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Make sure you have the facts or point out that the answer may not apply to all passengers, or try to ask questions in your reply. I see people posting about insurance, cancel policies, pre flight arrival times, passport reqs etc, without knowing or understanding or most importantly asking about nationality, whether flying in or out internationally or domestically, knowing that how and where people purchased their cruise (US? Europe? Direct with X, through a TA?) may affect deposit and cancelation policies. That diferent nationalities may have to have different travel or entry visas, that prices in the UK for example are not just the US dollar amount converted to pounds or Euros, but a whole different price set. That a pre existing condition on a US insurance policy may not be the same for a foreign policy. Roaming charges and cell phones for an American on a European cruise using their regular US phone work completely differently for someone who lives in Europe with a GSM phone.


I am also amazed at the number of people giving "advice" on how to cheat the systems, the policies, the staff, sneak in electrical items that can cause fires, avoid paying for items, sneak extra people into hotel where max occupancy is exceed (regulations in place by fire Marshall), " steal" amenities from the spa because they don't come " standard" in the room, and who feel that their every need, request, complaint etc needs to be taken care of immediately and without question and with Compensation. Yes, most will try to do their best to make things right but you are one of 2000-4000 and being reasonable goes a long way.


Sorry about the rant, no not everyone is like that and those who get upset with what I said... Well aybe take a good hard look and see if it's actually your conscience talking..


I have to wonder how you would react if someone was trying to pull a fast one on your business..?

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I think one needs to differentiate " cheating " or " pulling a fast one " with understanding the system, and using it for maximum advantage.

Using and understanding the Tuesday specials is a good example. This board, and many of the seasoned Celebrity contributors helped me to understand the ins and outs of the upgrade policy. I was more informed when I called the Celebrity phone reps.

I think CC is a terrific resource. It has made cruising both more economical and fun for me.!

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To the Original Poster.


Welcome to Cruise Critic. I think you will see that the overwhelming number of people not only try to give good advice, more often than not, they do, and when they make a mistake someone usually corrects them There are literally hundreds of posters here who know more about Celebrity than people who work for the cruise line. There are also some extremely well-travelled people. There will always be people who bend the rules, but you will see that most people on this board reflect the generous, thoughtful and kind people that this cruise line seem to attract.

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Make sure you have the facts or point out that the answer may not apply to all passengers, or try to ask questions in your reply.


So, I guess you are saying, "Make sure brain is in gear before engaging tongue". :cool:

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It's not most posters day job to be TAs, immigration officials, or cell co employes. The answers one gets on CC are worth what you pay for them - some correct, some incorrect. If someone decides e.g. they don't need a visa because someone on CC says they don't, the fault is not with the incorrect answer, but with the unwarranted reliance on CC for authoritative answers.


See the last paragraph at http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1453284


As far as the threads about, er, stretching the rules - there is a certain class of people that try and get as much as they can, regardless. A polemic is unlikely to deter these folks. Best to ignore threads that annoy.

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Make sure you have the facts or point out that the answer may not apply to all passengers, or try to ask questions in your reply. I see people posting about insurance, cancel policies... passport reqs etc, without knowing or understanding or most importantly asking about nationality,..... That diferent nationalities may have to have different travel or entry visas, That a pre existing condition on a US insurance policy may not be the same for a foreign policy.


Roaming charges and cell phones for an American on a European cruise using their regular US phone work completely differently for someone who lives in Europe with a GSM phone.



I've edited your rant because I am interested in what posts you are referring to in areas that I've posted on...and I'm sort of interested in the facts on which you made your rant. I've been pretty active here, trying to help folks in the areas above, so my guess is you are either commenting on my posts or I must have missed some posts which is quite possible.


Who is making these posts that are raising your hackles? would you point to some of them.


As far as your comment on phones...please explain the difference in charges or cellphones acting differently for someone using their phone on the ship based on where their cellphone is registered. I don't understand the comment. Of course there are differences in charges when on shore based on your carrier's agreements...is that the basis of your rant?

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I thought this was meant to be a place for conversation. If the posts become merely, "here are the facts", with no tangential conversations then this will become a really boring place. What is with all of the newer posters complaining all of a sudden?


