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HAL Officers on Formal Night?


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This will be my first cruise....not counting Disney.

I am from Colorado and we do not dress up much so to get ready for a cruise and find dress clothing and not break the bank is an issue.

But participating fully in the cruise including the formal nights is part of the vacation so I am all for it and I want HA to know that I care so they do not get the message and lessen their standards.

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If I was ever invited to dine with the captain, I would be severely underdressed as I don't bring "formal" clothes on any of my cruises. Smart casual is as dressy as I care to get on vacation.


I wonder if anyone has ever gotten a dinner invitation from the captain that didn't pack anything other than shorts, t-shirts, flips flops and bathing suits. Would they be turned away at the door for not dressing to code? Or, would their invitation trump the clothes they were wearing?


I would hope if they only brought shorts and t-shirts on the cruise they would turn down the invitation, with regret of course. The Captain, of course, would not embarrass them and would graciously seat them if they accepted the invitation.


Speaking only for me and DH,,,,,,


If we received an invitation for which we did not have appropriate clothing, we would refuse the invitation. We would not embarrass ourselves or our host(ess) by appearing dressed inapproriately.






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This will be my first cruise....not counting Disney.

I am from Colorado and we do not dress up much so to get ready for a cruise and find dress clothing and not break the bank is an issue.

But participating fully in the cruise including the formal nights is part of the vacation so I am all for it and I want HA to know that I care so they do not get the message and lessen their standards.

Welcome to Cruise Critic. I hope you enjoy your time here, get some helpful information, and fill us all in on your cruise when you get back.

Nice to see another person who likes to see the sartorial bar stay up there.

As far as finding appropriate clothes when you don't have the wardrobe already, I suggest looking at some second-hand shops. You might be surprised what nice things you can pick up for under $20. Yes, $20 or less! I once found a great dress for $8. At that price, had I wanted to, I could have just left it behind and made room in the suitcase.

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Let's not overdramatize that the officers are going to all the trouble to dress formally out of respect for the passengers' date=' blah, blah. They dress in their formalwear on formal nights because they are employees of the cruiseline and are told how they have to dress. They have no option, so let's not deify them. They are doing what they are told to do. Truth be known most of them probably wish the whole formal night thing would go away as it has on so many cruiselines. [/quote']


Of course, I was referring to the practice, collectively -- not what individual dining staff think of the required attire. Perhaps I should rephrase that it is Holland America Line that is showing respect to passengers by this requirement. It is all part of the ambiance.

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This will be my first cruise....not counting Disney.

I am from Colorado and we do not dress up much so to get ready for a cruise and find dress clothing and not break the bank is an issue.

But participating fully in the cruise including the formal nights is part of the vacation so I am all for it and I want HA to know that I care so they do not get the message and lessen their standards.



I've had a ton of e-mails this week from all range of stores having sales. JC Penney and Macy's are two that come to mind that have some great prices if you have coupons for additional discount. The upper end stores are also advertising heavily about their markdowns. If you have Marshall's or TJ Maxx where you, maybe they have something that you like.


Hope you find something you like that maybe you'll have a chance to wear at home for a nice event.


Welcome to CC. Happy you found us. :)


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Let's not overdramatize that the officers are going to all the trouble to dress formally out of respect for the passengers' date=' blah, blah. They dress in their formalwear on formal nights because they are employees of the cruiseline and are told how they have to dress. They have no option, so let's not deify them. They are doing what they are told to do. Truth be known most of them probably wish the whole formal night thing would go away as it has on so many cruiselines.


That said, I do believe those pax dining in the MDR should follow the guidelines or "suggestions" even though the dress code has been diminished to the point it could barely be called formal anymore.[/quote']


I'm not sure this is true. The Captain, especially, had to work hard, and meet guidelines to get where he is. I'm sure the same is true of many, if not all, of the offices. I compare it to the military (I was a Marine). Getting and wearing those dress blues is a badge of honor and pride. It still takes my breath away to see a passenger show up in the MDR on formal night in their military dress uniform. Same with the ship's officers.


