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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. Probably the way to get a taxi back from there is if one has dropped off or prearranged, call the taxi company or use the Hitch app. Those passing taxis must have been occupied. Two bus routes #7 and 8 so a bus would have come eventually. Just need a token or $5 exact change. Don't have to have a pass. Tokens are $4.50. If I had not planned ahead and I didn’t have a token I would have gotten change from Woodys.
  2. I had to replay it a few times. I would consider it an interesting test and worth doing to seeif it could be made to work but having the door open is problematic.
  3. You would take a taxi or a bus.
  4. Changing the Hidden Gems day is a good idea but it is not always possible. They are sometimes sold out. I do think though that doing Hamilton, Horseshoe and St. George on one day is a lot on any day even if it is not the last day.
  5. Take the ferry to Hamilton. Then a bus to Horseshoe. I think doing St. George would be a stretch.
  6. I have never been pickpocketed but I also know a few who have been. The kids doing it is common. They will put mustard or something on you or something like that to divert attention. Interesting that they got into shoulder bag as Rick Steves advises using that with the straps crosswise instead of a backpack because you can't see them from behind. He also suggests carying a wallet with a dollar or two in it so that they grab that. He keeps the real stuff in a money belt. He claims that the pickpockets have taken that a few times from his front pocket. In Europe I wear a Scottevest with hidden pockets if the weather is mild enough. Not too comfortable in hot weather though. I always wear my vest on planes because it holds an iPad, chargers, and travel documents.
  7. Thank you for posting the results. I would be interested in a photo. of the setup.
  8. At Brugge a few years ago we had to show a color copy of the passport page with our photo. That was the odd.
  9. When I did St. Petersburg we had to show our passport and the document the independent tour company gave us to the Russian authorities to exit the port.
  10. Ha Ha have less to go than you! with the 3 points! 2052........LOL They really need to add a tier in between Elite Plus and Zenith.
  11. There have always been a different opinions on this on CC but I follow the US State Department advice and leave my passport in the cabin safe or hotel safe.Most travel writers give the same advice Been doing that for 45 years. works for me.
  12. Then you find a consulate. 😀 Of course don’t miss the ship is the best course. I know a few people who had their passport pickpocketed when they did not leave it at their hotel or they were in transit. Seems like American tourists are easy marks in Italy and Spain. If you carry it off the ship that is when you are most likely to be heading for an embassy for an emergency passport. If have never taken my passport off the ship except Russia. If you miss the ship they will look in your cabin and search for it, open the safe etc. and hand it off to the port agent. I have seen them handing it off a couple of times. On several cruises in Europe the cruise line collected our passports so carrying it off was not even an option.
  13. How long did it take to fly? How long to get to the airport? I took a boat from the Belize port and it took about 30 minutes. We also had snorkel stop on the way. Some of the best snorkeling in the Caribbean. I think I prefer the way I got there and back.
  14. One of our group did not follow the instruction thta was in the daily, announced and also posted on the gangway to take Photo ID off the ship in Nassau. It was a problem. Maybe not a big problem but it was a problem, They called the ship and verified she was on the manifest. She had to wait 20 minutes to reboard the ship.
  15. I have not been forced to change my password but often I get a suggestion that I should change it. I think Safari is making the suggestion because it is a weak password or maybe it was in a data breach. I should change it but have been lazy about it because I don't consider a weak password a big deal on Cruise Critic like I would if it was banking website. Changing it would be no big deal since I have autofill turned on, I don't have to type it. I am just being lazy. When I used Windows on a computer at work about ten years ago they used to make my log in password every six months so I would change it, then change it right back.
  16. I am vaccinated and boosted too and I don’t care about other peoples vaccine status either. I think everyone should be able to sail but I understand why the cruise lines have required vaccination and have been cautious about lifting the requirement. One reason is that if someone does get seriously ill they have to deal with it onboard. At this point most of the unvaccinated likely have been infected and has some immunity that will protect against serious illness. I don’t think it will be very long before the vaccination requirements are lifted. There are stumbling blocks to completely lifting it, Canada, Bermuda and the Bahamas.
  17. Trolly train that does tours of St. George. https://www.royalgazette.com/local-business/business/article/20220811/all-in-the-family-all-aboard-east-end-train/
  18. Article in today's Royal Gazette with more information. Work expected to be completed by end of the month. https://www.royalgazette.com/transport/news/article/20220811/ferry-suspension-distressing-say-st-georges-businesses/
  19. Bermuda is not accepting certificates of recovery. You must show a negative covid test result at embarkation.
  20. A service charge at restaurants is pretty common outside the US instead of tipping like in the US. Wait staff gets paid a living wage instead depending on tips That is the case in Bermuda for most restaurants with a few exceptions. The Swizzle Inn is the only one I recall that does not have a service charge. They are warning you about the service charge because many American tourists don't notice the service charge is on the bill and add a tip.
  21. Bermuda would have 90 days to respond. It does not seem like Bermuda would have responded that fast for the charge to already be successfully disputed. The card issuer will do a chargeback right away when a dispute is made but that does not mean the user won't be charged eventually if the merchant responds. I know someone who handled credit card disputes for Amtrak and they always responded and won most of the disputes.
  22. I believe they have to accept any dispute within 60 days of a charge. Then they have 90 days to resolve. The charge is removed provisionally. I am not sure that the dispute could be resolved final this fast. I had to wait 90 days on a dispute to be final because the merchant did not respond so I won the dispute $5000, by default.
  23. It would take 20 -30 minutes on the ferry (depends which ferry boat) to Hamilton and about a 30 -40 minute bus ride. It is about a ten minute walk from the ferry to the bus terminal. There are 4 different bus routes that you can take so probably won't have to wait long for a bus. For comparison if you were able to take a ferry to St. George that would be 45 minutes and a 20 minute bus ride to the caves. Not a whole lot of difference.......and there are more ferries daily to Hamilton than to St. George.
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