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Latest Glimpse of Solstice...here!


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SOLSTICE is a stunner as I figured she would be (and I think all

Celebrity ships are). Her interior design is probably the most

original and current I have seen on a modern cruise ship in a long

time. It's reflective of today and not some by-gone era. Certainly

it's leaps and bounds ahead of recent newbuilds such as EURODAM, QUEEN

VICTORIA, and RUBY PRINCESS which are all about faux wood laminate attempting to look elegant.


As for her exterior, again I like it for a new build. It's different

from what we have seen before and I'm just thankful it's not another



One of my favorite rooms on the entire ship is the main dining room. Truly original in design and stunning! Yes, the ship has a lot of blue and white but I think it gives SOLSTICE a very nautical feel. Also, the rooms were designed to be filled with people so it's not quite fair to judge them empty and before the ship is even in service.


I'm just amazed by all the people with the negative comments. If the decor and chair size concerns you that much, then by all means cancel and book something you will be more comfortable with. To be honest I've never given chair size much thought, but I suppose it's an issue for some people.


I'm just ecstatic to see a new ship that looks so original and different compared to everything we have seen in the past. It's about time, and THANK YOU Celebrity for hiring real designers that actually think outside the box!



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It's rather amazing that there is so much fault finding before anyone has even been on board. It's really difficult to tell what anything truly is from a photograph. Those seats may be really wide and comfortable...who knows.


I, totally, agree with you. And as they say, "the proof is in the pudding. For those that have never heard that expression...I mean, try out the Solstice and then, post the remarks of your actual findings.

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Not a comfortable looking chair anywhere. Even the spa areas look like torture chambers. What were they thinking with the seating in Murano? Who's back fits those? I guess I'll be carrying pillows around the ship:(


I guess when you try it on your cruise you'll know the real answer to the questions of the seats.

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Yes, Blu is too pretty. It will take away from the dining experience... and the balcony furniture looks too comfortable also... what if I don't make it up to the hideous dining room? Those cushy beds in the Solarium are also too blue. Anyone agree with me there? And I am really afraid that if I get my big butt into one of those chairs in the theatre, I may not be able to get out and I will have to attend all of their shows that aren't worth seeing in the first place. What if I stick my butt in one of those pod-chambers and I get stuck there?? Has anyone thought of that??!! That is the chair that I am most afraid of. Do they spin? Has anyone else thought of this?? They should spin if they don't... I hope they read this and think "Oh yes, we should make them spin." I mean they DID put the "X" on the funnel after all of us complained. But it does look crooked and why did they only put one? And did anyone else think, as they looked at the picture in dry dock, "is that ALL that is under the water!!!!"?? I expected more of the ship to be underwater. Didn't you?? I hope it doesn't tip over! I am not going to cancel though, because I have got to see this GRASS idea. What were they smoking when they came up with that???
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As long as we are complaining about the pictures that we all wanted I take issues with this one, Now How am I going to get into the pool with those poorly placed trash or recycle cans in the way:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D


Why bother trying, they don't even put water in those pools!:rolleyes:;)
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I think if you are worried about the seat sizes. dont fear, there are couches inside without arm rests, and I am sure that might work out.


If pre conception worries you, than perhaps Celebrity Solstice might not be suitable.


Regardless, many like myself remain positive and enthusiatic.


Fred...I will come help you if you bump your head.LOL....!!!

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SOLSTICE is a stunner as I figured she would be (and I think all

Celebrity ships are). Her interior design is probably the most

original and current I have seen on a modern cruise ship in a long

time. It's reflective of today and not some by-gone era. Certainly

it's leaps and bounds ahead of recent newbuilds such as EURODAM, QUEEN

VICTORIA, and RUBY PRINCESS which are all about faux wood laminate attempting to look elegant.


As for her exterior, again I like it for a new build. It's different

from what we have seen before and I'm just thankful it's not another



One of my favorite rooms on the entire ship is the main dining room. Truly original in design and stunning! Yes, the ship has a lot of blue and white but I think it gives SOLSTICE a very nautical feel. Also, the rooms were designed to be filled with people so it's not quite fair to judge them empty and before the ship is even in service.


I'm just amazed by all the people with the negative comments. If the decor and chair size concerns you that much, then by all means cancel and book something you will be more comfortable with. To be honest I've never given chair size much thought, but I suppose it's an issue for some people.


I'm just ecstatic to see a new ship that looks so original and different compared to everything we have seen in the past. It's about time, and THANK YOU Celebrity for hiring real designers that actually think outside the box!