To answer the original question (great question, too) yes, I notice it; yes, I appreciate it. But, as stated by a previous poster, I always dress for dinner in the MDR, formal night or not. It would disappoint me greatly if the officers of the ship did not.

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This will be my first cruise....not counting Disney.

I am from Colorado and we do not dress up much so to get ready for a cruise and find dress clothing and not break the bank is an issue.

But participating fully in the cruise including the formal nights is part of the vacation so I am all for it and I want HA to know that I care so they do not get the message and lessen their standards.



Welcome to Cruise Critic.

Check out catelogs.

Maybe you can find a nice pair of slacks or a simple black skirt and a couple of nice tops -- that will work.

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If you happen to be invited to dine with one (or have an Officer join your table) for formal night, do you notice and/or care what he or she is wearing?



Obviously you cruise at a different level than I have...I have sailed for over 40 years and have never been invited to dine with the captain...Also no officer has ever joined my table...Perhaps the fact that I always had a inside cabin might have made a difference...I have always tried to follow the suggested dress code...What the staff wears has no influence on what I wear...I no longer bring a tux on cruises ...If the suggested dress isn't formal enough than I would decline a invitation if I ever receive one...Doubt that I will ever have to make that decision.

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What ever happened to civility?

I really enjoy having ladies and gentlemen dress like it.

Personally, I enjoy the opportunity ... For those who don't want to, well, that's alright too. It just makes everyone else look so much better!

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After all, if you don't mingle with the passengers and get their feedback and/or see how much they love the ship they are on, where is your reward??? (besides the pay cheque).


Nothing nicer than a thank you - or seeing the joy that you bring to others:)


JMO though - who knows, maybe I live in dreamland:D


During our last cruise, on the last afternoon, we were among passengers invited to a meeting with the Captain, Hotel Manager, Cruise Director, & Guest Services Manager, where we could ask questions and they asked our views on certain aspects about the cruise.

So, they do get feedback:D

It was an interesting experience.

Minutes were recorded of the meeting.

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Obviously you cruise at a different level than I have...I have sailed for over 40 years and have never been invited to dine with the captain...Also no officer has ever joined my table...Perhaps the fact that I always had a inside cabin might have made a difference...I have always tried to follow the suggested dress code...What the staff wears has no influence on what I wear...I no longer bring a tux on cruises ...If the suggested dress isn't formal enough than I would decline a invitation if I ever receive one...Doubt that I will ever have to make that decision.



The most recent 'by the book, traditional Senior Officer's table' on formal night at which we dined was this year.


There were four couples invited (in addition to our host and hostess) and aside from DH and me, the other three couples had a TOTAL among them of about 8 cruises. I have no idea what category cabin they occupied. I've never asked anyone that question. I don't know how they chose who to invite and I'm sure it can vary cruise to cruise, ship to ship, Officer to Officer.


It can be anyone invited I imagine.

My DH no longer brings his tuxedo either.




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We had an Officer join our table on each of two formal nights on Ryndam a few years ago. A Fifth Officer joined us the first formal night and the Hotel Manager the second. Someone in our party asked why we were selected. The response was that we were a family who seemed to be having a lot of fun enjoying each other's company (which we were) and that we happened to have an extra seat at our table (we were 7 at an 8-top).


So, I agree with Sail that reasons can be varied.

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If I was ever invited to dine with the captain, I would be severely underdressed as I don't bring "formal" clothes on any of my cruises. Smart casual is as dressy as I care to get on vacation.


I wonder if anyone has ever gotten a dinner invitation from the captain that didn't pack anything other than shorts, t-shirts, flips flops and bathing suits. Would they be turned away at the door for not dressing to code? Or, would their invitation trump the clothes they were wearing?


Oh come on, I think you pack more than that:D After all that is not even permitted in the Lido at night:p and no you wouldn't be turned away (well, maybe with flip flops and shorts) if you weren't dressed up. After all, the clothes don't make the person - the person makes the clothes.


