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Everything posted by terrierjohn

  1. They used to do a variety of Ice Cream Sundaes on the MDR dessert menu, but these have disappeared.
  2. It was March 26th and page 6 before I joined the gang, and the empty toilet roll shelves was high on everyone's agenda. I had almost forgotten all about the stockpiling that went on, fortunately it soon sorted itself out.
  3. I know that disabled passengers either need to have a carer to provide all the assistance needed in the cabin, or be able to cope themselves, which might be what you are referring to, but P&O do provide embarkation and disembarcation assistance at start and end of the cruise, as well as help at the gangway in all the ports of call.
  4. Don't see how this would impact the evac chair issue since those would only be used on board in an emergency.
  5. These excuses all sound very fishy, cruise schedules are arranges at least 2 years in advance, so the berths should have been well organised long ago. It would certainly be interesting to know how the number of P&Os cancelled ports compare with the industry average.
  6. All 4 offer the same menu, the two large ones on Deck 6 and 7 are very similar in design, while the 2 smaller ones are different in design, but identical in service.
  7. If you use the virtual queue, I assume you could book a table for 4, once you are all ready to eat, in any of the 4 MDRs. This will give you the full benefit of freedom dining, and not have you rushing to be ready at a specific time, booked in advance, which might now be inconvenient.
  8. I am glad that I am a wine philistine who prefers new world reds, as long as they have Cab Sauv, Merlot, Shiraz or Malbec available by the Glass, then I am a happy bunny.
  9. You could contact P&A or your TA to check if you could book the Sydnet to Singapore segment, but join the cruise in Auckland. I can't see any reason why they would object, since guest entertainers and crew join at various ports of call during a cruise.
  10. You do seem to look for the worst in your fellow passengers, if you only notice too tight dresses and stained tuxedos. I like to see the families with young children who are looking smart in what used to be called Sunday Best, all enjoying a special occasion.
  11. You rather mIss the point @Ardennais, it is the people who try to use the formal venues whilst not observing the dress code who spoil things. Those like you who prefer not to dress formally and avoid venues that require formal dress, are following the rules. I am quite happy to do either, but if I want to use the MDR or the formal bars, then I dress accordingly. If and when P&O change the dress code rules to allow smart casual in all venues, only then would I happily wear either.
  12. Whilst your ideas of holiday wear obviously suit you and give you comfort, surely someone else with a different view should be allowed to follow their preferences. Equally each cruise line should be able to have their own dress code, which they believe suits their clientelle, and of course dress codes need to specify where non conformance is not permitted. In that way, if everyone follows the rules, then everything will be harmonious, equally when people try to break the rules then disharmony will prevail, and surely none of us want that?
  13. ZO is also the code for Zooom an Indian carrier. IATA must be using P&Os IT department.
  14. I doubt it is H&S, it is cruise line policy to ensure there is a responsible adult in the cabin.
  15. I would hope that once the cruise line has accepted the request, that it will remain.
  16. My initial post was only regarding babies and toddlers, where I believe that the night nursery offered by P&O should be used by parents when dining, especially in speciality restaurants, both for their benefit, and for other dining companions and restaurant staff. But I do agree that children should experience restaurant dining from an early age, so that they take on board the required etiquette. Our two sons did, and our youngest when only 4 pointed out two unruly child diners in a Padstow restaurant, and was outraged that they were being allowed to run riot.
  17. Just out of interest I used a comparison site to see how much travel insurance would be with them. Only one company was prepared to offer us annual world wide travel insurance with our pre-existing conditions, at the bargain prices of £13, 800 essential at only £2m medical cover, classic at £15400 only £7.5m medical cover, and ultimate at £20400, £10m medical cover. So a bargain for the top level to cover the P&O reqt of £10m, at only 50+ times the Nationwide offer!!! 🙄😬
  18. I would expect that any couple with a baby would want to take advantage of the night nursery, if they want to enjoy a meal at most of the speciality restaurants. I know that we would not be happy to find a baby or a toddler sitting at the next table, when we have paid a premium for a special occasion meal.
  19. We now have to use the stockperks app, and you need to register your shareholding on the app initially.
  20. My flex plus insurance is also due for renewal in October and I am also waiting for official confirmation of some test results. I rang the Aviva line yesterday and even though my data has not yet been passed over to them( it goes 30 days before renewal date) they did provide me with a provisional quote which was only slightly higher than last year. However the 5 day extension to cover the 35 nighter in January was £175, which seemed a bit steep, but overall it's a still lot better than anything else and there is no extra now for the age extension.
  21. I have found that GPs always want to prescribe some medication following any tests, even if the test results are negative, so you end up having to disclose the non existent illness to the insurance company.
  22. Since fires are the worst thing that can happen at sea, then I would have expected that all areas of a cruise ship would be adequately fire protected.
  23. I have had a few similar issues, sudden freezing with an occasional message that this site is not responding try later.
  24. On our last Princess cruise from Southampton, I was amazed at the number of rollators, and just how many of their users seemed to have quite severe mobility issues, and who would definitely need an evacuation chair in any emergency. As regards the push to make scooter users book an accessible cabin, I do think that P&O could look at different options that would enable these passengers to use a standard cabin. For passengers who could use stairs in an emergency, or even just one to one assistance, they could maybe provide parking locations where scooters could be safely stored overnight. This would eliminate the need for wider cabin doors and in cabin storage, leaving far more accessible cabins available for passengers who genuinely require them.
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