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Everything posted by NavyVeteran

  1. If you plan to purchase the $5,200 bottle of Petrus, then it definitely pays to plus. You would save $1,300 on each bottle.😀
  2. OP could not have booked a B2B from Whittier to LA, since that would have been a PVSA violation.
  3. Unfortunately, I owned CCL in a Roth IRA, so I received no tax benefits from the loss. Fortunately, I did not have to pay taxes on the cash dividends for the several years I received them. I received more in OBC and dividends than I paid for the stock, so I can't really complain. I had to transfer the stock out of the IRA into joint ownership with DW this year (establishing a lower basis with no tax loss), because I am a veteran and DW is not.
  4. The patter should show the MDR and times for breakfast and lunch. One MDR will be open every day for breakfast. One MDR will be open every sea day for lunch. The MDRs are normally not available on port days. If you can't find the information, ask at Guest Services.
  5. The refund will go to your onboard account as refundable onboard credit - not to your original payment method. Any balance of refundable onboard credit remaining at the end of the cruise will be refunded by check after the cruise.
  6. Don't forget the 25% off if you have Plus or Premier. That's worth $50 per bottle.
  7. I don't know if you can book a Princesslodges tour ending in Whittier. I can't speak about these tours, since I haven't taken one. If they won't take you to Whittier, one option would be to book a tour ending in Anchorage, and then booking a one-night pre-cruise hotel with transfer at the Captain Cook as an add-on to your cruise - with your choice of a bus or (more expensive) rail transfer to Whittier. You can add the pre-cruise hotel and bus or rail transfer by calling Princess or your travel agent.
  8. You also have one lunch and two dinners included. Note the (B, L, D) information for each day - it lists the included meals.
  9. According to several recent posts from multiple ships, the Plus fare now includes canned sodas. The summary description now says "... includes the classics: sodas, . . ." - it no longer explicitly says "fountain sodas". The detailed Terms & Conditions still says "fountain sodas", but it no longer explicitly says canned sodas are not included. So it may be an even better deal now if you like canned sodas.
  10. The Princess policy for cancellation of shore excursions is given in this FAQ under Excursion Cancellation. Most excursions are fully refundable until two days prior to the excursion. If you cancel five or more days prior to sailing, you get a credit card refund; otherwise you get refundable onboard credit. Note that the onboard credit goes to the folio of the passenger scheduled for the excursion - not to the person whose credit card was charged. There are a few exceptions for excursions involving hotel accommodations, flights, and private vehicles.
  11. A beverage package is different than a Plus or Premier fare. If you have the Plus or Premier fare, then the beverages are part of the fare and not shown separately on the invoice. The fare also includes food which you still order in quarantine, but they don't deduct anything for that.
  12. I just noticed that no one has answered this question. You can call Princess and change to any other available cabin in the same category with no change in price or perks.
  13. When you make reservations in advance using the app, Princess charges your credit card immediately. You may be able to have Guest Services give you a refundable onboard credit for your credit charge and charge your friends, but it may be easier just to have your friends reimburse you directly.
  14. The ship leaves from Whittier, which is 2 1/2 hours from Anchorage. Fairbanks is in central Alaska a lot farther away. All of the tours you list above are post-cruise tours. You end in either Anchorage or Fairbanks and fly home from there. Notice they start with the cruise followed by "Direct-to-the-Wilderness" train. You get on the train in Whittier after disembarking the ship and take the train to a station and transfer to a bus to get to either Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge or Mt. McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge. Princess also has pre-cruise tours, but you didn't list any. They will start with an airport transfer and hotel stay in either Fairbanks or Anchorage and then take either train or bus to one of the Princess Lodges. The pre-cruise tours will often end with a Direct-from-the-Wilderness train from a station close to your last lodge to Whittier to catch the ship. I can't comment on the details of the various tours, because it has been a long time since I've been on one. One of the first decisions is whether you want the tour pre-cruise or post-cruise. It is worth seeing Denali (formerly known as Mt. McKinney) but don't count on seeing it. It is hidden by clouds almost all of the time. It is now normally referred to as Denali (the earlier native American name) instead of Mt. McKinley (the name assigned much later by non-native explorers). When you asked "Is it worth doing an itinerary that has Mt. McKinley included in it?", I suspect you were asking if it was worth going the Mt. McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge. You will actually see Mt. McKinley (weather permitting) from the Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge. Both of these lodges are named for the same mountain. If you stay at two lodges, you have the advantage of seeing another area. But you have the disadvantage of spending time on a bus traveling from one to another and having to move hotels. If you stay at one lodge, then you don't have to change hotels. Make sure you look at the full itinerary for each tour to see exactly what is included.
