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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. I am Elite Plus. Have been for years. There is nothing that at that level you get that makes it worth booking a cruise to get to that level. It is minimal. Not like the step up to Elite.
  2. I don’t know what they have but from about 20 years of group cruises there was often someone called to the naughty room. My luggage was never there but I went with group members to assist them. A pain in the neck but there was always a 30 minute line and the bag was opened by the group member and inspected in front of them. If they unlocked and inspected bags out of site why would they have to have a naughty room? None ever had items removed from their bag by the cruise line on the dock before they were loaded on the ship. A cruise line has never asked us that bags be unlocked. That was something the TSA was recommending at airports before TSA approved locks became common. If the TSA at an airport wants to break my TSA lock it is no biggie. Not expensive and every bag I buy has had one included. I carry a spare in case they did break one to have for the return flight Also bags are sitting out in hallways for a while at the beginning and end of cruises. I would not want to tempt anyone with unlocked bags.
  3. Longshoremen load and unload ships at ports. Both cargo ships and passenger ships. Members of the longshoremen’s union hold jobs by seniority. That could be freight cargo or passenger cargo. The most senior workers have first choice. So some choose to work passenger cargo and others freight cargo. Those workers at ports who take the luggage are longshoremen. Maybe in a port like Port Everglades they do the same job every day. But in a port like Baltimore for example with two cruise ships a week they could be taking luggage one day and freight cargo other days. As far as their wages if they work enough days and hours some with the most seniority could be making six figures. Probably the newest hires are not but the old hands could be.
  4. That couple had a passport that was not valid because it expired before the end of their cruise. It has nothing to do with using a birth certificate on a closed loop cruise.
  5. I agee with you that Real ID was unnecessary. Not everyone may be aware the deadline was extended again. I agree that a passport is the prefered and recommneded document but when someone asks a question we should give the answer even when one option is not in agreement with our personal preferences.
  6. Real ID is not in effect. You can fly with a non Real ID DL. The deadline for Real ID is now May 7, 2025.
  7. You don't need a passport for a closed loop cruise that does Honduras out of Galveston. https://www.galvestoncruises.com/what-to-know/1/proof-of-citizenship
  8. In that unlikely situation it will be a hassle but it is not a steep hurdle. Temporary passports are obtained in those situations. Probably about 50% of cruise passengers on closed loop cruises travel with a birth certificate. The doomsday scenario is rare.
  9. That is called a closed loop cruise. If the cruise does not call at Martinique a birth certificate is okay and a passport is not required. A passport is recommended in case there is a situation where you would have to fly back.
  10. You probably can’t fly directly to Santorini. Likely have to connect from a major city airport. I guess Athens. I think you would then have to get a taxi from the Santorini airport to the port. Then a small boat tender to the ship. Really they need to talk to NCL.
  11. It is a good thing they will back pedal. Some businesses stay the course on bad decisions. So giving them feedback has worked and people who don’t like the changes are doing the right thing letting Celebrity know. Don’t be put off by the canned reply.
  12. We called the key on those a paddle. They have been stored in my closet since I moved here and the Vibroplex is damaged. I have another paddle that looks very like the one on the right in your photo but it’s buried somewhere in the closet. These two were easy to drag out.
  13. To fly into Turkey a visa would be needed. It visa is not needed in transit on cruise. Santorini might be a logistical problem. It is a small greek island.
  14. I have the key in the middle and one that is a paddle like the one on the right.
  15. In Maryland we had a delicious chicken entree with bananas called Chicken Maryland. Don't recall having it with coconut rice but chicken and bananas is a real thing. .Here In Texas good homeade pork and beans are often available as a side choice with Texas BBQ.but only as a side.
  16. I don't care much for the menu. Would probably go for the linguine.The pork and beans sounds like someone is tying to be cute. Braised pork would be a better name.
  17. I have never bought into Celebrity and Princess being premium lines. That is industry marketing. Celebrity and Princess are mass market cruise lines with somewhat better quality finishes than the other mass market cruise lines. Oceania is not mass market but it is not luxury either. I would label Oceania and Azamara as in a boutique category. As far as Oceania making cutbacks, That would be unfortunate. I will keep my eyes open for that.
  18. I agree but so many have bought into loyalty programs. It is a mistake to think the cruise line will be loyal to you because you are loyal to them. They are loyal to the investors who demand a certain rate of return. Companies often screw up their products to satisfy investors. I have been buying a certain brand of pants for years. A year ago they changed the fabric to supposedly make it sustainable. Said it was an improvement. The new fabric is shiny and not durable. All the feedback is negative yet they persist. I am canceling them.
  19. Sloppy means at T shirt and shorts. Not meant to be offensive. Just to describe. I dress that most of the day on Caribbean cruises. Here in Texas with the heat I dress in a t shirt and shorts much of the year. I only wear long pants to the Symphony. I go to the Symphony a few times a mont. I put on a collared shirt when I go out to a sit down restaurant.
  20. Years ago before auto gratuities they did charge a fee. It was supposed to cover gratuities. It was something like $$4.50.
  21. I passed by a lot of Golden Corals and passed them by. For some reason from the look they had I thought they were cheap steak places like Sizzler. I don’ think the cuts in Oceanview dinner are a good thing but it sounds like the Oceanview diner is providing what was intended. A casual alternative where you can dress sloppy.
  22. I have never considered Celebrity luxury. That is just marketing. Celebrity buffets have never been upscale. Upscale buffets are Azamara and Oceania. I don’t know anything about Golden Coral. Never been to one.
  23. It was once recommended by the TSA. Now they warn you if they can’t get into your luggage your lock may be broken. If you use an approved lock the TSA can get in. Right after 9/11 a lot of people did not have approved locks. I had a hardside suitcase with a combination lock. If TSA had decided to inspect they would have ruined the case so I stopped locking it. Also if TSA goes into your bag they leave an inspection notice. Has that a couple of times. At port embarkation it is not TSA.
  24. No dinner at night? Are you kidding? There are multiple dining venues.
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