And I thought everyone understood that you shouldn't get legal, financial or immigration advice from the internet.

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It is my humble understanding that this is a discussion board, not a bullet point just the facts info sheet. If you want just the facts, go to an encyclopedia.


The First definition of critic is: one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Everyone who reads that opinion has the right to believe or discount what he/she has just read.


But remember that opinions are like rectal sphincters, everyone has one, but nobody thinks that theirs stink.

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Firstly, this was not directed at one specific poster so anyone who asks "tell ME what I posted" obviously either thinks or knows they have done something wrong or for some reason believe I was directing at them personally


I never said do not have any discussions, I am merely saying I have seen a LOT of replies where a lot of factors are not pointed out, and a lot of inexperienced people take that information as gospel (their fault I know) but the poster needs to try and understand that there may be other factors involved and needs to be careful about coming across as an expert rather than as someone just trying to give advice.


Many are not thinking that "not everyone is American" or "not everyone is European" and that especially where it comes to passport, immigration, visas, insurance, duty free, luggage allowances, connecting information depending on original embarkation airport, payment and cancel policies etc may be different.


As for phones, a "European with Roaming" may have roaming across countries within Europe as well as data included, and generally use GSM phones, and may not be being charged in the same way / data blocks that an "American with Roaming" may have. For example if you do not switch to airplane made and turn off data when you leave the US, even though you may not be downloading every time you switch on your phone outside of the US, you are connecting to an outside network (unless you got a different phone before leaving the states that is using a European network or has a pre arranged billing set up) you will get back to a nasty shock on your Verizon/Sprint/At&T bill on your return. And data and phone usage outside the US on your regular phone is NOT the same data/phone usage within the US. A posting was indicating a European with a question and the replies being given related to US cell phones but unless you have lived overseas and / or traveled extensively you would not know the differences.


As for my comments about abusing the systems and policies, I was NOT referring to legitimate offers like the Tuesday special. I was referrring specifically to people giving advice to people about "getting around" situations where the person had specifically been told NO for good reason.


Every company has policies in place, and although we may not like them there are reasons for them. I cannot tell you how many fires have been caused by people bringing irons and immersion heaters into hotel rooms and cabins. Don't like the toilet paper on your ship and bring your own? The sewage systems do not work very well with certain types of paper. Taking toiletries from the spa because those amenities are only in suites or concierge - well then pay for a CC cabin or bring your own toiletries. Have to pay for 2 rooms in a hotel because they can't accomodate a family of 5 so you book a room for 4 and sneak your wife / child / friend in later - the hotel can lose it's license for exceeding max occupancy not to mention the fire marshall does not know how many people have left in the event of a fire. You have a special offer on your cruise which is not combinable with any other offer and / or you make a booking at a specific rate but then the rate drops or a new offer is announced but your booking is not eligible so you call and threaten and yell even though you knew what you were getting and what the rules were when you made your booking.


Again, I am just saying How would YOU feel if this was YOUR business and people were finding ways to get around things? And again - there are lots of honest people out there who do not do this, there are a lot of posters out there that provide VERY useful information, I am just saying that people should think first before assuming and rather ask the additional questions or point out that this may not apply to x or only applies to y.

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It seems like you are talking about two separate issues.


I somewhat agree regarding the "here's how to get around the rules" types of posts.


However, I'm not sure I agree with the other part. If the poster is seeking advice on something, isn't it somewhat the responsibility of the poster seeking advice to give all the pertinent details?


I can't tell you how many times I've spent 20-30 minutes typing out a lengthy response to someone who asks, for example, how to get from the cruise ship into Rome for a day inexpensively. After I finish going into details about directions to the train station, costs for different kinds of tickets, names of stations in Rome, and possibly sightseeing suggestions, the original poster then comes back and says they can't take the train due to elderly parents, mobility issues, small children, etc.


Wouldn't it be more helpful to give that information upfront? It seems to me if posters are asking questions that they expect others to go to the time and effort of posting knowledgeable (not two word!) replies, they should perhaps provide enough information for others to understand what they want or need.