Oh boy....cancel and rebook something else...get that....a Master of the Obvious!!! Hey...have you booked this ship yet???:p

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I, too, am amused at the negative comments made even before a paying customer has step foot on the ship. It reminds me of myself when I criticize Carnival ships. I've seen the pictures, I don't need to sail on any of them. I guess I've learned my lesson on pre-judging. But for those of us who are in awe of what this ship looks like, just from pictures, and are eagerly awaiting our chance to see and experience this ship for ourselves, I leave you with this thought: for those who berate the ship, that's one less person that will be in front of you in the buffet line, right?


Less than a month till I'm onboard and I'm feeling giddy as hylasgirl!

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If you would like to check out a film from the interior of Solstice, then check this out:



Solstice looks very nice to me. The reson for the "clean design" is the fact that not all accesssories have been added yet.


Andy Cruiser


Great find on these. Best yet. Can't wait for our Dec 7.

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for those of us who are in awe of what this ship looks like, just from pictures, and are eagerly awaiting our chance to see and experience this ship for ourselves, I leave you with this thought: for those who berate the ship, that's one less person that will be in front of you in the buffet line, right?
Right you are!


Less than a month till I'm onboard and I'm feeling giddy as hylasgirl!
I feel the same and I have a whole year to wait :( but I know lots of people here will be posting reviews and pictures over the ensuing months. I do have one question. How are they going to keep all those white chairs looking clean? Somebody is going to be working hard.



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I, too, am amused at the negative comments made even before a paying customer has step foot on the ship. It reminds me of myself when I criticize Carnival ships. I've seen the pictures, I don't need to sail on any of them. I guess I've learned my lesson on pre-judging. But for those of us who are in awe of what this ship looks like, just from pictures, and are eagerly awaiting our chance to see and experience this ship for ourselves, I leave you with this thought: for those who berate the ship, that's one less person that will be in front of you in the buffet line, right?


Less than a month till I'm onboard and I'm feeling giddy as hylasgirl!


Hold on a minute here....I am not reading too many say I will never cruise this ship comments as a problem... I am reading too many say if you don't like the ship stay off.


Advertising by Celebrity and Cruise Critic as well engage in the use of photos to show descriptions of the ships and its public rooms, etc. Similalry there are a variety of travel sites and hotel sites that are out there that provide pictures as a method of streaming what a guest will actually find on board.


I don't see any good reason why some here are making remarks as though someone has done somthing wrong by indicating they don't care for what they see. Cruise Critic right now on the front page has an article on who has the best cabins. I really don't think anyone was critized for not liking just the HAL cabin's when they gave their impressions!


I happen to have been an advocate of this ship and was one of the first to book it sight unseen! Not sure how many can say that, so right now I am a qualified paying customer. And I am also not at all bothered to say I do not like one of the public rooms.


So when I go into Nordstrom or Neiman's and find shoes I like and the guy brings me that one other pair that I say I do not care for, guess what??? I don't get told to get lost, get out of the store and shop somewhere else. :p :p :p

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I don't see any good reason why some here are making remarks as though someone has done something wrong by indicating they don't care for what they see.

I happen to have been an advocate of this ship and was one of the first to book it sight unseen! Not sure how many can say that, so right now I am a qualified paying customer. And I am also not at all bothered to say I do not like one of the public rooms.

.... I don't get told to get lost, get out of the store and shop somewhere else.


I agree totally!!!


This is CRUISE CRITIC right.


I believe we have the right to say that we like or dislike certain aspects of this new design without having been on the ship as yet. If we were to wait to be on the ship to make an observation we could save a lot of time by not looking at the pictures. Just because individual comments are different from your own likes or dislikes does not make the observation wrong. Comments based on colour are totally valid based on a person's preference. Some of the criticisers of the critics are going to be telling me next what colour I want for my next car. Tell me what you like or dislike. Don't preach to me about what I can like or not. MYOB


The X is an afterthought, it looks like white tape applied to the funnel. It detracts from the rest of the ship's design.




The traditional look:


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I agree totally!!!


This is CRUISE CRITIC right.


I believe we have the right to say that we like or dislike certain aspects of this new design without having been on the ship as yet. If we were to wait to be on the ship to make an observation we could save a lot of time by not looking at the pictures. Just because individual comments are different from your own likes or dislikes does not make the observation wrong. Comments based on colour are totally valid based on a person's preference. Some of the criticisers of the critics are going to be telling me next what colour I want for my next car. Tell me what you like or dislike. Don't preach to me about what I can like or not. MYOB


The X is an afterthought, it looks like white tape applied to the funnel. It detracts from the rest of the ship's design.




