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Always do the prepaid gratuities but sometimes I don't give the envelope with the coupon to everyone. Do they still get the tip if I don't give them the envelope with the coupon in it?

Yes, the staff still gets the tip even if you don't distribute the vouchers.

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Thanks for your posting! I agree with you. We can tip what we want. The cruise line shouldn't tell us what they want us to tip. Maybe they should start paying their employees a decent salary so they don't have to depend on the passengers for money. Why do you think the ships aren't registered in the US? So they don't have to abide by our laws! Starting paying them a decent wage!


I can tell you have never been a waiter/waitress in the US. They get paid way below minimum wage and rely on tips to make a decent income. Do they deserve 15% to 20% tip. Then so do the staff on cruise ships. Or do you short change land based waiters/waitresses too?

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So do they automatcally take the tip money out on the seapass? i have no problem with tipping, BUT we do not partake in the dining room so why should we have to pay the waiters???

Because besides the Main Dining Room, these folks also work in other venues around the ship during the course of a cruise...........some of which you may dine in.

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When I was in college waiting tables I made $2.13 hour which was just enough to cover income tax, ssc tax and maybe leave me with a $20.00 paycheck at the end of two weeks, for over 80 hours of hard work. This diidnt even contribute to any heathcare costs or any other type of insurance. If I got stiffed on a tip it made a HUGE impact on my income. If I recieved less the 15% I was hurt and offended.


If you want to take a cruise and you can just barely afford to cruise but you want extras for excursions/activities for your family and you feel like stiffing the service staff is okay so your family can take an excursion IMHO I think that's VERY wrong. Take a cheaper excrursion or just explore the port area. As you say you barely make these cruises happen, if thats the case you and your family should be happy to be on the cruise itself.

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If you want to take a cruise and you can just barely afford to cruise but you want extras for excursions/activities for your family and you feel like stiffing the service staff is okay so your family can take an excursion IMHO I think that's VERY wrong. Take a cheaper excrursion or just explore the port area. As you say you barely make these cruises happen, if thats the case you and your family should be happy to be on the cruise itself.


I noticed the biggest complainer about tips last cruised on Oasis, which is one of the most expensive cruises to book. If money is that big a deal, logic would say to take a cheaper cruise. I think 90% of us would rather do that than stiff the staff and sail at their expense.

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I noticed the biggest complainer about tips last cruised on Oasis, which is one of the most expensive cruises to book. If money is that big a deal, logic would say to take a cheaper cruise. I think 90% of us would rather do that than stiff the staff and sail at their expense.


It wad a gift for my son, who wad turning 16 and his dream was always to go on the Oasis. We worked over summer together and put the money we made together in a box and slowly over 2 years got the money to go on the ship. He hasnt had a birthday party in over 3 years because of our economic situation and it was my gift to him for being who he is. He's an A+ student and very hardworking. You don't know me or him or anyone in my family. And like someone else here said, tipping is the guest's choice. And we were on the smallest stateroom on the ship, so yeah. Please, don't be so judgeful. Money is a big deal, but family is bigger.

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None of you know what true hard work is, so please, just save it.


This breaks my heart that you would say something as hurtful and mean as this. I'm truly sorry if you really feel this way. None of us "know what true hard work is"? Oh my friend... you couldn't be more wrong. :(


God bless.

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So do they automatcally take the tip money out on the seapass? i have no problem with tipping, BUT we do not partake in the dining room so why should we have to pay the waiters???


No they don't automatically add it to you seapass you need to request that to happen. Plus the dining tip is for service for the whole day, not just dinner. The MDR waiters work in the buffet and other dining areas for breakfast and lunch and you will likely be served by them at some point.

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Thanks for your posting! I agree with you. We can tip what we want. The cruise line shouldn't tell us what they want us to tip. Maybe they should start paying their employees a decent salary so they don't have to depend on the passengers for money. Why do you think the ships aren't registered in the US? So they don't have to abide by our laws! Starting paying them a decent wage!


If the cruise lines do as you suggest the higher salaries will be passed on to you in the form of higher fares. In other words you will either pay their salary as it currently is via tips or through paying much more for your cruise.


Plus the suggested amount of $11.65 per person per day isn't that much for what service you get - 3 meals, plus snacks and your room serviced twice a day. If you ate out in a nice restaurant chances are your total tip per person would be higher than $11.65 and that would be for just one meal.

