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Cruise 'Snobs'


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well that was a truly entertaining story, thanks! I am wondering why she thought she had to take so much food...did she think they would not let her go back?


She must have been worried. They did not have pizza at the Grand Gala Buffet. She brought the pizza to the buffet from the Promenade.:eek:

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I've encountered rude people of all ages everyday.


Agreed, and unfortunately true on a cruise too. It takes all kinds.


I'm a bit of a quiet person, generally stay to myself. When I'm on vacation I try to come out of that a bit and talk to everyone. From my experience, everyone has SOMETHING interesting to say and you have something interesting to say to everyone else.


If they're not interested in that kind of sharing, no problem, I move on to someone else. Doesn't ruin my hour, never mind my day or my vacation.

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I may get slammed for this, but I'm a big boy, so I can take it.


On every cruise we have been on I have seen or had to deal with incredibly rude older passengers. There seems to be a segment of the older population that believes once you hit a certain age, manners and common decency are no longer required. It doesn't help that most folks (with the best of intentions) allow that kind of behavior to go on as they don't want to insult a senior citizen. Unless there is some medical reason that a person cannot control their behavior and what comes out of their mouths, I find this behavior obnoxious.


Please note that I am not painting ALL senior citizens with the same broad strokes. I have also met and spent time with some wonderful seniors on cruise ships an no doubt will continue to do so. On our last cruise we had lunch one day with an absolutely charming couple in their 80's. We saw them around the ship quite a bit and we always stopped to chat with them.


I couldn't agree more. These are generally the same people who complain about youngsters having no manners these days, right before pushing in front of you in a queue.


Again though, I'm by no means saying that this is the case for ALL older people, some, probably most, are lovely people who will happily chat away to you. But there is a large proportion who seem to think that the world owes them something.


Also, I'm mostly talking about British people here too, for example, I've never met an impolite American.

Edited by The_Baron
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I may get slammed for this, but I'm a big boy, so I can take it.


On every cruise we have been on I have seen or had to deal with incredibly rude older passengers. There seems to be a segment of the older population that believes once you hit a certain age, manners and common decency are no longer required. It doesn't help that most folks (with the best of intentions) allow that kind of behavior to go on as they don't want to insult a senior citizen. Unless there is some medical reason that a person cannot control their behavior and what comes out of their mouths, I find this behavior obnoxious.


Please note that I am not painting ALL senior citizens with the same broad strokes. I have also met and spent time with some wonderful seniors on cruise ships an no doubt will continue to do so. On our last cruise we had lunch one day with an absolutely charming couple in their 80's. We saw them around the ship quite a bit and we always stopped to chat with them.


but I've seen the same sense of entitlement from some rude younger passengers also.I find these threads silly.Are some peoples lives so empty they have to dwell on attacking older citizens?Sure most younger people are nice on our last cruise there was nice young couple we stopped to chat with every time we saw them on the ship.99% of all ages are great on any sailing


Edited by Captain Jake
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Rude people are everywhere and, unfortunately, they seem to be more abundant than in the past. One thing I will say though....most rude people I run in to are not older folks. They seem to be mostly middle-aged. In fact, the example of someone voicing their opinion about someone else eating a burger....I have a picture in my head of exactly what they look like.

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I may get slammed for this, but I'm a big boy, so I can take it.


On every cruise we have been on I have seen or had to deal with incredibly rude older passengers. There seems to be a segment of the older population that believes once you hit a certain age, manners and common decency are no longer required. It doesn't help that most folks (with the best of intentions) allow that kind of behavior to go on as they don't want to insult a senior citizen. Unless there is some medical reason that a person cannot control their behavior and what comes out of their mouths, I find this behavior obnoxious.


Please note that I am not painting ALL senior citizens with the same broad strokes. I have also met and spent time with some wonderful seniors on cruise ships an no doubt will continue to do so. On our last cruise we had lunch one day with an absolutely charming couple in their 80's. We saw them around the ship quite a bit and we always stopped to chat with them.


I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion. This rude behavior is unacceptable not matter the age. It is like all of a sudden they are going to misbehave and be insulting and who cares what anyone says. "I am old and they better respect me" attitude don't fly with me. Be respectful and you get respect.

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I may get slammed for this, but I'm a big boy, so I can take it.


On every cruise we have been on I have seen or had to deal with incredibly rude older passengers. There seems to be a segment of the older population that believes once you hit a certain age, manners and common decency are no longer required. It doesn't help that most folks (with the best of intentions) allow that kind of behavior to go on as they don't want to insult a senior citizen. Unless there is some medical reason that a person cannot control their behavior and what comes out of their mouths, I find this behavior obnoxious.


Please note that I am not painting ALL senior citizens with the same broad strokes. I have also met and spent time with some wonderful seniors on cruise ships an no doubt will continue to do so. On our last cruise we had lunch one day with an absolutely charming couple in their 80's. We saw them around the ship quite a bit and we always stopped to chat with them.



