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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. OK. But, what is the 21st Century's "the dominant social class" with the "cultural capital" that will replace us?
  2. Bartenders and Stewards that take time to converse while doing their job. Bartenders that are a bit generous on their pours. Bartenders, whom are very busy, still take time to provide the "goodies" during HH and, then, ask, would you like another plate? A bartender who went searching for a previously purchased bottle of wine that ended up in a different location on the ship. (And, the bar was busy at the time and he left it to the other bartender to "try to keep up".) Thank you. I never have read what the breakdown is. Makes sense was to what I have observed when cash tips have been given and they "disappear" into an "undeclosed location" under the counter or in a drawer. I am glad to know that. I really am. I don't use the waiters enough, usually, to tip them individually, but, unfailingly, these men and women have been willing to banter back and forth when they come to the bar to order/pick-up their orders. Who can complain for a bit of my tip going to the staff welfare fund? God bless all of them!
  3. I wonder what the Signature Cocktail will be. When I sailed, it was a Bahama Mama that required considerable more Rum than it contained for it to be really "good".
  4. Never would I have considered going to a job interview in anything less than coat and tie. Air travel, at the time of my first flight and for many years afterwards, coat and tie in Coach was the proper dress. And all were so attired. Thanks for posting this. That says it all for those of us who have any thoughts about this issue. The next question is, I think, what is the "dominant social class" with the "cultural capital" that is being "passed down from generation to generation"? "Acquired in educational establishments" ? Not sure that statement is relevant in 2022. I frequently return to my Alma Mater, a liberal arts oriented and very loosely affiliated religious university. I have observed the changes in dress in her students over time. Quite a shock on the day that I saw two young men dressed in knee length dresses. And the other students seem not to "blink an eye".
  5. My experience is sometimes yes and sometimes no. My most recent need to do this, the exact type of room that I had reserved was not yet ready. But, a similar room was available. I did and had a much less desirable view than what the original room would have. Why did I do this? I wanted to get "settled" and prepared to use the hotel's excellent pool deck facilities.
  6. Air traffic into the UK will be heavy because of the Heads of State arriving. I read a headline a couple of days ago that the UK has asked President Biden to not plan on using Marine One during his attendance. I would expect the air space around London will be completely closed for sometime just as the U. S. has closed air space around Washington and New York at times.
  7. You should expect her to ask why am I getting a passport? If the cruise is a holiday cruise, I think a possible answer is that "Santa Claus" told us that you may need one.
  8. I think this is usually true, but, when I am on a bus tour and the driver has had challenging/dangerous driving conditions, I "feel better" giving him a small tip as I leave the bus as well as giving the guide his/her tip.
  9. My experience with these packages with any cruise line, the price is higher than the cruise price without the packages included. All I have had my travel agent do is to get the "no package"price and it has always been a better price.
  10. Good for you! I will re-iterate that you really ought to check with the Maitre d' during embarkation and before the first dinner to help ensure that you have a table to your liking. This ought to be a priority after one embarks the ship.
  11. Once upon a time, I did provide a tip after each drink. Decided this was really not needed. Now, I will provide a gratuity to those bartenders/stewards that deserve it at the end of a segment or the end of a cruise.
  12. A 14 day Winter cruise in Alaska would not please most. I have visited Alaska during Christmas. It is beautiful! But, it is cold. It is windy. Christmas Day in Anchorage had a minus 16 degree wind chill. At sea? I can only imagine!
  13. Are you certain? As an edit, after thinking briefly about this, any tip that I have given to a bartender, even as an end of the cruise tip, seems to have been placed in some kind of an under the counter area and not in his pocket. You may well be correct. Agree. If the service from a bar's staff warrants it (as it usually does), an additional gratuity to the worthy individuals will be given at the end of my cruise.
  14. So what? If one can afford a cruise, why couldn't one also afford whatever baggage charges the greedy airlines want to charge? No one wants to pay more than they need to do, I realize. But, if a cruise is a special occasion for one, then, why wouldn't one want to make it "special" in how one is attired?
  15. I remember the Log Book and I am certain that I signed it when I sailed on QM2 a few years ago. It was in the Library.
  16. That kind of exaggeration may catch up with you even during your cruise. I don't object to small talk. But, if I actually stated the proper number of cruises that I have sailed, then, some may think that I am trying to "show off" when they know what I did for a living, I ran into this during one cruise when I had fewer than the number of cruises than I do now. A tablemate questioned me about how I could afford to have sailed on that many cruises because of my career. My traveling companion made a few comments that shut the woman up and her attitude towards me changed.
  17. Quite agree! My Niece-in-Law is in her late 20's or early 30's and had depended heavily on her phone. It has been very frustrating to try to carry on a conversation with her; my Nephew discussed his concern with me about trying to converse with her while they were dating and he was debating whether to propose. But, to her credit, her ability to carry on a conversation, relatively smoothly, has improved. Practice makes perfect?
  18. I had a sheltered balcony on QM2 as well as standard balcony cabins on both HAL and Celebrity. I take exception to your view of your sheltered balcony. The cabin on QM2 was larger than the balcony cabins on either Celebrity or HAL. Plush? Unsure of what your expectations are, but, I thought the cabin was well equipped with good quality furnishings. It certainly does seem that way!
  19. Yes, you ought to be able to request a table for 2 at fixed dining times. Probably best to make that request when you make your booking and then following up with the Maitre d' on embarkation day before the first dinner. If you request second seating, your table may be a table for 4, set for 2.
  20. My opinion is that a tip would be appropriate, but the person might not expect it. When a MSC shore agent staff member in Miami wheeled me off the ship, got a Porter to collect my bags, and then took me to my car in the Garage, I gave both the Porter and the shore agent staff member a tip.
  21. And, that is the sign of the times. Unfortunately. I so agree! 🤣 I try to be. But, what does one do with a tie, whenever I wear it in a restaurant on land or at sea and I order a salad with 1000 Island Dressing that seems to have an affinity for that dressing?
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