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Everything posted by ONECRUISER

  1. I know, after agreeing with you was just adding some Royal Smoking History
  2. True. When I started Cruising Royal on open Decks and around the pool had a Table with Ashtray for every 2 Lounge Chairs. I miss the Tables, were nice keep personal stuff off the Deck. Back then WJ had Trays for Food/drinks which some thought cafeteria cheap. But it also then used China plates, cups and glass not plastic Cups like now. My 8yr old Son was quite embarrassed when items shifted falling off his tray hitting the WJ Tile transforming his China and Glass into a million pieces...
  3. Do 4-8 longer Sailings a yr on Radiance Class where they refuel 1-2 times a Cruise. During those days the only place to Smoke onboard is the Casino. Guess only option for them to lite up is go ashore for a Cigarette
  4. True. My bet Icon with have them though until last yr I was never was on a Ship that had them.
  5. True, see that by range being reported here. When got my New Passport in Fall 2019 was under 5wks-2 days(non-exp). But before then many on here were reporting slow renewals of double that like some are currently reporting
  6. Last Fall had new one issued in 6 weeks, non-exp... Just double checked, was recieved in 6 weeks and 1 day
  7. I first became Diamond there wasn't a Diamond Lounge, we had access to CL. Wasn't added on Ship's until Voyager came out in 1999. Was top Tier at time, no D+ or P and usually at most 6-8 of us on Cruise. Lot more Cruiser's and Repeaters now then 25-35yrs ago. Last few yrs so many D's onboard my Radiance Class Repo's they gave them overflow in Crown Lounge plus 2-3 other Lounges during Happy Hour. Me, I don't care about many the Benefits, just the 340+ SOLO, this one I save thousands a year from
  8. Not all the time but at least 1-2 my Cruises each yr they have checked cards at Door or in the Lounge when was Crowded. So it does happen and did see more then a Few asked to leave
  9. We all would go to Concerts in Detroit in 70-80s. Had 3 cars full last time we went. We headed home, one Car decided head to Canada for a Club "Show". On Canadian side the Agent saw a baggie with couple Joints in it. They got pulled, strip search to their Under-roos, car was thoroughly searched inc the Door panels. Nothing else found, they were turned around sent back to US with Door panels in the trunk
  10. Agree, plan on Self Disembark when going early Flights. At least 3 times was last off at between 1010 & 1040 these with earliest off about 745, this Radiance Class. Port Everglades. Twice I did FLL on Dec 22 and Dec 23 and line was out the Door. Was bunch people at Airport that missed Flights, some were told they might make it home by Xmas. Rare yes, but happens. Don't mind wait, I Fly out anywhere from 1230-2
  11. Shoot I've turned in other Cabin's for Smoking Cigarettes on their Balcony. They ended up being Fined. Was anything else I would have also...
  12. Agree, I'm sure it will be the only one. Same as most Hotels/Airlines
  13. Though Oasis isn't scheduled Sail out of Asia
  14. Yup, if is the larger Evian bottles Water is now same price as was Pre-CV and even what I got last Spring on Royal
  15. Agree. Son In Law uses a Machine and been using long Ext Cord provided by Ship. Will share your advice with them as we are doing multiple Cruises this Fall. Thank you
  16. Understand, Step Dad used machine his last 8yrs. Also my Son in Law has had one for last 2yrs, takes his on Cruises and he's only 34.
  17. Forgot to mention on my 2 Sovereign Cruises back 30+ yrs ago Ship had real well known Headliners. We had The Spinners on one and the The Monkees(minus Davy) on the other
  18. Yeah hopefully it does but I dont remember seeing any. Just scanned 4 Videos of this Cabin and didnt see any. Was on Brilliance Solo in same Cabin 7yrs ago. Ship was Designed over 20yrs ago, long before newer Ships started coming with ext outlets inc USB. Done several Cruises on Radiance, doing 6 more inc couple Panama Canals in Fall 2023 & 24... Good Luck!
  19. Not a norm bringing a Ship situations like this. Maybe Ships passing threw to Alaska on Repo's
  20. Yes Royal can bring both Cans/Bottles. That's why I bring the Plastic Bottles, 12count limit of 12oz Cans OR 16.9oz Bottles, I'll go with more fluids
  21. Some Ships have search for certain Flavor Cookie. Might be in WJ or different Venue. Like Ranger and the Coco w/chocolate chips. When see them I'll grab a dozen and keep them in Ziplock in my Fridge
  22. Done multiple Thanksgivings on Ships, US Stops inc PR, St Thomas and most Stores were closed and streets empty
  23. Yup, back to Pre-CV numbers. Funny thing is I only Sail on longer 10+ nites on Radiance Class Ships and been almost 3 decades since I was on a 100% plus Capacity Ship.
  24. Yeah and I had couple Cruises last yr you could not pick arrival time until 30days out. Rare but happens
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