Totally agree

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I couldn't agree more. These are generally the same people who complain about youngsters having no manners these days, right before pushing in front of you in a queue.


Again though, I'm by no means saying that this is the case for ALL older people, some, probably most, are lovely people who will happily chat away to you. But there is a large proportion who seem to think that the world owes them something.


Also, I'm mostly talking about British people here too, for example, I've never met an impolite American.


Thankyou for that compliment. I am an older American and I think I am polite to everyone. We have met a lot of great people from the UK tho. And most of them were older.



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On our Indy cruise over the weekend we experienced two incidents of rudeness: On one occasion we went to the MDR for breakfast and were seated with an older couple who didn't speak to us at all (to be honest, they didn't even speak to each other, so I'm sure they're a barrel of fun on holiday!). The only time they made conversation was when I asked if they were going on to the France portion of the cruise later in the week, and I was informed that they were not, and that it was the first time they had cruised "on THIS ship." Whatever.


The second time was when we were queueing to get back on the ship and there was a crew member bringing his family on board. There were quite a few family members so it took a few minutes and we had to wait. The woman in front of us tut-tutted about how he was holding up the queue and how it was disgusting that we were all being made to wait to get back on the ship because this crew member insisted on bringing his family on board (who he probably hadn't seen for quite some time). Once we got on the ship we got in a lift and she came running, saying "hold the lift." We let the doors shut on her. *shrug*




You showed her.:rolleyes:



I would've held the lift for her. No sense being rude just because somebody else is.....but that's just me.;)

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There are definitely cruise snobs,

probably in about same percentage as every day life everywhere.


Luckely we have same choices on a ship,

as we do at home, work and any social enviroment.

Select your own comfort levels of involvement with the people

you want to be around. Speak up or don't speak up. Deal with your own

actions feelings and words. We were all put on this world to struggle. Be happy with yourself!!!


Enjoy the nice peope!!!!!!


Under the normal bell shaped curve concept,

there are the opposite extremes with masses in the middle.

There will always be rude people.

Thats life.

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On every cruise we have been on I have seen or had to deal with incredibly rude older passengers. There seems to be a segment of the older population that believes once you hit a certain age, manners and common decency are no longer required. It doesn't help that most folks (with the best of intentions) allow that kind of behavior to go on as they don't want to insult a senior citizen. Unless there is some medical reason that a person cannot control their behavior and what comes out of their mouths, I find this behavior obnoxious.




[sarcasm on] This is why I'm in favor of mandatory euthanasia at age 70.[/sarcasm off]



I've found just as many *younger* people being rude, as our older generation ...if not more. Obnoxious, arrogant, clueless.....stoopid comes in all ages, and for folks to single out the elderly is just plain wrong.


My opinion.

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I've found just as many *younger* people being rude, as our older generation ...if not more. Obnoxious, arrogant, clueless.....stoopid comes in all ages, and for folks to single out the elderly is just plain wrong.


I am 100% in agreement with you that rude behavior crosses all ages. The difference, and what I find insufferable is when someone uses their age as an excuse for their behavior.

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YEs, I have to reiterate that the majority of people were lovely. some people (and it was mostly the blue-rinse brigade) were just very very rude. also, they were ALL british.


I would have told the woman who told my wife to shut up where to go had I been there, I wasn't there at the time sadly, she told me about it later.


these sort of people though are best ignored. It's none of their business what I want to eat, or how old I am, or why I think i deserve to cruise, being only "lower middle class, what, what, what...."


Hello their What do you class as the blue rinse brigade? Im mid 50s but hopefully polite and friendly. I could not be rude to people, but if someone was rude I would have to say something. Personally I havent come across a lot of rude cruisers. Hopefully I never will.

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I may get slammed for this, but I'm a big boy, so I can take it.


On every cruise we have been on I have seen or had to deal with incredibly rude older passengers. There seems to be a segment of the older population that believes once you hit a certain age, manners and common decency are no longer required. It doesn't help that most folks (with the best of intentions) allow that kind of behavior to go on as they don't want to insult a senior citizen. Unless there is some medical reason that a person cannot control their behavior and what comes out of their mouths, I find this behavior obnoxious.


Please note that I am not painting ALL senior citizens with the same broad strokes. I have also met and spent time with some wonderful seniors on cruise ships an no doubt will continue to do so. On our last cruise we had lunch one day with an absolutely charming couple in their 80's. We saw them around the ship quite a bit and we always stopped to chat with them.


Boorish behavior can inhabit any age group. Probably the worst thing to do is react in kind - it just reinforces their behavior.


One comeback that I have found almost always works is to put on your best "sad parent" face, and say, "I'm so disappointed. I would have expected better of you," while shaking your head like your child had just done something really stupid.

Edited by orville99
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It's really not fair to generalise and attack older people in particular - there are very rude people in all ages. And all nationalities.


