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End of Elite cocktail party?


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Wow, tempest in a shotglass!


My take is that this is an attempt to solve the real problem of overcrowding on certain cruises--like the TAs. Have been on a number over the years, and the number of folks at the happy hours has increased by a factor approached by the number of folks on food stamps. The crew and host/hostess, in my opinion, have tried valiantly to make things better--but have been overwhelmed. We've been know to wait until the first batch left for their dinner--only way to get a seat. Have also been know to go to the martini bar instead.


Have been on other cruises where there were a relative handful of Elites and have enjoyed the happy hour.


Is there a cost-savings involved? Maybe, but I doubt that is the main reason.


another TA coming up in Nov. We'll see for ourselves.


Yep, sometimes the Elite event is so loud (Michaels) that it is not enjoyable.:( Who wants to have to shout?:( The Martini Bar is relaxing.:)


I also see the need to do something for the early dining Elites who do not get to enjoy the Elite happy Hour.


And in the end I have to agree with Jane. Most all of the passengers are great folks. Hey, they are on vacation!! I like the idea of tickets for free drinks.

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Why not give the elite folks an on board credit of the dollar value of the drink vouchers? This would allow use of any bar at any time.



Now that's an idea I really like, that way I can have my Martini when I want to and not just 5 - 7 !

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Yep, sometimes the Elite event is so loud (Michaels) that it is not enjoyable.:( Who wants to have to shout?:( The Martini Bar is relaxing.:)


As much as I love the Martini Bar (see my signature) I have not found it at all relaxing since they started playing that damned techno music in there. But that's for another thread. :mad:

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Now that's an idea I really like, that way I can have my Martini when I want to and not just 5 - 7 !


The chits they are giving out do not include X martinis. You are limited to certain drinks that would be available if they did have the Elite lounge. A pretty short list. Now if I could get two X martinis every day, that would be great!:rolleyes:

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Exactly; in a way those of us on Cruise Critic are the lucky ones - we now have an idea of what will happen on this and future years TAs and an inkling of what may happen on all future cruises.


Picture the dozens, if not hundreds, of Elite members who either are not Cruise Critic members or don't follow the line boards just their roll calls - the first they wil know of this is when they board ship. Who would like to be a Captains Club Host on their ships? Not many of us, I suspect.


I would hate to be her. I am leaving on silhouette Nov. 17 for 30 days. There will definitively be many disgruntled elite passengers. It doesn't make the cruise fun! I remember when Royal tried to do this overnight. They were flooded with calls and had to rescind it for three months to give notice. You would think the president of Celebrity would be privy to that information or he is a cost cutter that doesn't care as so many are today.

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The chits they are giving out do not include X martinis. You are limited to certain drinks that would be available if they did have the Elite lounge. A pretty short list. Now if I could get two X martinis every day, that would be great!:rolleyes:

Martinis are on the Elite Lounge menu. Sky vodka for sure.



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The point is not that they are changing the program it is that they are doing it without any notice. They are blind side there best customers. That is not how you take on new polices. you give notice of changes so people can adjust there cruises in a manner they see fit. You dont piss off your best customers when they are about to leave on a long cruise. That is customer service 101. For me it is an easy fix move back to Royal Caribbean for the Diamond Plus party and 300.00 off the cabins.


I think there are probably going to be a cazillion Elites on your Dec 1 Silhouette TA - you might prefer the new format:)

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We are Elite for the last 4 cruises. But because of the health issues I couldn't drink alcohol and was having only OJ during Elite Hour. I don't care about OJ somewhere at the Bar. Elite Hour for me is a big Event, something that makes me special and recognized by being a loyal Celebrity customer. A coupon for me is like a food stamp program.



Amazing that one would equate receiving a coupon for a free drink on a cruise ship to the food stamp program.


It occurred to me that most every Elite benefit is in the form of a coupon and I don't recall anyone complaining about using those coupons ( internet, laundry, dry cleaning, Persian Garden pass, etc)


Does it really matter where a free drink is offered?




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Why not give the elite folks an on board credit of the dollar value of the drink vouchers? This would allow use of any bar at any time.

The only sensible solution proffered so far. The credit could then be applied towards your drinks package, effectively offerring a discount to the so called 'free' drink that you had already paid for in the old Elite Lounge.

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Why not give the elite folks an on board credit of the dollar value of the drink vouchers? This would allow use of any bar at any time.


The only sensible solution proffered so far. The credit could then be applied towards your drinks package, effectively offerring a discount to the so called 'free' drink that you had already paid for in the old Elite Lounge.