  15. That's one reason why my next two Alaska cruises - one in 2024 with ten family members and the Ultimate Alaska in 2025 are both on the Grand Princess. It's a much better ship for Alaska.
  16. I found some Stiletto Heeled Flip Flops on Amazon. Is this what you meant by "heels" and "flip flops"?
  17. If I order a prix free meal, I suspect I could leave some items off - and just get an appetizer, for example. I doubt they would force me to eat the rest of the meal. I think the real question is whether or not there is a time restriction between two prix free meals. If I want two appetizers (charged as two prix free meals), is there a minimum time I have to wait between the two meals?
  18. The menu says "If you have Princess Premier or Princess Plus, there desserts (original or with alcohol) are included in your package." Do you know if a dessert with alcohol counts against your limit of 15 alcoholic beverages? If not, could you order a premium dessert with alcohol and leave out everything but the shot?😀
  19. Your problem is primarily with Delta, not with EZAir. EZAir is acting as a travel agent to book the flights, but they have no control over them after booking. You may also try calling Delta to see if they can change you to another flight. Normally if they change your flight to an unacceptable one, you should be able to change to another available one at no change in fare.
  20. I've booked window suites on the Caribbean and Grand several times under the mini-suite option, so this is not a new change. It took me a while to find them after they made the change. Note from your extract above for Window Suite: "along with special suite-only benefits". You do get the suite perks. I can understand the change from a marketing perspective. For those of us who know what we want and where to find it, it doesn't matter where they put it. However, it may matter to others. If someone is looking for a suite, Princess doesn't want them to see the Window Suite at a lower price - they would rather sell them the more expensive suite with balcony. They want someone looking for a mini-suite to upgrade to a Window Suite instead.
  21. A US citizen does not necessarily need an actual passport to enter Canada on the excursions from Skagway. Another WHTI compliant document would also per acceptable. Per the description for one of the Princess Yukon excursions, "Since this tour enters Canada, all guests must carry a passport or other WHTI compliant document. For U.S. citizens these documents include: U.S. Passport, U.S. Passport Card, Enhanced Driver's License, Trusted Traveler Card and Military ID Card (for U.S. armed forces members on official orders)." Although, I agree that a passport is the safest alternative.
  22. My sister-in-law eats gluten free. After the first morning, they had a trey of several different kinds of gluten-free pastries for her to choose from every morning.
  23. But there is personalized information printed on the outside of the medallion.
  24. I have normally received laundry back the next day. It could be same day if you send it out early enough in the morning. Even if you have it available early enough, it depends on when the cabin steward gets it to the laundry. However, I normally send laundry out in the evening, since we normally bathe and change after excursions or a sea day before dinner. I always tell the cabin steward to expect laundry on my bed when he services the cabin in the evening. Since suite laundry has priority over Elite laundry, it doesn't matter how many Elites are onboard. My experience is pre-pandemic, since I haven't sailed Princess in a suite since the pandemic. I've noticed that the suite amenities no longer explicitly say one-day laundry like they did pre-pandemic, so I don't know if this has changed.
  25. Do you mean 2025 or 2056? I can't find any Panama Canal cruises available for April 2026. Looking at the itineraries for the two April 2025 cruises, the Coral cruise says "Panama Canal Full Transit Historic Locks" and the Caribbean cruise says "Panama Canal Full Transit New Locks". Although the Caribbean Princess is one of my favorite ships, I would definitely recommend the Coral Princess and the Historic Locks if you have not sailed through the canal before. I have sailed through both sets of locks, and they are both interesting, but the Historic Locks are historic. There is a lot of history there that the New Locks don't have. Sail them first, and save the New Locks for a later cruise. Also, I highly recommend you read Path Between the Seas by David McCullough. It is the definitive history of the building of the Panama Canal. Reading it before (and during) your trip will definitely help make the trip through the Canal more interesting, especially if you transit the Historic Locks.
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