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RCCL- Vacation = Ruined

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Hello All


Just wanted to give a snap shot of what took place on our recent cruise on Voyager of the Seas (Feb 18th departure)


-Facts you might want to know, there was 7 of us - my Mom, my Dad (who is in poor health), my brother (26 yrs old) my husband, myself and our two daughters (5 and 9 yrs).

-This is our family vacation we are taking because we dont know if my Dad will be well enough (or even still with us) to do it a year from now. We have been saving, planning, arranging for almost a year and half.

-Mom and Dad are Emerald C&A Members


Facts that are neither good nor bad but still somewhat relevant in order to paint an accurate picture. I do not hold RCCL responsible for these things as they were out of their control as much as out of ours.


-Traveling (actually moving and waiting in airports or on planes) time on day of 'departure' 4:30 Am (Toronto) to hotel in Miami 11pm (note: stops in Little Rock, Huston, New Orleans)

-Traveling time on day 2 - 9am till 10 pm


-we were flown from New Orleans to Miami because there were no hotels due to Mardi Gras. and flown from Miami (the next day) to Cancuun instead of Cozumel because there were no flights directly to Cozumel.


There are so many details in this situation....


Here is my list of where they did well

-got us to the ship at the next port

-the hotels they put us up in were very very nice

-4 days we did get to enjoy were very good.


Here is a list where they fell short.


-We recieved a confirmation of "paid in full" for our cruise and Air (booked through RCCL) in November. In December, my Mom noticed that Continental airlines had changed the flight times and the new flights would not get us to New Orleans (port of dep.) unitl 8pm. She notified RCCL. They found us new flights, then posted additional charges of $1200 to her account. We fought for two months.. finally got this cleared up 3 days prior to sailing.


--The airline they booked us with (Continental) was incompentant at every point. 3 hrs late leaving Toronto, had to stop for additional fuel in Arkansas, connecting flight delayed, took 40 MINUTES to line up the stairs/ramp to the airplane door once we got to New Orleans.


-- I had called RCCL from Arkansas to let them know that we were running late and was assured not to worry. Someone from RCCL will be at the Airport waiting for us.


-- We got to New Orleans (and off the plane) at 3:40 (ship to depart at 4:30). There is NO ONE from RCCL to meet us. So we call and are told that we have missed the ship. (found out later that the ship did not leave until almost 6pm - from other passengers).


-delivered flowers Id ordered for my Mother on the first night (and left them in the room.. so when she arrived after the 3 day fiasco she walked into a bouquet of dead flowers)


-After telling them specifically "We are NOT comfortable travelling unattended in Mexico" and being reassured that "someone from Royal Caribbean will be with you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY"- We were left at the peir (for the ferry across to Cozumel) in Mexico with nothing but a hotel name, ferry tickets and 200 pesos for a cab once we got to the other side and a "someone will contact you at the hotel" - Cozumel (pls note - we could not get a cab in Cozumel because it was Carnivale and the streets were closed, we had to wander the streets to find one because we had no address or tel# for the hotel and 1800 #s dont work in mexico so we could not reach RCCL)

- 200 Pesos covered one cab but not two (there are 7 of us with a suitcase each)

-No one from RCCL to meet us in Cozumel.


-Did not make the reservations at the hotel in mexico under any of our names so when we got there... we were told they didnt have anything for us (took 45 minutes for the front desk to figure out that RCCL had booked it through a 3rd party agency who had booked it under the company name and not noted our actual names ANYWHERE in the reservation.. Im not upset about the time it took... Im upset for having to endure 45 minutes of near panic... all the while trying to ensure my kids that everything is going to be ok.


- Called us at 630am at the hotel and told us someone would be there at 9am to take us to the ship. We heard NOTHING until 9:40 "running late, someone will be there in 10 minutes".. again we are left to panic anxiously waiting... now fearing we've been forgotten in Mexico.


-When we FINALLY got on board... not a single mention or aknowledgement from ANYONE on board. No one there to greet us with a smile and help us get settled, NOTHING.


So there it is, in a nutshell...

RCCL said they would reimburse our costs (food, taxis, phone bill) no problem and that they would get back to us "with an offer regarding further compensation" today.

