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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. If you reload the page you'll see a heart and a bell/dollar sign type icon flash briefly next your name or the "sign in" link if not logged in. Both disappear so I assume they're still testing something Clicking on the heart would take you to a favorites page https://www.royalcaribbean.com/favorites Clicking on the bell/dollar icon takes you to a watchlist: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/watchlist
  2. I see the new search now. It looks like they are testing some features where you can track prices for cruises and get notifications on price changes, too.
  3. On my 4 cruises since the restart, the suite concierges were all very social and engaging.
  4. The minor consent form is for legal custody reasons. Over 18-20 yr olds just can't sail in a cabin w/o anyone under age 21.
  5. Just board the cruise and enjoy your trip
  6. Yes, but I believe I read elsewhere he just went on his vacation.
  7. I'm guessing RC is getting out of the official M&M business. Just no benefit for them.
  8. You used to be able to request a DVD player from the concierge.
  9. If you're in a suite and drinking in the suite lounge, you don't use vouchers.
  10. My son spent a week in a NICU for breathing problems (turned out fine) and we were offered a room at Ronald McDonald House, but we politely declined because we knew we could afford the hotel and didn't want to take up a room for someone who truly needed it.
  11. I've been in a few cabins that had adjoining doors, never an issue.
  12. You laugh, but RC has thought of that https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/what-if-i-get-pregnant-before-or-during-the-ultimate-world-cruise
  13. They must have updated it then. It originally said 5 weeks.
  14. Those medical bills will remind her of what she knew for some time
  15. We'll see if this causes RC to become more strict on pregnancy verification. They got lucky and were already en route to Jamaica when the baby was born. Imagine the ramifications if they were a couple hundred miles from any medical facility.
  16. My favorites: Rudolph the Rednosed Chair Hog I Saw Mommy Kissing Lobster Tails Silent Art Auction Muster Bells
  17. Call back and get someone who knows what they're talking about.
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