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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Going to our timeshare in Cancun for two weeks! https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/cunwl-the-westin-lagunamar-ocean-resort-villas-and-spa-cancun/overview/?scid=7b0e07c8-792f-4f4d-9bfa-dd5b11543aab&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_6C86pbt_AIV4RTUAR0r0g-6EAAYASAAEgI7qfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  2. Good morning! Whew just woke up. Missed church. Not what I had planned but it was a great nap! Thanks for the Fleet and Care reports. Roy I’m sad your ill and banged up but relieved your in the hospital and being properly taken care of.🙏 One thing about pain meds that worked for us was splitting the pill and dividing the dosage. We found that taking one pill would work fine but pain would worsen as med wore off. By taking half the pill and taking other half of pill half way between recommended dosages it helped us deal with the pain more comfortably and evenly. Maybe not for all but it worked for us and helped our pain management. Need to do some wash and packing! Obviously a little behind schedule this morning but the good sleep was worth it. It’s and overcast day and supposedly lots of rain forecasted later today and overnight! Bruce
  3. Good hearing from you Roy! Get some rest and relieved you’re being cared for. Take care bud!
  4. I forgot to thank Sandi this morning for stepping in for Roy and getting our addicting Daily going. Thank you Sandi for your many contributions to our favorite CC post.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  5. Not the kind of news you want to wake up to. Our patron of the Daily taking a fall. Prayers Roy can get some medical attention and relief from his aches and pain. It’s that time of year, especially our friends up North to be extra diligent when walking, especially when slippery conditions prevail. At many of our ages falls often lead to serious consequences. With both of us nursing colds we have been procrastinating getting ready for our upcoming trip. Have bathing suit will travel. We do need to pack some seasonings as we do dine in several nights. Our Villa has a kitchen and we have use of outside gas grills. It’s 36 F right now but clear and blue skies prevail. Tomorrow’s forecast calls for very heavy rains so it’s even more important to get going and get last minute task done today. Again, prayers for our way to many Daily patrons that need them. Have a great weekend and stay safe and healthy.
  6. Roy I recently took a tumble and they ate not fun, Take care of yourself and be more conscious as to what your doing,
  7. They had a new blog out that was originally a live broadcast that they stated they had been called by Director Of Guest Relations at Azamara’s Florida Headquarters about their onboard experience. Though they didn’t state what the final results of the Directors questioning and response was, they were very satisfied and pleased with Hdqs. handling of the issue. They stated they would discuss more in future vlogs.as it’s finalized.
  8. Good morning! A crisp 35 degrees this morning with a forecasted high of 55F. Time to start preparing for our trip to Cancun next Tuesday. Two weeks of doing nothing but basking by the pool or taking dips in the Caribbean Sea sound very inviting this morning. Continued thoughts prayers and concerns for several of our Daily regulars and praises for the many of us who have no major issues. Time for another coffee and enjoying the fact I no longer have to punch the time clock. My TGIF celebration is thanking God I woke up on this side of the now not so green grass!
  9. Thank you Rich very much appreciated and well said. B.
  10. I forgot to mention a clothing clash that is seen quite often here in Florida. Black socks while wearing shorts! 😩
  11. Hey Bob! Tried any of your jokes on the Black Jack Dealer yet?😎
  12. Rich, thanks for sharing your World Cruise with us. Now that you have been on your cruise for awhile I have a question. Being this is a World Cruise do you feel that food, entertainment and everything in general is at a higher level then any other cruise? Maybe a hard question to answer but would be interested to hear about your thoughts, senses or feelings so far? Thanks. B.
  13. Good morning. Thank you John for stepping in and helping Roy. Roy, I was happy to hear you’re feeling better Jacqui my goodness it just doesn’t stop. Prayers that the latest will get the arm to healing correctly. It’s currently a cool 36F but it’s also a clear and sunny day. Not much on the schedule today but I do have to do some preparation for tonight’s small church group study. Feeling better but will mask up and hope I don’t pass on this cold. Have a great day everyone. Bruce
  14. Roy I’m sorry to hear your ill but do hope it’s just a cold. Hopefully, like my cold this week it will be over soon. Take care of yourself stay hydrated and seek treatment if needed.
  15. I’m enjoying following your adventures on the World Cruise. Great memories of your French Polynesia visits that we visited on the Maasdam. So thanks for sharing and giving us ideas for our Jan. 2024 155 day Azamara World Cruise.
  16. Couple of more months and we’ll get to do that on Eurodam for twenty days.
  17. I arose! I could have slept all morning! Made it through yesterday without taking any cold meds! Time seems to cure all colds. We did get about two inches of rain early this morning but none of the severe weather that was forecasted.🙏 I love Irish Coffees and don’t forget the dollop of Crème De Menthe on top of the cream. One more day of laying low should do it and keep others from catching my woes. Was surprised RedNeck Bob made it through TSA with his portfolio of highly classified jokes in hand. Bob where are you headed? Time for another coffee and catching up on the news. Enjoy your day!
  18. It doesn’t do any real justice reporting problems here on CC before letting the responsible person onboard know about a problem. For instance, our shower was draining slowly. Mentioned it to our very competent cabin steward and ten minutes later a plumber was there to fix it. He wasn’t using shower how would he know? A ship is a very complex machine, along with a multitude of other equipment that can fail or not work up to par. Report problems so the next user does not have the same issue. Try and resolve any issue at the lowest level. The crew can’t fix it if they don’t know about a problem. Just saying…
  19. Good morning! Another late start morning. Cold symptoms may be a little milder this morning. Thanks for my Susan’s birthday wishes. We did nothing to celebrate as we are saving the fun for Cancun. Did get Face Time with kids and grandchildren which is always a delight! Our weather forecast is calling for possible severe weather in the next 24 hours so we’ll keep alert. Not much planned today other than hanging around nursing my cold. Thanks for the reports and laughs.
  20. In defense of the folks the line to enter Discovery was long enough that folks ahead were blocking view of the sign stating dress code restrictions. I even mentioned to one person, who was in shorts, that they were turning folks away in shorts. The guest thanked me and raced back to cabin to change. Think there were quite a few new cruisers onboard.
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