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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. I was on Mariner recently and was told the dates, though I don't know if the drydock would be anything more than the usual tune up.
  2. Yes, Mariner is going to drydock in mid February, then getting back to revenue cruises in April
  3. When properly applied with clarex, the gluten ppm ratio exceeds fda standards for gluten free products
  4. I didn't realize Radiance class ships had dedicated solo cabins
  5. I paid $79 for it in 2021. And $79 is about the max I'd ever pay for it again in the future. Nice lunch (but not $79 nice) and upgraded beach furniture. That's about it.
  6. Well I stayed in 1032 in June and had no noise issues.
  7. Drink of the day is always an "umbrella in my drink" type beverage
  8. I sailed on a partial charter once that was some country/blue grass type event. It wasn't a big deal
  9. But you can use Starbucks gift cards/app to pay for stuff at the standalone Starbucks
  10. It'll be a YMMV thing. But I know a couple celiacs who tolerated the gluten reduced beers just fine. Obviously that may not mean your daughter would.
  11. Adventure. Prices have gone up since they opened up that cruise for booking though.
  12. I've found the private tours to be just as expensive as the RC-sponsored ones in Alaska
  13. I've always gotten the final folio the afternoon of disembarkation day
  14. N/A alcohol rules and perception are still really weird in the US, so I can see why RC doesn't offer them in any N/A drink package.
  15. My wife tried it once to relieve some medically-related chronic pain. It led to her finding an acupuncture person at home for quite a while with good success.
  16. It wouldn't help you on a cruise ship, but a lot of microbreweries put Brewer's Clarex in the beer which removes most of the gluten, and many Celiac sufferers can tolerate it.
  17. If it's like the old menu system it'll be the same order each cruise. Night 1's menu will always be night 1.
  18. Metric or Imperial? Neither, the Cruise Planner system!
  19. That verbiage has always been there for European cruises. At the time (I don't know if any countries still do) you couldn't enter some countries without additional testing if you weren't up to date, but you were still allowed on the cruise just by being fully vaccinated.
  20. I think you got a bad waiter. RC is well known for being a safe haven for those with food allergies. I can't imagine they're going to throw all that away.
  21. I just went and priced a Disney cruise that is the same cabin class (suite), length and dates as an RC cruise I have booked in July. RC price: $5,400 Disney price: $16,000
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