I wouldn't say it was the only sensible solution, but it sure would show what value Celebrity place on this loyalty benefit!


Incidentally, as the Elite members would be losing more than just the actual drinks value I would suggest that this fact should be reflected in the suggested OBC amount.

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Amazing that one would equate receiving a coupon for a free drink on a cruise ship to the food stamp program.


It occurred to me that most every Elite benefit is in the form of a coupon and I don't recall anyone complaining about using those coupons ( internet, laundry, dry cleaning, Persian Garden pass, etc)


Does it really matter where a free drink is offered?




It wasn't about "where to get a free drink". It was about "where to get together all Elites". How about Senior Officers party (or whatever the name of this social event is)? If the SL can't hold so many Elite cruisers, then how are they going to accommodate Elite and Select at the same time in the same lounge? Are they going to deliver the pictures of the senior officers to your stateroom or run a TV show on one of the ship's channels?


Does it really matter where (or how) we meet them?

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It wasn't about "where to get a free drink". It was about "where to get together all Elites". How about Senior Officers party (or whatever the name of this social event is)? If the SL can't hold so many Elite cruisers, then how are they going to accommodate Elite and Select at the same time in the same lounge? Are they going to deliver the pictures of the senior officers to your stateroom or run a TV show on one of the ship's channels?


Does it really matter where (or how) we meet them?


Another very good point TroubleT; even if the Senior Officers event was split Elite one day, Select another, the same logistical problem would apply as there would still be the same large number of Elite members to accomodate in one place. More vouchers or OBC anyone?

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I agree that the Elite members who are not in the know will be very upset. Celebrity knows right now how many Elites will be on the upcoming TAs`. We are on the Equinox Nov.26th. I feel they should give people a heads up by email to the elite guests.

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Here's the thing. I picture, around June 1, maybe X had their "Spring Conference Call" or something similar of all the Hotel Directors, where they discussed their just-completed transatlantics, and the upcoming European cruise season. If, at that point the discussion was about just how crazy the Elite happy hours had been, why not come up with a plan for the fall TAs, like the use of coupons, and announce it on the website over the summer, so that cruisers could decide if they wanted to stay with their bookings, or make other plans.

This is what bugs me- you don't change the game at the time of boarding, which will still be the case for the majority on other TAs that don't read CC. Or, if I am being naive about how X Inc. works, then the decisions are being made at the ship level. While its probable that individual hotel directors have the authority to make such calls, does X really want to give them the power to start a company-wide uproar, reminisent of the RC Diamond affair?

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Here's the thing. I picture, around June 1, maybe X had their "Spring Conference Call" or something similar of all the Hotel Directors, where they discussed their just-completed transatlantics, and the upcoming European cruise season. If, at that point the discussion was about just how crazy the Elite happy hours had been, why not come up with a plan for the fall TAs, like the use of coupons, and announce it on the website over the summer, so that cruisers could decide if they wanted to stay with their bookings, or make other plans.

This is what bugs me- you don't change the game at the time of boarding, which will still be the case for the majority on other TAs that don't read CC. Or, if I am being naive about how X Inc. works, then the decisions are being made at the ship level. While its probable that individual hotel directors have the authority to make such calls, does X really want to give them the power to start a company-wide uproar, reminisent of the RC Diamond affair?


I guess I just don't understand. People would actually contemplate "deciding if they wanted to stay with their bookings" because the option to squeeze into a room with maybe 800-1000 other people and maybe be able to find a server that would bring them a couple of free drinks has been changed because the venue can't hold that many people?:confused: Is that what some people are actually basing their cruise decisions on?

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It will be very interesting to see what the response is from Celebrity HQ as the experiment on Eclipse unfolds. My sporadic sources on the Reflection pre-inauguaral and on Eclipse indicate a lot of potential bitterness and I am intrigued what plan unfolds on Reflection as the next Transatlantic cruise is subjected to a large number of elites. Only time will tell but I can't believe the response of some cruisers over this perk. What possible solution can we suggest that would alleviate the problem of a successful program? I have yet to talk to the HD on board but I am sure we will soon hear more from cruisers as they return from Eclipse.

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Although I enjoy the Elite event, I also understand the problem with logistics when there are too many on board. Seems to me that they are doing the best they can to still provide the benefit. Would it be nice if it had been announced ahead....yes, does it "really" matter, no.


If someone would cancel a cruise because they are getting coupons instead of the event on overcrowded cruises, they aren't really thinking very clearly.

