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Everything posted by TeaBag

  1. Thank you so much Haljo and pmjnh for your suggestions. Now to tell you the story and it was partly my fault! When we decided to sail with HAL, the first thing I wanted was a mariner id, so I got one. I don't really know why they gave me one as I already had one!! I had forgotten about companies under the same umbrella using the same id for people. We obviously got ours sailing Princess 25 years ago. I would never have sorted this on my own. I phoned HAL and got this great guy who sorted it all out for me. Using my old number, I accessed my account and everything was hunky dory! No wonder I had no booking on the new number! So now we are all checked in, luggage tags printed as well as boarding passes. Isn't it great when you find a person who does a wonderful job? I told him he made my day. Yes, we will enjoy our cruise especially since it sails from Vancouver (Panama Canal).
  2. Great choice! We had a cabin on the back of the ship and it was great transiting the canal. Bon voyage to you both. i think you get a few more days than we did. Ours was 23 days.
  3. Celebrity loyalists for 30 years, also leaving Celebrity except for one last cruise in April. AQ prices are insane and that is what we usually booked. We are sailing HAL for the first time in 4 weeks and we have already sailed Azamara twice and loved the experience. Suez canal was amazing on the Spice route itinerary. When you screw your loyal customers, it's all over. We don't want to spend our hard earned money on a cruise that is not so bad!
  4. We just booked our first HAL cruise last week. No matter what I do I get a message saying we have no bookings. What do they think I paid the $6500 for? We sail in 35 days. Don't even get me started on the log in process! So far, I'm not loving HAL.
  5. We have usually booked AQ, but lately it is getting too expensive. I have looked at cruises where it is twice the price of a balcony cabin. What is going on?
  6. Great thread. Lawn Club Lawn Club Sushi on 5 We have tried Murano on 3 different ships and came away unimpressed each time. Maybe we should try it a fourth time. What makes Lawn Club great? It is rare when going back to a restaurant a second time that it is as good as the first time. LCG was even better the second time we ate there. We dine there twice every time we sail Silhouette. Haven't been on Reflection. Wish they would put it on more of their ships.
  7. Thank you for your great review SandJ. I am so glad to see that someone else thinks the food is under seasoned. Maitre'D told me that if they put much garlic in the food, people complain. Garlic is not the only seasoning!! We found the food bland. However, we love the size of the ship and the fact that they can get into places the big cruise ships can't.
  8. Thank you for asking this. However, I hope we are not on the same cruise because that is our cabin #!! We are sailing Honolulu to Vancouver in May 2024. If you sail before then, please come nack and tell us how you liked the cabin.
  9. We have not sailed on Infinity but we have always gone to the Spa cafe when on other M and S class ships. It is small but not many seem to know about it so it is a great place to go. I hope it is still open on embarkation day. Sushi on 5 is fee based.
  10. Thank you for this tip Grandma Cruising. it does, indeed, work as I got 5 more choices. Still not enough but better than one! What is the reason for keeping the available cabins hidden?
  11. Thank you everyone for your help. I think the problem is solved in that the cruise is no longer showing on Azamara's web site. Maybe it's already sold out? Or maybe the IT dept is screwing up again. I do look at a US site that I used to book with and yesterday when I looked they were no longer showing all available cabins either. There was a European site that I used countless times as it was great for showing available cabins but they are no longer doing it either. Is this some new thing? I will try again and see what they show.
  12. I am not interested in contacting a TA till I see what cabins are available. I have checked several times for a cruise that is 2 years away and all I can get is the one cabin offered in any of the categories I select. If I wanted a guarantee cabin I would book in that category and save some money. I am appalled at Azamara's indifference in making it easy to book one of their cruises. Do they not understand this will drive people away?
  13. We have booked AQ for years and have always enjoyed Blu. However, we feel that the current prices are unreasonable so we will be looking elsewhere.
  14. TeaBag

    2025 Booking

    I'm with you, PirateWife. no one asked for my opinion either but I'm giving it anyway!
  15. If you need a break from Blu book the Lawn Club Grill (fee based). Unless you have friends who cannot dine in Blu, I don't know why you would want to eat in the MDR when you are paying for AQ class.
  16. Do yourself a favour and keep going till you get to Southampton. National Express comes into T3 and the journey is not more than 2 hrs 16 mins. The buses are comfortable and you can book your seat. You might even have a short snooze. You will pat yourself on the back when you wake up in Southampton with nothing to do but have breakfast and get to the ship. Bon Voyage
  17. Very interested in your comments M109. Welcome to Cruise Critic. We left Quest in Athens May 28, so I wonder if you boarded then. We have only sailed twice with Azamara both sailings on Quest with Captain Johannes who is very personable. We were a bit disappointed in the food also. I ordered a tenderloin steak medium rare for my very first dinner on the ship last July. It came looking like it had been boiled for a week. Waiter never came back to check on us, so I said nothing. Next night more steak too well done again. On that cruise we never again ate in the dining room, choosing Windows with their ethnic themed dinners after that. Our last cruise we thought the food was under seasoned in the MDR. Maitre'D told me that if they put garlic in the food, people complain! We had the best waiter last time that we have ever had in all our cruises. We loved our aft cabin deck 7 and it was wonderful to see both sides of the Suez as we sailed along. I agree with you Grandma Cruising about Prime C. We were thrilled to get 3 complimentary speciality dinners with our cabin type (P1). We chose Aqualina for 2 and Prime C for the third. After our dinner in Aqualina, we cancelled the second one and went back to Prime C which we think is much better.
  18. ghstudio, glad you are enjoying your Azamara cruise. Funny, we thought the onion soup on Quest was way better than Celebrity's. I was happy to see that you found the food well seasoned. We had the best waiter on Quest that we have ever had on any of our cruises. They really do want you to enjoy yourself. Looking forward to the rest of your review.
  19. Welcome to Cruise Critic KEG88! You have chosen a great ship. We do much the same as others here, but I would make lunch a priority as the tables get filled fast. I don't know if you eat at speciality restaurants but I would highly recommend the Lawn Club grill if you do. Sometimes you can get a discount for asking if they're not busy. I have heard they don't offer the 30% off on the first night any more. Too bad. The walls are metal so I would advise you to buy magnetic hooks. You can get them on Ali Express cheaply. We also pack flat magnets to attach schedules/notices etc to the wall. Bon Voyage!
  20. Ours is up too, $600 CDN. Glad we booked when we did.
  21. One of the two cruises we booked in January has dropped $700. The other is listed on the sale but you can't book it as it is sold out!
  22. It was KevintheIrishDJ, I was responding to. But good for you too Betsey that you had success.
  23. Since this email is a Captains Club email, maybe they are announcing a new tier between Elite Plus and Zenith?
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