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Maasdam.... Some Chit chat about our December 6, 2010 cruise......


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It all started wonderfully with the smoothest Embarkation possible and the same excitement of crossing Maasdam's gangway for what we know will be another great time.


This was a particularly special visit for us on Maasdam and everyone made it very special. It was our 30th cruise on her and it seemed lots of folks knew it. I think that ovewhelmed me a bit.


Our cabin was ready early and we were able to go to it which is always outstanding. I think this is going to transition for most of the cabins to be ready earlier than has currently been the case.


It was a beautiful day and great sailaway.... they're all great but we all know some are more special for one reason or another. This one was a treat for us.


We found our invitation to Suite Welcome Aboard Party and were surprised to find it was to be held in Piano Bar rather than Neptune Lounge. What a good idea! Neptune can sometimes be very crowded at that party if most of the Suite guests attend. It was a really fun party and we saw friends we've known for years and met new ones.


DH and I are big Patriots fans and the ship was showing the game. We had a delightful dinner in Pinnacle with a friend of many years and that was so special. After what was a perfect dinner in everyway, DH and I went back to our suite to watch the Patriots win a BIG victory. :) How does life get better? :D Maasdam/friends/special Pinnacle dinner and a huge Patriots' win.....;)


Our first port was Half Moon Cay.... okay, I correct my last statement.... life does get better. A stop at Half Moon Cay added to the list above. Perfect day there (though a little cool which suited me fine) and very relaxing. We enjoyed the barbeque and especially enjoyed finally meeting Copper John 10-8 who most know from his posts here. He is now Security Officer on Maasdam and DH and I went to his 'station' at HMC to introduce ourselves. We had a great chat. Nice, nice man as most here know.


I wasn't feeling my very best this cruise and there were times I stayed in our cabin to rest more than usual. I wasn't really ill but anyone who has chronic health conditions know there are times the symptoms creep up on us. I was cranky and knew it. I was loving being on Maasdam as always but I was out of sync and struggling a lot.


We were so lucky to have incredible weather as this can be a time in the Caribbean with showers and rain but the most we had were rough seas a day and a night. The white bags appeared at elevators and dining venues were not crowded for a little while. ;) But once day dawned the next morning, seas had calmed and DH planted himself at the pool and loved it.


We didn't spend much time ashore as we've been to most of the islands repeatedly. We usually stroll around whatever is offered near the terminal unless it's an island we particularly like such as St. Maarten where we did a lot of walking and enjoyed that.


St. Croix needs to reacquaint themselves with tourism and particularly with cruise tourism IMO We had to taxi to the other side of the island and were happy to take the 25 - 30 minute ride but were very annoyed with the poor system they have in place to shuttle guests. It was only about their profits and nothing about our comfort or convenience. That would have been fine if we had been advised of their way of doing things but, of course, that is kept from us until there is little you can do about it. We're not naive, inexperienced travelers and only can advise there isn't much to bother going to Christiansted and inquire carefully before you get into one of their taxi vans. (Vans are $16 pp round trip but you must wait 45+ minutes or more for them to completely fill the van in order to return to the ship. They make you pay in advance so not many wish to pay $50 + more to an independent taxi which is what it would cost so we waited.) I wasn't feeling well and waiting 45 + minutes in the very hot humidity was hard on me. DH would happily have grabbed a taxi to take us back but we couldn't get one.


My advice would be to not stop at the card tables they have set up as you exit the dock area taking payment for these vans. Go out of the dock gates and find taxi drivers/tour guys and make private arrangements with them. ) I will give the benefit of the doubt and credit they have had few cruise ships calling there for a number of years and need to rebuild their tourism providers. I hope they succeed as we had some good visits there in years past.


We had breakfast in Pinnacle almost every morning and it was fabulous. We could not have enjoyed it more and Anca, Pinnacle Manager, is about as good as they come. She is a petite little lady who knows how to run a Pinnacle. Her staff is very, very good and particularly steward Made...... pronounced MaaaaDee. He never once forgot anything we ordered or delivered it wrong. He never once poured high test coffee into my decaf cup and that is a delight for me. Our food was hot, tasty, loads of choices and a wonderful way to start any day.