The invitation trumps of course but you would have to be wearing the minimum required by the MDR that night - pretty sure you could do the rest

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I'm not sure this is true. The Captain, especially, had to work hard, and meet guidelines to get where he is. I'm sure the same is true of many, if not all, of the offices. I compare it to the military (I was a Marine). Getting and wearing those dress blues is a badge of honor and pride. .........................................


Thank you and Semper Fi:)

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[quote name='Opinions']...I have sailed for over 40 years and have never been invited to dine with the captain...Also no officer has ever joined my table...Perhaps the fact that I always had a inside cabin might have made a difference....[/quote]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=royalblue]Nah. That's not the reason. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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It makes absolutely no difference to us whether the ship's officers wear their dress uniforms or their everyday uniforms. They are employees and their employer mandates their dress.

We, on the other hand, are customers. We dress in business casual, dine in the Lido, and then spend time out and about the ship. That is what we prefer.

We are paying to be there, we are not paid to be there. There is a slight difference.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I love seeing the officers in their dress uniforms on formal evenings. DH and I both like dressing for formal evenings (tux for him and long skirt with sparkly top for me) and we stay in our outfits for the full evening. I hope the officers enjoy seeing us in our formal wear just as we admire them in theirs. [/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]We've never had dinner with the captain, but were fortunate to have an officer at our table for formal nights on one cruise. We have been invited to the Captain's cocktail party and did make sure we were dressed in cocktail attire (it was not a formal evening) - we were not underdressed.[/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)[/FONT]
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[quote=cruisin'girl;34655288]Let's not overdramatize that the officers are going to all the trouble to dress formally out of respect for the passengers, blah, blah. They dress in their formalwear on formal nights because they are employees of the cruiseline and are told how they have to dress. They have no option, so let's not deify them. They are doing what they are told to do. Truth be known most of them probably wish the whole formal night thing would go away as it has on so many cruiselines.

That said, I do believe those pax dining in the MDR should follow the guidelines or "suggestions" even though the dress code has been diminished to the point it could barely be called formal anymore.[/quote]
I'm sorry but have had many officers dine with us on different cruises not just HAL and they all seemed to enjoy themselves:) Even had cast members, the doctor (He was a downer):eek: But all in all there were great guests at our table. We do take formal night to wear our best as We enjoy it:) Always bring a tux and love it.
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Of course the officers are going to ensure that you think they are enjoying themselves...and they may well be. But don't forget, they are in the hospitality business. Making you/us feel good is their job. Besides, the ship needs the high customer sat survey results.

I have worked in many, many situations where I had to entertain clients. It may have been a pleasant social event for them but it was all work for me. I have no doubt that it is the same for these officers.
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I do not care what the officers wear.

I have no desire to dine at the captain's table.

We dine at a table for two. If I leave to use the restroom, I had better not return to find an officer sitting in my seat dining with my wife and it will make no difference if he is in dress uniform or overalls!;)
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[quote name='GmaPajama'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]The very first time we were invited to a "cocktails with the captain" event, we wore our smart casual clothing - directly from the MDR. We felt underdressed and disrespectful. Since that once, we always take time to return to our cabin and grab a sports coat for DH and a shawl for myself. That's besides dressing more nicely for the MDR that night.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I think it amazing that the officers put so much effort into presenting themselves as they do. For me, it's one of the joys of cruising.[/FONT][/SIZE][/quote]

I totaly agree. That is truly one of the joys of sailing. Can't wait for the first formal night on the Veendam, July 30.
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[quote name='arewethereyet']DW and I don't care, don't notice.

We have been invited several times and declined the invitation every time except one.

Frankly, I think it would be more interesting to dine with the cabin stewards.[/quote]

[B] There are some cabin stewards I would really enjoying sharing a meal with and there are definitely some Officers.

From our experience, we have learned they are mostly very interesting people. When you think of the places they have been, the things they have seen, the people they have met, the experience of a less usual style of living for part of every year than most of us are accustomed to, their training and experience....... how can they not be interesting? :)

Some of their stories are fabulous and we are always appreciative if we have the opportunity to have a cocktail, a chat or dinner with one of the Officers. We have never not enjoyed their company.

JMO and most assuredly YMMV....

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