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There were so many Elite passengers on our Summit New England cruise--October 6-20-that we skipped both the Senior Officers' cocktail party and the Captain's Club cocktail party because of the VERY long line-ups to get in and the number of people who pushed their way into line.

We did, however, enjoy one drink at the nightly cocktail party, before our early ASW dining.

By the way, we were bumped out of early dining, but we found we liked the anytime meal time just as well. We still were able to dine early and pick the table we wanted.

We found many aspects of this cruise to be chaotic and confusing...something we had never found before on our Celebrity cruises.

However, we still love Celebrity and can't wait until our next cruise.


Happy sailing,


Carol Ann

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This is a problem that's been brewing for sometime on the Solstice class for the last bunch of TA's. We've been on one or both ways for at least one Solstice class ship for the last couple of years. There're been more that 1000 elites on these cruises for a while and the SL just isn't big enough.


I've spoken at length with several CC Hostess' and Hotel Directors. We made several suggestions: like moving the Suite and VIP'd guests to Michael's; splitting the happy hour up by dining time; and having some other types of multiple events. In truth, when more half the ship is elite, there's just not a lot they can do to accommodate that many passengers at one time.


I guess we'll just have see what the new CEO and his focus group come up with to address the situation. I personally think the business mingling and seeing old friends, who are all very experienced cruisers, at the happy hour was the best part. We've seen folks from the last three or four TA's and B2Bs at every one. I for one, would really miss that if they couldn't figure out a viable alternative.


Maybe it's like the movie Airplane, where all the passengers run from one end of the plane to the other to make it dive and climb. The the pilot comes on the PA and says "Will you people stop that ..."

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Thanks to the OP for raising this issue, thanks to Host Andy for tracking down an answer, and thanks to Celebrity for actually posting something here.


I'm not an Elite. I have a nonvested interest in Elite benefits as I hope to be one someday soon.


I've read all 17 pages of this thread and was surprised that this would be more active than a dress code thread, noise in the Martini Bar, tipping, or one of the other hot button topics.


As a mildly interested observer, here are some comments:


- Some of Celebrity's frequent cruisers don't trust Celebrity at all. There are many here who immediately jumped to the worst conclusion -- and seem to be sticking to that conclusion even though Celebrity has posted that it's not the case. Perhaps these people are wiser than me but I still do trust what Celebrity says (though not on the phone).


- Most of the frequent posters that I respect have taken the position that they will miss the elite lounge because of the cameraderie found there. That's a nice reason and I feel bad for these guests if they miss out on that. But if there are too many elites, that camaraderie wouldn't be there anyway because of the crowds. It seems to me that Celebrity offered a reasonable alternative in giving drink chits that can be used during the same time period for the same drinks. Selfishly, if I were on a cruise with the people who like the camaraderie of the lounge, I would be quietly happy if Celebrity had to resort to chits. Why? Well I would like to meet most of you on the ship and if you're in the elite lounge, that would be more difficult. :) (I debated with what word to put where I have "most of you." Others considered were "all of you," "some of you," "a few or you," and "Denny and Host Andy.") ;)


- Celebrity should have given more advance notice of what they were planning to do when there are too many elites on board. But if they had done so, many who've posted here would still be unhappy with Celebrity. To those people, what would you want Celebrity to do? Some of what has been proposed seems selfish to me. For example, limit the number of recipricol elites, kick out the Suite guests, add another elite level and kick out anyone under the cruise credits that the suggestor already has are ideas proposed here. Other suggestions -- an OBC per day that can be used on anything -- are overreaching.


- Elites seem to be a pretty savy bunch. Y'all know that the best bargain in cruising is a TA. They are longer, have lots of sea days, and are in slow times of the year. In short, they are cheap. I can't take advantage of them right now because of work and kids in school, but I plan to one day. The fact that there are so many elites on TA's suggests something about Elites that Celebrity likely knows. In short, Elites are valuable because they are reliable cruisers who fill empty cabins and drive revenue. But Elites might not be as responsible as they think for driving profit. Profit comes from the suite guests, those who pay full price for their cabins, buy lots of excursions, order a lot of drinks, eat in the specialties, and gamble. Some of these profit drivers are undoubtedly elites, but I'm guessing that many elites don't drive a lot of profit. Celebrity doesn't look at elite benefits as a reward for loyalty. Instead, they are just inexpensive marketing costs. They make you more likely to book a Celebrity cruise. If the marketing costs become too expensive for what they're attracting, then they'll change. Many of us (I'm here too) better hope that Celebrity doesn't get more sophisticated about how it tracks profit from guests. I do forsee a time where Celebrity's rewards program will become more sophisticated and be able to individually reward customers who drive profit. Elite will mean something entirely different then.


