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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. Sorry you had to go through all that angst. FedEx is the worst nowadays. We have issues with them almost every time someone sends us something via FedEx at work. We currently have a claim in process for some missing parts that were delivered to a church and left on their front steps, per photo we have from their tracking site. The church is an old historic site that only does services on Christmas and Easter so noone ever called us back about our missing pkg. Guess someone stole the pkg. Glad you finally received your pkg. Scary with what could have happened to it.
  2. Hi Sue, I will be definitely be following along here. Hope you have safe travels and a wonderful cruise with perfect weather. The Super Moon will be awesome to see in Alaska. Hoping Lucky Lady Sue does well in the casino too!
  3. Are labor day sales a thing? I don't remember any great sales in the past.
  4. You will have access to the suite lounge for free beer and wine from 11 to 11 plus the happy hour in suite lounge but if you get a drink at any other bar on the ship or with a meal you can use your diamond vouchers. Your in-laws will not be able to access the suite lounge since they are in a balcony so you may want to enjoy some cocktails with them somewhere else onboard. Yes, it is okay to share your vouchers with them. You are not scamming Royal by using your voucher.
  5. Thanks OB as that is what I thought when I saw the 3.2. I am used to reading bloodwork reports for Eric over the years. He averages right around 4.0. Obviously, I am not a medical profession nor would I ever profess to be one but I am kinda surprised the hospital ER made a big deal about a 3.2 reading. I have seen Eric just under 3 and they simply tell him to eat some foods high in potassium to bring it back up. His transplant docs like to see it around 4, they don't like when it creeps up to 5 or higher. Which tends to happen if he gets tested right after holiday meals with mashed potatoes and gravy that he loves. Maybe what happened that day was more related to dehydration, maybe no lunch, BP and being out in the summer heat and humidity. Hopefully his PCP will figure it out.
  6. Should you have to cancel because you test positive for covid Royal will refund your cruise fare. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/if-i-test-positive-for-sars-cov-2-what-is-your-refund-policy-and-costs-covered
  7. We have a neighbor selling their house since their Husband passed away in July and she cannot stand being in the home and passing by the bedroom where he died. The listing was posted online this morning and our street has been non-stop traffic all day. Eric said there must have been at least 50 people walking thru the house while I was at work. She told another neighbor she wants to sell quick so she listed the house about $50K under market value. With this many people checking out the home they will probably end up in a bidding war and sell for over market value. Hopefully the traffic slows down for the evening soon.
  8. I would wait and see if it goes on black Friday sales. IMO, an extra $11 per day per person isn't worth it. Voom you can buy 1 device and share it. If need 2 voom devices you are best to purchase under 2 under one person, cheaper than buying 1 device per person.
  9. Still early to know for sure whether Franklin will head towards Bermuda or go further east or fizzle out. You most likely won't hear any updates from Royal until late Friday or Saturday. Worst case the cruise could head north to Nova Scotia. We were on a Bermuda cruise a couple years when a hurricane was heading to Bermuda but we still went, had some nice weather but most businesses were preparing for the storm boarding up and putting sand bags out. We had high winds and rough seas on the way back. Stay tuned to Noaa website for updates on Franklin's path.
  10. If I was you, I would cancel your Thursday plans. Let him rest, plenty of fluids and see how he feels Friday before calling Royal. I hope he feels better soon and for you to remain well too
  11. Ahh, poor little Isaac. So sad to see little ones suffer. Hopefully they find a resolution soon. Sending prayers and positive thoughts for you and Isaac.🙏🦋💐
  12. Our last cruise was in April. We have 3 future cruises booked but only one of them is a casino booking. I give up trying to figure out their system and will just enjoy whatever "freebies" we get, especially with how much fares have increased.
  13. We just noticed this offer tonight. Surprised to see a 9 nighter on the list. We are already booked on Anthem for an 11 nighter in mid January that DH got on a cruise certificate earlier this year. Offers are definitely less than previous years. We sail next month on Serenade and plan on asking casino host for a look at various certificates.1605B0E5-A2D8-48CE-B620-CA327A456CE3.pdf
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