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Everything posted by Oceansaway17

  1. Antigen results can come back quickly like when doing Walgreens. PCR takes longer so be careful. who knows this all could go away in a few months.
  2. yea but be careful if going to Canada or Bermuda. It appears they are passing the responsibility to the passengers.
  3. fascinating as my OBC for RCI can be used for any charges you make on the ship including tips if not prepaid
  4. okay that is a relief. I guess DCL dining is now like a show and dinner. no quiet conversations unless doing speciality
  5. thanks I did start the process on the app. now wondering if it can do the last part on line and then print. However, my windows 11 security says the online site is not secure either.
  6. nice to hear Carnival celebrates Halloween. I though it was just the Disney lines - and they do a great job decorating the ship too
  7. oh but you still need to pay the darn $40 and for what????
  8. okay I just know that if I booked a 4 day, just my luck to get Marvel twice. I would like to have a say which rotation I got.
  9. well if you have OBC and do not prebook tips, then OBC can apply dollars unless you buy a lot of things. If at the time of booking, I was provided a nice OBC, I would not prepay any tips
  10. I think you should bring water shoes because if you should go over to the big Oasis pool, the cement is HOT in and out of the pool. Also this time of year the sand is hot and you should wear them anyways to protect your feet against anything in the sand, I found chill island to be one of those beaches that my feet would not be happy without water shoes.
  11. why don't you ask them how they make it. often bar folks will share recipes.
  12. When I cruise, I like to be low key and I prefer the buffet so that I am NOT fussed over at meals. But then in buffet, they walk around and pass my table once every minute seeing if I am done eating. This is annoying at times too.
  13. St Johns and then Sydney. So two ports in all. Now someone on another thread said it is only the first port. So, I am happy if this is true. Otherwise, I guess the cruise director would have to go on speaker and remind everyone to do their 2nd ArriveCan.. So, I guess your answer and the other one is most likely true. toodles. Oh, and I get to do ArriveCan in 3 weeks for my Quantum on the 29th of August. Not sure if I will even get off in Victoria for pm stop.
  14. oh I was just curious. I mean the fellow is in a class of his own as he practically lives on a ship.
  15. wow I am curious how you found this out. My internet searching left this as an unanswered item. And if what you say is true, then I am pleased. Then again the word ARRIVE could be a clue but one never knows these days what to think. thanks
  16. well since you were on the grand cruise and had fcc perhaps this got someone's attention and now you are getting attention. If it continues just nicely say no thanks I am good, or go to customer services or loyalty desk to inquire. I agree too much attention is rather odd. Enjoy your cruise
  17. all I gotta say is that is a lot of cruising to get 10,000 points. I am going to guess he feels comfortable on RCI ships and continues to sail on them. I wonder how X ships would treat he and matching perks?
  18. good - wear your pin Proudly then and enjoy. Wondering what Celebrity gives to RCI pinnacles?
  19. any idea if ArriveCan needs go be updated for each port of call or is it just the first port in Canada? Having a hard time finding out on line. Then again for Canada it is all about Arriving in their country so perhaps they do not care about port hoping?
  20. aw gee that is really so bad luck. sorry to hear this
  21. I have a question for you since you did Adv OTS to New England. If you visited more than one port in Canada, did you have to update ArriveCan? I am exhausted trying to get any information on this particular process?
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