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Everything posted by majortom10

  1. I am afraid your grien had been told nonsense by CPS about 2 seasons. I checked the other day for my cruise with Cunard in last week of November first week of December, which I assume is winter period. The price quoted online was £182 a considerable increase and as you can guess I will not be booking with them I shall be using P4C and because I have used the before get an extra 5% discount.
  2. Not necessarily because once Arcadia and Aurora were bigger ships. The only really upsetting scenes of drunken behaviour in all the cruises we have done was in Carmen's Lounge on Aurora where an extended family used to eat first sitting and then head for Carmen's for the duration of the night. Every night they got drunk were very loud with the kids running around the dance floor when acts were performing. After many requests by staff nothing changed and by 11pm people were heading into Carmen's for second show and couldn't get a seat because all the children were lying on them asleep. Nothing to do with size of ship and was before drinks packages it is just purely down to the people onboard.
  3. Being drun k wherever they are on a cruise, on holiday or at home because that is their lifestyle and would be drunk wherever they are. Cruised with P&O for over 23 years and seen people drunk onboard way before drinks packages were introduced.
  4. So why don't these problems happen on Princess when they have sea days and entertainment choice not much different than ,P&O. Think it is only too easy to put the blame solely on drinks packages. If it was drinks packages to blame it would be happening on other ships.
  5. Cruised on Princess where many have had the drinks package I and I have never seen any such behaviour like this or any other drunkenness or bad behaviour and is too simplistic to blame drinks packages.
  6. That is excellent value for money because CPS want £182 for my 12 my cruise in November.
  7. Don't take anything as gospel on here just to make sure of the conditions might be worth ringing P&O. There is always conflicting answers on CC and so you don't miss out might be getting correct info direct from P&O.
  8. Well apart from those that get 'free' parking with either P&O or Cunard the bean counters at CPS will have got that right they will get fewer bookings. We have used both CPS and P4C many times and recently more often than chose free parking and the odd occasion we have had to pay we have booked with CPS. Our next 3 cruises this year we have booked free parking with CPS, our cruise on QV in November, due to logistics, we have yet to book parking on checking we will definitely be booking with P4C.
  9. Fank god for Google everyday is a skool day.
  10. I wouldn't casually walk past I would knock on the door until I got an answer and if it was a VIP I would be straight down to reception. I know we don't know the real reason but hopefully Rhuaridh will find out more on Monday. But if assumptions are correct and have been moved to facilitate VIP i.e could be a star performer or Paul Ludlow or higher part of Carnival senior management it wouldn't surprise me in the least considering how P&O treat their customers so poorly.
  11. Due to visit Alicante in March on Iona and being our first time there is there enough to do and of interest if we stay in Alicante or would it be better to book an excursion.
  12. You normally book children in to clubs when making booking as they are capacity controlled. There have been many posts on here on the past where the stay stateroom is available but they have refused booking because that the capacity for different age groups of for the ship have been reached.
  13. Perhaps so with regards to history but we are living in very difficult times possibly not encountered for a generation and really think the economic brains of CPS have got it wrong. I know of at least 2 private car parking companies that provide exactly the same service as CPS. The only difference is on embarkation you walk 50 yds more from short stay car park to Ocean Terminal and on disembarkation you actually walk not as far as CPS to pick your car up. Both these companies are currently considerably cheaper than CPS and if they stay the same will take a lot of business from CPS. New CPS prices of around £240+ for 14 nt cruises and the exorbitant increase way above inflation are unjustifiable in anyone's minds. Let's hope they have the courage to shop around and not use CPS.
  14. But will have the opposite effect because of the exorbitant increase that fewer will park and go elsewhere. So CPS will make less money not more as is pure economics so if that is why they have done it it will have reverse effect and increase profits at other car parking companies of which there are many in Southampton
  15. There is no restrictions on what you carry onboard with obvious common sense. Don't forget all drinks on all menus have 15% service charge added.
  16. Measures of spirits served on Cunard are US measure so are bigger than on P&O.
  17. You can take as much spirit as you can carry on Cunard you are not limited to 1 litre per person like P&O.
  18. We have cruised in Queens Grill, Princess Grill, Balcony and Inside Staterooms over the years so feel well qualified to give any help or answer any questions you may have.
  19. QV is very much like Arcadia in size of ship and build but very different interior but is a beautiful ship. If Presto2 you have any specific questions about Cunard or QV then please feel free to ask and will answer as honest and unbiased as I can. We are due on QM2 in May and QV in November and cruised as recent as last November on QV so happy to give assistance.
  20. Been on both Cunard and P&O many times in last 25 yrs and utter nonsense that you are treated like steerage. Around the ship there is no difference and you wouldn't know any difference of who was in any cabin/suite grade. There are 2 separate small restaurants and lounge and outside deck area with only access for suite passengers which unless you specifically looked for you wouldn't know they were there. Why would you look for them it is just an ordinary restaurant and lounge anyway. There is no class system around the general area of the ship whatsoever that is utter nonsense. With regards QM2 she is an ocean liner and not a cruise ship so many find a difference which is unexpected because they have expected a cruise ship. QM2 is our favourite ship of all the ships we have cruised and yes Formal nights are generally strictly adhered too but rest is Smart Casual like P&O. I am sure if you give it a go and enjoy the more formal side of cruising you will really enjoy it.
  21. If embarking and disembarking at Ocean no taxi would be necessary as it is walkable. The only problem or risk is if at last minute your ship berths at a different terminal than expected i.e. Mayflower then you have to get your own taxi back to your car. The only reason to book parking with taxi included is if you are embarking at Mayflower as it is a fair distance away.
  22. Some, myself included, would not consider parking there cars at a council multi storey car park or hotel car park which are open to the public with no security for duration of a cruise just to save a few pounds.
  23. As are duty free shops in airports in the UK eyewateringly expensive.
  24. Ghost charges applied to people' accounts whilst on board or more often after they have disembarked is a regular occurrence and been happening for some time both on P&O and Cunard. Personally think that because it is happening on an all too regular basis that it is more than a genuine mistake. It happened to me twice on Cunard whilst on board one for an expensive bottle of wine, not easy to get refund and secondly a room service meal at 1am in the morning of steak and chips which was refunded without question.
  25. I am sure somebody would have either reported them to the Entertainments Manager or he would have found out by other means and they will have faced the consequences of their actions.
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