The traditional look:


If you want to complain about an X complain about the one on the balcony's you can barely tell it is there. At least the one on the funnel is noticeable and you don't know if they painted on or welded it on. I would say hold you judgements till you're on the ship.
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If you want to complain about an X complain about the one on the balcony's you can barely tell it is there. At least the one on the funnel is noticeable and you don't know if they painted on or welded it on. I would say hold you judgements till you're on the ship.


And I would agree that the X on the side is barely visible. However whether the X is painted or welded on the funnel, my judgement, based on the picture evidence is that it is crooked or askew and does nothing to enhance the X image. That is my opinion. You can have any opinion that you want, but I don't have to wait till I'm there in person before I state my opinion.


I thought I had made my point before:


Don't preach to me about what I can like or not or when I can state my opinion. My perceptions are mine and everyone can have their own..


"We are all unique, just like everyone else" (An opinion stated by someone else but one that I agree with.):cool:




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Tell me what you like or dislike. Don't preach to me about what I can like or not.


I'd love to tell you what I like or dislike. And, I will do so after I return from my B2B on her.

I'm not telling you what you should or should not like. My point is made responding to the next quote...


So when I go into Nordstrom or Neiman's and find shoes I like and the guy brings me that one other pair that I say I do not care for, guess what??? I don't get told to get lost, get out of the store and shop somewhere else.


That is not what I am suggesting. What I am suggesting is that when you see a picture of those shoes in an ad, do you make a snap decision right there and announce to the world that the shoes are ugly, impractical or non-functional? Probably not. You just make the judgment call to not go into the store for those shoes.

However, if you do go try the shoes on, and find that you still don't like them, then I believe you have reason to share with others what you have found...

Meanwhile, no one has asked you to leave the store!

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I'd love to tell you what I like or dislike. And, I will do so after I return from my B2B on her.


I'm not telling you what you should or should not like. My point is made responding to the next quote...




That is not what I am suggesting. What I am suggesting is that when you see a picture of those shoes in an ad, do you make a snap decision right there and announce to the world that the shoes are ugly, impractical or non-functional? Probably not. You just make the judgment call to not go into the store for those shoes.


However, if you do go try the shoes on, and find that you still don't like them, then I believe you have reason to share with others what you have found...


Meanwhile, no one has asked you to leave the store!


No, here's the scenario again...posters are telling other posters what to think and do including find another ship!


Using your analogy about the shoes in an ad without me going into the store, my perceptions about what I see in that ad you describe are my perceptions, my likes and dislikes based on my individial tastes. Using Celebrity as the catalyst, I personally would not boycott the store over one pair of shoes amoung thousands of styles, and I would not be so silly as to suggest the entire store has failed based on this one shoe in the ad. But that's me as a repaeat customer knowing the product line, not a first timer.


In addtion, I would not believe anyone would be justifiably right to tell me to shop elsewhere if I verbalized that impression to anyone in the world because I did not want to try that shoe on for what ever reason !!!

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No, here's the scenario again...posters are telling other posters what to think and do including find another ship!


I don't have a problem with that! You have posters here giving their impressions of a ship that has not even been put into service, but merely from pictures. Pictures that can't and don't offer the full story, yet. They are offering their own reasons to not sail on her, so we are merely agreeing and saying great, go find another ship more to your liking.


As for what to think, I believe the suggestion has been made that we should all wait for the ship to actually be put into service, tested in the real world, and experienced by more than what can be interpreted from a picture.


In addtion, I would not believe anyone would be justifiably right to tell me to shop elsewhere if I verbalized that impression to anyone in the world because I did not want to try that shoe on for what ever reason !!!


Why not? If you don't like the shoes there, go find another store that may have shoes that you do like.

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I don't see where anyone was told NOT to have an opinion. I think the point was we should wait since the ship is still be tweaked.


I think its funny that the ship is so distasteful in so many aspects to you yet you have booked b2b2b sailings and going on pre-inaugurals. I hope you enjoy it in spite of the many shortcomings (your view.);)

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Logic and reason have no place in this subject. It is logical to form opinions once the ship has been placed in service. It is reasonable to think that many of the issues people have been complaining about will be answered once the ship has sailed. But some people like to be negative and nothing will change that.


It is possible I may not like everything on board this ship - but rather than spend my energy planning in advance the things I will be prepared to dislike, I like focusing my anticipation in positive ways. So far, everything looks breathtaking. It's a shame that so many people are looking for faults rather than waiting a mere few weeks to see how everything is once it is operational. Geez, for some people here, it's like shaking a child's Christmas present until it breaks.

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