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Everything posted by Womble99

  1. I was wondering about the per cruise addition items and how they represented value based on length of the cruise? It certainly doesn't make a great selling point for packages on longer cruises if there is per cruise items included as you pay a lot more in total for the same benefit compared to a shorter cruise. On the other hand, how are B2B cruises treated? Are they separate and therefore you get an allowance for each like you do for the elite min bar setup?
  2. Not sure I understand this bit? Everything I ever hear about the US is how it is the model Democracy? If the people do not agree with a draconic law why wouldn't it be changed?
  3. Seems about normal for the Aus ones now days. Haven't had a decent one for years........
  4. Sitting at the Explorers on the Grand we passed the time matching faces in between evening events
  5. It is the photo that comes up on every bar terminal when they ring up a sale. It is how they identify passengers. You see a whole bunch of them on the screen at each bar as people walk past with their medallions...
  6. No cancellation of ours in Jan 24 yet...... We wait in hope
  7. We have taken kids with us on cruises varying from 7 days to 20 days in length and so far have not had an issue with bored kids yet. The kids club has a wide range of games and activities for the kids with their own version of the patter to let you know what is on each day. Whilst Princess doesn't do the big ticket items like rock walls, coasters, rides etc they do have gaming machines and arcade machines in the different clubs. Which brings up the next item, your daughters are in different age brackets which will mean they will be in different kids clubs. They do not make age exceptions, the only time I have seen age exceptions occur was on the longer cruise where the number of kids were lower and they allowed the kids and teens to mix. So far we have found every cruise no matter the length there is always kids on board, just the number varies from quite a lot (usually holiday periods) to around 20 or so on really long itineraries.
  8. Over the years i would say yes, others have needed some hand holding to get them pointed in the right direction. It helps when you know where you have to point them though.
  9. We come across this issue and the problem of cabins being unavailable a fair bit due to port of embarkation. When a cruise has multiple ports of embarkation as part of a longer/multiple leg cruises then the selection for each embarkation port is limited. We have had success using a PVP to contact Inventory control to release specific cabins from other sectors to make them available from our location. It can be done but it does take some effort on their part.
  10. There is an option to have an alternative image displayed when you are using the screens around the ship, door locks etc this can be whatever you choose (within limits I guess) The photo that comes up for crew is the security photo which has to be of you. If it is not of you then you will have difficulty boarding as security won't allow you on as you don't match the photo, at which time they will take another photo for you 🙃
  11. Also known as the Bintang Express or the Bogan Missile 🤣
  12. The current Princes WC out of Sydney is only $32339 with the Plus package if you are happy for an interior? Still well short of the 1000 day mark though
  13. Hi Don, I have seen many people in the same boat as you (pun intended 😃) it is common to see grand parents sailing with grand kids without parents. When you board with the kids you automatically take the role of guardian as you are the adult in their cabin. You will be able to sign them in and out of the kids club without a problem. You should have the option in your personalizer to sign them up for the kids club pre cruise as they should be linked to your booking as minors. Oh and if you are interested or in need, there is the option for kids to remain aboard in the kids club while parents/guardians go ashore. They must be booked in beforehand though and positions are limited. We have used this on a few occasions when the kids didn't want to do the excursion we had planned. Hope that helps
  14. We went to see the future cruise sales rep on board after receiving the advice from here, asked if were able to purchase FCD's for our kids who were not sailing with us and she was more than happy to complete the order after looking up their Captain Circle numbers to confirm they were correct. This has been available for sometime now she advised us.
  15. You can get someone who is onboard (if you know someone who is on a cruise) to buy them for you though. They just need to know your Captains Circle number, we bought some for our kids last cruise.
  16. Cheers Mic I was getting peeved that Outlook wasn't answering my calls 🤬 Better find something else to do this afternoon 🤣
  17. So they changed the payment procedure? The initial terms and conditions didn't actually allow for change of mind once an upgrade offer had been made by Princess.
  18. You could always use something like a challenge coin display stand if you wanted to keep them in a collection?
  19. Ah true, though you weren't sea sick on those occasions 😉 The OP was after methods of avoiding sea sickness
  20. 100% guaranteed prevention is only found by remaining on land 🤷‍♂️ since that isn't an option I would also recommend the Meclazine it has worked very well for my family
  21. Interesting, though as I said this is the first time we had given the waitlist a go. As we booked it on board we spent a bit of time asking about how it was meant to work etc and it was explained by the Future Cruise consultant that it was a booking at the current promotion t&c, in fact we had one of the waitlist bookings altered just before the cruise ended as a new promotion had begun which further reduced the price. Whether the Princess employee on board or in the sales office here in Australia is providing the wrong information to the customer they are still representing on behalf of Princess. My last update was Friday afternoon from my PCC who was still trying to convince me that the new offer at a 25% increase was a great deal. He is now clearly aware that we are happy to accept what we had originally booked or we are more than happy to look elsewhere, there are plenty of cruise lines to choose from. He is still trying to work the issue and has asked if can call back on Monday 🤷‍♂️
  22. This was the first year that we had no Root Beer supposedly available down under?
  23. I would guess the cruise line isn't keen to hand out a choking hazard to an infant?
  24. Yes it does seem to be a really poor way of treating their customers. Certainly not a great way to encourage them to stay with the line?
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