The Main Dining Room is being run by Arie Nieuwdorp and we are so sorry we didn't meet him 20 years ago. He is speaking of retirement as he has been at sea for over 30 years but he is a master at his work and the nicest man you will ever meet. His dining room runs like the well oiled machine that is a delight to behold. Our Dining stewards/supervisor/wine steward were so excellent I can't stress it enough. We've cruised enough times in enough dining rooms to know when we have the "A" Team and that we did. Excellent and many thanks. One evening when we didn't dine (not feeling well and we went back to our cabin), we got calls to check on us and see if we wished anything from In-Room dining. That is very special.


I've mentioned the day we boarded, USPH inspected Maasdam and she scored "99" out of possible 100 and her Chief Housekeeper Gilbert Alva certainly shares in high praise for that accomplishment. He and department keep that ship sparkling and always so friendly and delightful.


You know I'll mention smoking so I'll do it briefly and get it over with. :) We were VERY fortunate this cruise there were no smokers either on either side of our veranda nor directly beneath us. Wonderful!!! HAL has made another smoking adjustment and, on Maasdam, there is no longer smoking permitted at the Bar. There are still some tables on one side where smoking is permitted but we visited one night and sure enough....... we could sit comfortably at the bar. Thank you, HAL. You are hearing us.


The florist on Maasdam is very creative and has done some very beautiful work. He has a talent to take simple supplies and turn out such lovely arrangements. They may be smaller than in the past but modern and stunning. The blossoms may be somewhat less exotic but in his talented hands, are beautiful IMO


Christmas decorations had gone up as we boarded and were added throughout our cruise. We saw more trees, more decorations on the trees and they're beautiful. Perhaps not quite as abundant as in the past but it sure was 'looking a lot like Christmas' and very beautiful. Also, we were aboard during Hannukah and we saw at least two menorahs which had another light lit each day. There was one at the front office and on the desk in Neptune Lounge. Very nice.


We met up with Windstar's Wind Surf sailing vessel. It was fun and we had terrific surprise to meet up with two ladies who were working there but used to be on Maasdam. Had a long chat with them and warm hugs.


CD Linda Minnikin was back aboard. We've sailed with her before and it was nice meeting up with her again. She had just boarded and was as friendly as could be. She made a smart change IMO

Often the crew show is poorly attended because of the late hour they present it. That saddens us because we know how hard the crew works to put it on for us but after a full day, some folks are too tired to stay up. Linda scheduled the Indonesian Crew Show at 10:30 and it was well attended. The whole lower level was full and a good part of the balcony. They did not do another show that night but showed a movie. Great idea IMO


We love Ocean Bar and are there almost every night. They had the best band in there this cruise we've heard play Ocean Bar in a long time. Good musicians who didn't need to blast the music so loud you couldn't have a conversation but really good music. We chatted with a few of them and think them really good.


Master Chef Rudi Sodamin boarded in Barbados for a few days. I don't know for sure but think he was there to work on Le Cirque. He had a book signing late after noon as we sailed from st. Lucia. We had met him previously and enjoyed the chance for a quick hello....... though I didn't get my cookbooks signed. I had received them long ago and didn't have them with me.


My phone just rang...... 'gotta go.

More later.

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What a great report and makes us appreciate even more we were lucky enough to have picked the Maasdam as our first HAL trip, and have never looked back. Glad to see what a happy trip you had, even with the personal challenges you were facing.


Sorry to hear StCroix is still "missing the boat" regarding their reintroduction as a cruise ship stop again after their very difficult prior history of violent crimes. We felt their tourism bureau made valiant efforts when we took the HAL excursion to Christensted, but agree just going out and about on our own at the dockside still left a lot to be desired.