The sorts of snarky and mean-spirited responses I've gotten after trying to answer others' questions about DIY in Europe using public transportation are what have led me to put the disclaimer in my signature below. :rolleyes:

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I mostly agree with the OP's 2nd paragraph (regarding "cheating the system" and circumventing the rules). However, I can't help but see the irony in his 1st paragraph, considering some of the posts that he made - for example, in this thread concerning a passport card:


Not only can you not use it internationally you cannot use it on a domestic flight with the United States. They spent billions developing it and still treat it as if it is less secure than a driving license. Thank heavens I read the small print before traveling with it on US domestic routes and leaving drivers lic at home


This is almost entirely wrong. Officially it's a valid government-issued photo ID, and TSA lists it on its website as acceptable form of identification. There have been isolated reports from travelers where in some airports TSA officials refused to accept it. But just because TSA has some incompetent employees doesn't change the official status of this form of ID.

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Agree with the OPs rant :). We do a majority of our posts on European ports and although most posts are pretty accurate we too often see folks posting on stuff which they obviously have very little knowledge. Its even crazier when it comes to rating cruise lines when you get folks who will admit they have never been on a line but they "just know because they have heard." We sometimes will post a bit of our experience (even though we are afraid it sounds boastful) to establish some credibility.



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I mostly agree with the OP's 2nd paragraph (regarding "cheating the system" and circumventing the rules). However, I can't help but see the irony in his 1st paragraph, considering some of the posts that he made - for example, in this thread concerning a passport card:




This is almost entirely wrong. Officially it's a valid government-issued photo ID, and TSA lists it on its website as acceptable form of identification. There have been isolated reports from travelers where in some airports TSA officials refused to accept it. But just because TSA has some incompetent employees doesn't change the official status of this form of ID.


I received my passport card a few months back. It clearly states to " read the enclosed important information". That "enclosed" information specifically states that this card may NOT be used for domestic US travel. So I am NOT going to chance it.

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I must respectfully disagree with the OP up to a point. Unless a poster puts his country of origin in their profile, how is anyone to know whether he/she comes from the US, UK or Zanzibar? Many here, including the OP, don't put their location in their profile (the OP lists Nc as their location---where's that?), so how are we to know how to tailor our reponses to their specific country if it's not listed or they don't put that info in their post?


And then there's the problem of those who ask questions assuming we're mind readers. How are we supposed to help when the question goes something like this, "What tours should we take on our cruise?", listing neither the ports nor the ship.


So as I see it, the problem lies in two courts---not listing your country of residence and asking questions that cannot be answered with the information, or lack thereof, given.

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Darcie I agree, the poster should be more specific but I was just trying o " bring to attention" that there may be differing circumstances and the replies do not have to know where the person comes from but should either make an effort to get a clarification or make a comment something like " this may not be the same for all nationalities / passports ( or whatever ) as I am basing my reply on being American / European / from Mars / having done the same on another ship / having done that route but it was a few years ago / having received that service but I was in a suite / having received that free bottle of champagne because it was my 99 th bday .. " If you get my drift..

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I think there is some merit to the comments of the OP (like trying to work around rules) but overall it seems to me to be a bit of an overreaction. The board is called cruise critic, not cruise facts. I do agree that people should take care to make sure it is clear when they are giving facts, and when they are giving opinions.


One of my pet peeves, as a person who suffers from mal de mer, is when the topic of seasickness is being discussed and the poster will reassure a person that they had great, calm seas on their cruise so of course the person starting the thread will too. If only it worked that way! This topic extends to reassuring people that aft cabins ride as smooth as mid-ship (scientifically untrue if the seas are rocky) because they had no motion in their aft cabin. I can't help myself - whenver I see one of these untruths I have to jump in and comment. Seasickness is so nasty to have that people should recognize when they are being given opinions, rather than scientific facts, so they can be prepared.

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Firstly, this was not directed at one specific poster so anyone who asks "tell ME what I posted" obviously either thinks or knows they have done something wrong or for some reason believe I was directing at them personally


I never said do not have any discussions, I am merely saying I have seen a LOT of replies where a lot of factors are not pointed out, and a lot of inexperienced people take that information as gospel (their fault I know) but the poster needs to try and understand that there may be other factors involved and needs to be careful about coming across as an expert rather than as someone just trying to give advice.


