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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. I still have no idea how any reasonable person would see an open window and think "hey there's no sign saying it might be dangerous, let me dangle a young child out the window"
  2. 5 mixed drinks. If you're a beer drinker, you need a lot more than 5 to break even. Even if you drink straight liquor you may need a 6-7
  3. So is that the number the voice mail asked you to call? Or just the incoming number from caller ID? And that number isn't owned by RCI the cruise line, but RCG the parent company. https://presscenter.rclcorporate.com/contact/
  4. Same. I have to upload mine twice the first time it says it's not the right resolution, but trying a second time always works
  5. I'm not sure RC would want to settle. While settlements always come with a "we're not admitting we did anything wrong" caveat, settling just opens the door for people to intentionally do more stupid stuff on board then sue RC.
  6. Yes, you can have a picture taken at the port. Many people do.
  7. Stay far, far away from cellular plans. If you need that connectivity, voom is the only thing you should consider.
  8. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/topics/boarding-requirements
  9. The 5 free drinks are your free drinks.
  10. The only benefit to the app that I see is being able to pick your arrival time w/o having to fill out the rest of the info first. Otherwise I use the website for the rest of check-in. But overall, it's totally a preference thing. Both the app and website do the same things.
  11. And none are wrong. It all depends.
  12. N/A stuff is still lumped into the deluxe package. I haven't seen N/A wine, though have seen N/A sparkling wine I've never seen any N/A spirits on board.
  13. We still don't know the context of the failure. It may well be purely administrative from a paperwork perspective. It could just be a trivial thing, but not technically to spec, so it failed certification. A real PITA for new ship certification though.
  14. Still no true detail on what the issue is. But it sure doesn't sound like it's an issue of any concern for vessels currently sailing.
  15. Could be medical. Could be some customs issue with the dockworker strike causing some disarray with the paperwork.
  16. I've found the MDR to be dark at times. Some lightening would help. Just as it's not lightning doing the lightening.
  17. Jesus was on the maintenance team since he was a carpenter.
  18. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/what-are-royal-caribbean-wow-bands
  19. Still no one else reporting this other than FT or outlets referencing the FT article. Tells me all I need to know. The issue is purely a certification one for a new build, not an actual safety issue.
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