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Everything posted by Acrusa

  1. Years ago on Naitica there was a pool matron who timed when someone went to lunch allowing half hour. We where aware of this and still had our stuff removed we where 10 minutes to late.On all our cruises on O we eat in waves so we can see our lounge LOL We now are fast Chewers.
  2. On the Riviera last January very disappointed books where old and worn.
  3. Pre no lids I would go to the Terrace cafe around 7 am where they have a coffee station get 2 coffee bring back to our cabin. Now no lids I have a pot of coffee delivered to our stateroom by 7:00 am.
  4. Ember Embers Shmembers who Remembers Still not Jacques
  5. We have cruised on the O style ships since 2014 and always looked forward to dinners at Jacques .Very disappointing for our upcoming cruise on Vista
  6. Is Oceania still giving the beach bag in concierge on Vista
  7. Especially the passengers who ride the elevators with hot coffee no lid
  8. Booked day room back in 2017 on Seirna. Had to call hotel direct made reservation. Then 5 days before had the Purser call hotel to confirm after we left Hawaii. Got off ship at around 9 am took taxi TO IHG checked in at 9:30 Had to wait till 10 to go to room. It was great
  9. I was under the impression if you booked your cruise before Oct. 2023 you had a choice between Olife and SM.If you booked your cruise after Oct. 2023 only SM is offered .
  10. When you make your next reservation for a cruise ONLY SM will be offered .
  11. The luggage tags that O supplies with your Docs.Are to be put on BEFORE u give them to the handlers on the pier before you board the ship so they get to your cabin Do not use them as luggage tags for flying.
  12. usually these cruises depart in January or March
  13. ENVELOPES? In all my 60 yrs of cruising and traveling never gave an envelope Always put a currency in the palm of my hand shook hands and said thanks before and after LOL
  14. We are looking to do one of the following tours offered from our cruise ship this winter. A glass bottom boat or Placezcia Lagoon and Mango. Has anyone done these tours
  15. The best Vealchop is in Jacques, don't even think of getting Vealchop in anyother specialty restaurant. There vealchop is a cut we very rarely see in restaurant in the US.It has always been consistent since the Marina and Riviera 2014.
  16. You are absalluty correct. Except for SM we don't do drink packages so OBC might be a little less.
  17. LOL I never go into the casino. Spend it on bottles of wine😀
  18. The longer the passenger's are on board the more they spend and gamble ,makes more sense then saving fuel.But the fuel may figure into it.as a savings
  19. Do we think if a cruise line docks there ship in a port from 8 am to 5 pm,and then decided to leave at 2 pm they get a refund for leaving early? I doubt it. Plus the extra expense of fuel.
  20. watching The Fall 2nd season on local PBS station in NY. takes place in Belfast.
  21. Except SNL DATELINE ON NBC and 20/20 on ABC these are both pre recorded. Have to remember all live CC is done by human beings typing like court stenographer
  22. I went deaf over 20 yrs ago and have a cochlear implant. I've learned over the years that shutting the sound off while watching with CC is sometimes more beneficial a lot of cc. is delaid in transmission
  23. It would be interesting to know how the passenger's who took independent tours where notified if the ship had to depart before its scheduled time.
  24. we did this on a cruise ship tour many years ago. My advise go with the ships tour. It's over 3 hrs to get to Hanoi over very hilly highway. This way you won't have to think about it.
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