What do you think they will offer?

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What do you think they will offer?


Hopefully a nice long massage to help you de-stress! :eek:


I'm sorry this happened to you, and I can understand why you'd be so frazzled. This why I prefer to make my own flight arrangements, so that I can choose for myself which flights will best suit my own needs. Of greater importance, this is why so many people recommend coming in the night before. This way, there's a cushion of time to deal with things of this nature.


Hopefully, next time things will go better for you.

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In reading your post, I couldn't help, but imagine myself walking in your shoes.:( I'm heartsick for you and your family and how upsetting it must have been until you finally made it on the ship and how sad you must have felt for losing the special days planned for your vacation. My best to your Dad as he struggles with his health.

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Always, always, always arrive to the cruise port locality the day before - especially during times of the year when weather may be an issue, or if you are traveling with several people, or a long distance away (connecting flights, etc).


Especially if you are flying, it not only provides a time buffer should something happen along the way, but you have a day to relax and wind down from the trauma of getting there, and can relax and enjoy the cruise on the first day.


Many people that have cruised more than once do this, and it is perhaps the #1 best piece of advice for a new cruiser. We flew in the same day on our first cruise, and after that "trauma", we have since always arrived the day before.


RCCL has a night-prior package so that you can still obtain air fare, hotel transfer, and everything else in one transaction with the TA/Cruise Line.

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Jennstar -- first of all, welcome to cruisecritic. I wish you had found us sooner. You might have gotten some cautionary feedback, regarding sailing out of NOLA two days before MardiGras.


When DH and I started cruising (10 years ago), we used TA's and booked our air/hotels through the cruise line. After several bad experiences, we now book all of our own travel, and make our own arrangements. Doing it this way is more work, but it gives us control over every aspect of our vaction.


The last cruise we booked airfare through RC was a Southern Caribbean cruise, out of Puerto Rico. We were flying from LA to San Juan, and RC had booked us to fly in the SAME EVENING that the ship sailed. We had no delays on the plane (thank goodness), but we arrived in San Juan, and there was NO RC rep to meet us. After we wasted precious minutes searching for one, we grabbed a cab to the cruise port -- which was no small feat, as it was Friday night AND Valentines Day. We literally ran onto the ship (carrying our own luggage) right before they pulled up the gangway! Nowadays, we'd just be out of luck, as the rules have changed. I think you have to be on board ninety minutes before sailing, now.


So, I hope this experience won't put you off cruising or RC. Don't know about compensation -- you'll just have to talk to them and see what they say.

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Sorry your first cruise experience was such a mess. I think the cruiseline owes you for any out of pocket expenses you incurred while trying to catch up with the ship, as far as any additional costs, not really sure what I think. There is no way I would fly in the same say as my cruise, especially with that many connections. If you do end up cruising again, whether with RCL or any other line, I would suggest looking at flying from Buffalo so you have a better shot at less connections. If you do some reading here, you will see that many Canadians do that and find it cheaper. As others have said, you also usually do better price wise, booking your own air.


Sailing from New Orleans during Mardi Gras is also difficult. If you look at the NCL forum, there is a large thread about a group that missed there cruise too and they had flown in the day before their cruise. They were stuck in traffic for more than 5 hours and didn't get to their ship in time.


I hope you were able to enjoy part of your cruise and that this doesn't put you off cruising forever. Good luck with whatever they offer you.

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Don't accept ANYTHING less than a free cruise! They have failed on so many levels, it isn't even funny!





But at least you have an adventure to laugh about with your family at the holidays. You will see the humor in it ... one day :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't expect much other than any additional fees you had. Sounds like a horrible experience.


I hope you've learned from the experience, and learn some more here on CC. The information is mixed but, most of the time you get good advice here.


Hope you give it another try and come back here to be more prepared.

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Hopefully a nice long massage to help you de-stress! :eek:


I'm sorry this happened to you, and I can understand why you'd be so frazzled. This why I prefer to make my own flight arrangements, so that I can choose for myself which flights will best suit my own needs. Of greater importance, this is why so many people recommend coming in the night before. This way, there's a cushion of time to deal with things of this nature.


Hopefully, next time things will go better for you.


