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Barwick Cruiser

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Everything posted by Barwick Cruiser

  1. Just at dinner time. You can wear them at breakfast and lunch. You may read of someone getting away with it one time or another but generally long pants are required for men at dinner.
  2. Okay now everyone’s gonna want performing dolphins at Tuscan 🤣🤣 🐬 😅
  3. Also following along…love your writing style and enjoy the accompanying pics! Looks like a great itinerary and I’m curious to see what you do in each port.
  4. It’s been three days since @TraderSam updated…I’m thinking the wifi isn’t working very well, or they’re enjoying their cruise too much! The nerve 🤣🤣
  5. Off to a great start! I’ll enjoy following along…love the ABC’s!! Also, big congrats on both of your achievements and your new job and home…such an exciting time in your life!
  6. So obviously more than a few years ago 🤣🤣, time flies eh? Thanks for confirming!
  7. Such a great report, thank you so much for including your precruise travels. On the train, you get breakfast and lunch each day? What do you do for dinner? Would it have been in Kamloops if you’d been on time? I’m confused regarding what meals are included and served on the train. Do you have a menu from the second breakfast? Very happy for you that the weather cleared for your second day. Hope you enjoy your days in Vancouver…we check out Granville Market every time we’re there too lol. You can always find one of the local vendors renting bicycles and take a spin around Stanley Park….take a picnic with you, we usually just grabs subs, and eat along the waterfront…great outing with scenery on a nice day. Have fun!
  8. A few years ago, can’t recall exactly when the change occurred, back then you did have to pay the entire cost of the beverage if it was over the classic limit. That changed a few years ago to now only paying the difference plus service charge on the difference.
  9. You are correct….we had the classic package in Feb on Silhouette and only paid the difference (plus the tip on that difference) on any beverages that were over our $10 limit. Often the servers/bartenders didn’t charge anything extra.
  10. Any bulkhead seats still open? At least then you’d get a bit more legroom 🤷‍♀️
  11. That’s good news @burnabyjean, I did read when we did the application that as long as your application has been received for renewal that you continue to retain the perks of the original Nexus. We don’t leave the country until January so I’m hoping we hear before then otherwise we’ll just take a copy of our application as proof.
  12. Wonderful photos and commentary. Thank you for posting this and I hope you continue to enjoy your holiday and hopefully the inconsiderate tourists are now behind you! Welcome to 🇨🇦
  13. Thank you both for your replies. We’ll def get on it asap. Fortunately we live close to a border at Gananoque and can book interviews there if needed. When we originally applied we had to drive from Barrie to Ft. Erie to get a reasonably timed appointment as Pearson was quite backed up…and that was prior to Covid!
  14. DH and I are planning international trips in Jan and May. His nexus expires in January and mine in May. Should we begin renewal applications now or wait? How long is turnaround? Anyone have any recent experience receiving new cards post Covid?
  15. Glad you and your Mom are enjoying the final days of your holiday together. I realize your choice of tour in Split was decided by your Mom and wasn’t your cup of tea but when you consider all the choices your Mom made to make you happy when you were small that weren’t her cup of tea, it seems today was a bit of payback 🤣🤣🥰. The views were definitely beautiful and always great to experience some local culture and food! Very sad to see that you are nearing the end of this voyage, have been enjoying your daily postings and am very relieved that the MDR hasn’t been a total let down after a leg in Blu. Safe travels home!
  16. Yes, and in addition to the dispensers at the buffet you can also find dispensers open at the Spa Cafe during service hours…breakfast and lunch.
  17. Your mind is playing tricks. I’ve never worn closed toe shoes in any of the dining room. Always sandals of varying styles. Well, actually, I suppose on our Alaska cruise I may have worn my runners to breakfast before leaving the ship. Def wasn’t a mandatory thing tho!
  18. I didn’t mind the canned water on our cruise but if you have the premium package I’d be asking for Evian which comes in a bottle. Much nicer. Thank you for posting, enjoying your comparisons and your perspective! Enjoy the rest of your cruise and the special time with your daughter!
  19. That’s great, hope it’s actually done…several times we were told ours would be unlinked, seemed to be, then one of us would go ti book an excursion or something in the planner and all of our names would show up…sigh. Glad it’s worked for you!
  20. Good luck getting it done before the cruise…we (sister and I) tried many times precruise but it wasn’t until we were onboard that we could actually get it straightened out. I’ll never link my cruise to another again 😓
  21. Wow, such a lot of food! Was everything as delicious as it looks? This wasn’t a X tour correct? Sounds like an amazing time, thanks for all the drool worthy pics 😋
  22. Thank you for posting this live review, we’re doing the same itinerary next May except on the Silhouette. We will embark from Amsterdam and disembark in Rotterdam. Also planning close to a week in Amsterdam precruise so interested in what you guys do there. What are your ports? Have fun and hope the weather is wonderful!
  23. Very exciting to open CC and see a new cruise posting from you! Your ports look great, keeping my fingers crossed for your upgrade to AQ for the second leg. You’re very lucky to be able to share these holidays with your Mom 😊 Do you need to do any Covid testing along this journey? I’m not up to speed on requirements in Italy/Greece etc
  24. Most certainly the strangest looking Catholic cathedral I’ve ever seen lol. Wigwam seems to fit.
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