Many are not thinking that "not everyone is American" or "not everyone is European" and that especially where it comes to passport, immigration, visas, insurance, duty free, luggage allowances, connecting information depending on original embarkation airport, payment and cancel policies etc may be different.


As for phones, a "European with Roaming" may have roaming across countries within Europe as well as data included, and generally use GSM phones, and may not be being charged in the same way / data blocks that an "American with Roaming" may have. For example if you do not switch to airplane made and turn off data when you leave the US, even though you may not be downloading every time you switch on your phone outside of the US, you are connecting to an outside network (unless you got a different phone before leaving the states that is using a European network or has a pre arranged billing set up) you will get back to a nasty shock on your Verizon/Sprint/At&T bill on your return. And data and phone usage outside the US on your regular phone is NOT the same data/phone usage within the US. A posting was indicating a European with a question and the replies being given related to US cell phones but unless you have lived overseas and / or traveled extensively you would not know the differences.


As for my comments about abusing the systems and policies, I was NOT referring to legitimate offers like the Tuesday special. I was referrring specifically to people giving advice to people about "getting around" situations where the person had specifically been told NO for good reason.


Every company has policies in place, and although we may not like them there are reasons for them. I cannot tell you how many fires have been caused by people bringing irons and immersion heaters into hotel rooms and cabins. Don't like the toilet paper on your ship and bring your own? The sewage systems do not work very well with certain types of paper. Taking toiletries from the spa because those amenities are only in suites or concierge - well then pay for a CC cabin or bring your own toiletries. Have to pay for 2 rooms in a hotel because they can't accomodate a family of 5 so you book a room for 4 and sneak your wife / child / friend in later - the hotel can lose it's license for exceeding max occupancy not to mention the fire marshall does not know how many people have left in the event of a fire. You have a special offer on your cruise which is not combinable with any other offer and / or you make a booking at a specific rate but then the rate drops or a new offer is announced but your booking is not eligible so you call and threaten and yell even though you knew what you were getting and what the rules were when you made your booking.


Again, I am just saying How would YOU feel if this was YOUR business and people were finding ways to get around things? And again - there are lots of honest people out there who do not do this, there are a lot of posters out there that provide VERY useful information, I am just saying that people should think first before assuming and rather ask the additional questions or point out that this may not apply to x or only applies to y.



Don't want to create a who said what and who is right or wrong but this message board is for information. When it comes to answers you would think that Celebrity gives them to you. This is not the case all the time thus, we ask on this board. The cell phone issue has not been explained nor answered correctly by Celebrity who are the ones that issue what is available on the ships in their brochures. European cell phones use GMS technology and most US phones use CDMA(At&T uses GMS for example).If you have a 4G Andriod phone you don't need to switch to airplane mode as the roaming is set NO ROAMING as a default. You need to turn it on. It goes on & on. There are a lot of variables with cell phones & their providers, that's why Celebrity needs to clear this up for the passengers BEFORE we cruise not to find out it doesn't work while on the cruise. This board has always(not necessarily right all the time) help me find things out that never would be explained by Celebrity. I think, like yourself, we all try to help.

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Don't want to create a who said what and who is right or wrong but this message board is for information. When it comes to answers you would think that Celebrity gives them to you. This is not the case all the time thus, we ask on this board. The cell phone issue has not been explained nor answered correctly by Celebrity who are the ones that issue what is available on the ships in their brochures. European cell phones use GMS technology and most US phones use CDMA(At&T uses GMS for example).If you have a 4G Andriod phone you don't need to switch to airplane mode as the roaming is set NO ROAMING as a default. You need to turn it on. It goes on & on. There are a lot of variables with cell phones & their providers, that's why Celebrity needs to clear this up for the passengers BEFORE we cruise not to find out it doesn't work while on the cruise. This board has always(not necessarily right all the time) help me find things out that never would be explained by Celebrity. I think, like yourself, we all try to help.

I agree. It seems the OP expects perfection. If a question is posted and an answer is unclear then ask for a clarification. Most pele here do try to help and we may not get it right the first time but like another poster said we are not TA's.


If the info gleaned here is annoying and frustrating then try elsewhere.

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