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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. I do know, because I have been told this by a HAL Culinary Operations Manager, that corporate does look at how well the ship does in staying within its food/beverage budget. Does someone's "bonus" depend on such? Doubtful. Continued employment with the company? Might be. (The last two sentences are an editorial opinion of mine. Not facts") Ownership of the "truth"? The theme on cruise ships is "happy, happy". Trying to get a straight answer to some questions from an Officer is like pulling teeth out of a chicken." I agree. And, if staffing was the concern, then, why not be honest about it and don't blame a third party?
  2. Goose was on a Christmas menu on one HAL cruise. I tried it. My digestive system did not appreciate it!
  3. When I did my trip to Carcross, the change in the weather, terrain, and climate helped to make the trip that much more interesting to me. We started out in light fog in the morning. As our altitude increased, it fun to observe the changes. There were at least three regarding all three of the areas I mentioned.
  4. That's information that I don't think has ever been posted on CC. Thank you.
  5. A much better plan. I'd suggest a hotel on Manhatten rather than at LGA. Probably would be a nicer hotel with many dining options nearby.
  6. On the Prinsendam, my traveling companion was an experienced cruiser and knew that the veranda door ought to be kept closed. One afternoon, for whatever reason, she left it open for awhile (not sure how long, I wasn't in the stateroom at the time.) She said that after several minutes, our Room Steward came rushing into the stateroom and closed the door and reminded her that the door should not be left open. She was embarrassed.
  7. It's been awhile since the new system is in place and, like you, I think I prefer the old system. However, the new system is more efficient. When I did my world cruise, the agent wanted me to name all of the countries where the cards potentially could be used. That took some time and I got the impression that the agent was becoming impatient.
  8. Classics! I have read both, but, it was when I was in high school and college. The Iliad was read in my 4th year Latin class in high school. I enjoyed them both along with Dante's Inferno. I have mean intending to read the other two books of Dante's and have not gotten around to it.
  9. The driving situation in the Port of Miami is ridiculous. If I ever sail from Miami again, I will never drive to the Port. Poor signage, poor traffic patterns, congestion that only encourages fender benders. Too much traffic for too little land area.
  10. The mailing system for Mariners stinks; it has been in this condition for years. Some of us get mailings; some don't. Some of us get e-mails; some of us don't. Don't tell me, please, to register properly on HAL web site. I have done that repeatedly. The results have been the same. I receive more regularly mail and the Captain's Circle Magazine from Princess. With which company have I been most loyal?
  11. And, if you are at a Lounge and want the bottle, it can be retrieved. May take a bit of time, but, it is not an unreasonable wait.
  12. I have had one of those staterooms as a result of a guaranteed category booking and got an upgrade. Well, I wouldn't book such a stateroom on that deck on my own.
  13. Absolutely! Ms. Fast held forth to overflowing crowds at the Piano bar during my Baltic cruise followed by the Viking Passage Cruise on the Eurodam. I attended her performance that first night. Not many guests were in attendance and those of us became a "family", which I enjoyed when I attended on other nights. After a few nights of absence, when I appeared, when she saw me, she said "where in the world have you been?!)
  14. Didn't realize that it was a cold concoction. Thank you for your information and the link to the recipe. Based on the Chicken Salad that I purchase from my grocers, it surely is different.
  15. Absolutely agree! All of us are at different stages of our life. For a long time, the thought of paying for First Class/Business Class airfare was ridiculous. Why would I be so extravagant? Then, I had reason to try it. That led me to re-assess how I wanted to allocate my resources directed to travel. I am in the Winter of my travel life; it's time to enjoy those travel experiences to their maximum. Agree. There isn't a travel experience of any kind has been "slumming". Some would think that tent camping was "slumming". Others would think it would be a "Ritz-Carolton" experience. Or the age old question of "how many cruises have you had?" I loathe being asked that question and am evasive in my reply. I will only share that number with a guest that I have come to know and respect, if then. I don't care what type of accommodation a fellow guest has and they have no need to know what I have either. (It's a nice stateroom would be my response.) If continued to be asked, I might say on "Deck 5". If they really want some idea, they are able to look at a deck plan and get some idea of the types of staterooms on Deck 5 or whatever.
  16. I recall a shore excursion from Puerto Madryn that went to an area where there were many Penguins. As I recall the tour's description, there was a boardwalk to the area where they were. I did not book that tour, however. My tour was from Port Stanley to a good sized Penguin colony that was an excellent tour. But, the ground on which we walked was very soft and difficult on which to walk. I would recommend that you might consider two walking sticks, at least for the two adults. I had a cane and that proved inadequate with me falling into the muck. I was a filthy, smelly mess when I returned to the Zaandam.
  17. There are several quality restaurants along the waterway into/out of Port Canaveral. Fishlips and Rusty's are two that come to mind. I have lunched at Fishlips and can recommend it.
  18. Dim Sum morning, noon, or night. Always appropriate regardless of the time of the meal.
  19. I agree with this poster. I wouldn't try to do it.
  20. Before my last trip to New York, I learned about Gallagher's and their history. Also, learned that the bartenders were generous with their pours. Decided on one of the nights I was there, I would dine at Gallagher's. However, when I got to the restaurant that evening and saw through the window how other men were attired, I decided that I was too under dressed and would not feel comfortable in such an atmosphere. Unfortunately, this was the last night before I sailed on QM2. There has been a bit of regret ever since by not dining there. No memory of where I had dinner that evening; must have been hum-drum.
  21. How was the cuisine and the service on your cruise? 😁 (Today must be my "smart alec" day.)
  22. I have sailed on a complete transit of the Canal a few times as well as the partial transit which was on the Eurodam. The complete transit is best, but, the partial transit will satisfy a first time Canal visitor quite well. Costa Rica (from the Caribbean side) may offer a very good sky tram ride through the rain forest. I thought it was very enjoyable. I strongly recommend that you read the book before your cruise. It will help you better appreciate what you are seeing and experiencing during your transit.
  23. I agree with you. However, in recent years when I decided to increase the tip that I leave for a hotel's housekeeper, I have begun obtaining some $2 bills simply to reduce the number of $1 bills I take with me.
  24. I sailed on her from Terminal F. The guest/traffic congestion getting from Garage G to the Yacht Club tent was taxing for this senior citizen. The information about the new terminal is so encouraging. Terminal F's YC room inside the terminal was stark, roomy, but, not at a standard that YC guests ought to expect in comparison to the international Delta One Lounges.
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