Having said that, the most obnoxious person I ever met on a cruise was at breakfast one morning... a man who was dependent on a wheelchair, older, from Texas and proud of it. But had no manners whatsoever and was so rude to me for having a conversation with the lady next to me when he insisted on interrupting, that we got up and left the table and asked to be seated elsewhere. 2 of the people already seated with him did the same!


In April on the Mariner, a young boy (about 6) was tearing up and down the hallway bouncing from wall to wall, and almost knocked my husband over (he walks with a cane). I was called a "stupid fat old cow who is jealous of young kids" by the father when I told the child to be careful. Well, being neither fat nor stupid - and only gently aged:D - I was rather offended:rolleyes:


Now, lay off the older brigade! Age makes no difference when it comes to rudeness.

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When the wife and I were on our 1st cruise last month, we found that generally, most passengers were very friendly toward us, but, there were a few occassions when we were felt to feel 'lower class', for example, eating in the windjammer on Indy one night, we both decided to have something a burger.


On a table nearby, there were a group of people, tutting, and muttering under their breath about "these young people always eating junk food!" (we're both in our 30's, and this was the only time, apart from JR's we ate burgers!)


Another time, my wife was told to "Shut up, girl!" by a woman reading, when she was talking to someone else by the pool. Others were complaining about the amount of 'young people and families'. It seemed to me that some of these people felt that cruising was the reserve of the upper classes, and the more 'senior' folk. I even said to one that if they felt that way, don't book a cruise on a ship like Indy, which is a family-ship.


do others experience this? Or is it a rare thing?


Dang :eek: I can tell you my wife and I are in our early 20's and if someone had told my wife to "Shut up, girl!" there would have been some extra words added to that after by me of her. And for the people mumbling under their breath, they were just jealous that Burgers can still be in your diet, and if they had one, it would send them to the hospital. I still would have said something to them to. Ignore the few people that act like this on cruises, your money is as green as theirs is, don't let the few idiots on the cruise like this ruin your trip.

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When the wife and I were on our 1st cruise last month, we found that generally, most passengers were very friendly toward us, but, there were a few occassions when we were felt to feel 'lower class', for example, eating in the windjammer on Indy one night, we both decided to have something a burger.


On a table nearby, there were a group of people, tutting, and muttering under their breath about "these young people always eating junk food!" (we're both in our 30's, and this was the only time, apart from JR's we ate burgers!)


Another time, my wife was told to "Shut up, girl!" by a woman reading, when she was talking to someone else by the pool. Others were complaining about the amount of 'young people and families'. It seemed to me that some of these people felt that cruising was the reserve of the upper classes, and the more 'senior' folk. I even said to one that if they felt that way, don't book a cruise on a ship like Indy, which is a family-ship.


do others experience this? Or is it a rare thing?


You ran into some nuts.

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I guess I manage to avoid these situations somehow. My partner and I are in our early 20's and we've done two cruises. I haven't had any issue with rude young poeple or rude old people on our cruise. I think there was one or two people who skipped in line but that doesn't bother me, it's not the end of the world. Also to avoid any nasty remarks me and my partner(both males) don't hold hands on the boat or show any affection in public while on the boat, by doing so we're avoiding a potential nasty situation. If we see some people that look snoby in the windjammer we simply keep going and find a seat somewhere else, maybe in a more quiet location or where the people are laughing and having a great time.

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Also to avoid any nasty remarks me and my partner(both males) don't hold hands on the boat or show any affection in public while on the boat, by doing so we're avoiding a potential nasty situation.


It's a shame that you feel that you have to do that though. Be yourselves! If anyone has a problem, it's just that, THEIR problem.

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It's a shame that you feel that you have to do that though. Be yourselves! If anyone has a problem, it's just that, THEIR problem.


The Baron speaks the truth. Life is both too short and too long to be worried about other people's judgement.

Happy cruising :)

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I guess I manage to avoid these situations somehow. My partner and I are in our early 20's and we've done two cruises. I haven't had any issue with rude young poeple or rude old people on our cruise. I think there was one or two people who skipped in line but that doesn't bother me, it's not the end of the world. Also to avoid any nasty remarks me and my partner(both males) don't hold hands on the boat or show any affection in public while on the boat, by doing so we're avoiding a potential nasty situation. If we see some people that look snoby in the windjammer we simply keep going and find a seat somewhere else, maybe in a more quiet location or where the people are laughing and having a great time.


My brother cruises with groups that are organized by piedpipertravel.com. They organize large gay groups and get very cheap rates on cruises. I also agree that you should not limit yourself because of what other people may think, who cares, to each his own. Enjoy life. :D

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Dang :eek: I can tell you my wife and I are in our early 20's and if someone had told my wife to "Shut up, girl!" there would have been some extra words added to that after by me of her. And for the people mumbling under their breath, they were just jealous that Burgers can still be in your diet, and if they had one, it would send them to the hospital. I still would have said something to them to. Ignore the few people that act like this on cruises, your money is as green as theirs is, don't let the few idiots on the cruise like this ruin your trip.


DITTO!!!!!!!!! There aint NO ONE that says that to my wife, and 'lives'!

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