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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. Depends on the drink and the pour. Some you may not notice the missing alcohol. Others would be completely different tasting drinks without alcohol
  2. You'd be paying $98 for a lobster and some nicer seating. It's nice, but not $100 pp nice. Though, that's as cheap as I've seen it in a long time
  3. That's my approach too. I despise the idea of dressing up just to eat a meal. But some people love it. And yet no brawls ever break out in the MDR because of it. At least not on RC, maybe Carnival
  4. The best night is the night you decide to go. There is no best night because all people and all cruises are different
  5. You have to finish pretty much the entire check-in on the website to get to the arrival time selection though. On the app you can go right to it and finish the rest later.
  6. Most people don't even know check in opens 45 days out or even care, so I don't think there's any rush to get in there at midnight.
  7. Have they fully opened the arcades? All my post-restart cruises they had half the machines turned off and the ones that were turned on, half of them were broken
  8. Let me guess. You've complained before how stale the MDR was and said if they didn't change you'd cancel all your cruises?
  9. I guess that's more of what I mean. Not dirty humor raunchy, but the "every stereotype is getting made fun of" raunchy
  10. The comedians in July were pretty funny. Raunchy, but this was the late show. I don't know how often they rotate comedians though
  11. The app shows the menus for that ship's current cruise anyway, so you wouldn't see holiday menus there until you board
  12. If they could bribe a bartender into free drinks before, this new policy wouldn't change that
  13. Technically a block of 24 hours, not calendar day.
  14. I've seen Bulleit post-restart as well
  15. I doubt it's the software. Software doesn't randomly pick and choose what data to query for a repeated function. More likely data issues or maintenance that they don't plan well for
  16. They'll charge drinks to random people's accounts even with a signed receipt.
  17. No one knows what changes will be made long term, if any. And yes it is a test, otherwise they would have simply rolled it out to the entire fleet.
  18. The paper receipts for vouchers is square pegging a solution into a round hole problem.
  19. RC is not trying to sabotage its MDR to encourage more people to pay extra for food (which isn't any better than the MDR anyway).
  20. I'm going to guess you're not alone there. I think the new menus are trial balloons as much as anything else.
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