm still of the thought, as this was the words of the lines, that the specialty restaurant was for the attentive service, the atmosphere, and the TIPS, etc. NOT THE FOOD. You've already paid for the food.


Smoked menus, folks!

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