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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. I have heard comments on rare occasions and simply ignore them like I didn't hear them. As to the one you heard, I would guess that she was offended by thinking that you were not noticing her.
  2. What is the proper title for the person that services one's stateroom?
  3. I once thought that as well. But, in selecting my current car, the safety and convenience "bells and whistles" are really somethings that I really like. The "bird's eye view of the car when parking is really an excellent advancement. The car has Parking Assist, but, I haven't been brave enough to try to use it.
  4. My opinion of the summary of your cruise? Superb! Thank you very much for your reports!
  5. How can they make the Cannonball less than what it has been? And, the Nathan's Hot Dogs?
  6. Thank you for an interesting mini-review. Agree with your ranking of Buffet, MDR, Pizza, and Specialty Restaurants. Disagree with Cafe (if you are considering the Explorations Cafe on HAL with the International Cafe on Princess. Princess is my #1 and HAL is #2. Burgers? Dive-In is great in my opinion and better than the other two by a wide margin. The best Alaska itinerary visits Glacier Bay and Hubbard Glacier. Southbound Princess cruises usually do so. Have not sailed on Celebrity in Alaska, but, for their Caribbean cruises, I agree with your ranking. Alaska oriented programming: in my opinion, Princess exceeds HAL by a small margin.
  7. Well, I have sailed on Carnival and I have not observed such dress in the MDR as the OP described. It's all about "me, me, me, me! among some of those who walk among us.
  8. Such types have been around for years. My first cruise in 1970 on Rotterdam V in the Skyroom Bar one evening: one gentleman was so under the influence that when he tried to walk across the floor, he fell. The Stewards put him back on his stool. Repeat performance shortly, they took him and escorted him to the elevator opening into the Lounge to return him to his cabin. Very shortly, before the Stewards even returned, the elevator doors opened and there he was again. After another performance, the Stewards took him and, we were told, he would remain in the brig overnight. People watching is the best free entertainment on a cruise ship at times!
  9. First cruise for me was aboard the S. S. South American of the Georgian Bay Lines, a Lake Erie cruise from Detroit-Buffalo-Cleveland-Detroit. I was under 18 at the time, probably 14 or 15. First ocean cruise was in 1970 on Rotterdam V at age 27.
  10. There seems to be an increasing number of offers by the cruise lines that include OBC. But, I caution you. Check the price of such a cruise without the package that includes the OBC. Almost always, the price of the cruise will be less. One can then decide if whatever the package contains is worth the price to them.
  11. No, I didn't. There are Cabin Stewards and there are Dining Room Stewards. The word "servers" mean the same to me as "stewards" or "waiters".
  12. One's first cruise is similar to one's first love. There will never be one quite like that again. But, there will be cruises that have their own sparkle that will make them standouts in their own way. Happy Cruising! Your daughter ate 6 Lobster Tails! I remember my tummy's capacity at that age. Restaurants that offered buffets had to have hated to see my Brother and I come through their doors.
  13. Like you, I keep a car until I am afraid it is going to start "nickel and diming" me or is beginning to do it. I do have routine maintenance work done as required and that helps keep the vehicle operating properly. With that thought in mind, when I do shop for a new car, it can become a very difficult decision to make a well informed decision and one that I can live with for a number of years. In 2019, when I bought my 2020 Buick, I read reviews, did more shopping than I have ever done, took more test drives than usual. It took me many months to decide what to buy. I am very happy with my choice. That has been my lifestyle for decades. I do "treat" myself on occasion and I did take vacations as well booking cruises. But, I didn't vacation at luxury resorts nor book the top suites on my cruises. Making good and informed investments has certainly helped as well.
  14. Thank you. I have lost track of what she was to be doing and when.
  15. Isn't the Volendam finishing the contract with the government of the Netherlands housing Ukrainian refugees?
  16. I am looking forward to your well written and interesting reports. Of the four Vista Class ships, Westerdam is my favorite. (Have not sailed on Oosterdam.)
  17. Perhaps, this is a reason to book your hotel stay at (or near) a hotel that has a restaurant(s)? I'd call the hotel's restaurant to determine what there plans are, however, first.
  18. My thoughts are with all of you who are in Ian's path as well.
  19. Seat assignments, in my experience, are not "set in stone" in some instances. Several times, whether I have used cruise air or booked my own on Delta, and particularly if there is any change (even by a few minutes of arrivals or departures) in my flight, the seat assignment changes. I have been able to call Delta (have not tried to do this online) and get my original seats. But, I do this immediately when I see the change. This has happened to me with flights when I am booked in First Class, Delta One, or Economy.
  20. First, check the menu before dinner to determine if the selections appeal to you. If what you are served does not please you, do not be shy telling your Steward that you don't care for it and order something else. (The only time I have done this is on Royal Princess. I was served the most disgusting Pork Belly (their celebrity chef's specialty that evening) that I ever tasted. After two bites, I was done with that! I told my Steward and requested their always good Fettuccine Alfredo. Only that night, it was NOT. Where's the cheese taste? What's with the watery sauce? I ate it and informed the Maitre d' of my dissatisfaction when I left the dining room.) To just get up and leave the dining room without informing your servers what you are doing is impolite. It leaves them (and if you have any tablemates) in the lurch. After informing people, of course, you may go to any other dining venue on the ship. (If there is an Alfredo's, I'd recommend that for an excellent pizza.)
  21. Crab/shrimp Salad is a food that I eat at home that I don't recall anything quite like it when dining on a cruise. A "salad" is a "stretch", in my opinion, because there is no dressing of any type, but, that's what my upscale grocer calls it. A mixture of shredded Crab and small Shrimp, moist, with occasionally a surprise, some large chunks of Crab Claw meat. A Crab or Shrimp Cocktail, with some kind of sauce, would be its closest cruise ship dining cousin. But, this is truly even better! No sauce and one can savor the flavors of the Shrimp and the Crab.
  22. The stateroom flowers that HAL provides are of the highest quality that I think is possible to obtain. They are beautiful; they last far longer than a 7-10 day cruise. Order in advance and you will be most pleased, I expect.
  23. The problem was a very late departure from our previous port--whatever it's name was--for Bejing. Immigration claimed that there was a problem with what the ship provided and what they had related to the crew onboard. The ship missed its "sailing window" and had to wait until the next one. Then, because of the late arrival at Shanghai, we missed the tide that was required for us to dock downtown. When we finally dropped our last Chinese pilot from our last Chinese port, Captain Harris came on the PA and we could hear the release of his frustrations with these Chinese functionaries.
  24. We continue to deal with newbie crew members who have not been trained as well as many others have been. HAL is not the only company dealing with this issue. Read some of the posts on the Silverseas and Seabourn Boards.
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