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Everything posted by cruisequeen4ever

  1. I wouldn’t give up on the aft this soon. We had an aft on the Crown a few years ago and loved it. Wait and see if reports continue as your sailing approaches.
  2. You do a great job recounting your cruises for us; thank you, and keep ‘em coming!
  3. I’m very sorry your wife has Covid. Thank goodness she has a mild case. It doesn’t seem like your situation is unique to HAL; I’ve read accounts on other cruise lines, too. It seems like the cruise lines are trying to walk a fine line between trying to attract pax and reducing the spread of Covid onboard. They make one set of pax happy and upset another group. I do hope you don’t try to get the HAL rep fired as I really do think she’s probably just following protocol for the company to inform you of your right to fly home. I’m sure it’s meant to provide freedom to the spouse who needs to get home to take care of the kids or get back to work. I hope you stay Covid-free, that your wife heals quickly, and that everything goes smoothly to get you and your wife home in Business Class at the end of the quarantine!
  4. I agree with the Med! There are fewer tourists in the fall, and the Med is a simply magical destination!
  5. Thank you for seeing it through; it was an outstanding report!
  6. I hope we get one for free, but if we don’t, it’s good to know we can buy one for a cheap price.
  7. I hate that!! Princess has signs posted, too, and they instruct people to use one of their clean cups to fill yours.
  8. Princess offers a transfer from Victoria Station in addition to the airports. We hired a car service and are so glad we did. It’s not really any more, and you get to leave when you want and straight from your hotel.
  9. So happy you were able to switch cabins and that the new one is much better! I’m wondering since there’s no refrigerator and the TV wasn’t working if your new one has been out of service for pax since the restart. Maybe it’s been used as a crew room or crew quarantine room?
  10. I sure hope they bring the Princess bags back; I love them!
  11. I’m sorry you’re having such a bad experience! I hope it improves and that you feel better very soon!
  12. Because the poster was talking about TESTING positive You’re right that without a test, you wouldn’t know.
  13. Worst case, you can get your free espresso and liquor from a bar with your package and then just pay for the gelato and pour the liquid over it.
  14. I’ll be interested to form my own opinion on our first post-Covid cruise in December. I can say it’s sad to hear so many Elites being let down lately. 😔 Princess has long been my favorite brand, and despite all the negatives I’ve read recently, I am maintaining hope that it will continue to be. 🤞 I also need my hubby to continue to favor Princess, so 🤞 for that, too.
  15. Aw, that makes sense. It did appear that all food on the tray was uniform.
  16. Boy, I’d call Royal and explain all that to them. They’ve gotta give you your money back or give you a vaccine exemption for your child. They may very well grant your child an exemption, and you can still enjoy this special cruise. Wishing you luck!!
  17. I believe it’s very wrong to knowingly board with Covid. Being asymptomatic doesn’t mean you can’t spread it to others. Just because one person is asymptomatic, it doesn’t mean another person won’t end up very sick.
  18. Yes, unfortunately that is correct. The added value is a Princess rep to greet you in the airport, handle your luggage, a bus transfer to the hotel, a Princess rep at the hotel throughout your stay to answer questions, and then the train transfer to Whittier. The tracing transfer is often not available through Princess without booking a package, so that is the best added value I see. That train ride is beautiful and takes you through a section that cars don’t get to see. To save some money, though, you can book independently, take an Uber to your hotel, and book the Alaska Railroad train independently. It really comes down to how you prefer to travel.
  19. Thank you for sharing your experience and hope everyone is well now. Were you at the Voyager or Aptel or somewhere else? We were eating breakfast at the Captain Cook and saw an employee carrying a tray of a bunch of breakfast sandwiches out the door in the direction of the Voyager. If the Captain Cook supplies the food for those at the Voyager, they’re in luck!
  20. It definitely looks like changes are coming, whether they be in a few months or a few years is the question. Those kinds of projects can be very lengthy.
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