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It is hard to ensure 'tips' get to the right people based upon the work they do.


Leave to the cruise line. It is their system, their problem and not worth any stress for you when you should be having fun.


Pre-pay, have them charged as you go. Think of it as a service charge (it is). Tip extra if you wish.


We mostly avoid the MDR and do something special on the last night instead.

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I am going on a 3 day cruise next month solo and I budgeted $50 for tips. I read an article about how much they make, yes they are on a beautiful ship but alot of them have families they are taking care of so I try and think about it that way. I understand its hard times but if you spend $1,000 on a cruise I dont think tipping extra should make or break you...JMO.

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So do they automatcally take the tip money out on the seapass? i have no problem with tipping, BUT we do not partake in the dining room so why should we have to pay the waiters???


But I would imagine that you are going to eat somewhere onboard during the cruise


It wad a gift for my son, who wad turning 16 and his dream was always to go on the Oasis. We worked over summer together and put the money we made together in a box and slowly over 2 years got the money to go on the ship. He hasnt had a birthday party in over 3 years because of our economic situation and it was my gift to him for being who he is. He's an A+ student and very hardworking. You don't know me or him or anyone in my family. And like someone else here said, tipping is the guest's choice. And we were on the smallest stateroom on the ship, so yeah. Please, don't be so judgeful. Money is a big deal, but family is bigger.


Very pleased that your son is doing well in school, school that I would imagine is paid for by the property tax payers in your community and the federal government. A lot of cruise ship staff work solely to pay for their childrens and grandchildrens education, that is not provided free in their country, so that their children or grand children can have a better quality of life than they have. Tipping wait and service staff is common place in the United States, and as an immigrant I would hope that you would embrace the traditional practices of your chosen country and therefore tip wait and service staff, both on land and onboard. As an immigrant myself, I understand it is sometimes hard to get used to the customs and practices of a foreign land, but it is something that needs to be done, you pressumably came here to "Live the American Dream" and because the US afforded you a better standard of life than your birth county, but even after being given that great opportunity, you choose to financially hurt the people that serve you on a cruise, so that you can spend the money elsewhere and have an even better experience..Shame on You.


If you waited two years you could have waited 2 years and 2 months, added a little more to the pot and done the right thing by paying the appropriate tip ammounts. No excuses. This infuriates me.


Exactly, and if money is so tight, maybe they shouldn't be doing 2 week long cruises, on 2 of the biggest and most expensive ships in the fleet, in less than a year, sorry but this all about me attitude really stinks

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I saw this thread yesterday...............figured it was a simple question.......how much are tips on a 3 nighter......I can't believe what this thread has turned into!!


Someone who apparently has had their fair share of economic setbacks is planning not one,but TWO week long $$$ cruises ..Maybe you should stick to one and do it right...........Then you can tip at least the suggested amount ,go on excursions,etc....ever hear of quality over quantity?:confused:


If family is more important to you than money,maybe you should start planning for your future........


Sorry,but stories like this irritate me:mad:

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Thanks for your posting! I agree with you. We can tip what we want. The cruise line shouldn't tell us what they want us to tip. Maybe they should start paying their employees a decent salary so they don't have to depend on the passengers for money. Why do you think the ships aren't registered in the US? So they don't have to abide by our laws! Starting paying them a decent wage!


And if they did register in the U.S., as NCL America (their Hawaii ships) does, they would have crappy north american service. Think about how you're treated at the average food court to get an idea.


And that is precisely why the tips should be automatically added to the cruise fare.


Everyone can make the EXCUSE that they are on a "tight budget."


Well guess what? It's even a tighter budget for the waiters and stewards who have left their families at home to make some money to support their kids.


Nope, this kind of thinking stinks and is just a rationalization for those who who are living by the Garfield the Cat Code... namely... "It's all about ME!"


C'mon RCCL, at least do what Carnival does and automatically add the tips to the Sea Pass Account.


I agree with you but if they did that, the same cheap folks would be slinking into line at guest services to have them removed. At least then, they'd have to own up to their cheapness. I get so tired of folks who claim it's hard for a family to pay for these things and then cheap out. Way to teach your kids about fairness! People chose to have children, usually. Why should they expect constant price breaks because of their own decisions? does the poster also take his kids to the farmer's market and barter down on the price of food because times are apparently tougher for him than the farmer?

