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Everything posted by Ourusualbeach

  1. Nope. I see the exact same information as anyone booked on that cruise does. It's just like I am booked on the sailing and I the cruise planner except I can't purchase anything.
  2. Yes, travel agents can see what is available for cruise planner purchases for every ship that is on the new platform. There are Cabanas available for both sailings but there is more availability for the Nov 4th sailing Both chill island and south beach cabanas are roughly about $700. (I had to do a conversion from Canadian pricing)
  3. Can't do last minute as they would have to be applied at findl paymemt 90 dsys out unless you book last minute.
  4. Once applied the only way to get an fcc reissued is to cancel the sailing.
  5. 20 to 30 minutes depending on how fussy you are over seats. Yes some reserved for suites but I have found they may not necessarily be the best seats. Non flash photos allowed.
  6. What you have been told is correct. You follow Royals cancellation fee schedule and file a claim with the insurance company for the remainder.
  7. That is only before final payment. After final payment they follow the regular cancellation penalties.
  8. There is no reserving of shows on Radirnce either before you board or after. On Oasis and Quantum class ships you can reserve once on board. It's only admission you still need to get there early to pick a seat.
  9. Whether you show up at 9:30 or 10:15 you will board at the same time. Boarding wont start before 10:30
  10. Unlike other lines who truly honor Veteran's with a military discount on all sailings either with a standard % off or a set OBC Royal uses it as a marketing tool to try to promote sales. It is a way for them to lower the price of the cabin on sailings that aren't selling to entice Veteran's to book without exposing themselves to large numbers of people already booked calling in for price drops. Poor policy by Royal IMO.
  11. Half the machines in the arcade are like a casino for kids. All those games of chance tempting the kids with an opportunity to win an iPhone. I guess Royal is trying to get them hooked early.
  12. The deployment schedule is no longer listed on Loyal to you always. Wonder if they are changing the release date for Icon
  13. The deployment schedule is missing from Loyal to you always. Wondering if the previous Sept 12 release date for itineraries is being changed.
  14. Taxes plus any other amount that is not held in penalty by the following cancellation schedule. If it was an October cruise you are most likely in the 75% cancellation period. You would get back taxes plus 25% of your cruise fare. If you paid gratuities those would also be refunded in full
  15. I still remember the interview with a VP Technology from Royal 3-4 years ago that stated internet prices would fall as they were able to provide better service. He said they had to keep raising the price to limit the number of people buying the package otherwise too many people would overload the system and everyone would have crappy service. Pretty sure that he's no longer working for Royal.
  16. You would think and maybe they do if someone has the udp but if they only have a 3 night package their space just sits empty.
  17. The issue is that early dining became so popular they no longer have MTD available for the early times. All 3 levels are used for early dining and then when those people start to leave the MTD folks now use one of the decks from around 7pm on. Totally defeats the whole point of MTD. Now it has become late or later. They really should just change over to 100% MTD and open reservations form the day the itineraries are released, not allow groups to hold back dining times. Those that book first get their choice those that book last minute get what's left. They could easily accommodate someone booking the same time every night and set that up so they get the same table and waiter every night. Another issue is that so many reserve a fixed dining time and then do specialty or another dining venue and their spot sits empty. They need someway to communicate to people that if your not there within 15 of the start of dining those seats get filled with people waiting for MTD.
  18. It can vary. I've had Florida sailings that opened at midnight and others not until 2 am. I've always found that when I check again the next morning at 7 I could still have booked the same early check in time
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