Steel drums are a unique part of Caribbean culture, but amplified steel drums at the tourist booth plaza were painful and deafening with no appreciation this might be turning tourist shopping stops away from these very places the music was intended to entice.

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I'm glad to hear that Maasdam is still doing well and looking sharp.


They say you never forget your first time (cruising), and mine was on M. I enjoyed it so much I was back again twice in the next 3 years. Each of those subsequent times, it felt like home as soon as I got to the atrium and saw the glass Totem sculpture.


Thanks for bringing back the memories, and for the review.

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Glad you had another great cruise on the MS Maasdam. Nice to hear the "A" team is still providing a wonderful cruise experience.


So that's where Copper John has been hiding out. I sure miss him here on the boards but if there was ever a perfect union; it would be him in the position of Security Officer on a Hal ship.

Great review. Thanks and Happy Holidays.

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Sorry I got interrupted but here's a few more thoughts.


Ocean Bar has the prettiest tree in the corner beside the window and when we first boarded, it had only lights. Each evening when we came to the bar, I'd ask Benji and Nick (two of HAL's wonderful bartenders now working Ocean Bar), where are the decorations for the tree? :D Then suddenly one night, the tree was all filled with pretty ornaments.


Our cabin stewards were excellent and we think one will still be aboard when we return to Maasdam in June. I asked for the few same things I ask for every cruise on the first day and never once had to request anything. They kept our cabin 'perfect' and as to their handling of our laundry.... I don't think it's ever been better. We had it back same day almost always. We were hugely happy with laundry/dry cleaning.


We had never been to St. Vincent but only roamed around near the port. They had a collection of small shops same as many ports. I did find an adorable stuffed toy to get for 'big sister' of our friends' soon to be born new baby. It is so darling it was worth stuffing into our suitcase to bring home. Had we wanted to spend more energy, we might have taken a tour to the interior of this island as I imagine it probably is very beautiful. Not much to do here if you don't take a tour.


We like Barbados and always enjoy our stay here but wanted to see our friends on Windstar so stayed near the port and was well worth it as we had a great chat with them. Who knows when we'll see them next.


Sadly, we found lots of empty shops along the way in all these islands. No question the economy has hit them hard and I suspect there is still some recovery from hurricanes going on. Whenever we see an empty shop that we remember having shopped at before, we know it's a hardship for someone.


So.... :D we feel it our obligation to shop to help the local economies.


We received an invitation to the end of cruise conversation sometimes held by small group. I usually don't attend but felt like it this time. It was just a handful but I found it very interesting. One person made a sincere request for enforcement of formal dress code. He commented he had carried his tuxedo on international flight and remembers in the past guests being refused entry to dining room if not dressed to code but apparently he saw one man seated he did not think should have been. And then there was the comment hoping HAL would end formal nights what with more casual society and airline luggage restrictions. One hand/the other hand.


Comment about please....... restrict smoking on verandas followed by another comment that he'd not be happy about that. One hand/the other hand.


All were in agreement, Maasdam is a wonderful ship, headed by a terrific Captain doing a great job with his outstanding Officers/staff/crew.



Disembarkation (and Embarkation) in Port Everglades for HAL is about as good as it gets. It runs so smoothly and they are so professional at getting everyone and all our luggage on and off. HAL Shore Ops people are Great! We were in the first group (who checked luggage) to disembark and that was at about 8:15 or so..... truly, I've lost track of exactly what time but I know we didn't wait long. We were permitted to wait in our cabins as always and everyone had their assigned disembarkation time. They called our color/number to leave but don't know if they went to silent debark after the first group got going.


We had both pre and post cruise stays at Hyatt Pier 66 and loved it as always. Very comfortable; DH enjoyed the pool. (I enjoyed the breakfasts and lunch. :)) We especially love we always have a room that faces onto Port Everglades and we watch the ships come in and sail away. I sure loved when we saw Maasdam sail in to 'pick us up' and loved watching her sail away as I'm always thrilled to hear her whistle even if she's sailing away without us.


Hope everyone on Maasdam has a fabulous Christmas cruise.