I hope all of you have a great time on your next Celebrity Cruise!!!

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Here's the thing. I picture, around June 1, maybe X had their "Spring Conference Call" or something similar of all the Hotel Directors, where they discussed their just-completed transatlantics, and the upcoming European cruise season. If, at that point the discussion was about just how crazy the Elite happy hours had been, why not come up with a plan for the fall TAs, like the use of coupons, and announce it on the website over the summer, so that cruisers could decide if they wanted to stay with their bookings, or make other plans.

This is what bugs me- you don't change the game at the time of boarding, which will still be the case for the majority on other TAs that don't read CC. Or, if I am being naive about how X Inc. works, then the decisions are being made at the ship level. While its probable that individual hotel directors have the authority to make such calls, does X really want to give them the power to start a company-wide uproar, reminisent of the RC Diamond affair?

I couldn't agree more please pass that along to the customer service dept.at X. Everyone else should send them an e-mail expressing there frustration also. https://secure.celebritycruises.com/captainsclub/contactUs.do

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Thanks to the OP for raising this issue, thanks to Host Andy for tracking down an answer, and thanks to Celebrity for actually posting something here.


I'm not an Elite. I have a nonvested interest in Elite benefits as I hope to be one someday soon.


I've read all 17 pages of this thread and was surprised that this would be more active than a dress code thread, noise in the Martini Bar, tipping, or one of the other hot button topics.


As a mildly interested observer, here are some comments:


- Some of Celebrity's frequent cruisers don't trust Celebrity at all. There are many here who immediately jumped to the worst conclusion -- and seem to be sticking to that conclusion even though Celebrity has posted that it's not the case. Perhaps these people are wiser than me but I still do trust what Celebrity says (though not on the phone).


- Most of the frequent posters that I respect have taken the position that they will miss the elite lounge because of the cameraderie found there. That's a nice reason and I feel bad for these guests if they miss out on that. But if there are too many elites, that camaraderie wouldn't be there anyway because of the crowds. It seems to me that Celebrity offered a reasonable alternative in giving drink chits that can be used during the same time period for the same drinks. Selfishly, if I were on a cruise with the people who like the camaraderie of the lounge, I would be quietly happy if Celebrity had to resort to chits. Why? Well I would like to meet most of you on the ship and if you're in the elite lounge, that would be more difficult. :) (I debated with what word to put where I have "most of you." Others considered were "all of you," "some of you," "a few or you," and "Denny and Host Andy.") ;)


- Celebrity should have given more advance notice of what they were planning to do when there are too many elites on board. But if they had done so, many who've posted here would still be unhappy with Celebrity. To those people, what would you want Celebrity to do? Some of what has been proposed seems selfish to me. For example, limit the number of recipricol elites, kick out the Suite guests, add another elite level and kick out anyone under the cruise credits that the suggestor already has are ideas proposed here. Other suggestions -- an OBC per day that can be used on anything -- are overreaching.


- Elites seem to be a pretty savy bunch. Y'all know that the best bargain in cruising is a TA. They are longer, have lots of sea days, and are in slow times of the year. In short, they are cheap. I can't take advantage of them right now because of work and kids in school, but I plan to one day. The fact that there are so many elites on TA's suggests something about Elites that Celebrity likely knows. In short, Elites are valuable because they are reliable cruisers who fill empty cabins and drive revenue. But Elites might not be as responsible as they think for driving profit. Profit comes from the suite guests, those who pay full price for their cabins, buy lots of excursions, order a lot of drinks, eat in the specialties, and gamble. Some of these profit drivers are undoubtedly elites, but I'm guessing that many elites don't drive a lot of profit. Celebrity doesn't look at elite benefits as a reward for loyalty. Instead, they are just inexpensive marketing costs. They make you more likely to book a Celebrity cruise. If the marketing costs become too expensive for what they're attracting, then they'll change. Many of us (I'm here too) better hope that Celebrity doesn't get more sophisticated about how it tracks profit from guests. I do forsee a time where Celebrity's rewards program will become more sophisticated and be able to individually reward customers who drive profit. Elite will mean something entirely different then.


I hope all of you have a great time on your next Celebrity Cruise!!!


You cant miss what YOU never had. And that is why it is hard for you to understand. LOL

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