Always, always, always arrive to the cruise port locality the day before - especially during times of the year when weather may be an issue, or if you are traveling with several people, or a long distance away (connecting flights, etc).


Especially if you are flying, it not only provides a time buffer should something happen along the way, but you have a day to relax and wind down from the trauma of getting there, and can relax and enjoy the cruise on the first day.


Many people that have cruised more than once do this, and it is perhaps the #1 best piece of advice for a new cruiser. We flew in the same day on our first cruise, and after that "trauma", we have since always arrived the day before.


RCCL has a night-prior package so that you can still obtain air fare, hotel transfer, and everything else in one transaction with the TA/Cruise Line.



It was Mardi Gras. No hotels to be had in the area. I have read of more than one missing the ships due to not being able to get to the terminals on time.


OP, sorry that this happened to you. I hope that you and RCI can get this worked out to your satisfaction.

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WOW....instead of the 'sea is calling you..." sounds like NO one was calling you. :(


I'm so sorry to hear you and your family had to go through such a mess. I'm not sure what would be acceptable as far as compensation but if whatever the offer is to you, if it's not satisfactory...DON'T accept it. Keep going up the chain.


I can't imagine having my parents (and 1 not healthy) and 2 young children in Mexico with no one to help. We had a very scary incident last year in Mexico (actually it was 2) and I'm just glad you made it out of there and onto the ship.


Good luck..and just know that this is NOT the norm for RC. I would be livid if this would have been my experience.

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Agree with the others, don't settle for anything less than a free cruise. Ship happens but how can they think you deserve anything less after all that. Did you say you had trip insurance?

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I think they should reimburse you for your out of pocket expenses due to the delays. However I do not think you should get a free cruise. After all it was your decision to fly in the day of the cruise (always a bad idea) and it was your decision to let RC make your airline reservations(always a bad idea).

Sorry, this is how I feel. I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

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Sounds like a horrible experience :eek:


My first cruise (prior to my finding CC) I flew in the morning of departure. It went OK because we left Portland, OR at 7 am arriving in LA a few hours later. Early morning flights usually aren't delayed because you aren't relying on them getting there from somewhere else. Our 2nd cruise (again prior to CC) we flew in the day before. Portland to Miami is a long flight so I wanted to be rested. After joining CC and reading horror stories we definately fly or drive in the day before. Same with flying. We stay in Portland the night before the flight. Portland has some of the worse traffic in the US (I saw it posted somewhere on the internet) and I have been stuck more than once in the parking lot they call the interstate!


This might be a little off topic, but under RCIs Choice Air, don't you get to pick the flights? If I can't choose to get there the day before, I certainly don't want to book thru RCI.

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OMG what a nightmare! I do think RCI should offer you a mega comp of some sort...possibly even a free cruise. While seasoned cruisers know its best to fly in a day ahead, and book your own air...you didn't do anything wrong. you paid for a service they did not provide. period. It was there job to fly you to the destination in order for you to get on their ship and they did not do that.

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Agree with the others, don't settle for anything less than a free cruise. Ship happens but how can they think you deserve anything less after all that.
That's easy to say, but they don't really have much alternative if RCI doesn't agree.
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This is no troll. I believe all. That's right, ship happens and the OP has learned several valuable lessons that he can employ on the next cruise which I hope will be at least heavily discounted. Rccl DID drop the ball several times and should have moved heaven and earth to be there for these people. First time cruisers are potentially Diamond members...no excuse for this. I would seriously complain to RCCL about the personnel on board Voyager. Have never known them to be so uncaring,,,great ship and great crew so was surprised they left the OP hanging several times.

I hope this doesn't stop him from trying again. This time using his cruising "experience" to make it the great vacation he deserved. CC and good planning can make it happen.:D

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I don't think I am understanding. First of all when an airline does a schedule change, you have to ask but they will reschedule you on pretty much any flight you want (even other carriers) within reason. Assuming it gets you in close to your original time. I've done it a few times.


Were they flying in the same day as the cruise, is that why they didn't have a hotel booked?


I am assuming no insurance or I would hope most of those issues would have been taken care of.


I have never booked my airfare thru a cruiseline because I want to choose my flights and I want the control over the reservation.

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