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Everything posted by lovesthebeach2

  1. I agree with you, I’ve spoken to many of the crew from all over and they all told us they do very well working on ships. If not why would they leave their families and children and do it over and over again. EDIT to add…..we DO tip generously
  2. I’m not aware if ships have the antiviral meds, but if I were you I would ask if your physician would write you a script to take as a precaution as long as he thinks it’s ok for you to take it when not closeby in case of a reaction of any kind.
  3. They have never fulfilled our needs even though I sent emails, and our room steward wasn’t aware but got what we needed. We have also had a no salt request added to our reservations but that didn’t work either. Ever..
  4. On Odyssey The Book is the only show that “requires” a reservation. All others you just walk in and choose a seat. Enjoy!
  5. That was a good review….and I also ask for extra veggies, sometimes they just bring an extra plate of veggies and we share 👍
  6. We didn’t live abroad, but we’re from NY and I could be bias, but we have fantastic breads available at many places, ie: Italian, German, American, sourdough…etc i grew up within walking distance of an authentic German Deli that made their own cold cut meats, as well as their homemade Leberkase (we called it liverloaf) which came right out of the oven warm on Saturdays and we would just have them slice a nice hunk out for lunch on their German breads! Plus their homemade hot dogs and Bologna, as well as all the other German cold cuts spoiled me so I still can’t eat either of those. And don’t even get me started about our Italian markets….. oh I miss NY for the food, but not the weather or the taxes
  7. The rolls used to be much better….they were crispy, not anymore….BUT the pumpkin seed ones are my favorite…..except for savory bites which I haven’t seen in many years. funny how rolls are my favorite food in the MDR. I can’t think of any other thing that stands out
  8. I laughed out loud reading your comment…..but it’s sad that it’s all true. I don’t ever eat any of their red meat or worse their pork anymore. Sad, but the positive side is I don’t gain any weight
  9. In the app each cruise has a little blue box on the top left that says “My Cruise”. I noticed one of my cruises didn’t have the box, but my hubby’s did. I couldn’t see any excursions or anything, but he could. My wonderful TA worked with Royal to correct it finally so I could see all the excursions and plans we had booked. Does your husband’s app have the blue box?
  10. They had a scale by the Checkin area for the North Star on Odyssey last time we were on it.
  11. I had totally forgotten that we had to do this once, it took a couple of hours we had to stay in the room to be counted. I don’t remember the outcome, so maybe it was a positive one.
  12. Lol. I guess so but we’re not 70 yet and were in the list
  13. On our last cruise a couple of months ago, our room steward said he was told to leave a paper compass in every cabin that had someone over 70….he showed me the list 😳
  14. I’m sorry to read this, we only went to the Solarium Bistro once years ago when the main courses were ordered as you said, but even back then I wasn’t impressed . We planned to try them again and I made us a dinner reservation on our Odyssey TA in October. We’ll keep the reservation. I too am surprised to hear swimsuits being allowed inside for dinner.
  15. Last time we took the train because we weren’t going to Rome or the airport, but in the past we have always used the RCL transfers because of the distance to the airport.
  16. That’s exactly what a server told us, they get a specific amount of money (gratuity) for every swipe of a card. The amount that we were told wasn’t 18% of the cost of the drink though. Not sure if that’s because they get a % of all the swipes. We always tip extra, but have noticed on the past couple of cruises that not many we’re giving extra tips. We hardly have received paper to sign, we always give cash.
  17. Are you sure the vouchers don’t include gratuities, because last year a bar server told us how much he gets per drink. And we were using our D+ drinks….we always tip for the drinks too.
  18. You moving to Florida? We live an hour twenty from either PC or Tampa and use both for cruises
  19. This makes 💯 sense…..same strategy works for friends….and I have been known to use it for that
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