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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. RFID card technology means the card NEVER has to be removed from the sleeve.
  2. Just be an adult and handle the situation yourself. Slide the articles to the side and sit down. I did this in July in the Harmony Solarium. I removed items from one of the large round covered beds. A pair of young women returned 4 hours later and demanded (to the point of alerting security) that I surrender “their” bed. They were disappointed in the outcome.
  3. No different than any of the rest of us; sometimes we don’t have the luxury of self determination.
  4. Do not do yourself the dis-service of comparing the experiences on this forum with the potential experience on board a Royal ship. I am confident, given an open mind upon boarding, you stand to have one of the best weeks of recent memory.
  5. Understood completely, we’ve all had those days. No harm, no foul. I would like to buy the first round next time we are on the same ship together. cheers
  6. If staff removes your personal property it will be taken to one of the towel check stations.
  7. Our experience over 5 cruises since the change in policy has been Muster stations open at or around noon.
  8. I don’t have chair hog problems, and I don’t need staff to handle the issue for me. I have been able to tell time since before the first grade, I can easily tell a saved chair has been abandoned for thirty minutes, and I simply repatriate it.
  9. Sounds like you are wanting "Traditional Dining" contact whomever you booked your cruise with and have them change your preferences. You can not reliably receive the constants you desire with My Time Dining.
  10. Guy Fieri has several hundred restaurants in the USA, of all differing concepts; all very successful.
  11. You could give your travel partners your log in credentials; they can log in, secure a check in time, and log out. You can finish the rest upon your return.
  12. A little awareness of one’s surroundings will tell you volumes.
  13. I have never, personally, encountered anyone that just didn’t tip at all.(on a cruise) I think that is a very small percentage.
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