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Everything posted by kelkel2

  1. I think the room stewards have to be some of the hardest working individuals on the ship. It’s disappointing what the room cleaning has become. I miss turndown service or a choice in the timing of my cleaning (night vs day). Of all the talks about cutbacks etc, this is where we noticed it the most. Having not cruised since 2015, we really noticed a huge difference in the service. And I honestly don’t think it’s just a steward being ‘not good’ it’s them being overworked. 35 rooms is too many. That’s just absurd. We had a suite for the first time on this cruise and we really noticed the difference in the service. We really thought our service would be excellent but it just wasn’t. It was ok at best. We never were even given an option of day vs night service.
  2. I stayed in 14410 which is an ocean suite that sleeps 4. I’m happy to answer questions. We had a sofa that turned into a twin size bed, also a Pullman that we didn’t use. My twins shared the couch and were happy enough. I didn’t trust them on the Pullman, they’re still a little small. Let me know what else I can answer.
  3. This has been truly epic and I’m so glad to see you so happy. If this is the final review, you went out on such a high note. Travel safe today!
  4. Cheaper isn’t always better. My husband bought his luggage from Kmart when they were closing. Well, it was so flimsy that it didn’t even survive to fly home. By the time we got to the airport to go home we had to Saran Wrap it to get it home. Someone from the airport had to help us. It was a mess. So, I’m not saying buy the most expensive, but for sure don’t buy the cheapest!
  5. Enjoy your change over day and the almost empty ship! Can’t wait to read more!
  6. My son’s whole stack of pajamas…. He didn’t care. He just wore a T-shirt. I’m glad I didn’t forget his undies 🤦🏼‍♀️
  7. Can she bring a white noise machine? My husband snores, he has sleep apnea and sometimes he still snores over his machine. The white noise really helps me focus on something other than the snoring.
  8. Although we didn’t cruise out of Galveston, we just did a cruise in a suite. When you arrive to port there’s the priority line, early/late line and the on time line. Make sure you go to the priority line and they’ll also sit you in the priority lounge. Just make sure you listen to announcements at the port. They’ll announce diamonds and then suites, then platinums and FTTF.
  9. We’re not booked on the jubilee until later into 2024..but, I haven’t heard much about the ship’s progress lately. Have you?
  10. Honestly, with 2 teenagers who will want access to the social media apps, I’d for sure do a social plan for both of them. Otherwise they’ll have to share and log in and out each time which isn’t necessarily ideal but can be done. Not sure what ship you’re going to be on, but just recently on the MG and I had the premium, it was absolutely worth it. FaceTime worked no issues, as well as iMessage and messenger. But, I bought the premium before prices went up so I’m aware that it’s way more costly now. But the speed was fantastic and I hardly noticed a difference between home and the ship.
  11. I just binged your entire review! Absolutely fantastic. Thank you for doing this!! @MeganGC1983when is your next cruise? I want to be you when I grow up!
  12. Yeah it’s like a little foot rest to help with shaving. I don’t really think it’s high enough for that, but I’m told that’s the purpose.
  13. We agree. Balcony or no go. So the loss of the balconies on family harbor rooms is a no go for us. It’s too bad, we would have loved to take advantage of that while ours kids are small. But their first cruise was on the Mardi Gras and our next one is jubilee and neither of those have the balconies. Is it just horizon and vista that have the balconies in family harbor?
  14. I think you will be. We turned gold on our cruise we just went on and we started the cruise with gold cards.
  15. I don’t know about a cutoff date, it seems to typically sell out. Which also answers your first question. Yea, there is some sort of cut off but I don’t know how they determine how many spots they sell. There’s a lot of people on CC that theorize that they base it off of how many plat/diamonds are on the ship. But I really don’t know if they do or not. I have done FTTF pre covid and we liked it. It was cheaper back then. We really wanted it for priority tendering in Grand Cayman and pre covid your room was ready and you could stay in it as soon as you boarded. So it was worth it. Oh and the priority debarking is nice too. Fttf goes right after the Diamond/plat/suites. So if you have an early flight to catch it could be very beneficial to you. Don’t let the masses in CC tell you how to spend your money. If you see the value in it, get it.
  16. We made friends with our next door neighbors while on the Mardi Gras. We had an ocean suite and they had a balcony. The husband was a POS too, and in a scooter. They were really jealous of our bathroom and yes, ours was bigger in the ocean suite. But even ours felt small. But it was do-able. I wouldn’t have wanted it any smaller!
  17. Thanks for doing the review!! I’m following along. We were just on MG in January and miss her!
  18. I agree, it’s a huge downgrade. The only thing I can think of with their thought process is that they have the family harbor on deck 4, which is the same as Camp Carnival. So it makes sense to have all of that together and maybe they didn’t want to give up the space of all of that and take that away from the cove balconies and have it on deck 5? I know the coves are really popular and I’d love to book one, but right now while my kids are little we prefer to all be in one room, which really makes us need a suite. I wish I could have both worlds.
  19. We had the same debate for our cruise on the Mardi Gras. We ended up opting for an ocean suite. We liked the extra space, the kids had their own area and own tv that was separated from our sleeping area by a curtain. There’s 2 tv’s so we could watch tv after we put the kids to bed without disturbing them. It was really nice and worth it for us. I really like the idea of the family suites, but the. I balcony thing is a huge negative that keeps me from booking them. I love the idea of the family harbor and the little snack area they have, and how close it is to Camp Ocean! But the no balcony thing was the deal breaker.
  20. I mean, I get it. I work at a hospital and people want to bring stuff for us all the time. Which we do appreciate, but we are always leery of home made stuff. You just never know what people’s houses look like… so I can only imagine the crew probably feels similar. im happy to just tip in cash vs. bring a gift.
  21. I binged and now I’m caught up. Do those slides really go though balconies? Like why would they do that?? Who would want those balconies? Thanks again for the awesome review!!
  22. I bet that’s what it is then! I bet the booking isn’t open yet. When I went to my June 2024 booking just to look, we don’t have anything listed at all under specialty dining.
  23. Did you guys check the drop down for the last sea day on the reservation? I think it’s only offered on the one day.
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