Thank you, Maasdam. DH got the rest he needed and came home refreshed and we both came home happy. :)




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What a great report and makes us appreciate even more we were lucky enough to have picked the Maasdam as our first HAL trip, and have never looked back.


This was our good luck as well - first cruise - HAL and Maasdam! Can't do much better, IMHO, unless is sailing her 30 times!!! Congratulations, Sail7seas, and feel better soon.

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Excellent report, Sail! I am glad to know that Nick and Benji are still at the Ocean Bar. I agree with you that they are excellent bartenders who make great drinks and make their guests at their bar feel most welcome and appreciated.


I usually frequent the Crow's Nest bar when I sail. But, on the Maasdam, the Ocean Bar had a more warm, cozy, and friendly feel to it. As a result, I spent most Happy Hours there. Nick, Benji, and the stewards assigned to the Ocean Bar helped to create that "special" atmosphere.

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Judy, thank you for this special review of your Maasdam. Now, I can't wait till January when we stay at Pier 66 and when we board Maasdam. Really sorry to hear you weren't feeling up to par and I hope you're feeling relaxed and refreshed now.

We have a different itinerary with some islands we've been to before and some that are new. Can't wait. This will be the first cruise that I will be able to walk the teak decks.

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Great review, Sail. Thanks so much.


Your comments about St. Croix reminded me of our experience there on the same cruise as yours.


We prepaid for a van at the desk at the end of the pier. There were 5 in our party so the total was $125.00. The tour was to take us to Christianstead where we were dropped off for a bathroom stop and some quick shopping.


The van driver dropped us off, telling us that he would circle through town and pick us up again in the same place in about 25 minutes. HE NEVER CAME BACK.


Christianstead is no place to be stranded. Trust me.


We waited about an hour and finally gave up. We negotiated with another driver to take us back across the island to the pier....at considerable additional expense.


Once there, we all five went straight back to the tour desk and pitched a fit! Needless to say the dispatcher got an ear full....and we got our money back.


Sadly, Sail is right. St. Croix is not ready for prime time!

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Judy, thank you for this special review of your Maasdam. Now, I can't wait till January when we stay at Pier 66 and when we board Maasdam. Really sorry to hear you weren't feeling up to par and I hope you're feeling relaxed and refreshed now.

We have a different itinerary with some islands we've been to before and some that are new. Can't wait. This will be the first cruise that I will be able to walk the teak decks.


Hi Mamaofami,


Will this be your first cruise since Eurodam in August/Sept 08?

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How I loved reading all about your special Maasdam, Judy. We first sailed on her because of so many wonderful reviews - and enjoyed her (and her amazing crew) so much we keep going back for more. Thanks for sharing so many details ... makes me ever so anxious to get aboard.


THIRTY Cruises on her? Now that IS devotion! Obviously, you love her dearly. :)

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Ah, Sail how great to hear again how wonderful "our" (and your!) Maasdam is. We hope to be there again soon.


Did you, by any chance see Holy? He might have been working in the MDR but more likely he would have been handling the phones for Room Service. You remember Yanto, who served both of us on the cruise last spring? I don't think he's back on the Maasdam yet; but if not he will be soon.


Made, in the Pinnacle, is terrific isn't he? and we love Anca. Arie handles the MDR just about as well as Gildus always did, we think.


Above all, I hope you're feeling better.

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Hi Mamaofami,


Will this be your first cruise since Eurodam in August/Sept 08?


Hi Jade,

Yes, we had to cancel our Noordam 09 cruise because Sam had pneumonia, and then I had two hips replaced so we haven't cruised since Eurodam. I still remember our great lunch in Tamarind. Hope you are well.

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The Maasdam was the first ship we sailed on HAL (during its inaugural season). The rest is history.


It is our favourite ship also. I am delighted it is still a "beautiful and elegant" lady.


We planned to sail her on a transatlantic next year, but she is sold out. Looks like it will be the Eurodam.


Just have to put up with it.;)


Smooth sailing...

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