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I have a very fixed budget when it comes to cruises, due to these tough times. You have to understand that. I have to save somewhere, to be able to spend elsewhere maybe on a port or an excursion for my family. I can't just leave my whole cruise vacation at dinner.


Then maybe you should rethink cruising until things pick up a bit. There are certain areas that one expects that they will have to pay when they cruise. Gratuities is one area. I hope that you're upfront with those that take care of you and tell them not to expect the full amount regardless of the service.

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Can't afford a Rolls Royce?


Don't buy one.


Can't afford a house in Malibu?


Don't buy one.


Can't afford a Coach purse?


Don't buy one.


Can't afford a cruise?


Don't buy one.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I wonder if the "frugal" poster goes to the food bank in port so he won't have to pay for his food ashore. those locals surely don't have as hard a time as he and his family (who by the way, are having much BIGGER vacations than I ever got as a kid in a middle classed family.)

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I agree with you but if they did that, the same cheap folks would be slinking into line at guest services to have them removed. At least then, they'd have to own up to their cheapness. I get so tired of folks who claim it's hard for a family to pay for these things and then cheap out. Way to teach your kids about fairness! People chose to have children, usually. Why should they expect constant price breaks because of their own decisions? does the poster also take his kids to the farmer's market and barter down on the price of food because times are apparently tougher for him than the farmer?


Yes, there would still be many who would ask for the tips to be removed, but it would make it a lot more difficult.

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Listen, you don't live in my shoes. I work MIRACLES to make these cruises happen. Me and my wife were practically laid off the week before our last cruise and are working very hard to make this next one happen, and I can't spend $300 on just tips. And guess what? I do know what it means to leave your family behind. I moved to the United States 7 years ago and my family moved a year later so yeah, I do know what it's like starting from scratch in a new place without your family. And last year, I left my family once again in Florida and moved to Dallas for 6 months to work there, until I fell from a roof on the job and had to move back with my family, jobless. So before you say things, think about the situation the person on the other side might me in.


Don't cruise than if you cannot afford it. So, you have a reason to be cheap and make sure others suffer. I hope you never have a job where you depend on tips.

I just wish the cruise lines would make the gratuity part of the fare like taxes and port fees. It is what a lot of people want, increase the cost to cover what the people make in tips.

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What is the the obsession about Americans trying to OUT TIP each other, and then having the front to critise people who don't tip enough, (in their eyes).


People save up and go on a cruise for the whole experience, NOT to get ripped off by the cruise company's and then get brow beaten into paying THEIR staff a decent wage. Most people go to sea, for the lifestyle, money, experience and to have a great time doing a good job. No one forces them into it, its not forced labour.


I spent 8 years at sea and got a wage for doing so. I received no tips in my job, because I was getting paid a wage to do it.


I found the tone of some of the people in this thread, outrageous. How dare they tell people not to go on a cruise or wait another two months just so they can pay more for the privilage. I will go on whatever holiday I want to and I will not take into consideration the amount of tips I have to pay along the way.

People earn tips, they should not just expect it. Its a gratuity for a service well done and I think you lot from across the pond seem to forget that. Its not a given right.


If you deserve it you will earn it.


This will be my first cruise coming up and i hope i don't bump into folks like you lot on this thread. Lets hope there are decent thinking people who don't judge everyone by the size of their wallet, but then size does matter to you lot, doesn't it??


The comments on here are a discrace, you really do think you are something special but your NOT.

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I have a very fixed budget when it comes to cruises, due to these tough times. You have to understand that. I have to save somewhere, to be able to spend elsewhere maybe on a port or an excursion for my family. I can't just leave my whole cruise vacation at dinner.


I understand the budget issue, but to cheap out the people serving you and your family is something I don't understand. Do you tell these people you are only going to give them $2-3 a day instead of what they should be getting so you don't expect good service?


I guess I am of the belief that if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to cruise. How would you like it if your employer decided he had to go on a vacation with his family, so your pay for the week is going to be 5 or10% of what it should be?


I am not picking on you as I feel the same about all who stiff the employees. I'm not saying you have to go overboard and tip above what is requested, but to not even pay that ------------------

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None of you know what true hard work is, so please, just save it.


Welcome to the country where I live and work: Welcome to Latvia. The country in Europe that felt the financial crisis in the worst way. 20% unemployment last year..


40 % of the population here earns less than 600 Dollars on hand for a full working month. For them a cruise is just a dream.... And you want to save a few bucks on tipping..

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